[Official] WWE Rejects To TNA Thread

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TNA needs to start recruiting stars from more indy promotions like ROH..... they need to get Bryan Danielson and Adam Pierce...they also need to stop gettin former WWE talents who weren't good to begin with in WWE
The problem is a lot of WWE fans don't have a clue who any ROH stars are. Sure, you can say "what do we want WWE fans for?", but that's where the vast majority of wrestling fans is locked up, and bringing in Test, Albert and Rikishi is not going to draw them away from the likes of Randy Orton, John Cena and Triple H, is it? TNA needs to come up with a better strategy than "dump the X Division, limit the tag division to two and a half teams, overcrowd the heavyweight division with WWE rejects". I honestly believe people do not tune in for that. Perhaps they would tune in to see Senshi attempting to kick Sonjay Dutt's head off during a mid air-hurricanrana through a table, but what do I know? Bringing in Pacman to fued with Test, that looks exciting, maybe we'll see seem of the worst promos ever, maybe they'll run slowly and nudge each other a lot. Probably. Good job TNA.
This is crazy. TNA is dead because of Rikishi Test and Albert. First off Albert *might* be the second best big man in wrestling not named Abyss. Rikishi is not bad or good he is just a comedy act but he could be a surprise partner for Joe or something. Test is a filler guy mid-carder but he doesn't hurt any. The problem I see here is that TNA is signing the wrong former WWE talent. Bringing in a guy like Brent Albright (Gunner Scott) would get no complaints here. But, on the other hand TNA can't depend solely on these guys they need to go to the indies and find potential talent. Personally I think they could actually afford to release a few guys X-Division, Heavyweight whatever. TNA needs more talent ex-wweers or not.
It's a terrible idea plain and simple, and it's only gonna feed the fire of all the guys that want out of their contracts. You know's actually gonna benefit from this? Vince, because in 6 months he'll probably have the entire x division and maybe the NAO's and the Dudleys, because they're all gonna drop TNA like a rock. I'm hoping Styles ends up in WWE and that their smart enough to push him.
It's a terrible idea plain and simple, and it's only gonna feed the fire of all the guys that want out of their contracts. You know's actually gonna benefit from this? Vince, because in 6 months he'll probably have the entire x division and maybe the NAO's and the Dudleys, because they're all gonna drop TNA like a rock. I'm hoping Styles ends up in WWE and that their smart enough to push him.

I really don't see Vince wanting anything to do with X-Division guys, it's common knowledge that Vince likes the big man wrestlers, more than the Fast paced CW/X-Division style wrestlers, so if the X-Division is dropped, then ROH would probably benefit from that more, especially now that they have a TV deal, I don't know about NAO, and Dudleys, the NAO suck, and the Dudleys just were never able to be the same team they were in ECW, so I would rather see them stick to TNA, and I think they will, NAO should just give it up, they are horrible, plain and simple, and I hope that Styles never comes to WWE, cause he would be horribly mis-used, worse than he's being used in TNA right now, and with WWE banned move list half off AJ's arsenal of moves would be eliminated, though a AJ vs. Mysterio feud would be pretty bad ass, I would rather see it happen somewhere besides WWE, wether it's TNA, ROH, or in Japan or Mexico
Well I look at it like this Rhino, Team 3D and Christain Cage all came over from WWE and have worked out well. Raven too.

In the mid 90's Steve Austin Terra Rysing, Cactus Jack, and all these WCW regjects hit the WWF and became huge draws so I think if Test, Matt Morgan and the bashams are pushed right they could be huge draws for TNA.

I mean whats the difference. If the internet message boards were huge when Steve Austin signed with WWF wouldn't there be some one saying that guys just a WCW reject. I mean its really silly to say they can't have a 2nd chance just because WWE let them go.
TNA is as good as done. It's no secret that they're going to be losing Samoa Joe as soon as his contract is up, and it's being reported right here on WrestleZone that morale in the TNA locker room is extremely low because of Dixie and the other brainfarts in the head office bringing in Vince's rejects and giving them all the push.

