Punk VS Rock Promo #1: Who Won?

Who Came Out On Top

  • CM Punk

  • The Rock

  • Even: They both did a great job & set up the match well

  • Both sucked

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Anyone who would say that the Rock lost, or got destroyed last night is clearly a CM Punk superfan. I understand superfans. Nothing that the their hero does is going to be overshadowed at all.
The reality however, is that the neither man won or lost last night. It was a great overall set up by both. Punk had great moments in his very long promo/pipe bomb. Rock had some great moments in his promo as well.

Punk and Rock both did what they do. It was the best Raw ending iv'e seen in a looooong time and i'm excited for the RR.
I think it's more funny how everyone is expecting this to go down at RR. It would hurt WWE more than it will help them. Both were solid, when Punk started calling those names out it was funny to me. The Rock went serious, then he did his catchphrases. I didn't like the new think he made up for Punk though, but Rocky makes the crowd eat out of his hands so.

I'm looking forward to this Road To WM.
There was one clear winner last night that was evident from watching the verbal altercation at the end of Raw..................John Cena.

OMG, he can't talk up Cena! Cenaz sux!

Well, if Cena sucks, then that makes Punk the world's greatest prostitute. You see, The Rock is a special attraction. He's a guy that made money money in the WWE and for the WWE than anyone in history not named Austin and Hogan. Heck, he may even be on par with those guys. The difference is that Rock has made a good second career in movies and when he returns, it's not that he returns as simply a past great. He returns as a guy who is actually more famous than when he left and thus, it draws people back to the show. People want to see what this guy will bring and it's intriguing. That said, you wouldn't know it watching last night because the intrigue faded faster than the end scene of the Sopranos. Last year at this time, we were all itching for Rock/Cena interactions and we had plenty by now. We've only had one between Rock and Punk and it's already evident that it's not the same.

See, the internet hypes up Punk as some sort of savior and they eat up his words like Brodus Clay eats dinner. Problem is, everything he's saying is wrong and I'd like to think that people are getting wiser to it. In fact, I know they are because not only did the people in the LD last night have a much more mixed reaction, but the crowd itself died during the final segment. That NEVER happened with Rock and Cena so we have to deduce that Punk is part of the problem. Why?

For starters, doing a "pipe bomb" with no new information and a blatant lie or two is stupid. Using Daniel Bryan's name was the end of it because that dude is a huge star at this point. This "indy guys are held back" crap is just that, crap. It might have been true and even a little edge to say in June of 2011 but now it's not which is why the promo fell flat. But that's not even the real issue.

For me, the biggest issue is that there was almost a half an hour of promo time and not once did I get a sense of why these two don't like each other. Not once. Punk's entire shtick was exactly the same as it is with any other opponent........all about him. With Rock/Cena, it was about playing off of each other and getting people to really buy into the fact that regardless of heel/face alignment, they simply didn't like each other and they valued the idea of beating the other guy. Here that isn't so. Punk is just a guy trying to keep his title and that's it.

The energy that you felt every night of a Rock/Cena interaction simply wasn't there. The crowd knew it and I think Punk and Rock knew it and honestly, I think it's because of Punk's own stupidity. Had he stayed the same guy that won the title, a bucking the trend yet likeable guy, this might feel huge. However, he's just a generic heel taking on a young legend. The dynamic makes the matchup a whole lot worse because it makes Punk generic. "Grrrrr you have catchphrases but screw the people I'm going to kick your ass" For a guy that supposedly can do things differently and have new ideas, he certainly hasn't had any as a heel. The fact that his heel character blows certainly is part of the equation here.

The bottom line is that people, not just wrestling fans, wanted to see Cena and Rock face one another. About the only people left that care to see Punk vs. Rock (which by the way won't be as good a match either) are Punk marks that despite lack of interest, lack of quality, and general boredom will still tell you this is better than Rock/Cena simply out of some sort of inferiority complex that won't let them admit that Cena is the bigger star. It's similar to the TNA fan who can never admit that WWE does anything good simply because they are bigger. Why you can't be a fan of both (Cena and Punk, WWE and TNA) I'll never know, but that's how it is. As such, Punk fans will tell you how this trumps Cena/Rock but it doesn't. All this does is show that Cena is head and shoulders a bigger star and that's evident after one promo.


