[Official] WWE Rejects To TNA Thread

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hmm what did angle the master mind do, did he go into an ally and let matt morgan or andrew the punisher martin piss in a cup and then showed it to mcmahon, dude seriously this is how stupid tna is they dont even have a drug policy, you could walk in looking like the ex test who even admitted taking steroids and get a push tna is a revolving door and i wouldnt be surpirsed to see them lose all their credible talent to other promotions, coz seriously they are continously dropping the ball

the sad thing about lesner is that is true, if i was running things i wouldnt even let him kiss my feet let alone step into that ring again, their are more commited stars that need a spot and shouldnt give it up for the likes of lesner
Ya I would love to see someone come in here and call Brock Lesnar a WWE rejects. Honestly, that whole argument is just stupid anymore. I love reading people say Angle and Cage are rejects, while they left on their own terms, yup, sounds like a reject to me.

If the whole argument of WWE rejects is dumb, Test, Morgan, and Rikisha all woulda' been WWE champion....
WWE Reject? Well let's take a stroll down memory lane and see where some rejects have ended up that were misused by their former emplyer.

Mark Calloway- Used as replacement for Sid Vicious and then a big fued for Lex Luger, Mean Mark didn't have any kind of charisma and was soon let go. WWE picks him up, turns his lack of charisma and facial expressions into the Undertaker gimmick and now he is a main even draw and future hall of famer.

Chris Jericho- Long before he was the Iotola of Rock N Rockla, Mr Jericho was known as Mr. Loophole. He got a minor push in WCW, but was unable to curtail his spoof of a Goldberg entrance into anything major. WWE picked him up, and after trying to pair him with any and everybody to protect him, then let him loose on his own to become the very first Unified Champion.

Steve Austin- The Stunning one was a mean a rough member of the both The Hollywood Blondes and The Dangerous Alliance. But a string of freak injuries ruined what could have been in WCW. After a stink in ECW where he just didn't care how he looked anymore, WWE picked up Austin and gave him The Sandman's stolen gimmick and made him one of the most recognizable names in WWE History.

Jean Pierre Levesque- After having the awful gimmick of Terra Rizzing and courtseying his way into jobberdom alongside Lord Steven Regal, He took his ball to the WWE. After becoming friends with The Heartbreak Kid, Levesque was givin a chance to run with the ball and hasn't looked back since.

What does all of this mean? Well on one had it couldn't mean jack shit. But on the other, it could mean that, given the proper chance and the right gimmick, these WWE castoffs could very well end up helping TNA ascend to the next level. The could also end up easily being let go like Basham and Damaja were. The fact of the matter is that you never know til you try. Japan turned Umaga into the monster that he is today. Who's the say that it won't do the same for Albert?
WWE Reject? Well let's take a stroll down memory lane and see where some rejects have ended up that were misused by their former emplyer.

Mark Calloway- Used as replacement for Sid Vicious and then a big fued for Lex Luger, Mean Mark didn't have any kind of charisma and was soon let go. WWE picks him up, turns his lack of charisma and facial expressions into the Undertaker gimmick and now he is a main even draw and future hall of famer.

Chris Jericho- Long before he was the Iotola of Rock N Rockla, Mr Jericho was known as Mr. Loophole. He got a minor push in WCW, but was unable to curtail his spoof of a Goldberg entrance into anything major. WWE picked him up, and after trying to pair him with any and everybody to protect him, then let him loose on his own to become the very first Unified Champion.

Steve Austin- The Stunning one was a mean a rough member of the both The Hollywood Blondes and The Dangerous Alliance. But a string of freak injuries ruined what could have been in WCW. After a stink in ECW where he just didn't care how he looked anymore, WWE picked up Austin and gave him The Sandman's stolen gimmick and made him one of the most recognizable names in WWE History.