Let's face it.. there's only a few reasons I even watch TNA anymore- and none of them are named Cage,Angle or Pacman. Dixie Carter has run what could be a great promotion into the ground. And when Joe walks (and who would blame him?) I think that's going to be the beginning of the end.
Well I look at it like this Rhino, Team 3D and Christain Cage all came over from WWE and have worked out well. Raven too.

In the mid 90's Steve Austin Terra Rysing, Cactus Jack, and all these WCW regjects hit the WWF and became huge draws so I think if Test, Matt Morgan and the bashams are pushed right they could be huge draws for TNA.

I mean whats the difference. If the internet message boards were huge when Steve Austin signed with WWF wouldn't there be some one saying that guys just a WCW reject. I mean its really silly to say they can't have a 2nd chance just because WWE let them go.

I completely disagree. First off, I don't believe in "just because WCW or WWE did it means it's alright for TNA to do it or it can work for TNA too". Definite no no!

TNA is looking to sign known names to attract in fans to increase it's fan base. The WWE didn't bring in Steve Austin to attract fans due to the fact they needed a larger fan base, the WWE is well known for discovering/creating or rediscovering/repackaging talent and like majority or all (excluding Lesnar) the talent starts from the bottom, unlike in TNA where they give automatic pushes souly due to the name of their previous employer as well as pushing aside their own names which were excellent by defining true talent. Steve Austin came into the WWE as The Ringmaster and worked his way up.
I gotta say that although it's still a bit too early to pull the plug on TNA, its certainly in worse shape than its been in a long while. It's no secret that Dixie Carter knows absolutely jack shit about wrestling, as evidenced by her seemingly undying confidence in Vince Russo's "creative genius".

Double J, Dutch Mantel, Vinny Ru, and the entire TNA office just gets starstruck, for lack of a better term, when it comes to free agents they pick up. The key objective to all this is simply notoriety.

If you were to ask some Joe Blow who Matt Sydal or Bryan Danielson is, theyll get confused and think its the last American Idol contestant or something to that effect.

Now try the same thing with Test, Rikishi, Rhino,
Raven, Christian, Sting and Kurt Angle especially.You'll have a better result.

TNA has the mindset of just picking up anyone with a name in hopes to better there situation. Do I condone this? Absolutely not. But at least I know their reasoning behind it. Smart in concept, Idiotic in execution. It's becoming increasingly clear that their faith in homegrown talent or at least non-WWF/E castoff. Make your message heard, wrestling fans, cause obviously if we don't, we're doomed to witness the second coming of WCW-the ending days of WCW. As of right now, I wouldn't be shocked in the least if we see Joe/Angle 5: Karen Angle On A Pole Match. Does it really sound that farfetched? That's the scary part.
Am I the only one actually excited about Test resurfacing so quickly? I don't file him under "WWE Reject." I file him under "mismanaged by WWE." I was among those fans who was super-hot for the Test / HHH feud that NEVER HAPPENED. Turning him heel was foolish. He's a face, a bad-ass rock and roll style face.

I personally would love to see Test and Hoyt team up and shake up the TNA Tag Division even more. Andrew Martin is a strong, athletic big man with a good look and fair mic skills. People writing him off is silly - he just never had anyone in WWE creative behind him once HHH decided he didn't want to feud with him after the Stephanie Wedding angle.
I like Test.

As for TNA being dead? Nah. The promotion has had its ups and downs. If you compare it to WCW it would be WCW 1992-1993 which wasn't the best in terms of gimmicks and storylines.