Anyway, both did exceptionally well. The fact that we are even talking about the promos goes to show that it was a great segment overall. Their confrontation will be memorable for several reasons:

"Your arms are just too short to box with GOD!!!" Nuff said.

The Rock's candy ass line, after he told Punk to tattoo his ass with candy. Simple, yes, but delivered very well.

The Rock selling the humiliation of taking the GTS. Good work.

CM Punk contrasting Rock's 'kiddie games' with absolute seriousness.

The Rock carried Cena throughout their rivalry, with Cena calling out the Rock's tattoo being the only brightspot (even though he had to break the fourth wall to do it.) Rock and CM Punk are equals in this one, and can both stay in character to provide excellent television.

So, there was no definite winner. Cant wait for Raw next week.
I thought both guys were great. Both of them did exactly what they do best. Rock did have his one-liners, catchphrases, and silly humor but that's who he is and he reach an unprecedented level of stardom with that routine. I thought he also did a good job of being serious too.

Punk dropped told it like it is. He spoke the truth. He did what he's good at.

One thing I want to address is that accusing the Rock of using the same stuff over and over again is hypocritical. Punk's little "no one respects me, I'm the best" gimmick has been done time and time again. Don't get me wrong, Punk is doing a great job at it but he's not doing anything new either. He's not the first and certainly not the last heel to use the "you fans are so stupid, I get no respect, I'm the best" gimmick.

What this first exchange between the two really showed me is that they both do have good chemistry together. Whether they like either or not outside of the ring, they definitely have good chemistry with each other.

Lastly, this showed me that both these men are far, far beyond 99% percent of the WWE roster in terms of mic skills. This was one promo and it was better than any other two guys have done in awhile. People can bash The Rock all they want but his skills on the mic, even after all these years, are far beyond most of the WWE roster.
[cL];4281331 said:
Anyone who would say that the Rock lost, or got destroyed last night is clearly a CM Punk superfan. I understand superfans. Nothing that the their hero does is going to be overshadowed at all.
The reality however, is that the neither man won or lost last night. It was a great overall set up by both. Punk had great moments in his very long promo/pipe bomb. Rock had some great moments in his promo as well.

Punk and Rock both did what they do. It was the best Raw ending iv'e seen in a looooong time and i'm excited for the RR.

Exactly right. Same thing happened with the Cena-Rock feud too. From the "super fans" on both sides it was "ROCK DESTROYED CENA" or "ROCK SUCKS HE'S SO RUSTY, CENA DESTROYED HIM."

When I'm reading opinions on here, I look for the people's reasons and their prior posts to see if they're an uber-fan of one guy or the other.

I'm probably a bigger fan of the rock although I like both guys and I can say that was an even promo last night, with no definite winner. Neither guy got "owned" or "destroyed"
The Rock won hands down.

The pipe bomb thing was booooooring. I liked parts of it but it just carried on and some of it was just dumb. Talking about Tyson Kidd was pointless. Yes the IWC enjoyed that but why would the fans (who watches WWE for fun not because they want to seem smart) care about that. The Rock was doing what he should have done wants he came back in 2011. Talking in the third person, making many jokes, and then getting to the point. Punk had some good stuff(the box with God line was great) but he did not do much to me really untill the end.
Well, to start, Punk talked for a good 20 minutes before the Rock even got involved and he did a pretty good job at the start, it actually made you think a bit. The brodus clay dancing with your stupid kids part was pretty awesome.

But, you guys realize that long winded rant was PART OF THE SHOW. Punk needs that build up, punk needs to be given that piece of the pie....I don't know if you guys remember or not, but it's the god damn ROCK.

When they finally got in the ring together, Rock didn't need to talk much, he did his usual just to get the fans back into it and Punk got a little back and forth. Them letting punk operate "outside the rules", is kind of the point. That's how you give him that leg up (not way up) on the Rock so he isn't always fighting from behind.

