Pokémon GO

Well I had a successful egg hatching day....

From 10s: Skarmory (my only crap hatch of the day) and Larvitar (my first)

From a 5: Elekid (also my first)

From 2s: Ekans (now I can evolve it), Diglett (only my 4th ever, I did catch one earlier today) and Togepi (another first).

Have my last 2 egg going now and I'll hatch it tomorrow along with probably a 5. For now though I have 190 Caught, 219 seen.
Mass evolve 120,000 XP there!

EDIT: In 24 hours I've had 240,000XP. That's the equivalent of getting to level 20 in a day.
I'll be getting a ton of XP when I evolve my stuff, but I won't be ready by tomorrow so hopefully there's a double XP event soon.
Did 3 Articuno raids. Caught one. Haven't found a Lugia yet just stared grinding again, already back up to 25k stardust.

I'm out of pokeballs. Hopefully I'm well enough tomorrow to have a walk about town for some.
Well my town has finally got a facebook group together for these raids. Just completed my first Articuno with 15 people. Was really easy to beat as one would expect with 15 people but I didn't catch it :(. Pretty shattered (as one can get from Pokémon go haha) but I'm happy to at least of given it a go rather than not at all.
Also did another Articuno raid today, didn't catch.

So done five (3 Articuno, 2 Lugia) and caught 3. Not too shabby.
This event has been the bollocks for me because I'm touring around Europe and hence getting loads of distance from walking around and loads of eggs. Also, Rome has seen me catch two new ones in the wild which hasn't happened for ages. Up to 200 caught now, which isn't bad.

I have also taken to holding major European landmark gyms. Just got kicked out of the Trevi Fountain in Rome and I'm still in the Spanish steps. I've also been in the leaning tower of Pisa this week and my girlfriend had Michelangelo's David.
Nice going Tasty. What level are you now?

So my aim was to level up over the event but it didn't happen sadly. I've got chronic fatigue which means some days I have zero energy, yesterday was that day. Today wasn't though.

Over the two days I was able to get 540,000 XP. That's the equivalent of going from zero to level 23 in two days.

So I'm half way to level 34!
I'll be level 28 probaably by the end of the week.

Also for the first time sine the gym system changed I got knocked out within a couple hours, so I only got 9 coins from that one. Pisses me off I was hoping to rack up 100 coins between the 2 gyms I was in. Now I gotta get into another gym tomorrow.
I've already got my 50 coins for today within 90mins :/ Ha.

I've actually only had 3 days since the change without 50 coins.
Looks like the event has been extended for a little bit. Still goImg on now. 3 Articuno raids for 0 catches. Today is the day. They also said Articuno will only be around temporarily, which is hectic.
That'd be stupid if legendaries are only temporary. Going to be hard to get one when I have to rely on other players from the group I'm in if I'll ever have a shot at getting it.
I actually think they'll rotate them which will make sense as they're special and shouldn't be available all the time. I've seen some people with 5 or so Articuno.

I don't think it'll vanish completely and will reappear in a cycle in a few months.
Lugia caught! Let's go. Also got my first t-tar and Venasaur. First try on the Lugia as well. You're next Articuno.

Yep I also think what lee said. I'd assume it's a rotation otherwise Niantic are savage.

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