WWE Over the Limit 2011 LD – With Some Added Pomp and Circumstance

I think you can argue this badly buried Miz. The second Alex riley goes down Miz loses 1-on-1 in just practically a minute, 1 minute...

He got whipped repeatedly on the back and then placed in the STF which would then stretch the back. There's some psychology from Cena and reasoning for the tap out :rolleyes:
Miz is supposed to be a cowardly heel who schemes better than he fights. I don't see why people think he should be handling punishment as well as John Cena.
Doesnt bury Miz at all. Cowardly cheaters are supposed to be just that. Of course he gave up within a minute when he didnt have the advantage. Have you guys ever watched any medium of entertainment ever?
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;3132726 said:
Because he's a heel that's supposed to look like he can't win on his own, which he didn't.

That is absolutely true, but I think it happened way too fast. Plus the face is supposed to get redemption, I think Cena could've punished Miz a lot more than what he did.

Other than that I have no complaints with that contest
Jesus people are fucking stupid. Cena doesn't need offense to make people quit to a chokehold. Miz spent the entire night attacking Cena's body. He's still hurt, but it's not debilitating.

Cena got the upper hand (after a 2-3 minute rest thanks to the false finish), and caught his wind and was able to go on an offensive flurry. In that flurry, Miz got locked in a chokehold (STF). If Miz didn't quit, he would have ultimately been unconscious or dead (kayfabe).

AWESOME Main event. AWESOME. And the right man won, but Miz still looks awesome even in defeat. Miz will now go on to feud with whoever the #2 face on RAW is, and Cena will move on to R-Troof, ADR, or even Punk.
Cena taking all that punishment was great. But Miz saying "I Quit" to an ordinary submission move? That will not do. Talk about making him look weak.

Apart from the ending, great match and almost great PPV. I've enjoyed my first LD. See ya'll for Raw. Maybe.
You know what? I enjoyed that PPV a lot. Orton/Christian, the Cole/Lawler aftermath, and even the whole I Quit match until the finish were all good-to-great. Miz looked like a sadistic monster, Cena never quit, and while the cowardly heel thing could be argued I did find it to be a bit anticlimactic. Smushing Miz into the car would have made it a little better imo.

But overall? Fun PPV.
Cena taking all that punishment was great. But Miz saying "I Quit" to an ordinary submission move? That will not do. Talk about making him look weak.

Apart from the ending, great match and almost great PPV. I've enjoyed my first LD. See ya'll for Raw. Maybe.

Its a chokehold, dude.

and besides, he is a coward. Not brave, so why would he fight off Cena's finisher? He wouldnt, he would quit, like the coward he is.
Here we go again.

Miz was NOT buried there. The idea is simple: Miz can't beat Cena one on one and he needs help, hence why Riley was there. Miz isn't the kind of villain that is going to come in there and fight someone tooth and nail. Think of Lex Luthor and Superman. Lex can't fight on his own so he uses his mind and checkbook to pay others to fight for him. If it was a physical battle between those two, Lex loses in a heartbeat. Cena eliminated all the other outside elements and got it down to one on one and Miz lost in a heartbeat. It's exactly what was supposed to happen and exactly what did happen.

That was not a burial, period.
Good show tonight, throughly enjoyed it, tons of mark out moments and Christian/Orton had what could easily be the MOTY, I quit match was decent, though the finish was incredibly weak, it literally took Cena about 3 mins to make Miz quit... and he did so with the STF? way to make your top heel look like a massive pussy. Lamesauce of a finish if I had ever seen one
Its a chokehold, dude.

and besides, he is a coward. Not brave, so why would he fight off Cena's finisher? He wouldnt, he would quit, like the coward he is.

It was the STF, right? It's just a submission manoeuvre. Saying "I Quit" is a bigger thing than tapping out. Therefore, the thing to make you say "I Quit" needs to be bigger and more extraordinary than something which makes you tap out.