I'm gonna say Punk won....remember, that's the point. We got to have some fun with the Rock (Punkeye the Crack Head), but Punk was given enough time where he didn't have to play catch up.

Did anyone else notice Punk looked like a make a wish kid next to the Rock....?
Punks promo had to be one of the most complex promos ever, The people complaining the crowd was dead re-listen to the promo he schooled them. Punk can manipulate a crowd he has done it when that mic is in his hands, He wasn't complaining about indy guys getting a push he was talking about how as soon as he starts breaking kayfabe the smarks eat the shit up. The whole promo was his view on the WWE Universe, I rarely watch WWE now as it's completely true what he said they keep churning up simplicity in a majority of their product, spoon feeding the masses because as soon as something gets to complex for them they hate it. He was complaining that it's easier for people to accept the stereotypes of the Rybacks being contender due to his inflated muscles instead the Daniel Bryans who have technique and actual skill in their craft. What Punk did was create a complex promo that people have to actually watch multiple times to get an understanding of what he was saying.

The crowd was alive, I think they just wanted to hear what Punk had to say. They reacted how they should have, they cheered when he was referring to brodus clay and as soon as he turned it around and said you're doing it now basically saying you're doing what I want you are putty in my hands. They were probably afraid to cheer or boo haha.

The interaction between the two felt much more legit than Cena/Rock I think by the end Cena accepted his place beneath the Rock which is where he will be. Punk on the otherhand has a different agenda what it is though is to be determined, he could have been the face of the WWE he could have continued his face run or gone anti-hero in austin fashion. In 10 years I can't wait to look back and see the careers and see where the product is then.
Did anyone else notice Punk looked like a make a wish kid next to the Rock....?

That's a definite issue they're going to have to deal with, in this feud. Punk is a better technical wrestler, without a doubt but in terms of physique, it's a joke and a half. Punk looks like a twig. The Rock needs to keep his promos focused on this, while Punk has to keep doing what he's doing and focusing on the fact that in terms of pure wrestling ability, he's better and physique isn't everything.

But just looking at the two in the ring, it's pretty funny. Rock is as big as he's ever been.
Can we not do this this year?

Both guys need to work together to make it work and all I'll say is that I thought Punk & Rock did a great job of hooking me for another exchange between the pair and their match up at Royal Rumble
Honestly, both of them were just awful. Punk’s tired shtick about being held down, and having to work within the system to get over just bored me. Plus, his promo dragged on for too long, and the crowd just died after a while. The Rock’s arrival woke them up, but Rock’s jokes were very lame last night. I rolled my eyes at the candy ass tattoo joke, and outside of Florida, I can’t picture the cookie-puss nickname catching on. You’ll probably hear some cookie-puss chants on Friday’s Smackdown, but the nickname itself is so corny. Although, I didn’t expect the Fruity Pebbles stuff with John Cena to take off, so I could be wrong.

I loved the thunderous pop, when The Rock’s music hit, but the verbal duel between both men didn’t do anything for me. The sight of Punk and Rock facing off against each other in the same ring was spine-tingling, but when they started going back and forth on the mic, I wanted to change the channel. Rock’s comedy was atrocious, and Punk’s boring promo didn’t have the zing I was looking for. I have no problem saying both men sucked last night, and hopefully they’ll come up with something better in the future.
Well, i think that CM Punk definitly won this one, and i think that he will own the Rock every time they cut a promo, because CM Punk allways say what he feels, and he's very creative, and the Rock, well, after a decade he still uses the same frases, he allways says the same childish crap, like, it doesn't matter what you think, or finally, the Rock has come back to whatever city he is in, if he wants to even kind of compete with CM Punk, he has to come up with new stuff, ok, someone said that CM Punk allways says that he's the best in the world, or that he demands respect, but that's since he turned heel, but the Rock, like i said, he's been using the same frases for over ten years now, he has to realize that as much as some people still like him, his best years are behind him.......
Well, i think that CM Punk definitly won this one, and i think that he will own the Rock every time they cut a promo, because CM Punk allways say what he feels, and he's very creative, and the Rock, well, after a decade he still uses the same frases, he allways says the same childish crap, like, it doesn't matter what you think, or finally, the Rock has come back to whatever city he is in, if he wants to even kind of compete with CM Punk, he has to come up with new stuff, ok, someone said that CM Punk allways says that he's the best in the world, or that he demands respect, but that's since he turned heel, but the Rock, like i said, he's been using the same frases for over ten years now, he has to realize that as much as some people still like him, his best years are behind him.......