Jean Pierre Levesque- After having the awful gimmick of Terra Rizzing and courtseying his way into jobberdom alongside Lord Steven Regal, He took his ball to the WWE. After becoming friends with The Heartbreak Kid, Levesque was givin a chance to run with the ball and hasn't looked back since.

What does all of this mean? Well on one had it couldn't mean jack shit. But on the other, it could mean that, given the proper chance and the right gimmick, these WWE castoffs could very well end up helping TNA ascend to the next level. The could also end up easily being let go like Basham and Damaja were. The fact of the matter is that you never know til you try. Japan turned Umaga into the monster that he is today. Who's the say that it won't do the same for Albert?

Please tell me the point of that wasn't that if used "correctly" Test could go on to become the next Undertaker.....
Wrestlezone said:
Brock Lesnar In Talks With TNA
08/15/2007 by Steve Carrier

Mike Johnson is reporting that TNA is currently in negotiations with Brock Lesnar. Kurt Angle is trying to talk him into signing a deal and Dixie Carter has already had one secret meeting with Lesnar in Nashville. If a deal is made between Brock and TNA, he will come in when the company gets their second hour.

Lesnar is one guy who is not a reject imo as he left WWE when he was a big name, but it is another powerhouse. TNA is going to just be full of huge wrestlers.
Please tell me the point of that wasn't that if used "correctly" Test could go on to become the next Undertaker.....

Who's to say that he's not? Probably not, but you never know. This was exactly my point in an earlier post. You can have some guy who never got his due, give him a new gimmick, let him show his personality and who knows what can happen? You can't call these guys WWE rejects, I don't know how in fucks name you can sit there and say Kurt Angle is a WWE reject? How many title reigns did he have?

You can say the same things about Benoit and Eddie Guererro. They were mid card guys until a proper push came by the WWE. Then both end up World Champs.

A.J. Styles is another example. The WWE didn't want that guy. He goes to TNA, shows his skills and becomes a Champion.

How many "rejects" have there been over the years in this business that went on to become stars? I don't know. The list is probably huge. Give these guys a chance and let TNA decide how they're going to use them. They won't screw it up with the guys they've already got. Well, at least I hope not anyway.
This whole concept of rejects is just entirely stupid.

AJ Styles: WCW Powerplant guy, not a true TNA Guy.

Daniels: Again, another Power plant guy if I remember right.

Hell, I think the only guy that TNA has had of their own is Abyss that never wrestled for any other of the major promotions.

JJ: Reject from WCW and WWF.

Sting: WCW Reject.

Well Lets not stop there, lets go to the WWE:
Hulk Hogan: Used by the WWE in meaningless feuds in the early 80s with Andre. Hogan goes to the AWA and becomes a major star, then goes to the WWF once again. Hogan = AWA Reject.

Shawn Michaels: Once upon a time, a chubby kid by the name of Michael Hickenbottom teams up in the AWA with Marty Jannetty to form the Midnight Rockers. He goes to the WWF to move further in his career. Shawn Michaels = AWA Reject.

Mick Foley: Had a mildy successful career in WCW, grew a cult like following in Japan and ECW before jumping to the WWF. Mick Foley, WCW and ECW Reject.

Not to mention the guys Mr. Sam said. The Undertaker = WCW Reject, Steve Austin = WCW Reject, Triple H = WCW Reject, Chris Jericho = WCW Reject.

Hell, Chris Benoit = WCW Reject and Eddie Guerrero = WCW Reject.

Look at the champions of the 4 major North American World Titles the last 5 years.

