Pokémon GO

Steel and Fighting are silver. Dragon is bronze.

There's a fair few I know who don't have the fire medal so it would explain why they find it harder to catch Moltres.

Fighting is Silver for me as well. Forgot that one.

Not even a Seal? Oh wait that's only Dewgong that's ice. Hectic regardless. Swinubs are like the ice Pidgeys, they're everywhere.

6 weeks in a row I have gotten a sun stone or a dragon scale. All I need is a metal coat or a kings rock! I hate sun stones.

I only caught Swinubs during the Fire/Ice event. I've hatched a couple since but that's it.

Got Moltres today. 98% IV. Great fucking luck. Lol. Back to just needing Hitmontop and Unown.
Finally caught another Mankey and now I can evolve it. Just need the candies for Ivysaur (17), Diglett (10) and Tyrouge (1) and hopefully Magikarp (currently 39 away but if I get much closer I'll wait on that too) and I'll be ready to evolve a bunch of shit.
Going into Glasgow tomorrow to catch myself a Moltres, a Lugia, a Kanghaskhan and a fuckin Unown finally. This is it lads.

Oh, I'm also taking Lee's profile and catching him Kanghaskhan too. :D
Have you seen an Unown?

Just spun a random stop not even for my streak and got a metal coat! Finally! Scizor added, pokedex 230. Bar region exclusives I need; Snorlax, Politoed, Qwilfish, Unown, Porygon 2 (only need 2 more candies), Bellossom and I don't know if these guys are available yet but Smeargle and Delibird. Obviously Zapdos as well.
Finally got myself a Moltres today. Fourth time was the charm. Got a Kanghaskhan and an Unown too. Life is good.
Still tempted to go up and do it properly so the spoof guilt doesn't linger lol
You would've got them eventually, just got them earlier than you would've before but who cares, you got friggin Unown.
I remember when I was like at 100 candies I thought I was never going to get a gyarados but once you get past 250 you can see the finish line and obviously once you get to your position you get super excited.

Yeah for sure, and it helps it's a raid boss so I can rack em up even faster.
Catch em with Pinaps. Fucking lifesaver.

I've evolved 3 Gyarados now. Almost enough for a 4th and I have a 100% IV Magikarp too.
I had 600 candies, used one to mega power up Gyarados to over 3000 and then I have 400 for a shiny Karp.
Another Magikarp caught with a pineapple! 25 candies to go, almost got another one but I couldn't find the gym where the raid was. The final surge is on though.
Snorlax caught! 2100 cp as well with 81% evs so it ain't bad. Kanto dex complete if I catch Zapdos tomorrow bar region exclusives. Also evolved a porygon 2 yesterday so Pokedex up 232, seen 234.
Finally beat a Machamp raid, and caught it with the first ball! Now I have a Machamp that doesn't suck (my other one was 35) and I got 6 rare candies which was nice. 4 have already gone to Ivysaur, hanging onto the others I have for now.

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