Pokémon GO


So my son says to me tonight "Want to go for a drive?" Okay I know what this is leading too, he wants to play Pokemon Go and the cops around aren't thrilled with people playing and driving. I say's okay and we're off.

Drive around for about half an hour and nothing. So I tell him to open the Pokevision map on his browser and see what's around. Well holy shit, about 4 minutes away there is a Venusaur. So we drive over, and holy shit again, the street is clogged, and I mean clogged with cars. There must have been at least 200 people out on the sidewalks as well after this thing.

My son gets it and we follow the train of cars two streets over and there is an Onyx. What a riot and he's catching new Pokemon so it's all good. That map is a Godsend.
Pokevision is also a curse, saw a Blastoise about 10 mins away with only 1 min left until respawn :(
Good day today, Magmar, Bulbasaur, Vulpix among my favs. Pokedex at 84.
So an Arcanine rocked up 2 streets over, I went over (it's 11:30pm) and there's cars full of people trying to catch it, people stood on the corner in the rain each giving tips etc. Great stuff.

Yet the baby boomers say millenials have no sense of community.
So the nests have been switched up. Kind of sucks, kind of awesome. Sucks because I have 43 Pikachu candies and the nest moved way way further away today. Awesome because now Ponytas and Digletts have been moved much closer.
Nice, the only nest anywhere near me is a Magmar one. Could do with a Pikachu or Diglett one.
Nice, I'm up to 94. Cubone hatched from an egg, caught Hitmonchan, evolved Arbok.

Pretty close to evolving Pikachu (4 to catch or a good egg), Jigglypuff (3) and Meowth (3). My Nidoking is close too.
My nearest gym is a pub. This is what I left for them:

Ran into 6 dratinis on a walk today. All weak but I have a dragonair that is pretty good and should be evolving soon. Also ran into a gyarados in the wild.
Did you catch Gyrados?

Just caught Onix and evolved Machop to Machoke. My Pokédex now sits at 96.
Yeah I caught it. It was just under 900.

Also, I've been testing this theory and so far it's worked really well. The higher level you are, the higher chance the wild pokemon will flee. However, if it breaks out of the ball and you quickly hit the pack, it prevents fleeing. I had a hard time catching anything when I first turned 23 but since I been trying out this method, they don't flee as often. I did notice that sometimes but not often this will make your game freeze.
It always makes my game freeze

So the app has updated. The medals are much better looking, you can change yoru avatar again, it shows total XP gained, the sprites are slightly different and the three steps have been removed.

Where's the fun in that?

No fun at all. Just realized I spent 5 hours at the lake park today walking. There is a trail there with 6 pokestops and 3 gyms there. I hatched 14 eggs. Gained 1 level which is awesome

My pokedex count is now at 103 caught 104 seen. Damn seadra ran away from me a few days ago.

Mine still shows the steps...

Edit-just realized that it needs an update.
Yeah but you won't have updated the app. It's so far an Android update that you have to apply through the Playstore.

Seadra? Had him a while. I get lots of Horsea's round here.
I've only seen two horsea. But on my walk, I did find like 9 shellder.

Ok, so did the update. Not sure how I feel about the 3 step change. I enjoyed it when it did work but got use to just walkin and hoping I get something. Also tried out pokevision but didn't like it as it didn't really work for me. I tried the website and app.
Yeah I get a lot of Shellder too. Good going on the Dex (and having the phone last that long).

What date does it say you started?
Full updates:

- Avatars can now be re-customized from the Trainer profile screen
- Adjusted battle move damage values for some Pokémon
- Refined certain Gym animations
- Improved memory issues
- Removed footprints of nearby Pokémon
- Modified battle damage calculation
- Various bug fixes during wild Pokémon encounter
- Updates to the Pokémon details screen
- Updated achievement medal images
- Fixed issues with displaying certain map features
- Minor text fixes

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