Old School RAW LD welcomes you to the New Generation of Rock N' Wrestling on 11/15

I disagree, they can draw money,
They CAN, but don't. The Road Warriors drew money, the Freebirds drew money...but there hasn't been a tag team in a long time to draw.

they just have to be REAL. Dx, Hart Foundation, Team Extreme, Edge and Christian. People loved these guys, and they moved merchandise. They just need to be, you know, over. The Hart Dynasty was not over, nor has any tag team in recent years.
DX was a stable, and didn't really draw big until the reformation in 2006. The New Age Outlaws did okay, but they were more sideshow, not the main attraction. Team Extreme and E&C never drew as a tag team. Hell, they don't really draw now.

Edge and Christian seemed to do ok. Bret Hart came out alright as did HBK. Tag Teams used to be used to help develop talent.
But that's not needed anymore. We have 5 hours of live TV each week. There is plenty of time to develop these wrestlers in singles matches now.

And I think Brawler spoke more now then he did during his entire career.

Is there a reason Brawler doesn't job more?

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