rattlesnake4eva - Beware, he saw the turn coming.

All that, and you still don't know proper grammar. I wouldn't argue about school quality with your current track record if I were you.

Dont you fucking get it??? I dont come here to show off my grammar. Also its like everyone here posts perfectly.No that doesnt happen.

So please for the last time.SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I got green rep from him just because I was the only person to post in his shitty thread because I got uber bored last night. Hes an idiot.

Last time I checked a few more guys posted on it.

So tell me what's so stupid about that thread without using a single insult.

But I guess thats the way people talk in your country.You are just showing off your culture and your upbringing.If you've had any that is.
he didnt insult me.even he agrees that IIT's are good institutions.Just that MIT is better and thats the way it stands.

You went from talking about how your school is tougher to accepting that KB was right. Sounds like a pwning to me.

might be a bit hard for you to get with your pea sized brain.

Really? This is like that PM you sent where you called my life "dirty" or the other one where you said you liked jacking off to pictures of my mother. You must be ******ed.

how about the one i sent you now?? also this is coming from a stupid american who thinks.....CUNT is a great insult.yeah grow out of your nappies kid.

This is better, but still quite stupid. Stupid American? And I thought it was the English and the Australians who said Cunt so often?

like i said i dont want to insult anyone.that doesnt mean i cant

Looks to me like you've been trying. I have no problem posting those PM's if you really want me to.

rattlesnake4eva said:
same goes for you too you stupid motherfucker

and i love jerking off to your mommy's pics.

i post better than anything youve ever posted in your entire dirty life

Like, how do you respond to that? Noah is a better poster and flamer than you are.

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