Randy Orton: Locker Room Leader?


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
After a backstage incident in Iraq, there are several people within WWE who now see Randy Orton as something of a locker room leader. Orton is viewed as one of the few guys who don’t take crap from HHH and Shawn Michaels.

The backstage incident in Iraq, of all places, involved Umaga having tights made for his match and the seamstress telling him he couldn’t use those colors because they are HHH’s colors, but he insisted on it.

Michaels threw a fit about Umaga’s tights when he saw him go through the curtain and Orton was the only one who stood up for Umaga. Orton is said to have the same attitude that Michaels used to, but since Orton has stood up to people that a lot of the locker room doesn’t like, and knows they would loose their jobs if they stood up to them, Orton has become popular.

Wow, I mean, honestly wow. The last thing I expect to read is Randy Orton standing up for anyone besides himself, but this is exactly, exactly what the WWE needs at this point. I have officially done a 180 on Randy Orton. If this is true, then good, good for Randy Orton.

This is good to hear for a few reasons. For years you read on here reports of guys like Triple H and Flair berating the young guys in the locker room for not being able to cut a promo and Flair pops out with quotes like "with guys like this I'll always have a job" Then you have JBL leading a locker room mobs against guys like the Miz and Morrison because they cut people down in promos, (which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard). So as Veterans, these guys bitch about it, yet you never hear anything about anyone of them getting off of their asses to help teach the young guys. It's just like WCW, all of the old guys afraid to teach young guys because they would be giving up their spots.

Now is Orton doing this because he has nothing else to lose? Maybe. After being Triple H's lackey and jobbing to him twice in title matches, why not have anything else to lose? He has been on the verge of firings many time, and has not been fired, so why not get this cockiness/leadership about him?

I like it. It's about time that guys like Michaels/Triple H/Flair and JBL, and even the Undertaker need to move on. The business has passed them by. I like this from Orton. Guys like Orton, Lashley, Kennedy, MVP, Edge, and Cena are the present and the future. Its like WCW all over again, the old guys need to go away and let the young guys rise up.
This is a really big step up for Randy Orton and shows how much he has improved since his #$% ups after his last title run.

Maybe getting married did improve things for him. Although I think paying 40,000 dolllars for a watch for his wife is something of a massive overkill in my book.

I do think that the colors of tights is a minor thing to get worked up over.
The whole tights thing is just ridiculous, but honestly good for Orton. That is just an example that he is improving, and it seems like a lot. Getting married seems to have straightened him out a lot, and I hope it stays that way. As far as Orton becoming a locker room leader... I think that that's just what he's doing. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the younger talent joins him before long. I mean really what options would WWE have should the young talent start standing up to the older? fire them and see them all off to TNA? Not likley. Im sure this is not the last instance of this we'll see, but on any note. Kudos Mr. Orton on turning around your life and also standing up for the younger guys.
Reading that actually put a smile on my face. I have been an avid supporter/fan of Randy since his debut, but some of the actions he has taken have really created a dark picture of the character of Orton. But this, as insignificant as it may seem, may be the turning point in Orton's career. This could be a step in showing he is no longer that young, brash, cocky superstar that cared only about themselves. If Randy is now seen as a leader for doing the right thing and helping the other superstars, than this positive feeling could only help to make Orton continue being a leader in the back. And with him and such guys as Cena and Kennedy in the back, its hopefully the time for the old guard to take a step back and let this new group of superstars flourish like they should.
I see it like this. . .

Cena and Orton worked a good program together (which sadly was ended by injury) and during that process, the two of them became really good friends. Now as much as I hate Cena because of the lack of moves he showcases and the repeativness of his promos, I have to like the guy cause of his dedication and respect for the industry. One can only think that Cena might have rubbed off on Orton.

Maybe I'm look to far into the fact that the two of them are close pals, maybe not. ;x

That and the fact that not only is Orton married now, but he is suppose to be an expecting father as well. Speaking from first hand experience with the marriage and having kids thing. It really makes you mature and look at life in a whole new perspective. You no longer are doing things just for yourself, you are now providing for others.

