Randy Orton accused of Assault & Battery against a teen

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Regardless of how this works out in the courts (I am not sure they would even entertain the case due to the facts), this is not going to be taken lightly by Vince and the WWE. They know the story won't exactly reach the mainstream media (at least I doubt it seriously) but they will hesitate to keep Orton so prominently features in programming for a while.

I mean, in the end, what matters most to Vince right now is the image of the company and this will be the perfect way to set an example of what will stand and what will not. Plus, Randy Orton doesn't have as much pull, power or respect in the back to really do anything he pleases and have nothing done to him as consequence. I understand he is a veteran but he is hardly on the level as others in terms of pull.
Even if Orton has done some bad things in the past, dont just take one side. yes i am a fan of randy orton, but thats not why im defending him. you cant jump right to conclusions. you dont even know his side of the story. maybe he was having a bad day. due to all the road travel, the superstars get tired, most people are cranky when they are tired. maybe randy just wanted to be left alone and not have everyone nagging him for a photo or wanting to meet him or something. once again, like said above, maybe the kid was repeatingly asking for a photo, and obviously if he didnt say yes the first time, that means no. and you need to ask permission before you just start snapping pics of someone, you need to ask for permission first.

this may be why orton reacted the way he did. maybe it was a little over the edge, but we dont know the mood randy was in at the time, kids cant just say oh theres a famous guy, lets get a pic with him. they need to think, maybe theyre tired, lets ask before we act.

all im saying is no one needs to jump to conlusions, consider randys point of view.
WWE can put on any crappy show they want.Give the most undeserving guy in the world a title, put any amount of bad comedy on their product, but my love for wrestling is never tested like it is when I see crap like this.

First of all, even if this situation turns out to be nothing and it all proves false, just the fact that this situation is even plausible says alot about orton.This guy is everything that is wrong with wrestling and is the representation of why so many people end up hating wrestling as they age(wrestlers who are actually involved in the buisness) because they don't take it upon themselves to leave anything positive in the biz.Orton belives that he can go out, make himself look larger than life, than expect everybody to show complete and utter respect to him.Set a damn example and finally bring some true credibility to your company for fucks sake.

Second.If any of you are really honest with yourselves you know that, even if this turns to be completly true, Orton will not get any form of punishment. That's the reality of the situation and your naive to think otherwise.

Third.For anyone who is sick of Cena and hates him, he will never, ever, be caught pulling an Orton under any circumstance. And that is the one reason I will always respect Cena. He gives credability to wrestling.He's actually something positive.You don't hear him pulling authority to put himself over like Triple H, and he never disrespects the customer like Orton .So what if the kid was being disrespectful to Orton , part of being a wrestler is dealing with the fans.J.R. has said on many occasions that being in the wrestling buisness is a privelage, not a right. If you can't deal with the fans, get a new job.

I've said all there is here for me to say,Orton needs to realize that the buisness is bigger than him and learn that he represents not just the WWE but wrestling in general.
You know when I first read this story my initial thought was "O Randy U" but then I remembered the kid's age. 15. All we know of the story is what the kid has stated. That Randy spit in his face and swore at him. That very well may be but also I know how most 15 year olds are: rude and obnoxious and even more. Now I know not all are, but for some reason I see him as asking for a picture and Orton stating "not now" or "no", he might have just entirely ignored and blown him off. Then the kid just sprouts off that ever fabulous "F" word that most teens love to shout (and I'm talking about that word that in UK is considered a cigarette) and then started heckling Orton about how "fake" wrestling is in where enough was enough and Orton just spit on him. Then started to cry and whine loud enough so people would think he was in the right and Randy was in the wrong.

But that's just my way of thinking anyway cause I've seen teens instigate "encounters" like that and then use their age as a defense when someone loses their temper.

