Oh, to be a kid again

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
sorry moderators, didn't know where to put my thread, feel free to move it. I've been a lifelong wrestling fan since the mid 80s, I remember watching Warrior/Hogan and Rock/Flair at wrestlemanias in T.O. and getting a hi5 from faarooq during the APA days at a Raw show. I have also been a loyal wrestlezone follower since 2000. However something came to my mind yesterday that I need to share.

My wife and I were having our housewarming party yesterday. Her 10 year old cousin approached me with my copy of "Smackdown vs Raw 2008" and started talking wrestling with me. The first thing out of his mouth was that he watched "MITB" and was really upset with what happened to Sin Cara. I replied with "yeah the suspension" then realized I was talking to a 10 year old kid and quickly said "oh yeah he got hurt pretty bad in that match didn't he?" He seemed deeply saddened by the fact that he wouldn't see one of his fave wretlers for a while. Then he went on to tell me how upset he was that CM Punk disappeared with the title. Knowing the details behind this, I was at a loss for words so I asked "why?" his response hit me hard " I'm not a John Cena fan, my favourite wrestlers are Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Kofi Kingston, I just don't understand why CM Punk would leave with the belt". It may me think back to being a teen in highschool when TSN wouldnt show RAW till midnight a lot of times , my dad would leave detailed notes for me so I could take to school to let my friends know what happened on Raw . I still remember the night Kane debuted my dads notes read "Undertakers brother came out and attacked him, he was scary, I think it may be psycho sid" 100% wrong on the psycho sid part, but thats what I enjoyed about wrestling in the attitude era, was if I couldnt stay awake I got my dads notes to keep me updated. Anyway my point in this story is have we in the IWC spoiled wrestling for ourselves? seriously rarely anything shocks me anymore because I read so much online...props to Vince for stepping it upin the past couple months and 2) have we forgot that children still enjoy the product? and have we ruined it for them?
Aww @ the kids reaction...

1. Yeah we're spoiled wrestling for ourselves in the sense that we know more about the product and can predict whats going to happen but if these past couple of weeks have proven anything to us is that we dont know 100% whats going to happen. Nobody saw Daniel Bryan winning the MITB or Vince retiring, or Triple H taking over, and we still dont know what might happen on RAW.

2. We've ruined wrestling for the kids because they enjoy the simple aspects of wrestling. The action, the story, the extreme emphasis on characters, things that you could find during the attitude era or the Ruthless Agression (John Cena) era. With this new IWC era on the verge of being born, the casual TV fans and that includes children are kept in the dark about most storylines going on. To them John Laurinitis is practically a stranger and Vince had no reason to step down because he's been doing crazier things than what he has done recently and the board never called him on it. Theres a lack of backstory and thats why anyone who isnt a IWC member turns on RAW and in the dark of about 75% of whats going on. Its a shame that the IWC has been pushing WWE so hard to change. There are smarks that dont enjoy someone who has 150 different variations to a kick if they have no personality. There are smarks who could care less if someones not getting a fair shot due to backstage politics. A couple of years ago rivalries were interesting and we didnt need to break the fourth wall and make it all complicated to enjoy the show. Well I guess times change, and fans who dont love that kind of stuff end up getting sick of it all and stop watching. I have a friend who used to watch from the attitude era to 2005 and I just feel ridiculous talking about wrestling with him because everything sounds so pitiful compared to the memories he has. Imagine if he starts talking to be about that one time Stone Cold did ____ to McMahon and the crowd went wild and all I can say is "welll CM Punk exposed who McMahon's yes man backstage is and then left with the title".
From your own 10 yr old cousin's words, it doesn't sound like wrestling's been ruined for the kids, given his disappointment in Cara's finish and Punk 'leaving with the belt'.

Re:Have we ruined it for ourselves? No - we've simply grown up. Do I think the product is as-good as it was 'back in the day'? No. Do I think the IWC has somehow made it worse? No.
There's something that needs to be considered here before answering whether the IWC has ruined their enjoyment of wrestling for themselves; which in fact, it has. Smark attitudes, jizzing over guys like Zack Ryder, the common hate for Cena, or even the common expressions like "WWE sucks now. It don't entertain me for shit." All of this and more is caused for the single reason of the influence of opinion.