Give it time, people want it to compete with WWE right off the back but ECW and WCW both took time to rise.
okay for all of the wwe "rejects" lets break it down
tna need depth in the tag division so they bring the bashams, team 3d, vkm....team 3d in my opinion should be jobbers and so should wkm cuz kip james has all da talent. the bashams are young and talented but of course tna doesnt use them...and now theyre bringing in a-train to tag with tomko and watch their japan stuff, great things i see from those two
and in the singles you have test, angle, cage, tomko, soon a-train, matt morgan, sting, rhino, ron killings.....what is wrong with any of them??? sure theyre crowding up tna but all of them are talented and sting is doing his job by helping put over talent and kurt angle is the person who got tna recognition. wwe rejects helped tna but i will regret it unless they get 2 hours
I'm gonna say TNA getting WWE "rejects" is good but regardless it is how the life cycle of wrestling goes. You train hard, work ur ass of for years tell finally that big break...you are on RAW the flapship of wrestling. A few years down the road you wear out and are sent to the B show Smackdown, then just as you light is about to fade you are sent to TNA where you eventually die off and retire.
I this TNA is hiring these guys too help sell tickets for futue house shows. They may think these guys can help move tickets easier then wrestlers fans don't know. Like it or not more people know Test then AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. If this the reason TNA is hiring them then go move on their part. Every indie and international wrestling company in the world does this. Renee Dupree is already booked for NJPW and IWA Puerto Rico. If you want fans to come out to your show you need known talent to help sell it. TNA is planning more shows in the south Ex-WWE guys draw well in the south. TNA knows the south is a wrestling hot bed that they can make money in.
I don't think it's a bad idea at all. I agree with the Canadian again. Test almost got pushed real hard a few years back when he had his "testicles" and everything. Like he said, if he would've ended up feuding with HHH who knows where he would be right now. You give these guys a change of scenery and maybe a new gimmick and who knows what you might end up with. Christian Cage was pushed too hard when he entered TNA. I think they should have pushed him gradually. However, Kurt Angle was not. He is a perennial main event guy. I think Tomko has some talent. I haven't heard him talk to much, so right now we don't know if he has any kind of personality. Maybe he does, and if so he'll get over. I don't like the idea of them bringing Albert in. He didn't do anything for me in WWE. Plus he's super hairy, much like a gorilla. But I think these other guys are good hires for TNA, especially if they can actually make them something. Like I said, just give them a chance.
TNA is gonna end up like WCW.they are only gonna push the major names and leave the rest out.eventually they will end up in the WWE or the indies and/or ROH.its gonna fail like wcw and if that hapens WWE will eventually buy them off and there won't be anymore TNA(which i think would be better b/c TNA SUCKS!!!)
I don't mind Matt Morgan i heard he was a pretty good big-guy wrestler, hell i think i remember him F-5'n Big Show or one of those big guys through the announcers table on Smackdown, he had that stupid stuttering gimmick. i remember allot of people in WWE being surprised he was released because of all the potential he had & his size, he said after his release he would show WWE they made a mistake letting him go don't know what TNA has planned for him but here's his chance.

Also he wasn't with WWE long enough or used enough to be picked up for name recognition plus it's been too long since his release for the average fan to even remember him.
I would honestly prefer to see Abyss vs AJ Styles or Jeff Jarret rather than Christian, Angle or Ryno facing each other. the superstars that TNA made grow through the ranks are the best ones and its the same in WWE. if someone like Samoa Joe came to WWE they wouldnt give him a title run straight away, they'd build him up through the mid-card then give him WWE or World Heavyweight title shots. Monty Brown wasnt given the ECW title straight away and once he returns he'll be at main event status.
Source WZ.com

Mike Johnson is reporting that TNA is currently in negotiations with Brock Lesnar. Kurt Angle is trying to talk him into signing a deal and Dixie Carter has already had one secret meeting with Lesnar in Nashville. If a deal is made between Brock and TNA, he will come in when the company gets their second hour.

If Brock really wants to compete again i be happy as he was a big that with muscle that could actually wrestle and you know WWE be pissed off that Lesanr would go to TNA though be a good move as he is one of the few ex-WWE guys that i like to see in TNA. Be a good move to grab Lesnar
Ya I would love to see someone come in here and call Brock Lesnar a WWE rejects. Honestly, that whole argument is just stupid anymore. I love reading people say Angle and Cage are rejects, while they left on their own terms, yup, sounds like a reject to me.