Triple H (5) WHC = WCW Reject
Shawn Michaels (1) = AWA Reject
Goldberg (1) = WCW Reject
Chris Benoit (1) = WCW Reject
Randy Orton = Finally, Homegrown Talent
Batista (2) = Homegrown Talent
Kurt Angle (1) = ECW Reject
Rey Mysterio (1) = WCW Reject
Booker T (1) = WCW Reject
The Undertaker (1) = WCW Reject
Edge (1) = Homegrown Talent
Khali (1) = Homegrown Talent

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar (3) Homegrown Talent
The Big Show (1) WCW Reject
Kurt Angle (2) ECW Reject
Eddie Guerrero (1) WCW Reject
JBL (1) Homegrown Talent
John Cena (3) Homegrown Talent
Edge (2) Homegrown Talent
RVD (1) WCW Reject

ECW Title
RVD (1) WCW Reject
Big Show (1) WCW Reject
Bobby Lashley (2) Homegrown
Vince McMahon (1) Homegrown
John Morrison (1) Homegrown

So Look at the list of these guys.
The WWE lives off of guys that got their start in other companies. I could go threw all of the TNA championships if you want. Ken Shamrock - WWF Reject, Killings = WWF Reject, Styles = WCW Reject, Jarret = WWF&WCW Reject, Sting = WCW Reject, Rhino = ECW Reject, Raven = ECW Reject, Abyss - Homegrown, Cage = WWF Reject, Angle = WWE Reject.

This is wrestling. It's naive to think that you can't go outside of the box and grab up new talent. Look at the current or recent champions of the WWE.

John Cena, Batista, Bobby Lashley, Khali. These guys have all gotten there starts recently in the WWE and this is what we get when the WWF can't rape another company for talent. Now, the WWE gets blasted any time one of these four guys holds a world title. So, TNA goes outside of their company and brings in talent, and they get criticized for it.
Well here is something very ironic I found. Also trying to use current WWE names to make mockeries when they can not even focus on their own product or improving their selves [TNA] :

Mike Johnson is reporting that TNAWrestling.com will debut a video this weekend that features TNA champion Kurt Angle in a "Connecticut bar" where he gets into a bar room "brawl" with several parody WWE performers such as a "Vince McMahon" and a "Batista."
Well here is something very ironic I found. Also trying to use current WWE names to make mockeries when they can not even focus on their own product or improving their selves [TNA] :
How is that any different than what the WWF did to WCW? Billionaire Ted skits? "Invading" WCW with DX? Gillberg?

That's exactly what the WWF did, and it worked. What's the harm?
You can't really hold that against them(TNA). I seem to remember DX doing something a lot like that to an arena WCW was at one night. Hmmmm.......
^^ Like I said, "just because they did it means it's okay" shouldn't be implied. It's majority about taking ideas and former talent and now making mockeries of the WWE as if they have nothing better to do other than set 95% focus on the WWE when I personally think I can be more creative than re-doing old ideas including 90's spoofs or mockeries as well as "invasions" (VKM calling out Vince/going to the HQ ^ house shows) re-hashing ideas from an era that's no longer living. Also, it's not as if TNA is in the level where they can "call anyone out" or that good stuff. They're still miles away from competing regardless on how hard Dixie tries to push TNA to the same level as the WWE, which being the #2 promotion in the United States doesn't mean you're actually "there" unless we still want to see the old genius 1998 ideas from someone else re-hashed into immature and un-creative actions in 2007.

But at the same time, we can't argue that in our current generation in pro wrestling, we must rely on the past stars or create controversy in order to keep professional wrestling alive, this is including WWE as well. That's how low wrestling has fallen to in our current year or else Vince McMahon would not have faked his own death nor would feel that naming someone as Vince's son is the perfect way to push someone.
its russo, hes doing it, hes making sure that he gets pay back on the wwe, tna was supposed to be independant, and they are not that anymore, theyve taken basham and damaja and used the same old gimmick, they gave road dogg and billy gun the vkm gimmick and now they are pitting angle against copies of wwe wrestlers, I know your going to say well wwe did it, yes they did but if tna is so independant like everyone says they are then why are they trying to copy the wwe's product?
everybody calls them in tna the " wwe rejects" i beg to differ. test could of had a great feud with hhh. It didnt go through. Test was a good big man. better than the some we have today. Christian Cage was a tag team champion 9 times intercontinental champion 3 times. he was talent i believe that the wwe didnt want to work with. Now getting back to the point i would like to see Albert or A-train back in wrestling i have seen videos and it seems like his ring work has improved. Tomko and Train could shake up the tag division because i think team 3-d and the steiner brothers are a little passed there time. this could be a force to be reckoned with if tna uses Train well. But if not mostly everybody is right and it will be another place for wwe rejects but hopefully not because Trains in ring skills has vastly improved
As posted yesterday, Brock Lesnar has been in talks with TNA about a full time return to wrestling. The word is that Kurt Angle is the main one behind the push for Lesnar to come to TNA as the two have been talking about the schedule in TNA and what its like to work for Dixie Carter. Lesnar is showing interest in the deal because he would receive a high six figure contract from TNA without the heavy travel and work schedule that came with working with WWE.