Which yeah, I can say would also make Orton change his backstage attitude.

Could this be the begining of the Kliq v2? Cena, Edge, and Orton are all pretty tight. Edge's main reason for wanting to goto Smackdown! was because he didn't want to work a singles program with HHH. Orton is now standing up against HHH & HBK. Cena is just well Cena, he is Vince's poster boy. Nothing can touch Cena backstage; not even HHH can break out his shovel against Cena.
I see it like this. . .

Cena and Orton worked a good program together (which sadly was ended by injury) and during that process, the two of them became really good friends. Now as much as I hate Cena because of the lack of moves he showcases and the repeativness of his promos, I have to like the guy cause of his dedication and respect for the industry. One can only think that Cena might have rubbed off on Orton.

Maybe I'm look to far into the fact that the two of them are close pals, maybe not. ;x

That and the fact that not only is Orton married now, but he is suppose to be an expecting father as well. Speaking from first hand experience with the marriage and having kids thing. It really makes you mature and look at life in a whole new perspective. You no longer are doing things just for yourself, you are now providing for others.

Which yeah, I can say would also make Orton change his backstage attitude.

Could this be the begining of the Kliq v2? Cena, Edge, and Orton are all pretty tight. Edge's main reason for wanting to goto Smackdown! was because he didn't want to work a singles program with HHH. Orton is now standing up against HHH & HBK. Cena is just well Cena, he is Vince's poster boy. Nothing can touch Cena backstage; not even HHH can break out his shovel against Cena.

#1 Where did you read that Edge did not want to work a singles program with Triple H? You would think he would want that to help put him over more (not that he needs it anymore)

#2 I really am curious to know the sources of this "backstage incident". I mean it sounds so stupid, doesn't Umaga always wear black tights? And who the F*** cares what color they are??? As a fan, I could careless.

#3 Have we all forgotten Randy Orton's history with the WWE? He has been fined, suspended, and misbehaved numerous times in public. If anything, his fellow superstars would be jealous and/or pist off that such a screw up is carrying the belt. Randy Orton has admitted in an interview AND THIS IS A QUOTE "A lot of my chats with Vince have been like that between a principal and student" In the interview he impersonates Vince's voice where Vince tells Randy areas where he needs to improve.

Randy Orton a locker room leader?? What a crock of shit

To anyone out there who disagrees with me, I'll tell you what. If Randy Orton continues to be successful for the next year w/o any screw-ups or incidents, then I'll consider looking at him as a "locker room leader"

#1 Where did you read that Edge did not want to work a singles program with Triple H?

Like me. Prolly here and other sites.

You would think he would want that to help put him over more (not that he needs it anymore)

No he would have likely ended up on the buried list Trips has going.

Which is why he wanted to move over and become the face of SD! instead of being buried by Triple H like every other over heel on the RAW roster.

#2 I really am curious to know the sources of this "backstage incident". I mean it sounds so stupid,

If it's true there will be more on it in the coming days. It's usually always that way.

And who the F*** cares what color they are??? As a fan, I could careless.

Well apperently Triple H and Shawn Michaels care. And honestly it sounds alot like the regular Trips we've been hearing about recently.

First, Jericho and now this. Hmmm.

#3 Have we all forgotten Randy Orton's history with the WWE?

Get over it.

It was 8 or 9 months ago and everything else was beyond that. If he was such a big problem nowadays he wouldnt have the belt now would he?

He has been fined, suspended, and misbehaved numerous times in public.

He served the punishment and has maintained to keep clean lately.

No big deal anymore.

Randy Orton has admitted in an interview AND THIS IS A QUOTE "A lot of my chats with Vince have been like that between a principal and student" In the interview he impersonates Vince's voice where Vince tells Randy areas where he needs to improve.

Anyway you could post this?

Randy Orton a locker room leader?? What a crock of shit

Probably not a locker room leader but I wouldnt doubt that if Vince has his back, he stood up to Triple H or HBK one.

Because if Vince likes you, it seems you can do whatever you want...Like breaking kayfabe for instance....DX seemed to do that quite alot.

