Raw 3/06/17: The Gift of Jackhammer

The Rock headlined 28. What were you saying again?

That he headlined it with John Cena, the most kid-friendly main eventer since Hogan. Couple that with the endless sea of New Day (another kid friendly act) last year at Wrestlemania and your idea that it's no longer geared towards kids is uh.....wrong.
A lot of big firms here hire straight out of university so the kids have the jobs as soon as they graduate. The jobs are there, having connections and the right education will get you one.

America has an issue with too many kids coming out of college and not enough jobs for those educated kids. Where there are jobs is in the trades and there isn't a whole lot of young folks going into those trades, because you're told from the time you go to school that college is the end goal.
Did they just confirm Undertaker vs. Reigns? Graves said we'll find out whose yard it is at Wrestlemania. That sounds pretty official.
That he headlined it with John Cena, the most kid-friendly main eventer since Hogan. Couple that with the endless sea of New Day (another kid friendly act) last year at Wrestlemania and your idea that it's no longer geared towards kids is uh.....wrong.

Real life trolls who have a cereal named after a butthole are geared towards kids? TIL.
America has an issue with too many kids coming out of college and not enough jobs for those educated kids. Where there are jobs is in the trades and there isn't a whole lot of young folks going into those trades, because you're told from the time you go to school that college is the end goal.

Here you even need some sort of degree to get into the trades. Used to be you could join the police force with just high school, but now even they want a degree in psychology or something like that.
Real life trolls who have a cereal named after a butthole are geared towards kids? TIL.

Excuse me for one second.


Did.....did you just try to say that people who talk about unicorns and ice cream are an adult act? Maybe Woods plays adult video games on his YouTube channel that they show to the gaming enthusiasts at the senior citizens' center.

New Day is the most kid oriented act in YEARS.
New Day...provocatively licking the ice cream bike, sexually gyrating on top of a defeated opponent... air humping and whatnot....not that kid friendly in the end.
Here you even need some sort of degree to get into the trades. Used to be you could join the police force with just high school, but now even they want a degree in psychology or something like that.

Trade schools tend be cheaper than your standard college courses here. Or you can get into apprenticing for the unions. Police jobs tend to value college education here too.
New Day...provocatively licking the ice cream bike, sexually gyrating on top of a defeated opponent... air humping and whatnot....not that kid friendly in the end.

....have you watched any children's movies in the last.....oh twenty years or so? On Rugrats they once said "I'm worried about Chuckie. He spends all day up in his room bopping his boppo." How many kids do you think got what that line meant and how many laughed beacuse it sounded funny?

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