Pokémon GO

So far I've been in 2 groups of 20 and 1 group of 13. In the 20s, I didn't even get through my second mon. In the thirteen I just barely lost my third. So it's been fairly easy.
Zapdos done. More excited that I found a togetic though! Snorlax last night togetic today, dunno wtf is going on with the spawns. If I knew how to post pictures I would.
Just completed Zapdos as well. Moved a bit when catching but thought it was the easiest of birds. I need a Mareep/Mateo line badly.
I've not seen any Zapdos raids today but been rather ill.
There was a few on the local FB group but nothing near me really.
Another Magikarp with pineapple today, 18 candies left to go!

Also did a Bayleaf raid but I wasn't able to get it with a pineapple sadly. Also had a pokestop that said Bulbasaur was there but when I went there nothing popped up, that pissed me off.
Just saw a picture of shiny pikachu that was caught at that event area thing in Japan. Not really a fan of shiny pokemon but it's still a cool feature.
Wobuffet's also a raid boss now it seems so hope for you yet!
That squirtle spawn I found like a month or two ago is now a Wobuffet nest so that sucks. Cool pokemon but useless. Can't believe T-tar is a raid boss but Dragonite isn't. The fact Rhydon is a 4 star raid is hectic as well.
Also Niantic accidently released shiny Zapdos for the raids instead of the normal version. The difference is minimal but you can definitely see the shiny features (orange feet and orange beak). I don't know if they have fixed it but if you caught it in the first 12 hours then you would have it. Doesn't come up as shiny for badges though but still.
It's ben a fruitful few days for me. After having Clefa as my buddy for what seems like forever, I finally caught a Clefable in the wild as I went to a raid. Typical really. That said, I have managed to get Scizor, Steelix, Moltres and two Zapdos in the last couple of days. Looking forward to getting Primape, Dugtrio and Marowak out of the way shortly.
My good catch day continues, caught a Bulbasaur with a pineapple. 3 more candies and then I can evolve Ivysaur.

Also screw all of you with legendaries.
5th Zapdos ran and then...

Well. 3 in a row caught and a Lugia. Boom!
Got my 4th Zapdos today. It's my big brothers birthday today, so I kinda just hung around with him and helped him get his first Zapdos. Also got enough candies to get a Porygon2 because of a 10km egg and enough rare candies to get myself a Marowak. Leaves me at 217 caught and 230 seen.

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