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My response

I used to respect you, but you lost every ounce of respect I ever had for you when you started saying shit like this. We have only talked a couple of times, therefore you don't know me. It's no wonder you faded into obscurity if you spread lies about people. I happen to treasure every friendship I have. I don't believe in backstabbing or dropping people because it HURTS them. These are real people with real feelings. If you EVER read any of my posts then you would know the high value I place on friendships. Try getting your facts straight before making accusations about someone next time.

I lost your respect? Okay... would you like me to cry about it?

Isn't it quite hypocritical of you to make assumptions about me since you don't know me either? When have I EVER spread lies about anyone? Let's see, never. Do you want to know why I haven't been around? Because I actually have a life. I have a job and school so the forums aren't a priority for me like they are for you. Not because I spread lies about anyone, show's how much you know.

And Dagger, tell me. Why should we believe you? You failed to debunk anything else I've said. I called you a flip flopper and you decided to ignore that. We've pointed out multiple times all of your lies yet they've never been denied. So that must mean they are true.

Simply put, there is NO reason to believe you. You've lied already multiple time, what makes you think I or anyone else on this forum should believe anything you say. You might not backstab your "friends" on here, but since you've lied I don't know if that's not true.

Which is why you are one of the worst posters this forum has ever seen.


Gelgarin is 1000000000 times the poster you are. You've completely lost your mind.

Ladies and Gentlemen, is this the mod you want? The type that will not recognize one of the best posters on here? I think not. Don't vote Dagger,
If I could change one rule about the forum it would be that people could have 75 private messages rather than just 50. It fills up fairly fast at 50 and while 75 isn't THAT large of an increase, it is an increase nonetheless and people would spend less time clearing out emails if they have messages they wish to keep but are running low on space. Plus one has to take into account all of the space that increased inboxes for tons of people could take up. Otherwise an even larger number such as 100 could be considered.

How can you honestly say you know the rules is beyond me. Since when has it been a rule that you only get to have 50 private messages?
It's so much a rule as a limit. The better question is, other than mods, who could possibly need a larger PM box? 50 is more than enough. I don't think my PM box has ever gotten above 35, & even that was several yrs. of PMs that I just never deleted.
It's so much a rule as a limit. The better question is, other than mods, who could possibly need a larger PM box? 50 is more than enough. I don't think my PM box has ever gotten above 35, & even that was several yrs. of PMs that I just never deleted.

Sly and I have 1000.
How can you honestly say you know the rules is beyond me. Since when has it been a rule that you only get to have 50 private messages?

I was totally ready to support you in the WFU Party, but after the merger and seeing that Dagger had a legit shot to get nominated, I ran like Kelly Kelly toward a wrestler's exposed penis.
I was totally ready to support you in the WFU Party, but after the merger and seeing that Dagger had a legit shot to get nominated, I ran like Kelly Kelly toward a wrestler's exposed penis.

I was never running for mod...but I'm glad to know I'd have support if I were to. Honestly, I wouldn't be a good choice at all since I come and go and I'm not committed enough to carry out the duties of a mod.
I can speak multiple languages, made a video game from scratch with no training or help, and post about a multitude of topics that I have knowledge on.

You borrowed icons and used an in-depth engine, you might want to use a different word than "scratch." I get what you're saying, but you kind of opened yourself up here with just this sentence.

Harry Potter wasn't one giant 18 hour movie. Take that to heart about what you could do with your 90 hour game. I sat there watching Lee play for about 2 hours waiting for something to happen (and maybe he didn't take the exact linear path that you would, so that might not be a fair time-table) but shit -needs to happen-. Look at Final Fantasy 1. Didn't the whole tussle with Garland immediately draw you in like it did for me, back on the NES? What about Super Mario RPG, which is probably my favorite RPG ever? The first thing you have to do is save Peach from Bowser, and you're trucking through his castle and beating up his goons (or ducking past them), then you get brought up onto those chandeliers and suddenly he drops Peach. Not only did you have a badass action sequence, but you immediately have two goals; you want to kick Bowser's ass again since he got away, and you want to find out where Peach is.