If Randy Orton continues to be successful for the next year w/o any screw-ups or incidents, then I'll consider looking at him as a "locker room leader"

Well in about March/April, it will be a full year with Orton staying out of trouble. So there:thumbsup:
Wow im totally surprised that Orton is getting praised as a locker room leader!
Good on him because getting his act together is the best thing Orton could have done.

He has improved in every aspect IMO and so far I think he has been a great champ minus the weak booking. He has the size, image, and now good attitude.

Like someone said earlier, I think his program with Cena helped him with his past attitude problems. He is still young so he has many years left in him which is great because Orton along with many others are the future of the WWE.
Silly, silly Orton. He's speaking up for Umaga. In front of the might HHH & HBK. For fucks sake Orton. Do you not know what you've done. For one you've probably stopped your push. And two You've probably made Jeff Hardy's push better.

I really think this will lead to Jeff Hardy getting the title at the Rumble. I dislike Orton, but I despise Jeff Hardy. Man this is really fucking stupid. How dare Umaga have HHH's colours. He owns black. How dare that fat Samoan. I really don't think this will work out well for Orton at all.
How would this hurt Orton? I highly doubt he is going to drop the belt at the RR. He will probally loose it at WM, or down the road somewhere not now. And Good for Orton, someones needs to take a stand in the locker room. HHH and HBK are OLD, BORING. a bunch of winny little kids who if they dont have there tv time or a title run once a year will go cry to Vinnie, they are constantly are holding better talent back. I mean just look at Raw with the HHH Regal match it was soo dam boring. Same old shit, hard closeling, high knee, pedigree, dance around the ring, go up the ramp, due same thing next monday. I mean is it honestly a big deal if Umaga wears the same colors?!? Jeez those 2 are like little kids. Hopefully other people will stand up to them and we will see some real talent pushed like Kennedy, MVP, Finlay, Edge, Orton, Umaga, Orton, Y2j. Anything that is fresh.
Orton will soon be king ! Finally The King Of Burying All will fall of his bitch made wooden throne ! Or he will just beat orton at wrestlemania and continue his amazing 12 time champion status.....he only rolled up orton anyway at no mercy so he could get one step closer to beatin flairs 16 reigns....

I LOVE THE IDEA OF THE KLIQ V2 ! ORTON EDGE CENA wow thatwould be something

oh and to the person tthat said orton n cena became friends during there program over the summer.....theyve been friends since 18&19 years old.....came through ovw together and everything......so there is long history there for this to actually happen

next edge'll be in trouble for using black and silver, or jericho'll burst mvp's
tunnel for using silver and purple costumes. and really, how many fans noticed that the colours were the same? there r only a limited number of combinations u can use.

it's just stupid and hbk and hhh should know better cos it just reflects badly on them. yes they're both high up in the business and deserve a bit of respect and if umaga had shown michaels or hhh up in the ring then maybe he mite deserve it, but not over his tights.

i don't think it's gonna hurt orton until WM, but then he would prob drop belt to either hhh or flair there anyway. umaga may end up having to job to hbk or hhh for a while tho. o wait...he already has to do that anyway. my mistake. i dont think it's right that umaga's gimmick of being a wrecking machine should be constantly demolished by those 2, or every1 should be continually held back by those who cant let go of what they were
Wow I am so glad that someone has finally stood up to triple h and shawn micheals, and I'm glad Orton was the one to do it! For years triple h has been throwing his weight around and holding young talent down. Triple H has become one of the biggest arrogant ass's in the wwe, just because he bangs the bosses daughter! Its absolutly ******ed, Trips needs to finally step aside and make room for guys like Orton, Lashley, Kennedy, and Cena.
It wouldn't suprise me in the least bit if lots of other young guys jump behind Orton and fight back. GOOD 4 ORTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About time!!!!!
I have a hard time believing that the story is true. Maybe because Umage is 34 and by the story wasn't planning on changing anyway so he was standing up for himself basically. Plus, either the story is distorted or just off base because DX entered first and I doubt he would throw a fit after the match had already taken place because at that point they couldn't do anything anyway. I mean they were in Iraq, with probably limited supplies available to them, I just don't see them making a big deal out of black and white outfits.

