rattlesnake4eva - Beware, he saw the turn coming.

i wont be surprised to see that you got some green reps for this junk of a thread while i got red repped for making a goodd/decent post.

yeah some of you do suck cocks here.

So what do you propose? A DNA test to check if it's a hen or a cock before I eat?
:disappointed: How original, A rep complaint thread. Someone should just make an official one and sticky it.

:lmao: good one dude.

why dont you give me some of that chicken first???

That settles it... I know what you are now. You're a C...

Chicken lover. You thought I was going to say coon right?
i wont be surprised to see that you got some green reps for this junk of a thread while i got red repped for making a goodd/decent post.

yeah some of you do suck cocks here.

Says the fuckwad who feels the need to point out that he totally called Jeff's heel turn because it's about the only distinguishing feature he's ever had in his entire life. When have you ever made a goodd post?
DirtyJosé;2537178 said:
Says the fuckwad who feels the need to point out that he totally called Jeff's heel turn because it's about the only distinguishing feature he's ever had in his entire life. When have you ever made a goodd post?

gee do you realize that you just kissed that 90s kid's ass.methinks thats demeaning even by your sucky standards

i guess studying in an iit which has an entrance exam tougher than mit in your country isnt a very distinguishing feature.yeah right.

notice that i am not insulting you.yeah i wasnt born in a brothel like you were.

how many posts of mine have you read???
gee do you realize that you just kissed that 90s kid's ass.methinks thats demeaning even by your sucky standards

i guess studying in an iit which has an entrance exam tougher than mit in your country isnt a very distinguishing feature.yeah right.

notice that i am not insulting you.yeah i wasnt born in a brothel like you were.

how many posts of mine have you read???

How about you use some grammar in your posts you fucknugget. What are you 5?
How about you use some grammar in your posts you fucknugget. What are you 5?

nope sorry got some more important things to do.like you know COMPLETE MY LAB NOTEBOOK WHICH I GOTTA SUBMIT TOMORROW.

i think you cant understand that i got a life other than this forum.

i know its a bit hard for a loser like you but keep trying.someday youll get it
gee do you realize that you just kissed that 90s kid's ass.methinks thats demeaning even by your sucky standards

i guess studying in an iit which has an entrance exam tougher than mit in your country isnt a very distinguishing feature.yeah right.

notice that i am not insulting you.yeah i wasnt born in a brothel like you were.

how many posts of mine have you read???

Yes I can imagine your Indian ITT program is tougher than one of the finest schools in the world.
Nope sorry got some more important things to do like you know COMPLETE MY LAB NOTEBOOK WHICH I GOTTA SUBMIT TOMORROW.

I think you cant understand that I have a life other than this forum. I know its a bit hard for a loser like you but keep trying. Someday you'll get it

There. Fixed it a little. Stop being a lazy shit and use capitols in the beginning of sentences. Fucking Jackoff.
Yes I can imagine your Indian ITT program is tougher than one of the finest schools in the world.


IIT'S are world renowned universities.even students from foreign countries come to study in an IIT.

its the finest college in my country.I know guys from IIT's who are proffesors in MIT.

so brush up your knowledge before you talk

IIT'S are world renowned universities.even students from foreign countries come to study in an IIT.

its the finest college in my country.I know guys from IIT's who are proffesors in MIT.

so brush up your knowledge before you talk

If this is an example of an ITT education then you need to go to a better school. That post was atrocious.

IIT'S are world renowned universities.even students from foreign countries come to study in an IIT.

its the finest college in my country.I know guys from IIT's who are proffesors in MIT.

so brush up your knowledge before you talk

US News and World Report's Top Universities in the World:

1. Cambridge University
2. Harvard
3. Yale
4. University College London
5. MIT

Strange. I see nothing about IIT in the top four.

If this is an example of an ITT education then you need to go to a better school. That post was atrocious.

Dude firstly its an IIT.

Indian Institute of Technology.

Man you are questioning my education whe you fucking can't read.

I wonder which college you went too.Because you know you can't read.

Now did you like the post??
Dude firstly its an IIT.

Indian Institute of Technology.

Man you are questioning my education whe you fucking can't read.

I wonder which college you went too.Because you know you can't read.

Now did you like the post??

Minus the fact that in line for it should be "to" rather than "too" and there should be spaces after the period in the same line, no because you are the kind of small minded person that feels the need to insult others with your allegedly high intelligence in order to make yourself feel better as you have no social life as you have alienated anyone that might care about you with your pompous attitude. You're attempting to find acceptance and dominance here by being thought highly of yet are running into the same issues due to your brazen attitude.

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