WWE Over the Limit 2011 LD – With Some Added Pomp and Circumstance

You are fucking stupid.

The man was in a CHOKEHOLD. If you don't get out of a CHOKEHOLD, you will eventually pass out, and if you don't get out of it after that you will DIE. Cena CLEARLY had his arm around the neck of Miz choking him. Miz couldn't escape the hold, and had to quit so as to preserve (kayfabe) life.

Anyone that thinks Miz should be in that hold for 2 minutes or something insane like that doesn't have the slightest bit of knowledge about the human body.

And you want to bring all the shit about how he should have attacked him more? WHY! The attacks weren't gonna do anything to make him quit. Hell, he could have thrown A-Ri through the table then immediately locked on the STF and it would have made perfect sense.

As soon as the STF was uncounterable, the match has to end, right then and there. Cena attacking him more would just be pointless.

Would have been more fun though, and a better build up to the apex of the finish.
Read my review if you want to hear my thoughts on that match. Just posted it up on 411 as well as my site.


That main event was such a clusterfuck of failure.

Nah, i think im good on that, you could just summarize your issues with it for me, if you can be bothered to argue such things with us cretins who dont post reveiws on other sites and all that Internet stardom
How was Miz buried, he dominated all but like 3 mins. of that match, he beat the living shit out of Cena, and some how Miz is the one that is supposedly getting buried? by that logic everyone that's had a match with Cena in the past 5 yrs, has been buried

seriously some of you really need to freshen up on your definition of "buried"

Now I wasn't thrilled with they way the match ended, but I get it, I just would have seen it end with something a bit bigger, not really sure what, perhaps bring the cars on teh stage into it or something
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I think Cena kind of went out of his way to pause before shouting “I quit” into the microphone tonight. I could see a Royal Rumble 1999 repeat here. I don’t think it will work. I could just see Miz and Riley trying to pull something like that off. I see a possible false finish with Riley playing the recording but the ref catching him and restarting the match. Then of course Cena will go on to win. Again, I know it sounds stupid. I just wouldn’t surprise me.

Yes I am available for hire WWE;)

My guess is CM Punk gets the biggest pop of the night when he hits either Show or Kane with a Macho Man style flying elbow.

Ok so he didn't actually hit the elbow but the thought was there. I was watching in a bar and couldn't really hear. Did the crowd pop?
No, you, are clearly, the person not getting it

I disagree. I think Nev is one of the few who DOES get it.

There is a word for the guys that get beat after a 30 second beat down followed by a finisher and that word is jobber. The issue here isnt that Miz gave up or that he was made to look cowardly. Its that he took a 30 second beat down and lost after having 1 finisher applied to him. This wasnt even the atypical "Cena 5 moves of Doom" package.

We've seen Miz go one on one with Cena before, we know he can hang in there and even perform as a plausible match for Cena. So having Miz lose in about 60 seconds after Cena gets his second wind (especially after the 20 straight minutes of torture porn) either further supports the "Superman complex" of Cena, or makes Miz look very weak.
I just feel like the ass crushing could have been a bit more crazy after all the Miz put Cena through, he should finally have gotten what was coming to him, piece by piece. The I quit in the STF was fine, just wish the beat down would have lasted a little longer. But oh well.
Minus the whole Miz destorying Cena for 20 minutes and cena nearly giving up time after time and Miz being smart enough to realize he can't beat Cena so he gave up to fight another day. Take out all those things and yes, it makes him buried. Once you take out thinking and the rest of the match and Miz's character, it makes perfect sense.

Fine. The whole "my plan has backfired, live another day" thing makes somewhat sense since he was running away and all. But hell, despite being a pussy heel the man was still coming off a championship reign and builds himself as a man who has been doubted his entire career. Hes not a complete total pussy who deserves a 40 second beatdown.

Would've preferred a "Miz and Cena is finally alone, Cena diabolically and slowly destroys Miz and gets the STFU for win" as oppose to make him look utter shit in a matter of seconds. The fact that Miz was clean the entire match only proves it further. But you're right, with his character and everything why even bother arguing about this
Would have been more fun though, and a better build up to the apex of the finish.
The buildup to the finish started as soon as the ref looked at the Cell Phone. Then it was like 4 or 5 minutes until he locked in the STF. Beating on him would have been pointless. Plus Cena's STF isn't something that he needs to build to, since it's a chokehold.

And X is entitled to his opinion, but he's 100% wrong (in my opinion) about it being a clusterfuck. Miz beat the living fuck out of Cena for 15 minutes or so, got caught cheating, Cena got his second wind, Cena put him in a choke and Miz did what all heels do, and lived to fight another day. Not at all a clusterfuck. In fact, it was a damn good fight.
Nah, i think im good on that, you could just summarize your issues with it for me, if you can be bothered to argue such things with us cretins who dont post reveiws on other sites and all that Internet stardom

From X's his review

There were so many problems with this match, it's hard to believe. Making it a handicap match from the start immediately dragged this down as Cena was never given the chance to mount any offense whatsoever and the results were a very boring match in which the Miz and Riley just beat down on Cena for nearly twenty minutes. They threw in a dusty finish as if that was going to keep things interesting, and then when Cena finally did get his hands on Miz, the Miz quit immediately from little punishment. This made The Miz look like total shit. Just totally overbooked nonsense that dragged down what could have been a promising gimmick match and turned it into a total debacle. Still, points for effort from everyone involved. **¼
Fine. The whole "my plan has backfired, live another day" thing makes somewhat sense since he was running away and all. But hell, despite being a pussy heel the man was still coming off a championship reign and builds himself as a man who has been doubted his entire career. Hes not a complete total pussy who deserves a 40 second beatdown.