CM Punk keeps saying the same thing over and over again too just in different words. He's being held down, he worked his way to the top. No one respects him. He's the best in the world, the fans are dumb to know how good he is, etc. etc. I do agree the Rock says the same thing, more or less, every time but don't kid yourself. Punk says the same crap every time too.... PLUS he's not the first heel to use this routine. Go back through the history of WWE, how many heels have played that same "you don't respect me, I'm a hard worker" card?
Punks promo had to be one of the most complex promos ever, The people complaining the crowd was dead re-listen to the promo he schooled them. Punk can manipulate a crowd he has done it when that mic is in his hands, He wasn't complaining about indy guys getting a push he was talking about how as soon as he starts breaking kayfabe the smarks eat the shit up. The whole promo was his view on the WWE Universe, I rarely watch WWE now as it's completely true what he said they keep churning up simplicity in a majority of their product, spoon feeding the masses because as soon as something gets to complex for them they hate it. He was complaining that it's easier for people to accept the stereotypes of the Rybacks being contender due to his inflated muscles instead the Daniel Bryans who have technique and actual skill in their craft. What Punk did was create a complex promo that people have to actually watch multiple times to get an understanding of what he was saying.

The crowd was alive, I think they just wanted to hear what Punk had to say. They reacted how they should have, they cheered when he was referring to brodus clay and as soon as he turned it around and said you're doing it now basically saying you're doing what I want you are putty in my hands. They were probably afraid to cheer or boo haha.

The interaction between the two felt much more legit than Cena/Rock I think by the end Cena accepted his place beneath the Rock which is where he will be. Punk on the other hand has a different agenda what it is though is to be determined, he could have been the face of the WWE he could have continued his face run or gone anti-hero in austin fashion. In 10 years I can't wait to look back and see the careers and see where the product is then.

You saw it for what I saw for as well. CM Punk was delivering a really layered promo which I haven't seen done before. He was revealing that his entire 2011 shoot-promo-based character was a facade to play the Universe(kids)/internet fans into liking him. Like you said, he used a reference to Clay for the Universe and ones about Kidd/Bryan for the smarks. And then called them out for popping/booing when he made the comments. That said, it did drag on too long regardless of how flawlessly eloquent his speech was.

No one wins in a scripted segment. This is what I wanted to see more of between Cena/Rock. There were too many ad-lib moments for a feud that in my opinion, would have benefited from a tighter script. I thought that CM Punk did a good job of maintaining his stance about the WWE and The Rock did a good job at staying in character.

If I'm going to make a complaint about anything, it's that Punk is too often upset for no reason. He's a champion and he's been a long-tenured champion for 414 days or whatever. Where is his saltiness coming from? Why does he have a chip on his shoulder? He says he doesn't want the fans and belittles them so it's not that he's doing it to get their respect. What's eating CM Punk?????! He should be more cheerfully arrogant at this point. Almost smiling more and more. His life is awesome now. This is a guy who thinks he's better than Bruno!! Why so serious?!

It comes down to a flaw in his ability to understand his character. The Rock knows how to react, respond, behave, etc whenever in any situation. Dwayne Johnson understands his character better than Phillip Brooks does his own. The show left us thinking that Punk had something to prove rather than they BOTH have something to prove. Punk's self-assurance came across as cockiness when it should have just been confidence.
I don't get why everyone always thinks the Rock has to reinvent himself every time he cuts a promo too.