The first Golden Sun. Shit, there are a bunch of weird guys in the town! It's raining and a boulder just fell on some anemic! Oh crap, they kicked our ass. We'd better go find out where these fuckers are! Wait, what the hell is this brown Pokemon bitch doing tellin' me about his magical powers, I'm just trying to leave town and kick those hipster asses! WOAH HE MAKES A GIANT HAND!
I was never running for mod...but I'm glad to know I'd have support if I were to. Honestly, I wouldn't be a good choice at all since I come and go and I'm not committed enough to carry out the duties of a mod.

I actually meant to quote Killjoy's post, I guess I clicked the wrong one. In 100% honesty though, I really think you are one of the best posters on this site and could have easily gotten a mod spot if you were around more.
I fucked up there. Though I was far behind by the time the parties were being trimmed down.

Eh, shit happens. We had some good people in that party, but the numbers game reared its head.

Dagger won't win, so the forum won't be fucked. I really think Coco will be a very good mod and I'm sure Crock will do fine as well.
Trust me, I'm well aware of that fact. All I'm saying is, he did so fair and square, without breaking any rules. Even if he got every vote he got by way of PM, he broke no rules, so there'll be no sour grapes from me.

You will never gain any respect around here if you admit to being cognizant of a world beyond your own preferences.
EDIT: THIS IS SO LONG! Sorry...I won't hate you if you skip over it. This is definitely not a happenstance of "quantity over quality" though, I assure you!

I don't want to bring politics or religion into this, but being an extremely liberal person who also happens to believe in God, this is how the vast majority of my interactions with the far-right, evangelical conservative go:

Me: This is my point. It is well thought-out and has a list of facts to back it up, all of which are supported by science and a slew of philosophical, social, and theological scholars, both modern and ancient. Here are my references.

Person A: I am deeply offended at your blasphemy! This is against my moral and religious convictions, therefor you are wrong!

Me: Here is a study showing how your particular belief in this conviction has been proven wrong.

Person A: Stop questioning my faith!

Me: Here is a statement from a person of your own religion that confirms that this particular thought has evolved through corruption of the church and the need to gain followers using scar-tactics, rather than proper understanding of the Bible.

Person A: This individual is clearly fallen because of the devil, whom you are helping to spread this terrible lie.

Me: No. I don't work for the devil, just humanity, and our desire for intelligent thought and the exile of all ignorance from our culture.

Person B: Hey! Stop picking on my friend! He has calmly explained to you over and over why he believes, and shown proof as to why it is correct! You refuse to accept said proof, and are just taring him down because it makes you feel better about yourself!

Me: He has been neither calm, nor has he shown me any proof of anything at all. On the contrary, here is 10 more facts to back up why his beliefs are founded on lies, and beliefs that have been thoroughly disproved by both secular and faith-oriented scholars.

Person B: No, he proved to you why he is right!

Me: Please show me where his proof and/or his defense is, and I will happily discuss this with you further.

Person A: I have already defended my points!

Me: Throwing up a smokescreen is not a defense, it is a tactic used for escape. Clearly you have never studied the rich history of Batman.

Person B: We walk by faith, not by sight!

Me: I admire your conviction and dedication to your faith. However, faith is not a defense. It proves nothing.

Person A: Then you clearly do not believe in God, therefor this conversation is utterly pointless.

Me: The existence of God does not prove, disprove, or in any way alter the state of my facts. It has nothing to do with what I just said. It does, however alter the state of your "defense" which is purely a platform of faith.

Person A: Now you're just confusing me, so you can trap me into looking like a fool.

Me: No. You're doing a wonderful job all by yourself.

While not directly related, there are a LOT of parallels to this whole argument. The "jerks" are posing legitimate questions and using facts (in this case quotes from earlier threads) to back up their position. The "morons" in question are firing back with the traditional "well, you're all douche-bags (in this case: trolls) who can't defend your points, so you're just being an ass. If they do "defend" themselves it is usually with "no, you're wrong" type of statements, no actual facts.