Consider person A starting a thread saying John Cena sucks. If person B agrees with him, then more likely than not, Person C will also agree with him. With three people agreeing that John Cena sucks, a trend begins. The trend that speaks of how horrible a wrestler John Cena is. But is that really so? Does John Cena really suck? No. But since the majority think he sucks, that majority will in turn influence more and more people until just about everyone thinks he sucks. Ultimately, a smark attitude is born. And as we all know, being a smark is the "cool" thing on a forum.

Tying this to whether the IWC has ruined wrestling for themselves, yes, they have. At the end of the day, Wrestling is just another thing to watch on TV. You could either watch it with enjoyment and see your favourite wrestlers go head to head, or you can complain about it and thus cancel any enjoyment that you may have. Who's the loser here? WWE for not meeting YOUR demands, or you for not shutting the fuck up and just enjoying the product. A tricky question to be sure.

But as far as spending too much time on wrestling sites reading spoilers etc, I will say that yes, that also ruins the enjoyment out of a wrestling show. I for one hate the shit out of spoilers. It ruins a good amount of shock value and/or enjoyment I may find in a episode of Raw or even a match, let alone an angle. As for the kids, no, the IWC hasn't done anything to them; at least, not to many. The IWC is a bunch of teenage/early to late 20 year olds spending way too much time on their computer complaining about something that is quite irrelevant. The kids? They just enjoy their life. Simple as that.
From your own 10 yr old cousin's words, it doesn't sound like wrestling's been ruined for the kids, given his disappointment in Cara's finish and Punk 'leaving with the belt'.

Re:Have we ruined it for ourselves? No - we've simply grown up. Do I think the product is as-good as it was 'back in the day'? No. Do I think the IWC has somehow made it worse? No.

Yes of course we have ruined it for ourselves, its very much the Santa Claus effect once you know the truth its not the same anymore it spoils the magic. We're all on here because we love wrestling. How much better would it be if we all believed again, like the OP 10 years old cousin? But we all know thats never going to happen, so we are all bloody bitter miserable gits, bitchin about how crap the WWE/TNA are, when deep down we all just wish no-one had told us anything in the first place!
i remember when i started really getting into wrestling in april 1996 when i was 11 (i went to in your house in july here in vancouver)
and thinking everything was real and when people would say it was fake and i would say it wasnt fake especially when stone cold broke into pillmans house that i totally thought was legit lol
and i used to get all excited until i saw that stupid special where they exposed all the secrets for wrestling when i was about 13/14 and that kind of broke my heart especially when i went to WWF rock bottom and was all kind of bleehhh
but now it doesnt bother me i know its not real i just enjoy it hell i dont even break kayfabe when im watching it such as when my niece asked me if kane and undertaker were really brothers and i said yes
Yeah being a kid is much better because when I started watching wrestling my grandma told me it was all fake I didn't believe her but then once I started going to the internet I understood that it was all fake but the kids are not the ones getting hurt its ourselves cause we think we know everything there is it to wrestling so in reality its really us missing out on the enjoyment of the entertainment but we can't stay kids for ever
thank you to everyone that has responded currently, I personally think this is a good topic, so i'm glad that I really haven't had any haters come trash it. another question that I meant to ask is...Was it wrong to mention Sin Caras suspension? yes I quickly covered it up, but the look on his face was astonishing when I said "suspension" it was a cross between "your an idiot,t what are you talking about" and "you just crushed my dreams"
I think this would go under the "general wrestling" section;)

Anyway, I get what you're saying, and I agree. The internet has completely ruined wrestling. Thanks to dirt sheets and reports, nothing is a surprise anymore. Punk winning was a surprise because I expected typical Cena winning in typical Cena winning fashion. A lot of adults, and even teenagers, constantly say "fuck little kids. They ruined wrestling because they like Cena." I even saw a comment on youtube saying, and I quote, "I hope Cena loving little kids burn in Hell!! Fuck PG!!" About fifty people agreed. It's sad. When we were younger, we could cheer for Hogan, Savage, Taker, and Rock, but because the kids of today are doing exactly what we did, watch wrestling and admire their heroes, they ruined wrestling? It's like "The show sucks because they're not doing what I want." The problem is, a lot of people have forgotten what it's like to be a kid and to be surrounded by that bubble of heroes and magic and all that jazz. Ex. I would like to be a kid and think that Undertaker is ruling the underworld right now, but I know he's injured. If we could act like fans again instead of seeing things like you would as someone on the internet(if we could try to tap into our inner child and fall into the realism of pro wrestling), we wouldn't ruin the product for kids. If the internet didn't follow wrestling as much as it did, wrestling would be just fine.

