Over The Limit LD is going to war with Donald Trump on 5/23/10

If Serena ever talked like that to me, I would get an erection the size of the Empire State Building.
Just gonna throw this out there right now, I'm predicting Batista quits while he has the upper hand. I won't explain my theory, but Batista will willingly quit. Calling it right now.

That's interesting!!! Please explain your theory though!!! :D

Btw does anyone think Batista is going to TNA?

Reduced schedule etc and they recently said on TNA that someone will be joining TNA and that the newcomer would 'shock Ric Flair'
Batista is only in the WWE for the money (in charecter). Someone recently suggested Ted Dibiase buys the title from Cena, and obviously that idea is fucking stupid.

However, would the thought of DiBiase paying Batista enough to walk away be realistic? it would get Batista uber heal heat as he left, claiming he no longer needs to perform infront of us for cash, he's not set. It also sets up DiBiase as a bigger heal, and maybe a transitional #1 Contender or something. I don't see this idea being too much of a strech.
I saw the Mystery guy wrestle last weekend at a house show, I'm about 90% sure the tattoos on his wrist match Joey Mercery. Take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Wiki lists Joey Mercery as the Masked Man. Grain of salt...
God forbid all those little Rey Mysterio fans if Rey loses.

They all will get preached the values of not drinking, not smoking and not doing drugs!

What sort of society would we live in?!..
Batista is only in the WWE for the money (in charecter). Someone recently suggested Ted Dibiase buys the title from Cena, and obviously that idea is fucking stupid.

However, would the thought of DiBiase paying Batista enough to walk away be realistic? it would get Batista uber heal heat as he left, claiming he no longer needs to perform infront of us for cash, he's not set. It also sets up DiBiase as a bigger heal, and maybe a transitional #1 Contender or something. I don't see this idea being too much of a strech.

Ted Dibiase Sr. bought the title from Andre the Giant, so I could see them re-using that angle, but Ted only became a singles wrestler. I don't think he's going to be in the WWE/ World title picture for awhile

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