It's the same within politics, in my opinion. The left are seen as jack-asses because they can pick apart the right, whose only defense is "but you're ruining everything!" Same reason revolutionaries and the most brilliant men of all time were all killed for their beliefs. "What, the earth is flat? FUCK YOU!" ... "Wait, the universe does not revolve around the Earth? Screw that, kill whoever spread that rumor!" People who have beliefs that are very set in stone, and who go with the status-quo over learning for themselves ALWAYS hate the people that think in the realm of fact. It is a curse of human ignorance, that whoever thinks for themselves are politically seen as terrorists, religiously as heathens or zealots, and socially as heretics.

EDIT: Wow. After finishing all of that, it hit me that I just made a really long, thought-out post...on the Wrestlezone forums...about society, politics, religion, and basic human thought-patterns...in support of Coco. What the fuck happened to me?
I missed all of it, because I cannot be bothered to read Dagger's posts.

However, if he said that about Gelgarin, Dagger's gonna have the Black Dragon to answer to.
Which is why you are one of the worst posters this forum has ever seen.


I would officially like to go on record and state that I am no longer in support of Dagger, or the ABC party. Not that I was doing a particularly good job at putting over Dagger anyways... Sorry Habs, it's not you at all. And Dagger, you've still always been super nice to me. I have no personal issues with you, but I can't support bullshit like this. If you had any legs left to stand on in this election, you just took a hedge-trimmer to them.

Best of luck in all your future endeavors.
I did indirectly reference the fact that it was from a while ago (although five months isn't exactly a long time).

You said you dug to find it. That could be interpreted as referencing it, Ill give you that.

You see, D Double claimed to have never been homophobic. Regardless of how he feels now (although he probably does feel the same way, as it is to do with his "religious beliefs" which I assume he still holds close to his heart), that post reeks of homophobia.

Two things here:

1. Have you ever, when angry with someone, or in jest, called someone gay? Or a fa**ot, perhaps? If so, you've demonstrated homophobia in your lifetime. I'm ashamed to say I've done so when I was younger. Context is important, sure. Dagger was stating a worldview, one based on religious beliefs. But it didn't seem he was doing it to be deragatory. Poorly stated? Sure. Meant to be offensive. I highly doubt it.

Personally, I hope to God the misinformed, contemptuous words that have so callously spilled from my mouth in the past aren't used to judge the person I am now. Not only those, but poor wording I've displayed as well. I can understand the perspective of those who may be upset, but we've all been callous and careless with our words from time to time.

2. Ah, religious beliefs. One of my favorite topics. The people i enjoy discussing religious beliefs with most are those whose differ from mine. I'm proudly a Christian, yet I loved to read Christopher Hitchens and watch his debates. Our own JGlass is absolutely one of my favorite people, on here or in real life, to discuss religion with. He's an athiest, and I'm quite the opposite. My religious views and beliefs clash with both of theirs, frequently. Yet time to time, I've seen their perspective, and parts of what I believe has changed. My core values remain, but the more informed I've become through discussion or reading, the more I'm willing to concede that some aspects of what I formerly believed were wrong.

I grew up in a very conservative, Christian home. Take a guess as to what my family's views on homosexuality were. They were shared by me until I reached college 11 years ago, and I became more informed. I'm not going to make the assumption that Dagger's beliefs have changed in the past 5 months, but mine changed, and fast. I went from believing homosexuality to be a moral issue to understanding it to be a scientific, genetic issue, quickly. Don't be so quick to assume people can't hear the perspective of others, and change their mind. I'm religious, yet I'm open minded enough to allow someone to change my mind. Perhaps Dagger has as well.

Like I said previously, I don't care if he still holds these views (as repugnant as they are). I'd just like a bit of honesty from The Threadliner.

For someone who doesn't care, you've made it a point to state how repugnant his views are more then once.

I'd just like a bit of honesty from The Threadliner.

Again, this is me speaking personally, but there are things Ive written here several months ago, and when people challenged me at a later date, I didn't remember writing it. When Ive been showed things I've said, I've simply said "My apologies, I honestly forgot saying that."

I'd like more people to be honest with themselves. As I said earlier, Id venture a guess most of us have thrown around slurs in the past. Whether in jest, out of anger, or otherwise, it's homophobia all the same. It may not reflect your worldview, and the context of how it was said may be different, but it's still homophobia all the same.

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