To be a kid again indeed...
I personally don't think I've ruined it for myself, I love the business and I'm interested in it so I love finding out new information. I do think the internet has ruined the surprise value of wrestling to some extent, spoilers etc. If you're a wrestling fan on the internet then you're bound to come across some info that will ruin it for you, for example, CM Punk getting suspended, because the show was pre-recorded the internet blew up with almost unavoidable spoilers. I haven't forgotten that children still enjoy the product, they always have, I've never personally ruined the experience for a child lol but my brother totally ruined it for me when I was about 5 years old XD I was crushed to discover that it wasn't totally "real", I cried for about a week.

Oh, and it's great to see that kids are still emotionally invested into the product just like we were, nothing has changed there.
The internet certainly has ruined wrestling, I've been a fan of wrestling since 2005 , but around 2009 I started getting interested in spoilers and backstage news. I couldn't enjoy wrestling as much anymore because I wasn't suprised by any big title changes or anything since I already knew what was going to happen. Then I started getting more into the backstage side of wrestling, and guys I used to respect and cheer for I no longer like because of their backstage attitudes,holding back other wrestlers,etc. Then eventually I started reading these forums and reading other peoples opinions of wrestling, then I signed up for the forums myself, and now I'm checking the forums and signing in once or twice a day.

Now suddenly I'm starting to take a liking to more heel wrestlers and instead of focusing on the good in wrestling , it is becoming easier to complain about everything.

So it's kind of a snowball effect I guess , It's intirely my fault , and well I have since made myself refrain from spoilers , I still check this site multiple times a day ,I wish I could enjoy wrestling the way I used to and stay away from wrestling news sites , but I'm addicted now.
First off great post. Anyways... Wrestling is most definitely much better when you are a kid. Everything is shocking, everything is new, everything is exciting. Most of us who have been watching wrestling for x amount of years can see certain angles coming a mile away. Sometimes we still get shocked, especially those of us who don't read any spoilers (like myself). I was actually jumping out of my seat when The Rock returned a few months back, I had no idea that was going to happen and I swear it was the first time I really smiled watching WWE programming in years.

As for if the internet(IWC) ruining wrestling. In a way it did but in a way it didn't. Sure a lot of stuff is getting reported before it happens on TV, but that really isn't what is ruining wrestling. What is ruining wrestling is the lack of new ideas and the lack of creativity. I was reading a post or article, I believe about a week ago, unfortunately I forgot who it was (sorry) but they were talking about how they don't do backstage segments anymore. I believe the example was when Austin would be backstage searching for Vince or you would see a limo pull up and want to know who was inside. They don't do those type of angles anymore. Every non wrestling segment is either a backstage interview about how one person is going to beat up another or a promo in the ring. What really ruined wrestling is the lack of creativity.

Which also brings me to my next point. If the WWE embraced the IWC correctly, it could actually make the product more exciting. What if they leaked out 10 different story lines to wrestling sites like WrestleZone, and only one of them was the actual storyline. Nobody would know what is actually going to happen or not.

What if WWE posted videos/stories of "incidents" that happen on the road. Wouldn't a story about Christian attacking Randy Orton in his hotel room add so much to their feud? I think it would.

What if they embraced things like Zach Ryder's Youtube stuff. What if wrestlers were always posting things on WWE.com to add to story lines or even make story lines? Think about it. A guy like Ryder could have a feud with JTG (or whoever could feud with whoever) via WWE.com. It would build both their characters and wouldn't take away any TV time. Then when the time is right have them have a match on Raw. I would rather see a JTG vs Ryder watch with a little bit of background then ANOTHER Ziggler vs Kofi match (not to say they aren't good matches, I just need something new, even if it is a worse match)

PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT saying JTG/Ryder would be a good feud, all I am trying to say is people who don't get air time could still be building their character on WWE.com.