It baffles me too to wonder where Randy "went wrong". He seemed like such a nice person when I met him way back in '02 (even allowed me to take a picture with him) to this person we hear about crapping in diva's bags and acting like he's 12 instead of his age.
Something just hit me about this whole thing that is very odd. The original article says that the incident happened on January 8th (when everyone was in Boston) but the teen and his mother just went to police today to file the report? Why wait four days before deciding to report such an assault? Not saying it didn't happen but I do wonder what took so long...
@info62-No that's not hypocritical Orton is the one in a potential trouble spot here not the kid. "Innocent until proven guilty" only applies to Orton here all those like yourself who are judging before the legal process plays out are wrong.

Oh so what you meant was that it's okay to make judgments about a 15 year old who you don't even know the name of, but it's wrong to do the same to Orton, even though he has a history of similar offenses. Stop telling people that they are all out to get Orton while you yourself make your bias so plainly obvious.

You contradicted the opening sentence of your post by calling my statements "hypocritical" you go onto berate Orton with expletives you obviously hate the guy and are letting your bias cloud the issue.

I never said anything like 'don't make judgments until the dust has settled' (something along those lines), while you did. Yeah I know I'm judging Orton, and yeah it's true I dislike him. That's why I'm not going around telling people not to make an opinion yet.

The legal process must play out before anything is said,, this story seems like crap a kid "just" asked Orton for a picture and then he spit gum and berated him verbally sorry that smells like bullshit to me.

If you took into account what he's done in the past then it shouldn't smell like bs.

Most people like yourself are already crucifying Orton it's unfair and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Oh yeah, I'm sure I really hurt his feelings. I bet he really gives a crap that I said that the kid should pursue legal action. He's probably so mad that he'll spit on me next.

He should have been expecting that a kid might want an autograph if he saw him at a restaurant. Is it classless to bother him at that time? Maybe, but that doesn't give Orton the right to break the law.

This happens all the time when people accuse celebrities of something. The celebrities' fans will attack the reputation of whoever is suing them, when they don't even know the person or what happened. People have this mentality that it's a bad thing to assume that the celebrity is guilty, but it's okay to assume the alleged victim is really just a liar who is seeking attention.

Orton's not going to get any heat at all for this. A bunch of jackasses will probably just think he's a badass for spitting on a fifteen year old.
Wow, why in the hell does everyone want to bash Orton? OH there is a court hearing, that does not prove he did or not do anything. That is just saying someone has apparently filed charges against him, and I saw it earlier in the thread the kid was prbably annoying the hell out of him. I know for a fact someone that has approached Orton and somewhat befriended him a few years ago and has seen and spoke to him on several occasions since then. Orton is not a bad guy. NOw I will say this person does not hound him like most would, he shows him the respect that any decent human deserves and Orton does the same.

Now to me I think Orton may have gone off on the kid but I doubt he spit anything at him. Sounds to me more like a family taking advantage of a T.V. personality who they happened to see and bug after an event. It happens more than you think, you just dont here about it. Happened to Jericho a few years back involving a young female.
I simply have to LOL at all of the people in this thread trying to defend Orton. Yes, let's just completely ignore his LONG and prolific past of being a douchebag, breaking laws, destroying hotel rooms and being despised by everyone in the locker room, no, I'm sure it's just some kid looking to get millions from Orton of course. It's all a BIG CONSPIRACY I TELLS YA! :rolleyes:

No shit he's innocent until proven guilty, but stop acting like Orton is some shining beacon of warmth and rainbows people, it's making me laugh too hard.
I simply have to LOL at all of the people in this thread trying to defend Orton. Yes, let's just completely ignore his LONG and prolific past of being a douchebag, breaking laws, destroying hotel rooms and being despised by everyone in the locker room, no, I'm sure it's just some kid looking to get millions from Orton of course. It's all a BIG CONSPIRACY I TELLS YA! :rolleyes:

No shit he's innocent until proven guilty, but stop acting like Orton is some shining beacon of warmth and rainbows people, it's making me laugh too hard.

Um, that's not really fair. No one is ignoring the past but that doesn't automatically make this true. The previous post you made and this one shows a clear bias against Orton just as much as any Orton defender on here has shown bias in posts that defend him. In the end, it works both ways.
Um, that's not really fair. No one is ignoring the past but that doesn't automatically make this true. The previous post you made and this one shows a clear bias against Orton just as much as any Orton defender on here has shown bias in posts that defend him. In the end, it works both ways.