Lesnar has made it known that he isn't interested in giving up his MMA career and Dixie Carter has indicated that she will work with him on that end of the deal, giving him time off to train for fights and working his schedule around his MMA fight schedule.

Apparently Lesnar told a WWE higher-up that he remains in contact with earlier this year that he would be willing to make a one shot, high paying return at WrestleMania and do a clean job, for the right price. The idea was nixed by Vince McMahon who at the time was still bitter over how Brock left the company and the legal battles that followed.

Oh boy, if this thing goes down, I'm going to love it. Brock may be the ace that TNA needs to really turn some heads. Again, I know the reject talk is going to come up, and quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing it.

Can someone please explain to me why it is so bad for someone to work for multiple companies throughout there career? I don't undesrtand this mentality that someone can't jump or be fired from another company without being called a reject. Someone name me one person that hasn't been in two of the major companies there entire career? Name me just one? This argument is pointless.
brock is an opportunist, and i dont think that he is the right guy to have in tna, angle is getting too much control and is gonna kill the product, just like jarret nearly did with his reign of doom, and triple h nearly did with his equally annoying raw reign of doom...
So how exactly is Brock Lesnar an opportunist then. Because after being away from American Wrestling for 3 years, he wants to come back and work for a different company, that makes him an opportunist.

What makes him an opportunist is being Lex Luger and saying you are signing a contract one day, and showing up on Nitro the next day. What makes him an opportunist is being Kevin Nash and working without a contract and a verbal guarantee for the WWF, and showing up on WCW after Scott Hall arrives. Being an opportunist is an idiot in the WWF office not realizing that Jarret as IC Champs contract runs out the day before a pay per view he is scheduled to drop a title to an undeserving female wrestler, and then asking for big time 6 figures to do one match is an opportunist. The Ultimate Warrior threatening to no show the main event of Summerslam unless he is given extra money is an opportunist.

So how the hell does Brock Lesnar leaving and making a quarter of what he did for the WWF to try and play football for the NFL make him an opportunist? How does Brock offering to do a clean job to put someone over at Wrestlemania make him an opportunist? How does Brock Lesnar offering to come back to the WWE in 2005, only for Vinces Ego to ruin that deal, make him an opportunist?

If Brock Lesnar was going to come back to the WWE you would welcome him back with open arms, but since it is TNA you are biased against it.
Being an opportunist is an idiot in the WWF office not realizing that Jarret as IC Champs contract runs out the day before a pay per view he is scheduled to drop a title to an undeserving female wrestler, and then asking for big time 6 figures to do one match is an opportunist.
Slightly off-topic, but I have never heard that story. If it's true though, that is one of the funniest damn things I have ever read. If that is true, then my already large respect for Jeff Jarrett just grew some more. That is called having an Ace in the hole.
wrestlezone reported earlier that he wanted to go to the wwe for an undisclosed amount so he can job to another up and comer, please, do you ever research shockmaster, you are so biased against the wwe
Off Topic, but i read it in the Death of WCW book. It was fucking hilarious when I read it. Russo was high on Jarret, as we all know from taht time. Jarret's contract was running up and Russo wanted someone to jump with him, and he lured Double J with visions of world gold.