I mean Austin comes out and uses old phrases, drinks some beer and leaves and everyone loves it
Flair comes out, says woo, puts himself over, rants a bit, says woo again and leaves and everyone loves it
Triple H comes out, says he's the game, talks about how everyone in the past was better than everyone now, talks about how the WWE loves the fans, says he's that damn good and leaves and everyone loves it
Jericho comes out, says he's the best in the world, insults the fans by calling them idiotic and leaves and everyone loves it.

and it goes on like that for every single main eventer in history. Yet when the Rock does his Finally catchphrase loads of people throw a fuss, says he's past it and is rehashing old lines. I realise the Rock is the Rock but he seems to get held up to a different standard than everyone else
I think that the winner last night was ....THE FANS lol im not trying to sound cheesy. That was the best back and fourth promo of this era in my opinion even though Raw as a whole was terrible. Both guys were excellent. If I had to choose though I would give it to The Rock. I don't understand how anyone could say Punk was better. He barley spoke during the entire exchange. I am only judging from when both were in the ring at the same time. The Rock controlled the the crowd and took the spotlight away from Punk. This is the first time since Punk turned heel that he actually seemed like a heel. The Rock boasted punk to another level last night and probably just helped his career so im calling bs on people saying punk won. I love punk but im being honest here. Punk's short arms to box with god line was gold, but besides that the rock was killing him for like 20 mins. It might seem like im dissing Punk but im not, actually after last night he has moved up on my list as best talkers ever in the business But anyone could clearly see The Rock is better
You saw it for what I saw for as well. CM Punk was delivering a really layered promo which I haven't seen done before. He was revealing that his entire 2011 shoot-promo-based character was a facade to play the Universe(kids)/internet fans into liking him. Like you said, he used a reference to Clay for the Universe and ones about Kidd/Bryan for the smarks. And then called them out for popping/booing when he made the comments. That said, it did drag on too long regardless of how flawlessly eloquent his speech was.

No one wins in a scripted segment. This is what I wanted to see more of between Cena/Rock. There were too many ad-lib moments for a feud that in my opinion, would have benefited from a tighter script. I thought that CM Punk did a good job of maintaining his stance about the WWE and The Rock did a good job at staying in character.

If I'm going to make a complaint about anything, it's that Punk is too often upset for no reason. He's a champion and he's been a long-tenured champion for 414 days or whatever. Where is his saltiness coming from? Why does he have a chip on his shoulder? He says he doesn't want the fans and belittles them so it's not that he's doing it to get their respect. What's eating CM Punk?????! He should be more cheerfully arrogant at this point. Almost smiling more and more. His life is awesome now. This is a guy who thinks he's better than Bruno!! Why so serious?!

It comes down to a flaw in his ability to understand his character. The Rock knows how to react, respond, behave, etc whenever in any situation. Dwayne Johnson understands his character better than Phillip Brooks does his own. The show left us thinking that Punk had something to prove rather than they BOTH have something to prove. Punk's self-assurance came across as cockiness when it should have just been confidence.

I think you've got some great, great points here. Punk doesn't really have any reason to be mad or pissed off, the way he's portraying himself. As you mentioned, at this point in his title reign, he should be more of the arrogant heel. Punk comes across as real in his promos, which I like, but his demands for respect and constant complaining (while part of the heel repetoire) are becoming redundant maybe The Rock will pick up on that in his promos as this feud goes on. Punk is great on the mic but needs to evolve the character.

As for The Rock, let's not forget, he is a professional actor. He's paid to not only play characters but to be various different characters and to understand the ins and outs of each character he plays. So, naturally he's better at playing his character and understanding his character than CM Punk. That's not a slight on Punk but Dwyane Johnson is an actor, Punk is not (in the sense that I'm using the term. Punk is an actor, as far as playing a character in WWE).
I don't get why everyone always thinks the Rock has to reinvent himself every time he cuts a promo too.

