Pokémon GO

Yeah we didn't do it. The 4th couldn't do it because he was using Pokemon he sniped back when it first came out, the other two didn't wanna waste revives and potions which I just don't understand, it's an articuno. Got about a third in 2 minutes so was probably achievable with a strong 4th but definitely a 5th, which is cool because we are waiting for a 5th at a Lugia raid now. Hopefully a sixth will come. I'll let yousbknow how I go.
Oh that's not mine that's from Australia. Our raids don't start for 4 hours.
Didn't want to waste a revive?! The actual fuck?

Mate tell me about it. "I'm limited and would rather not buy or go through heaps of stops to get more". Felt like saying fuck you dick. They didn't think we would beat it but come on, give it a go.

Oh that's not mine that's from Australia. Our raids don't start for 4 hours.

Ah that sucks.

The 4 are now not doing the Lugia because it's gonna waste a raid pass. I'm so done. Don't wanna pay 1 dollar to get another if you really want one. Fuck rural areas but fuck idiots even more. Seriously won't even give it a fucking go. Hahahaha all I can do is laugh and then cry at the screenshots I have of the legenadaries.
I think depending on your level that Articuno can definitely be done with 3 people if you have a T-Tar each and a few fires. No one had a T-tar but we still did a bit of damage. I think the difference between a level 3 raid and a 4 star raid is definirly a lot bigger than 4 to 5. But yeah type advantage makes Articuno look quite easy considering it's a five star and I've never completed a 4.
I don't have T-Tar nor does my father, who I usually hit gyms and raids with since we're both on Mystic and it's easier to work together.

I saw a Venasaur raid today, even though its a level 4 raid I'm thinking with maybe 1 other person with strong fire types I could take that down if I get a chance in the future, but maybe I'm under estimating the power of the raid boss.
OK MY experience:

Articuno is hard! There was 15 of us so we did well but knocked three of my guys out.

I managed to catch it but a lot didn't. Was about 50/50.
That's awesome man. Did you get more balls or not? Thought it would've been a bit stronger but I'm glad it's not actually as it would make other raids a lot easier.
I still have a few more hours before I can get one. My hunting buddy actually went to Chicago so he has a few Lugias now and an Articuno. He also got like 3 Unown and a shit load of Heracross. Lucky fuck. The only thing he needs, other than regionals, is a Girafarig.

I went from 20k stardust to 90k. It's all already gone. I'm going bonkers today.
I got 9 balls, got it on the 6th.

Got a few things to do today and then Lugia will be mine later!
Yeah I've been going HAM on the stardust as well. Maxed out my Dragonite, a Jolteon and two Machamps. Loving these short distance eggs. Have hatched 2 togepi and went from 0 Donphan to 2. Only one more hatch off a Togetic. Also added Kabutops, Vileplume, Donphan and a Pupitar to the Dex. Going out for a hunt in about halfa and only one catch from adding Kingdra and Omaster, so I hope I get them tonight. Dex at 216.
Second Articuno.

Feel bad for one guy he did 11 today and caught 0. I've done 2 and caught...2!
Found Articuno at a raid today but there was nowhere to park or even stand where you're in range of the gym so I wasn't able to do it sadly. I did do a Machamp raid and just barely ran out of time, but I beat a Quilava raid and caught it.

My other good catch today was Magikarp with a pineapple so I got 14 candies for it total after trading it in, only 50 away from being able to evolve Magikarp now.

I'll post about my egg hatches in a little while, going for a walk in a bit and I should be able to hatch 4-5 more eggs when I do so on top of the 10K one I already hatched today.
Was away visiting family the last two days so I didn't get a chance to take part in any Legendary raids yet. Hopefully I will tomorrow.

That said, I've been quite active on getting my Dex filled. Got a good Gengar, a Forestres, Tyranitar and jumpluff over the last day or two. Takes me to...

Caught: 201 Seen: 219
110,925 XP today. Not bad considering most of the day was raining.
Highlight of the day, 20 of us are in a raid then a 7 seater car pulls up. We're all ready then someone goes "ahhh fuck it's the Weasleys" then out pops parents and 5 kids, all ginger, who then get in a strop with us for starting the raid without them.

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