Page 217-218
vOne of Russo's first orders of business was to raid Jeff Jarrett, the WWF's IC champion, from the competition. Jarrett had been a colorless heel for much of his WWF tenure and had started to get over doing an angle in which he beat up women. Everything was building towards a PPV match where he would defend his belt against the top women's wrestler in the company: Chyna, a huge female body builder with an alleged 350 pound bench press. But, for once, it was the WWF who had the problem. The PPV was on a Sunday, and Jarrett's 350,000 contract expired the night before. Vince Mc mahon was in a quandary. His IC Champion suddenly didn't have any contractual obligation to return, and could show up on nitro the day after the ppv. Because the ball was in Jarret's court, the WWF ended up payhing him 150,000 to come back and wrestle the one match, losing his belt to Chyna clean in the middle of the ring. Jarrett was especially pleased because earlier in the year, despite the booming business, he'd been forced to take a 100,00 pay cut.

How double J isn't respected more in the business is beyond me.
Apparently Lesnar told a WWE higher-up that he remains in contact with earlier this year that he would be willing to make a one shot, high paying return at WrestleMania and do a clean job, for the right price. The idea was nixed by Vince McMahon who at the time was still bitter over how Brock left the company and the legal battles that followed.

After he had already tried to comeback in 2005, and Vince nixed that deal to. So being an opportunist, how about, being a smart busines man. Wrestlemania 23 was one of the worst pay per views I have personally watched, and easily the worst WM since WM11. So Brock offering his services to do the show and job to someone cleanly is an opportunist, um yeah, ok. Hulk Hogan wanting to be paid the most on the show, and in all likely hood, not put anyone over, is an opportunist. Brock Lesnar wanting to do a one shot, and get a justified pay day, and put over a young guy in the process, is not an opportunist. If you're going to come strong, come stronger then that.
again bashing the wwe, the reason people hate jarret is a thing called loyalty, he could of just done the match and vince would have welcomed him back after wcw, but he didnt, he knew that he was going to get a pay rise going into wcw, but he wanted the extra 150.000 as well.
After he had already tried to comeback in 2005, and Vince nixed that deal to. So being an opportunist, how about, being a smart busines man. Wrestlemania 23 was one of the worst pay per views I have personally watched, and easily the worst WM since WM11. So Brock offering his services to do the show and job to someone cleanly is an opportunist, um yeah, ok. Hulk Hogan wanting to be paid the most on the show, and in all likely hood, not put anyone over, is an opportunist. Brock Lesnar wanting to do a one shot, and get a justified pay day, and put over a young guy in the process, is not an opportunist. If you're going to come strong, come stronger then that.

Apparently like many fans, Vince is still pissed off on how Lesnar walked out. He openly admitted to wanting to work for the WWE just for the money after leaving the company. If I were Vince, I wouldn't give the amount of money Brock is asking for because (despite Brock was a good performer/wrestler) there's already too many people in the business with no passion what so ever that is in it just for the money, and some of those people are receiving un-deserving pushes while there's others who actually love wrestling that busts their asses to get that spotlight because they want to reach the very top of what they love to do. Last time I remember seeing Lesnar in the WWE, he gave everyone the middle finger and contributed to make a very shitty match at WrestleMania. I doubt either of those were in the script back then.

While on the topic of "WWE Rejects", I agree NOT ALL are "rejects". The one person I respect the most for entering Total Nonstop Action Wrestling is Christian. He had talent as well as that passion. He did what he felt was the best for himself and succeeded. He didn't need to bad talk his former employer or threaten to commit suicide for his release. Actually, you have to give TNA credit for expanding Christian's stardom, just like how Steve Austin came from WCW but then went to ECW then WWE with the WWE expanding his stardom. The WWE did piratically the same with Triple H. I respect the reason/s why Kurt Angle went/wanting to go to TNA, however the way he forced to get his WWE release and how he kept lashing out afterwards made me lose alot of respect for the man.