Here we have Brock Lesnar, a man that walked away from millions in the WWE, and probably millions more waiting for him if he wants to go back there. I for one, would love to see it. Brock Lesnar is a big missing piece that the Wrestling industry as a whole needs. He is a guy of incredible size, strength and speed. I don't care who he squashes a long the way, we need Brock Lesnar performing in the states once again.
I just really love the idea as that be one bng FU to Vince and WWE from Brock if he goes and signs with TNA IMO. Your right Shock we need Brock back in the states doing what he does as he was the protype for what WWE has now in big men but unlike what we have know he could work a match. Man i hope this really this happens as this be great.
tna is like that they just want wwe guys , they got orders from spike to bring in more named taletn, the more they bring the more tna gets space for their two hour slot, to me this is a dark day for everyone like styles, christopher daniels, and even to a lesser extent the vkm, and killings guys who started out in tna and now are looking to move on due to crap like this.

i know tna was first used to establish jj as a main eventer but i think they can make the company work anbd not have to use ex steroidle freaks like test to make the company better..

Ya I would love to see someone come in here and call Brock Lesnar a WWE rejects. Honestly, that whole argument is just stupid anymore. I love reading people say Angle and Cage are rejects, while they left on their own terms, yup, sounds like a reject to me.

Here we have Brock Lesnar, a man that walked away from millions in the WWE, and probably millions more waiting for him if he wants to go back there. I for one, would love to see it. Brock Lesnar is a big missing piece that the Wrestling industry as a whole needs. He is a guy of incredible size, strength and speed. I don't care who he squashes a long the way, we need Brock Lesnar performing in the states once again.

Shockmaster, how did angle leave on his own terms, the dude is on drugs and the wwe didnt want another death on their hands, well if thats what your calling leaving on your own terms then maybe thats what renee dupree and sylvan grenier did, cage is the only example of leaving on his own steam he was overworked, misrable and needed to main event, and he did that, im one of his supporters who said that he had more potential then anyone to make it as a main eventer thats why he was transferred to smackdown, but the problem with the wwe was that they didnt see it so he left now they are crying out for main eventers and rplace them with idiots like khali who dont do anything but hurt people.

brock lesner is in the same catagory as angle, he was a punk who left the wwe for what he thought would be his calling, he wanted an easier way to make money so he gave up the wwe's time and investment for heavens sake he was the highest paid on the roster, and did anyone still remember his wrestlemania match with goldberg wtf, simple fact he is not an asset just a punk who thinks he can make more money then anyone else easier then when he did in the wwe, so acquire brock lesner tna, lets see what happens when anotherone dies on their hands, and trust me angles on borrowed time, hes the main reason tna is being scouted for steroids.
But I still don't see the complaint though. Who cares if there bringing these guys in. TNA is at least getting two hours this fall, if not 4 if the fox deal is actually legit. TNA has to bolster there audience somehow. You gotta be realistic, most people don't know Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, or Christopher Daniels. They are not WWE stars, it's the plain and simple truth. They aren't big names in the business as a whole. If one of those three guys showed up on Raw, a very few people would actually care.

I know TNA hardcores don't want to hear that, but it's the truth. TNA was told to bring in names to the company, and that is what they are doing. No one is getting fired that has been in TNA since the beginning. Those guys are leaving on their own. Who cares if Konnan left, honestly.

These names are being brought in, and why would they make new guys job right away, it makes no sense. They are using reliable tna guys to get the new guys over, it's the business and that's how it works. This isn't the WCW/WWF Invasion from 2001 where the WWF completely fucked that up by jobbing the hell out of anyone in the WCW locker room. TNA is actually doing it right by putting the WWE Invasion guys over and making them legit threats. The same thing that people bitched about 6 years ago, is the exact opposite of what they are bitching about now. Oh, why are the TNA guys jobbing,b ecause they are establishing these other guys as legit threats to the company.

I want to pull my hair out when I read people bitching about the "WWE Rejects." TNA is actually doing the formula for putting guys over right, and people aren't happy with it. They put Daniels back into Triple X to help keep the X-Division alive, yet people bitch. they turn Styles heal, have him in the main event scene, yet people bitch. Samoa Joe just held onto 3 titles, and god forbid, he jobs to the best guy in the business today, and people bitch.