Would've preferred a "Miz and Cena is finally alone, Cena diabolically and slowly destroys Miz and gets the STFU for win" as oppose to make him look utter shit in a matter of seconds. The fact that Miz was clean the entire match only proves it further. But you're right, with his character and everything why even bother arguing about this

And how many of those title defenses did he win on clean pins?

Because you're whining and complaining about hwo Miz was buried despite Norcal and I showing why he wasn't?
I disagree. I think Nev is one of the few who DOES get it.

There is a word for the guys that get beat after a 30 second beat down followed by a finisher and that word is jobber. The issue here isnt that Miz gave up or that he was made to look cowardly. Its that he took a 30 second beat down and lost after having 1 finisher applied to him. This wasnt even the atypical "Cena 5 moves of Doom" package.

We've seen Miz go one on one with Cena before, we know he can hang in there and even perform as a plausible match for Cena. So having Miz lose in about 60 seconds after Cena gets his second wind (especially after the 20 straight minutes of torture porn) either further supports the "Superman complex" of Cena, or makes Miz look very weak.

Wrong. Just...just so wrong, on so many levels.

Did it make Miz look weak? Damn right it did. You're 100% correct.

BUT, does it matter? Does he need to look strong? No. No, he doesn't. That's the point you should take away from this whole thing.
I just feel like the ass crushing could have been a bit more crazy after all the Miz put Cena through, he should finally have gotten what was coming to him, piece by piece. The I quit in the STF was fine, just wish the beat down would have lasted a little longer. But oh well.

I agree, Cena's second wind should have lasted longer.


yes it is. and what is the Miz?

Nah, i think im good on that, you could just summarize your issues with it for me, if you can be bothered to argue such things with us cretins who dont post reveiws on other sites and all that Internet stardom

What is with you and all the constant negativity lately? I just didn't feel like re-typing what I literally just finished typing up. You asked me my thoughts and I told you where you could find them, so not sure why you're going the passive-aggressive sarcastic route.
You are fucking stupid.

The man was in a CHOKEHOLD. If you don't get out of a CHOKEHOLD, you will eventually pass out, and if you don't get out of it after that you will DIE. Cena CLEARLY had his arm around the neck of Miz choking him. Miz couldn't escape the hold, and had to quit so as to preserve (kayfabe) life.

Anyone that thinks Miz should be in that hold for 2 minutes or something insane like that doesn't have the slightest bit of knowledge about the human body.

And you want to bring all the shit about how he should have attacked him more? WHY! The attacks weren't gonna do anything to make him quit. Hell, he could have thrown A-Ri through the table then immediately locked on the STF and it would have made perfect sense.

As soon as the STF was uncounterable, the match has to end, right then and there. Cena attacking him more would just be pointless.

I'm "fucking stupid"? Thanks for the net insult man, but you're clearly responding to the wrong fucking poster. In that same very fucking post you quoted I never complained a thing about the match ending in a subsmission move you blind fuck. Instead of taking what I say out of context, why don't you actually reply to the OTHER poster who complained about the match ending with the STF submission. Obviously the STF is uncounterable in that situation since Miz isn't in the ring, and is a very solid way of closing it out but thats not the point (sigh)

My issue is with the fact that Miz was still pretty clean and was in complete control the entire match and the second he's alone with Cena you give him only 40 seconds of a beatdown enough for Cena to lock the STF and get the win? It should have been much longer and it would have made Miz look so much better, even if he is a pussy heel.
Since so many of you clearly do not know what the term "Buried" in professional wrestling means...

Burial (or Bury)
refers to the worked lowering (relegation) of a popular wrestler's status in the eyes of the fans. It is the act of a promoter or booker causing a wrestler to lose popularity by forcing him to lose in squash matches, continuously, and/or participate in unentertaining or degrading storylines. It can be a form of punishment for real-life backstage disagreements or feuds between the wrestler and the booker, the wrestler falling out of favor with the company, or the wrestler receiving an unpopular gimmick that causes him to lose credibility regardless of win-loss record. It is also a result of a company seeing a wrestler as having no potential or charisma. The term can also be applied to a wrestling company that jumps the shark, rapidly loses ratings, fans, and finally becomes bankrupt.
While I agree the Miz wasn't buried, you cannot use a "definition" of a wrestling slang word Justin and expect it to be taken seriously. There are no "official definitions" of any slang words. That's why they're slang.

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