How is it bias by acknowledging that the man is an asshole? I kind of doubt everyone backstage just lies about hating him and that all of the stories about him over the years have been made up or something.

How can I have a bias against someone I've never met? I used to like Orton, when he actually gave a shit in the ring and before all of the reports of bullshit he did.

Explain to me my bias here. How is acknowledging a constant pattern of immature and childish behavior being biased? I'd really like to know.
How is it bias by acknowledging that the man is an asshole? I kind of doubt everyone backstage just lies about hating him and that all of the stories about him over the years have been made up or something.

How can I have a bias against someone I've never met? I used to like Orton, when he actually gave a shit in the ring and before all of the reports of bullshit he did.

Explain to me my bias here. How is acknowledging a constant pattern of immature and childish behavior being biased? I'd really like to know.

First off, how do you know for a fact (because you make it sound as though it is a fact) that everyone backstage hates him? I have heard stories that he and John Cena were actually very close and good friends. Yep, John Cena- the face of the company. I would just like to know how you can claim that everyone hates him.

And I never said the stories from the past were untrue. But I refuse to use history like that and just automatically believe everything negative from now on without hearing the whole story. As for you saying you liked him when he actually gave a shit in the ring...that's purely subjective. In my eyes, he has shown that he cares more about his performances in the last two years than he ever has in his entire career.
Innocent before proven guilty is the rule in this country, so I can deal with that. But as for some of you saying you don't believe it to be true, how do you know? We know NOTHING about what really happened, and have nothing to go on besides looking at his past and how he acts towards others. I have said before he is my favorite current wrestler, but IF any of this is true, he should be suspended. He should be suspended for his own good. Hopefully this time he will learn his lesson. Take some money out of his pocket, that will straighten him up (I hope).
I once heard a story on this website about Randy Orton that no one seems to have mentioned so I will share it, and some of you might remember hearing about it too.

Apparently Randy Orton was at some night club or something after an event, and some guy was taking pictures of him in the club. It is said that Orton took the guys camera and broke it, the guy got really pissed off about it and I think was going to get the police involved, so then later Orton sent a $100 dollar bill to the guys table with his autograph on it to appease for the broken camera. Now that's fucked up. The story was covered on Wrestlezone.com if I remember correctly.

If Orton did spit gum at some kid, I don't care. If he called him a name, I don't care. If it were me, I wouldn't care. I would chalk it up to kayfabe character or something and not be bothered by it. On the other hand, if all of that is bullshit than a lot of people owe him an engraved apology.
I thought, perhaps Orton lingering in the stardom would force him to change. Evidently, I'm wrong and he's the same unprofessional guy.

I personally don't have very much respect for him, as his behavior as a professional entertainer isn't justified. He knows that any questionable acts will draw negative attention towards the WWE. He should carry himself better, especially because he is famous, but he fails to care.

I've heard every improper act that Orton's done, from taking a childish fit in a hotel to doing graceless backstage exercises. They all indicate that he's an immature moron with little respect for his company, that takes for granted the amazing opportunities that WWE has given him. The WWE should punish him in some capacity, but they'll probably let him off the hook like they've done countless times.

I guess we know why Orton flounders as a baby face.
Ok, I just went back and read what happened... and if you ask me, it's not even assault. All he did was spit gum on the kid and cussed at him. So what?

The kid shouldn't be taking unwanted pictures. Orton was just trying to have a normal day, afterall.

Seriously, I've met Randy on TWO occassions and he's been a great person to talk to, especially when it came to wrestling. I mean sure, he has anger issues, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person.
IF it really happened, here's my take on the whole thing:

Randy was super pissed on RAW about what seemed to be a botch by Kofi in the triple threat match. Forum members have speculated in numerous threads as to what Orton was actually upset about, but it was obvious he was angry as fuck because he took a fit on live television. That anger stayed with him backstage after the match, and overnight as well, and the next day he's at some restaurant and a random kid takes his photograph, then asks for another one and he blows up at him. Makes sense to me. I mean cmon, we all know Orton has a temper. I remember hearing an interview with Randy in 2006 in June where he talks about how after Wrestlemania 22 Vince sent him to take an anger management course because Orton's temper got him into hot water so often. Like I said, IF this really happened, I'd say an attributing factor would have been the botch on RAW (think about how pissed Orton was after the botch by Kennedy on RAW in LA and how reports came in that he bitched Kennedy out in front of everyone backstage). Just my thoughts folks.
Well, I'm not surprised.