Honestly, what do people want? Did you expect it to be Daniels, Styles, and Samoa Joe chasing Jarret forever? TNA is trying to grow, and they are doing what they have been told to do to get a 2nd hour. Apparantely those rumors about the X-Division going away are false. I just don't get why people are so pissy with expansion. Without this influx of talent, like it or not, there wouldn't be a 2nd hour of TNA, and it would just sit there and rot on Spike TV like ECW did 7 years ago.
Shockmaster, how did angle leave on his own terms, the dude is on drugs and the wwe didnt want another death on their hands, well if thats what your calling leaving on your own terms then maybe thats what renee dupree and sylvan grenier did, cage is the only example of leaving on his own steam he was overworked, misrable and needed to main event, and he did that, im one of his supporters who said that he had more potential then anyone to make it as a main eventer thats why he was transferred to smackdown, but the problem with the wwe was that they didnt see it so he left now they are crying out for main eventers and rplace them with idiots like khali who dont do anything but hurt people.

brock lesner is in the same catagory as angle, he was a punk who left the wwe for what he thought would be his calling, he wanted an easier way to make money so he gave up the wwe's time and investment for heavens sake he was the highest paid on the roster, and did anyone still remember his wrestlemania match with goldberg wtf, simple fact he is not an asset just a punk who thinks he can make more money then anyone else easier then when he did in the wwe, so acquire brock lesner tna, lets see what happens when anotherone dies on their hands, and trust me angles on borrowed time, hes the main reason tna is being scouted for steroids.

Ahh, the old Kurt Angle on drugs myth. There is no proof of it. Kurt Angle can be on steroids and pain medication if he is prescribed by a doctor. much like Edge admitting to steroid use when he was injured. It was prescribed by a doctor, so why not call him what it is. Hell, Bret Hart admitted to using Steroids twice, so I guess he's a hopeless drug addict as well. These guys can use steroids if it is prescribed. I don't care if Kurt Angles name is linked to some doctor in bum fuck egypt, until his piss comes back positive, he isn't a juicer.

Kurt Angle tricked the WWE into letting him go, the sooner WWE fanboys realize this fact, the better. The WWE put out that spin cycle bullshit after TNA signed angle. Angle, yes, lied to the WWE and said he was breaking down. But in what it appears to be the truth, Angle bullshitted them into letting him go. He was tired of playing second string to guys like Triple H that said he couldn't work being the number one heel in the company, so Angle saw his opportunity and left. So people can believe he was let go because he was a drug addict all they want, but Angle left on his own will and the WWE spinned it into him being a drug addict.

Know as to Brock Lesnar. He wanted to make easy money. Since when did turning your back on millions of dollars guaranteed in the WWE to play for a minimum salary in the NFL, where he was guaranteed a roster spot, called taking the easy road? Brock Lesnar is an athlete. The WWE pushed him to hard and too fast, and he accomplished everything he wanted to in two years with the company. That's on the WWE's head, not Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar isn't even in his thirties yet, so what could the WWE have done to kept the competitve fire burning in him? Brock was pissed that he jobbed to guerrero before WM 20 and then was put into a meaningless feud with a departing Bill Goldberg. So knowing he just jobbed to Guerrero, and that he was going to be jobbing to a guy leaving the company, why would Brock stay? What a great way to keep the monster image alive by jobbing hardcore in back to back pay per views.

Brock Lesnar would be welcomed back to the WWE with open doors and Vince kissing his ass along the way. Hell, they tried two years ago to get him to come back at Summerslam, and that got screwed up to all hell. Brock Lesnar was the WWE's future, and instead, we are stuck with the Cena Error as a result.
im not bitching about it, i just think that your wrong, samoa joe is established, so is styles, they just need a chance and stop jobbing them to guys like angle who will eventually get the company in trouble, doesnt anyone remember the roids story that broke months ago, or the reports that the dude cant even talk when hes in the locker room,

and by the way matt morgan couldnt carry the ball let alone drop it, man the dude couldnt even put on a good feud with the big show, the hardest working giant in the business
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