If WWE actually cared about their product and thought creatively we could still be feeling that sense of excitement we use to feel when we were kids. Granted, it may not be at the same level, but it would be still enjoyable.
That was a funny story. Technology, growing up, and wrestling itself is to blame for the product we have now. The internet has spoilers for us before the shows, and we have sites that give us the goods on what is happening behind the scenes. Has anyone seen the "legends of wrestling" discussions they have? It's a WWE product and every one of those guys(Dusty Rhodes, Michael P.S. Hayes, Jim Ross, Gene Okerlund, Pat Patterson, Mick Foley, Rick Flair) talk about the storylines and how they were born, thought of, butchered, or worked to a T. Plus, Vince himself came out and said during the congressional hearing that wrestling is fake. Like the above poster said, it's kind of like Santa Clause.
When Wrestling was real to me, I enjoyed it more, now that I know all the backstage politics, the people behind the characters, and basically having Kayfabe shattered, I find the fun in knowing the Kayfabe.

I guess I'm just a hyped up Smark, but guessing the stories 2 steps ahead based on logical non-kayfabe sense keeps me watching.

I went back and watched some wrestling from the attitude era that I got hooked on, and I noticed smarks everywhere, I didn't notice it when I was young, but the cheers/boos, reactions, signs, and the gestures of the fans are so obvious now that I know what I'm looking for.

seeing signs like "It's really Tuesday" on a Raw that was taped, really shattered the veil. The IWC was in its infancy then, but I'm sure they had the same problems with the product then.
My kids are 8 and 10 and know wrestling is worked. They also know that the X-Men is scripted and so is Captain America. But it doesn't matter to them. Tell them a good story. Show them a fun character, and they are totally into it. Their brains work different than ours. They flip a switch and what they "know" goes away in favor of what they want to believe.
Part of the deal I made with my wife in regards to allowing them to watch more wrestling was the discussion about what's real and what will actually break your brother's neck if you do it to him. Also, since they are both folkstyle youth wrestlers, we had to go over quite a bit of what is legal and real in wrestling at a very early age--they started when they were five. Since they found out so young that it was a show, they don't seem to have had that moment of disappointment that alot of us experienced when we figured it out as kids. It's by far their favorite show, their favorite video game and quite often the only thing they want to talk about.
As far as the IWC ruining it for me, it just never happened as far as the product was concerned. I like what I like and use the internet and other fans a source for information, but not as guidance on who's cool and who's not. I just enjoy the hell out of the whole damned spectacle.
my parents told me wrestling was fake at a young age just in case i saw it and thought i could hit someone with a chair and they would be ok. lol, but i didn't get into it until 98 and knowing it was fake I was always into the storylines more than the wrestling part. Thats why wrestling hasnt been that great til recently.... but to be fair, Jericho used to be so awesome. I can rewatch old clips and still get that feeling, I knew wrestling wasn't the same when he came back and was nothing character wise like he used to be. WWE has even neutered the awesome characters
I started watching wrestling as a kid in 1976. Ox Baker was the scariest dude alive and Andre The Giant was a hero. There's two ways we can look at this. If you're a true wrestling tragic like me, you watch for the actual wrestling as well as to see how the storylines play out. The other way is to force yourself not to read spoilers for a week every few months so you can mark outand feel like a kid again.

Raw doesn't air till Wednesday in Australia, and with work and family I'll watch it on Saturday in a good week. By that time I've forgotten half the spoilers anyway. But I'll watch Raw, Superstars, NXT, Smackdown and Vintage Collection and never finish without getting at least a little something outta each show.

While I think the actual wrestling today is even superior to the Attitude Era (bring on the flaming, but seriously, Boss Man V Bob Holly?) due to guys like Daniel Bryan, JoMo, Ziggler, Swagger etc, I think WWE suffers from not having any stand out characters apart from the veterans. Maybe that's why I loved wrestling in the first place. Ox, Andre and Bulldog Brower were larger than life. Christian, Kofi and Randy Orton are just guys who wrestle....