Back onto the topic of Brock Lesnar to TNA; IMHO it's one thing for TNA bringing in names just to force their company to expand with ex-WWE names, but it's a different thing to bring in someone not for their past or legacy, but because of acknowledging their talent which it seems that's the reason why Kurt Angle is pushing for him to make a United States wrestling return to TNA, as well as the fact they are friends which is why I'm not against Lesnar going to TNA. IMHO Brock Lesnar is pretty much dead and somewhat forgotten, or else I'm pretty sure he would be a hot free wrestler that TNA would have tried to sign a very long time ago.
again bashing the wwe, the reason people hate jarret is a thing called loyalty, he could of just done the match and vince would have welcomed him back after wcw, but he didnt, he knew that he was going to get a pay rise going into wcw, but he wanted the extra 150.000 as well.

Are you suggesting that Jeff Jarrett is a WWE guy??? The man hasn't been in the company for 8 years, went onto win 5 WCW championships, and 5 NWA championships after leaving the company, and you still want to label him as a WWE Reject? Come on now, that's just getting ridiculous. Jarrett proved to everyone that he is a much better performer then what the WWE gave him credit for. He was the monster Heel of TNA that helped launched that company. Jarrett is a damn fine heel, and to label him a WWE Reject is just close minded.

Plus, how is holding the company hostage for 150,000 disloyal. IF you read what I posted, it clearly said that the WWF forced him to take a 100,000 dollar pay cut. So Jarret was getting back what was rightfully his in the first place, plus 50,000 dollars. Hmmm, 50,000 dollars, that sounds like what the WWE uses to pay off damaged hotel rooms caused by future WWE Champions...

Mad Metal:
I for one am one of those Brock Lesnar fans. I was pissed to see him go, that's for damn sure. Brock Lesnar was the future of the WWE, and there is no denying that. He would still be on top today, yet we are stuck in the middle of the Cena Era because Brock chose to leave.

I have no problem with him flipping the bird to the New York Crowd. I think too many times that crowd goes overboard, which they clearly were that night. How come all of the heat was on Lesnar, and not on Goldberg? Sure Goldberg got some heat, but most of that was directed at Brock, and he returned it in kind. Brock has a passion for the business, he just doesn't have a passion for working 300 days a year for the business. He has done exceptionally well for himself in Japan, had a squash of an MMA match, he's doing things he wants to do. I have no problem with the man not wanting to work the WWE's, squeeze every last dime out of people House show event, mentality. House Shows are a thing of the past, and are not needed anymore. All they do is lead to more drug use, and more wear and tear on bodies, and for what, to perform in front of maybe 3000 disinterested fans because its not on TV? I stopped going to house shows for a reason, they suck, and I can't blame a wrestler for not wanting to perform at them.

Brock Lesnar, if he does sign, will be a damn good pick up for TNA.
I've been seriously conflicted with TNA.

I'm a long time fan. Well, long-ish.
Around the whole Katie-Vic storyline I went looking for something else. The first thing I saw was the World X Cup, with all those crazy teams, Team Mexico, Team Japan, etc.
That stuff rocked my world, at the time I hadnt seen anything like it.
Granted, I had to put up with Raven, but it was worth it to see all the new blood and fresh faces.

Lately TNA has been pissing me off.
First, I've gotta stop reading the behind the scenes news reports. I near had a shit when I read some erroneous report that they were dissolving the X Division.
But most important, the subject of this thread.
Raven, fine. He's hardly used, and he's been around forever.
Ron 'The Truth' Killings, as far as I'm concerned, he never worked for WWE. (christ i wish theyd slap a belt on this guy)
The WWE reject bit for me peaked with the VKM skits. I thought those were absolutely fabulous. They were a paradox, they were at once subtle, and also screamingly loud and obvious.
I groaned when they brought in the ass man, but I enjoyed the storyline of him trying to get into 3 Live Kru. And I especially loved how that turned into the creation of LAX, now one of my favorite aspects of TNA.