Orton is a tremendous douchebag, he always has been. I think the whole IED storyline really has some shreds of truth behind it. He seems like he's really an angry douchebag, both in and out of the ring, and this situation, combined with many other transgressions in the past clearly show that.

The fact that a lot of you are surprised and are even white-knighting him saying he wouldn't do anything like that, it's ridiculous. Orton's not going to be your friend if you stick up for him. There's no defending him here at all. The man is a public figure. He's one of the big stars of the WWE, which is heavily marketed towards kids right now. This kid obviously is a big fan of Orton, getting his autograph and picture. How does Orton repay him for his loyalty? By spitting at him.

Public figures have to deal with the fact that being approached by fans comes with the territory of being famous. Orton represents the WWE with how he treats fans, especially when he's such a huge star. The UFC fighters, who one would think would be the most sullen and unapproachable out of any type of public figure, are nothing but gracious and approachable when fans come up to them. Dana White prides himself on being accessible to the fans, posting his cell phone number on his Twitter and actually responding to texts.

Orton has a history of being an all-around douchebag, between taking a dump in the gym bags of Divas, to destroying hotel rooms, and even before he became a wrestler, he got a bad conduct discharge from the Marines. He served over a month in a military prison. He's clearly someone who has a major attitude issue, and I hope what he did gets escalated to a court here, and I hope he gets the book thrown at him. You don't treat a fan like that.
Obviously, none of us know whether this is true or not, but if it is it disgusts me. First of all, I've never bought the 'he just wanted to have a normal day' thing. You don't go into a profession where you're going to be recognised by millions of children if your reaction to their recognition and even adoration is spitting gum at them and swearing. It's disgusting, all he wanted was a picture with someone he watches on the TV every week.

This also looks bad on the WWE. PG rating? Aimed at children? What's the point in all of that if a wrestler is going to have that reaction to those young fans? Half of whom won't even know that wrestling is scripted yet, and if this happened to them I could see it putting them off watching the show.
Listen, all anyone can do is speculate on this subject and judge what happened based on past incidents, which does not bode well for Randy. He has had multiple occurance's where he has lost his temper.

I feel this report has probably already been blown out of context. Whenver something gets into the media, especially the internet it is blown out of context. Randy Orton Spitting his gum out and cussing out a kid becomes Randy spiting ON the kid, and seriously berating him. I am sure something happened, and I am sure Orton did behave very un-profesinally and was probably rude to him.

I am would think it is not as bad as the report makes it out to be, if he was chewing gum I would think he would spit it out before cussing someone out for taking his picture, You usually don't start screaming at somebody with gum in your mouth, and I am sure the kid said he spit it at him, because when you are filing a police report spitting at you seems much worse than telling you rudely you don't want your photograph taken.

the WWE Should look into some sort of reprimand , maybe mandatory anger management, or something because this isn't the first time Orton has gotten himself into trouble. I am less worried about the incident (as it is already probably been seriously overblown) , but would be worried about the frequency of these incidents witn Orton.
Well this whole thing comes as no surprise to me. Knowing Orton's past with causing trouble, it would not surprise me were this all true. The man has to be one of the most unprofessional guys backstage in the business. I don't understand how he can get away with all of his stunts, but yet, CM Punk doesn't wear a suit, and makes a comment about Cena, and suddenly he's yanked out of the World Title picture, which is where he should be.