Then again, Tyson Kidd, Trent Barreta etc are just "guys who wrestle"and I'll happily watch 20 minutes of that. Dunno if the kids will though.

35 years on though it's still the only essential weekly tv for me.
Well reading spoilers and stuff is in the discretion of the audience so it really depends on the person.

As for Wrestling being more enjoyable as a kid, well for me that holds true but then again what doesn't? As kids our standards tend to be lower when we all grown up ... from Police Academy Movies being god's gift to movies when you are seven to it being utter turd once you watch it when you grow up.

No different from Wrestling, though I guess this is probably why WWE went PG as it's a lot easier to please a younger audience then critical older ones especially when the internet is at your disposal.

But then again I wouldn't want to return to watching wrestling in a Kid's point of view. With all the internet rumors, growing change in tastes, and higher standards it makes moments of greatness in wrestling that much more special. From the Jericho/HBK feud to the current CM Punk storyline it amazes me even more as an adult if the WWE or any wrestling product can bring something compelling to the table.

The internet has not completely ruined Wrestling, you can't change the fact the internet exists to expose more spoilers or backstage news. It's the industry that should be the one to adjust to the different trend. Kids, being more tech swavy these days, right now go online also ... searching the net for Wrestling info. You can't stop what's coming.
Has the IWC ruined wrestling for themselves? For a large percentage, the answer is most definitely yes.

A huge key to the enjoyment of wrestling has always been sitting back, watching and suspending disbelief. I've known that pro wrestling wasn't "real" since I was in kindergarden but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying it still. However, the internet is full of smarks that are more concerned with WWE meeting or not meeting their ideas of what the product should be rather than actually trying to enjoy it. A lot of them see themselves as being armchair bookers that have some sort of special insight that the rest of us lack. They have this vision of what should take place inside their heads and if that vision isn't met exactly by the WWE, no deviation from their ideas at all, then they shit all over it. For instance, if John Cena would have beaten CM Punk at MITB, the WZ forums would be filled with posts that would crap all over the match and ppv itself. It wouldn't matter that the match and the ppv in and of itself were fantastic, they'd have riddled it with hate because they didn't get exactly what they wanted.

Now, of course, there are always going to be certain things that you simply might not care for. Angles you don't like, wrestlers that you're just not into, etc. and that's all well and good. It's perfectly natural to expect that. But if you can't even hope to want to enjoy what you're seeing, then I honestly don't know why you waste your time.
I don't think we have spoiled it for ourselves as when you are older you just notice things differently than when you were a child, but I do think that the internet has taken away the surprise aspect of wrestling, as the "big returns" are known in advance, contract signings become public knowledge and details about wrestlers getting suspended are spread around.

I dont really mind knowing all that stuff, as I like to think of myself as a student of the game who knows quite a bit about wrestling, but I kinda wish I was still able to get surprised by a returning wrestler I did not know was joining a promotion. That used to be fun.

As for believing it was real, I already knew it was pre-determined before I started watching so that didnt affect me in the way it did for some others. My friends who watched it told me it was rigged well before I ever decided to give it a try.

I do in a way kinda miss the days where I would just watch the show and not think about the backstage politics, who was getting pushed, gimmick changes etc, but then I think about all the other information i now know about the business, and how I am glad i do.

So, its not ruined but I just watch it in a different way...if that makes sense...
I knew wrestling was fake long before I became a full time fan around 1997 (I had previously watched Nitro on TNT and Raw on Sky Sports around 1994 - 1996 but never watched it properly) but I still bought it, just like I did with various other shows such as X-men, Power Ranger and so forth.... when you're a child it's easier to suspend your disbelief and anything is possible!

I still can suspend my disbelief, to an extent, the problem is sometimes when others walk past when I'm watching it they'll say something that'll totally pull me out of the 'zone'. And I sort of think it's SO HARD to suspend your disbelief for wrestling because you have people all over you reminding you it's not real and constantly rubbing backstage politics and spoilers all over your face whereas with a soap such as 'Eastenders' or a show such as 'Lost' you don't and find it easier to get lost in their world and more invested in the character. Not to say that's all the is to blame, you also need good writing & sttrong characters as well, but I do believe the majority of it is with people all around you constantly shattering the illusion.