Sting? Great! I was wary at first, but he's impressed me enough to cut him some slack on some of those gimmick heavy matches (remember that coffin thing with Abyss, that he had to be lifted up into the air? wtf was that about?)
Christian? Solid gold. That guy is the top heel of that company in my eyes, even if Kurt has the belts now.
Dudley Boys... uh... ok, at this point, I was starting to frown a bit.
Rhino? Same. Both of these just seemed completely unnecessary.
Mind you, Team 3D has grown on me a little, mostly because I enjoy them on the Mic, Ray especially.
Kurt Angle?
I totally marked out for this, I was stoked. I dont care about his physical condition. If he wants to run himself into the ground for my entertainment, let the man do what he wants to do. I pay to watch TNA PPVs without fail every month, now I'm paying with even more vigor.

Then TNA slapped me in the face.
Scott Steiner? Was he good 20 years ago? He's slower'n molasses now.
That completely forgettable thug of Christians?
Well, as time went on, I found myself liking the character, even if I've never seen him wrestle anything more complicated then punches and big boots.

But it was all fine, after awhile, I let it go.
Then I heard about Ricky Banderas being brought in under James Mitchell.
Holy boatloads of Hippo crap, this was the coolest thing I've heard in ages. I saw that fireball in Vampiros face. I still dont know what to think about that, but this guy is perfect.
Seemed to be a decent wrestler, he had a great look, plus, he's big. We all know that the promoters love big guys.
...but where is he?
There was all this hype and then...


Get the hell out of town.
What the hell is Test doing in TNA? Has this guy and his speedos ever drawn a dime? I mean, granted, I missed that whole T&A thing with Trish...was it actually any good?
I've seen his solo crap. I've seen him with Scott Steiner. He has never, ever impressed me. Hell, I could do more wrestling moves then this jackass can. Ok, he's big. Golly he sure looks ferocious.
But he puts me to sleep.

Matt Morgan? What? That guy was barely a blip on WWE's radar.
Now, granted, WWE has dropped the ball before. Just like WCW dropped the ball with Austin, in my opinion WWE dropped the ball with Ron Killings.
MAYBE they dropped the ball with Matt Morgan.
But I highly fucking doubt it.
He's just big.

Now they want to bring in A-Train? Rikishi? What did I read about wanting to redo that whole Too Cool bullshit gimmick?

TNA is killing me!

You have no idea how elated I was when I heard they were going to build a storyline involving Sting, and Christopher Daniels. The Fallen Angel wrestling with the big boys in the Heavyweight, on the road to main eventing? Could it be?
Fuck no. They mishandled that storyline worse then a finger-fuck on the dance floor in highschool, then they dropped it like the boy after the girls father finds out.
What a let down!
They couldnt have screwed that pooch any harder if it was the Taco Bell dog vs. Ving Rhames.

Where is Ricky Banderas?
If promoters are so huge on 'big guys' they need to bring in jackasses like Test and Matt Morgan, why not Ricky Banderas?
The guy is fresh (baring those couple shows on MTV), he's new blood. Mainstream wrestling audiences havent seen him before.
Hell, the guy could suck for all I care. I'd rather see a guy that sucks that I've never seen before, because maybe, just maybe, the guy could improve. He could still reach his stride and be something.

Scott Steiner is well past that stride. Someone feed him to Hernandez and get rid of the body after.
Okay so TNA shouldn't be signing former WWE talents, that much is clear from the post being made here. Now onto the TNA situation they have to bring i new talent. As good as guys like Daniels, Joe, and Styles are none of them have really hit that next superstar level. Now thye were all there and TNA booking probably cost all three the chance to be the man in wrestling (Joe still has a chance though). My question is this what wrestlers should TNA be signing? I am talking wrestlers who are actually available not guys working with contracts in WWE or ROH.
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