I mean Austin comes out and uses old phrases, drinks some beer and leaves and everyone loves it
Flair comes out, says woo, puts himself over, rants a bit, says woo again and leaves and everyone loves it
Triple H comes out, says he's the game, talks about how everyone in the past was better than everyone now, talks about how the WWE loves the fans, says he's that damn good and leaves and everyone loves it
Jericho comes out, says he's the best in the world, insults the fans by calling them idiotic and leaves and everyone loves it.

and it goes on like that for every single main eventer in history. Yet when the Rock does his Finally catchphrase loads of people throw a fuss, says he's past it and is rehashing old lines. I realise the Rock is the Rock but he seems to get held up to a different standard than everyone else

People always seem to forget this. He's playing his character to a T. We made him into who he is and now we want to bash him for being that character that we made? The Rock's gimmick was always comedy, silliness, cheesy-ness, repetition, all intertwined with charisma, personality, and seriousness. His gimmick is still that today. If he changed and did nothing funny, we'd all complain.
Who won? Punk was good, Rock was good. You know what Punk? We aint losers because the end of RAW meant WE won and will continue to do so in the build up to the Rumble. Well done to both, very entertaining.
I'd like to know why Rock did not make one mention of the fact that Punk hasn't won a match clean for months now. No mention of all the interference, the shield, crooked referee etc. He claims to have been following Punk yet doesn't make any issue of that. Pretty big oversight in my opinion.
I'd like to know why Rock did not make one mention of the fact that Punk hasn't won a match clean for months now. No mention of all the interference, the shield, crooked referee etc. He claims to have been following Punk yet doesn't make any issue of that. Pretty big oversight in my opinion.

That was just the first promo between the two. I'm sure that is going to be mentioned. In fact, it will probably be brought up on Smackdown tonight.
I think Punk knows who he is, he's just playing a character that's trying to find his niche / staple in the "Universe". Phil Brooks after watching his documentary which I do encourage you to watch it was pretty revealing and he knows who he is and what he stands for. His character reflects that, but just like in his documentary growing up he tried out for sports was ostracized for having mohawks and being different and his character is much the same, they always reference his crappy tattoos, his smaller physique and they separate him from the "typical" wrestlers if you will. I'm excited to see his development and who he helps bring up with him like Rollins, Ambrose , and Reigns anyone he works with he excels their status.
I'm just annoyed with people complaining that Punk doesn't look like a champion, That's the point of his reign and his character; he is against the status quo, the expectations of guys like ryback, batista, and so on being stronger than guys like punk when they have technique and skill.
You don't have to be the biggest guy with the most swelled muscles to win a fight; if you truly believe so go work out for a year get super jacked like the rock and step in the Octagon with someone like Anderson Silva and show me how far your muscles get you. Also Punk probably could kick the shit of the rock in real life he does BJJ with the gracie's lol.
I digress

The system is broken, our society puts some much emphasis on materials and concepts that are easy to grasp, Without getting to philosophical the WWE Universe reflects much of American societies outlooks. There will always be conflict, there will never be understanding. People will be oppressed and people will kiss ass. Politics, popularity, physique, and mic skills dictate your status in the company.
CM Punk keeps saying the same thing over and over again too just in different words. He's being held down, he worked his way to the top. No one respects him. He's the best in the world, the fans are dumb to know how good he is, etc. etc. I do agree the Rock says the same thing, more or less, every time but don't kid yourself. Punk says the same crap every time too.... PLUS he's not the first heel to use this routine. Go back through the history of WWE, how many heels have played that same "you don't respect me, I'm a hard worker" card?

When the whole "respect me" thing first started, one man came to my mind...Heel ABA Undertaker. Punk is saying the same exact words that taker used to say when he was a heel. Same attitude, same idea.
I'd like to know why Rock did not make one mention of the fact that Punk hasn't won a match clean for months now. No mention of all the interference, the shield, crooked referee etc. He claims to have been following Punk yet doesn't make any issue of that. Pretty big oversight in my opinion.

He did, he said he's watched Raw for months and has seen Punk lying, being devious and backpeddling his way through the entire time
just watched it again and um......those two are amazing, and like I said the first time the fans won with that promo. This shows that the wwe needs more stars becuase CM Punk looked great against The Rock but doesnt look as good with anyone else. Only other person he has to verbally battle with is Cena and Cena just does that stupid I dont care what your saying look. Imagine how good punk could be if he had someone that could push him to that limit that the rock did last night on a weekly basis

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