The solution? Avoid dirtsheets and don't read every sinlge topic or piece of news regarding the WWE and you'll find it easier to enjoy the product in full. And don't watch the product with people that constantly say stuff on the lines of 'O THAT LOOKS SO FAKE!' 'It's not real y'know'
Yes, we've certainly jaded ourselves and in a lot of ways ruined wrestling for ourselves. I think that happens with anything you get way too into as far as hobbies go. I tend to stop simply enjoying something for what it is and begin thinking I somehow know what's best for the product because I read blogs online.

That's the major problem, I think. Everyone wants to play booker and think they have it all figured out. And then when it doesn't happen how they want, they're pissed. When I was a 13 year old and the Rock sided with Vince to win his first championship, I thought "Man! I can't believe the Rock would do that! What a jerk!" but if that happened today I'd probably think something along the lines of "What a cheap heel turn. Lame. They shoulda done X or Y but instead they ruined it."

I've actually been actively trying to sit back and enjoy wrestling more casually lately, and you'd really be amazed at how much more fun the product is when you watch it like that.

Wrestling can still be fun and exciting, you just have to let it be what it is.
I usually lurk on here, but this thread is something I think about a lot. My husband and I both work the indies (I'm a ref) and this has greatly affected our sons' view of wrestling. Since birth, they basically knew it was scripted. Otherwise, we'd have two very young kids upset that an adult they see all the time "hurt" their mommy or daddy. They never got the chance to enjoy professional wrestling "innocently." We feel bad they'll never have the same experience that we did as kids.

They've gone to training with us and often hang out with the wrestlers outside of shows. We explain how certain moves are done and how we protect each other. They know that the big, scary bad guy is actually a nice man with kids their age. But they also know it's entertainment, just like the TV shows and movies they watch.

My youngest son LOVES wrestling. He'll watch any wrestling DVD we put on him. He begs to go to shows and wants to stay up to watch it on TV. We've made a point to show him how fun watching wrestling is. I'm sure he'll get jaded as he ages, but for right now, despite knowing, he can still kick back and enjoy it. About the worse thing he'll ask about WWE programming is if someone is really hurt. He's seen us nurse our injuries and he's seen us walk away unscathed, so he asks. He's a tad more critical than your average 5-year-old fan. He'll call crap "crap" and mark out to a technical match. He likes John Cena, but will say it's because he's "written" (his word) for kids.

I think the internet age has ruined a lot of things for everyone, it's not just wrestling. Even with TV shows, we can find spoilers and ruin the surprise. It's not just the availability, but the internet has got us all wanting everything instantly. We don't have the patience to see how a storyline plays out each week. We turn to the internet as soon as it's over to get the info NOW. Everyone is "smarter" and more "jaded" about everything, kids included.
This is a great thread, I completely agree with the op and think this is something that as fans we have to look into. First and foremost I'm a fan of the business. When I was little and found out that wrestling wasn't real one of the first things that came to mind is how great it would be to write it. One thing that bothers me about certain people who don't follow is the belief that just because it isn't "real" that it can't be worth watching. To me the fact that I know it is fake is irrelevant to the point the poster was making. It's the fact that we as the IWC know pretty much everything that's going to happen. I find it harder and harder to catch Smackdown and Impact simply because I already know what is going to happen. I think we do have to be careful that we don't take all of the disbelief and fun out of the surprises and storylines that take place.

If you were still a kid, would you not be completely shocked and interested in the Triple H-McMahon storyline at the end of Raw?
I have a funny story to share relating to the topic. earlier today I was talking with these kids around 10-12 year olds. we were talking about our favorite wrestlers so i chose cm punk, my bro chose the miz, and all the other younger children choose randy orton. they blasted my bro and i for choosing heels (or as they called it bad guys) wich led to a heated argument between us iwc fans and casual fans. it ended with me making a bet with this kid about somthing set to happen this friday night on smackdown ( i read spoilers). so it looks like i will be getting 5 bucks come monday:p. anyway i just think we have not ruined wrestling for ourselves and have futher enchanced the experience by gaining more knowledge on it.

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