Pokémon GO

This CUNT:

This CUNT:


We haven't even seen a Blastoise in our area. My son is giving up on the game. All he's seeing lately is Weedles and Pidgies. He says everything is breaking out of the balls that is if they don't jump or attack them.

I don't know why they broke this game so badly, it was a cash cow for them. Way to fail big time.
Apparently Niantic has quietly launched a new update to the game. It used to scan every second, then it was increased to every 5 seconds, with the new update the game scans every 10 seconds. So with the increased scanning time and decreased area scanned 70 metres from 100 metres, catching Pokemon especially rare ones just became harder.

The speculation is that Niantic did it to stop people from playing while driving. So bike riding and roller blading is now out. Your chances of missing a good Pokemon have increased.
Apparently Niantic has quietly launched a new update to the game. It used to scan every second, then it was increased to every 5 seconds, with the new update the game scans every 10 seconds. So with the increased scanning time and decreased area scanned 70 metres from 100 metres, catching Pokemon especially rare ones just became harder.

The speculation is that Niantic did it to stop people from playing while driving. So bike riding and roller blading is now out. Your chances of missing a good Pokemon have increased.

I've also read that it could because they didn't want everyone already having all the rare Pokemon so quick. Dragonite was a name that it was mainly aimed at and it went on to say that they don't like that so many people have it already. Which is fair I guess but their definitely needs to be atleast some reason to go out and hunt, not to just get the odd dratini.

You said you were in a pretty rural area. I live 400ks north of the second most isolated capital city in the world, so I feel your/your sons pain. I've been on level 17 for a week now and apart from turning on the app for a couple of seconds to quickly see if anything is around. The return of the navigation system will help, but I think it wouldn't hurt spawning a blastoise around every now and then.

I know I have caught an Alakazam and have seen two dragonites pop up so, this could just sound like the rich crying to be richer, but this is after the game has been out for what, a month now. I actually went hunting the first 3 weeks and could only manage to find 7 charmander (caught 4), 3 squirtle and 4 bulbasaur. Bit ridiculous.

So yeah, it seems Niantic are frying to smaller fish first.
Apparently Niantic has quietly launched a new update to the game. It used to scan every second, then it was increased to every 5 seconds, with the new update the game scans every 10 seconds. So with the increased scanning time and decreased area scanned 70 metres from 100 metres, catching Pokemon especially rare ones just became harder.

The speculation is that Niantic did it to stop people from playing while driving. So bike riding and roller blading is now out. Your chances of missing a good Pokemon have increased.

I've also read that it could because they didn't want everyone already having all the rare Pokemon so quick. Dragonite was a name that it was mainly aimed at and it went on to say that they don't like that so many people have it already. Which is fair I guess but their definitely needs to be atleast some reason to go out and hunt, not to just get the odd dratini.

You said you were in a pretty rural area. I live 400ks north of the second most isolated capital city in the world, so I feel your/your sons pain. I've been on level 17 for a week now and apart from turning on the app for a couple of seconds to quickly see if anything is around. The return of the navigation system will help, but I think it wouldn't hurt spawning a blastoise around every now and then.

I know I have caught an Alakazam and have seen two dragonites pop up so, this could just sound like the rich crying to be richer, but this is after the game has been out for what, a month now. I actually went hunting the first 3 weeks and could only manage to find 7 charmander (caught 4), 3 squirtle and 4 bulbasaur. Bit ridiculous.

So yeah, it seems Niantic are frying to smaller fish first.
I've noticed the last couple of days the catch rate seems to have returned back to normal for me at least.

So my 100th Pokemon...Sandlash!
Mines still horrible. A cp40 rattata broke out of a ball. I left right after.

Saw a blastoise on my radar today so I tracked it down. When I found it, I was so excited and then I encountered it, and my damn blastoise was only at cp36!!!! 2nd weakest pokemon.
Yeah catching for me is still quite difficult. I have an idea that it is to encourage people to buy more poke balls.
Went to the local mall today and my kid caught a Grimer, Magemite and a Himonlee, none of which he had. On the way home by the local school a Dratini popped up in the middle of the road. Would have missed it but have to go slow because of all the speed bumps. So not a bad day all round.

When do you get Ultra balls? He still only has Great balls, can't seem to get past level 17. That let's you know how Pokemon poor our area is.
You get them at level 20. Best way to gain levels is to use a lucky egg and evolve a bunch of pidgeys into pidgeottos as they are very common and yiu get like 1000 exp.
Yep. Save up all your evolutions until the one time. Use a lucky egg and evolve all of the pokemon at the same time. I did it the other day with 8 Pidgey's, 5 Rattata, a couple of Spearows, Zubats and ended up with about 15,000 experience.
Yeah the other day I popped a lucky egg and literally spent the entire 30 minutes evolving Pidgeys, Caterpies, and Weedles. Plus I had enough to evolve a couple of Rattatas and Doduos. 65,000 XP in one sitting. I'm about 100k away from being Level 25.
So they've admitted the decreased catch rate and the XP not being there for nice, great, excellent catches is a bug.
I've head they are working on fixing the problem. I wish they would work on the tracking system as well. No update on that though.
I didn't realise it was fucking 75,000 XP to level up from level 21 onwards.
I must admit, a bit of the fun is coming out of the game because of that. Mainly because it only seems to be about collecting the same Pokemon over and over to evolve them. Very repetitive.
I'm now getting into gym battling, thats what's keeping the fun.
There's not too many gyms near me but there's a couple. I've been doing the gym battling since day one, so it's lost a little lustre, I guess. Still, I hope they freshen things up soon or it might have seen the end of its time in my life.

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