Anyway, even though Orton only spit gum at the kid, I hope he gets shit on tremendously for it, as he deserves every bit of punishment that comes from it. Congratulations Mr. Orton, you're a grade A dick.
I know I've already posted this but it seems like not a lot of people read it so I've posted it again.....I don't know if anyone on here is from the Boston area, but I go to the Kowloon's after every WWE event here. The Kowloon restuarant has served hundreds of celebrities, their walls are lined with autographs and pictures of celebrities who have been there. There was a lady there that night flipping out about how Randy Orton was an @&*. She was saying that when he got out of his car he flicked his cigarette toward her child and then spit in the child's direction. She never mentioned that the child was trying to take a picture, get a picture with, or obtain and autograph from Randy. When Randy came inside the restuarant he did treat the hostess rudely and thats when the mother started to spread the news about her child. I have a feeling it either didn't happen or it happened more like Randy got out of the car flicked his cigarette and spit and the kid happened to be standing near by. I know for a fact the lady never said Randy spit in her sons face.
Ok, I just went back and read what happened... and if you ask me, it's not even assault. All he did was spit gum on the kid and cussed at him. So what?

The kid shouldn't be taking unwanted pictures. Orton was just trying to have a normal day, afterall.

Seriously, I've met Randy on TWO occassions and he's been a great person to talk to, especially when it came to wrestling. I mean sure, he has anger issues, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person.

That's kind of the Point of view I am taking as well. Big Fucking deal ... he spit his gum at you and said a few naughty words.

I'm not saying Orton may not be an asshole, but come on ... "Assault" over someone spitting their gum at someone else? Grow the Fuck up and quit trying to make a quick buck, which is all this attempt really is.

The mother knew that by going to the police and pressing charges, that she is likely to get a settlement and make some quick cash. Any normal person would have just let it go.

I am not excusing Orton's behavior. I want to make that clear. But pressing "Assault and Battery" charges over something like this is completely overboard, and the real reason why this is being done is all too obvious.

This whole case is far too vague. There's alot of "allegedly"s and "apparently"s. But when it comes down to it, it sounds like both the kid and Orton were at fault

People think that the 15 year old kid is the innocent party, but I find it hard to believe that Orton would just freak out for being asked for a picture. It's Randy fucking Orton. It's safe to say he's been asked for a picture hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Yet this is the first time we've heard about him doing something like this to a fan. So either he covered up his previous experience of spitting on fans who asked for pictures very, very well or the kid did something to deserve it. If the kid kept badgering Orton after the first time Orton said no, then he deserved it to an extent.

On the other hand, why couldn't Orton just have the picture taken. It's what, 4 seconds out of his life? But even if the kid didn't badger Orton, and Orton spat on the kid just after he was asked for a picture politely for the first time, Orton's probably gonna pay for it in court, so meh.
Big Fucking deal ... he spit his gum at you and said a few naughty words.

So if someone spits gum in your face and swears at you it's no big deal? All I can say is that if Orton, or anybody for that matter, spat their gum in my face and then proceeded to curse at me/ or call me a derogatory name as appears to have been the case here, that I would be fucking furious and in the heat of the moment I'd probably want something done about it.

Now, whether or not I would go as far as pressing charges of assault and battery I'm not so sure but I know I'd want something done because having gum spat in your face is disgusting. I suppose what I'm saying here is that I can understand the guy's mother wanting to press charges because at the end of the day what gives anybody the right to do what Orton did (or allegedly did)?

Okay, so it's not as serious as somebody getting physical against you, but still it just annoys me to think that some people think they can do things like spitting gum on people and get away with it, as if it's nothing. It may not be a big deal until someone does it to you.
If this is true...I'm not going to excuse it, but there is a good episode fo PUNK'D where some kid comes up to D.NOWITSKI (spelling?) and brings like 4 bags of crap for him to autograph while he's having dinner. Now if the kid was that die hard of a fan as the report claims him to be, he'd have bought a tix like everyone else. Plus I've read an article where Randy said that sometimes to keep up the heel persona he will be a little more arrogant if its his personal time off stage. I can respect that. I did meet him once when he was in Topeka, KS and had Umaga with him. Both were cool dudes. But I can understand if someone is maybe hungry...that can make me a little :bringit: with people if they won't leave me alone with stupid questions.
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