The end of an Era, the Dawning of another.....LD style

Wow, one of the worst fucking two hours I ever spent watching a wrestling show. Seriously, December to Dismember is worth owning compared to that shit. Just fucking terrible from start to finish.

They seriously turned AJ styles into a douchebag with the Ric Flair robe. Just awful beyond words. Cena vs. McMahon, count me in.
I cannot get over 40 minutes with no wrestling. None. Not even a squash. 64 seconds of wrestling in one hour.

Make your own Action jokes.
It was pretty terrible. If anyone honestly thinks that TNA is puttin on a better product RIGHT NOW is out of their mind. The WWE is hitting with all of their shows.
As of a month or so ago, TNA was better. Ever since then, it's the complete opposite.
It still amazes me that I've seen people praising last night's show and saying it's far better than the predictible Raw.

I almost felt that way, until I realized I was watching Jeff Jarrett getting thrown around in a bathroom. Some people just really want TNA to succeed, regardless of how shit they may be.
and literally, TNA was shit last night. GD you hit it on the head. It's a product that isn't Vince McMahons, and people are convincing themselves that it is a better product, when it simply isn't.
The issues TNA has are easily fixable. That's the sad thing. For one, cut out the stupid comedy sketches. No one cares about Jarrett flipping burgers or whatever. He could have had his match after being jumped in the hallway to injure his shoulder. Foley and the ettitquette are stupid. The argument would be character development I guess. Foley has one of the most complex character in wrestling history. That's what, probably 8 minutes we could hvae spent in the ring?

Hogan and the promos. Literally, we spent 5 minutes hearing Abyss talk to Hogan in a single promo last night. Bubba, Angle, Abyss and Bischoff all talked to Hogan and said the same stuff. That's a TON of time just wasted. Do we need to hype HULK HOGAN that much?

Just so many things that could be fixed but keep getting worse. It's pitiful at the moment.
Where's LORD SIDIOUS in all of the discussion of last night's travesty of an iMPACT (I refuse to call him Siddy)? As the king of TNA smarkdom, even he must be speechless in trying to defend such a brutal episode for TNA, leading up to one of the most important nights for TNA for the forseeable future. When he has something positive to say about TNA, he's not shy about expressing his views.

Methinks his silence speaks volumes.

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