I'm no hater of Orton, but even if the story were true i don't see this as a change for him, he just now thinks he has leeway because he's champ.
This seems like a strange spin on what really happened. Orton's reputation supports that he was causing trouble. The issue at hand was none of his business and likely didn't help the situation. He was sticking his nose where it didn't belong and is elevating the situation. It's great he has balls to stand up to anybody, but this seems pretty trivial.
To me, it's one of those situations that are just stupid enough to be true.

HHH and HBK getting pissy about colors? I'd like to say that it sounds ridiculous, but it doesn't.

WWE is in an interesting position right now. This isn't back in the day when people like Hogan were on top and doing things like this. This is HHH, a legal relative of Vince, and a man, considering where Stephanie is headed (Vince's job), will be VERY important in the future of the company.

So, what happens if the younger talent does decide to take a stand? They can't fire them, since they'll just end up in TNA if they're worth anything. Trust me, though WWE doesn't see TNA as a serious threat, they'll do anything to stop that from happening. So, then what? Your choices are piss off the younger talent who will jump ship sooner rather than later, or piss off a man and woman you have to spend the holidays with.

If HHH is as bad as they say (which is likely only partially true), it'll be interesting to see what happens, since he's in a position to have more control in the company than any other main event level talent EVER.

Anyway, if this is true, good on Orton for at least defending someone. Orton has the skills, he just hasn't matured fast enough, so I'm hoping this is a sign of change.
i no you's all might like this but he is doing a shawn michaels in 95/96. what ever happended to shawn michaels oh yea he made the best stable ever. i really like this idea i think orton is the future of raw at least for the next 2 years. and if vince chooses the right thing orton will be the next shawn michaels
i like it...if its true guys like trips,hbk,jbl just love to bully guys around over the stupidest reasons too so randy orton i wouldent say "leader" but i would say he dosent put up with bullsh** like with triple h and hbk if he thinks somethings wrong go ahead speak ur mind if you have too like someone said you have nothing to loose and personally i feel there should be at least one person to stand up to this "clique" and i guess that guys randy orton haha
Do I sense a repeat of Bash At The Beach 2000? I feel that is the way Triple H's career might end in the WWE. The older he gets the more paranoid he gets about some younger guy stealing his spot. This is the same shit with Hogan back at the end of his WCW run when he refused to job to Jeff Jarrett so Russo told Jarrett to lay down and then publicly fired and also humiliated Hogan on live TV. Someone is eventually gonna get tired of him hogging the spotlight just because he is plowing the boss's daughter. I would love to see Orton go to the ring and lay down so Triple H can take his belt and go the fuck home. Then they make a new belt and have Orton face someone who has been underused and cant catch a break because of people like Triple H.
I don't know how things backstage has been for Orton as of late, but since this incident happened. It really seems to me that Orton has been made to look incredibly weak. I mean week in and week out he's getting completly owned by Hardy. Though I can still see him winning at the Royal Rumble, I still can see him be continued to be made week. If the reason has anything to do with this incident that happened nearly a month ago, it's time for people to get over it. Wether the likes of DX want Orton to become a future leader or not, it is more then likley going to happen, and by him standing up for Umaga, that just shows that he knows it too and is not afraid to use what he knows. Orton has done pretty much a 180 in my book. I did not respect him at all, but since getting married and winning the title, he has been from what I've read much better backstage and really a leader.
I don't know how things backstage has been for Orton as of late, but since this incident happened. It really seems to me that Orton has been made to look incredibly weak. I mean week in and week out he's getting completly owned by Hardy.

I hadn't made that connection yet and was just wondering why is Orton being made so weak against Hardy.

Perhaps there is some merit to this story then as it would without a doubt explain why RKO been booked so badly.
i think when the young wrestlers stand up to alot of these veteran wrestlers the veterans see it as the younger guys have no respect for the biz...which does have some point but an incident like that it was good orton stood up..but who really cares? about what tights? there not the exact same as hhhs... but situations like that have always been around...especially when a top wrestler is afraid to lose their top spot...

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