I can see that point. I would have liked Cena to punish him a bit first, though.
Didn't expect much from this PPV and in the end still didn't get much (Orton Vs Christian was awesome though)
I'm not sure if you guys are getting it. Miz didn't get buried on the simple basis that he lost once he was finally one-on-one with Cena, its the way he lost. I can understand making any heel inferior to cena, its the way it should be at all times obviously, but the way in which it happens makes it at least arguable Miz was buried and looked like shit. Maybe a few extra minutes of at least Miz getting in some offense or more punishment before Cena finishes the job with STF, or something. Fucking shit, anything other than that 50 second squash. It only took a few (albeit excessive) whips and then its over? At least 5 minutes of extra punishment on Miz would have made him look better -- and still a weak heel

It's true Miz was never even really booked as a "strong" heel but still, give the guy a little credit. It almost felt like Cena vs Miz 2009
I'm not sure if you guys are getting it. Miz didn't get buried on the simple basis that he lost once he was finally one-on-one with Cena, its the way he lost. I can understand making any heel inferior to cena, its the way it should be at all times obviously, but the way in which it happens makes it at least arguable Miz was buried and looked like shit. Maybe a few extra minutes of at least Miz getting in some offense or more punishment before Cena finishes the job with STF, or something. Fucking shit, anything other than that 50 second squash. It only took a few (albeit excessive) whips and then its over? At least 5 minutes of extra punishment on Miz would have made him look better -- and still a weak heel

It's true Miz was never even really booked as a "strong" heel but still, give the guy a little credit. It almost felt like Cena vs Miz 2009

Minus the whole Miz destorying Cena for 20 minutes and cena nearly giving up time after time and Miz being smart enough to realize he can't beat Cena so he gave up to fight another day. Take out all those things and yes, it makes him buried. Once you take out thinking and the rest of the match and Miz's character, it makes perfect sense.
I'm not sure if you guys are getting it. Miz didn't get buried on the simple basis that he lost once he was finally one-on-one with Cena, its the way he lost. I can understand making any heel inferior to cena, its the way it should be at all times obviously, but the way in which it happens makes it at least arguable Miz was buried and looked like shit. Maybe a few extra minutes of at least Miz getting in some offense or more punishment before Cena finishes the job with STF, or something. Fucking shit, anything other than that 50 second squash. It only took a few (albeit excessive) whips and then its over? At least 5 minutes of extra punishment on Miz would have made him look better -- and still a weak heel

It's true Miz was never even really booked as a "strong" heel but still, give the guy a little credit. It almost felt like Cena vs Miz 2009

No, you, are clearly, the person not getting it
I wouldn't say Miz was "buried", but he definitely was made to look like total shit in that main event. That entire match was a disaster man. Such a disaster.

Christian vs. Orton was fucking awesome though.
Understand this people; a heel can lose, look like a TOTAL pussy, and it means absolutely nothing. Nothing. They aren't credible to start with, so what's the difference? Especially The Miz. He's a pussy, he knows it, we know it, and he doesn't even attempt to hide it. He could have tapped to a fucking headlock, and it wouldn't mean a thing. Frustrating as shit, those who can't understand this.

Sorry. Rant over.
I'm not sure if you guys are getting it. Miz didn't get buried on the simple basis that he lost once he was finally one-on-one with Cena, its the way he lost. I can understand making any heel inferior to cena, its the way it should be at all times obviously, but the way in which it happens makes it at least arguable Miz was buried and looked like shit. Maybe a few extra minutes of at least Miz getting in some offense or more punishment before Cena finishes the job with STF, or something. Fucking shit, anything other than that 50 second squash. It only took a few (albeit excessive) whips and then its over? At least 5 minutes of extra punishment on Miz would have made him look better -- and still a weak heel

It's true Miz was never even really booked as a "strong" heel but still, give the guy a little credit. It almost felt like Cena vs Miz 2009

You are fucking stupid.

The man was in a CHOKEHOLD. If you don't get out of a CHOKEHOLD, you will eventually pass out, and if you don't get out of it after that you will DIE. Cena CLEARLY had his arm around the neck of Miz choking him. Miz couldn't escape the hold, and had to quit so as to preserve (kayfabe) life.

Anyone that thinks Miz should be in that hold for 2 minutes or something insane like that doesn't have the slightest bit of knowledge about the human body.

And you want to bring all the shit about how he should have attacked him more? WHY! The attacks weren't gonna do anything to make him quit. Hell, he could have thrown A-Ri through the table then immediately locked on the STF and it would have made perfect sense.

As soon as the STF was uncounterable, the match has to end, right then and there. Cena attacking him more would just be pointless.

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