[Official] WWE Rejects To TNA Thread

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Source - PWInsider

Rumors have surfaced this morning that TNA has offered former WWE superstar Andrew "Test" Martin a contract. Two independent sources outside of TNA have not only confirmed the contract, but say that he has signed with the company.

TNA has yet to confirm and refused to comment when contacted this morning.
I think this is going over board, but perhaps a possible T&A (seeing they did or close to signing Prince Albert) reunion in TNA eventually? I don't know what Test can really contribute to TNA but whatever floats their boat I guess.

Being a HUGE Test fan, I guess it makes me biased by saying I want him to sign with TNA so that I could atleast see him on TV again lol, but I still don't think he fits in TNA and I wish he never left ECW because I think he would have made a great WWECW Champion.....
I agree that TNA is getting carried away with ex-WWE guys. But back during the Monday Night Wars, people wee switching companies all the time. So I don't make a huge deal out of it. It is just that with an hour a week, it will be impossible to have everybody no their roster get a spot.

But I think they are signing all of these wrestlers to fill the roster for 2 hours. I believe they know for certain that they will be going to 2 hours or more a week this fall so they are trying to get people who can step in and fill and spot if somebody can't show up or something.
...Really what the hell does TNA think these rejects are going to do for them? I hope we don't see a T&A reunion. I really hope we don't see either one in TNA. I dont know a whole lot about Test but from what Ive heard He sucked in WWE he couldn't even stay on ECW, but TNA has got to quit signing these has been's. I'll say Test contributes 0
I agree that TNA is getting carried away with ex-WWE guys. But back during the Monday Night Wars, people wee switching companies all the time. So I don't make a huge deal out of it. It is just that with an hour a week, it will be impossible to have everybody no their roster get a spot.

But I think they are signing all of these wrestlers to fill the roster for 2 hours. I believe they know for certain that they will be going to 2 hours or more a week this fall so they are trying to get people who can step in and fill and spot if somebody can't show up or something.

Don't try to compare TNA to WCW because they're nonwhere near WCW's level right night and it's doubtful to be they would ever even reach that level. Nor should you compare WWE vs. TNA to WWF vs. WCW, it isn't the same at all. WWE is in no danger, immediate or in the short to long term, of losing a significant amount of viewers to TNA, or even be beaten in the ratings race by TNA.

In the Monday Night Wars, people would switch from one company to the other because one party or another would throw money at the big names to get them to switch brands because it would put them over the top, and this isn't the case here. TNA will get nowhere signing these people.

As for the argument of filling up their two hour slot, do they really need this many ex-WWE talents to do it? I watch TNA sometimes and it'll be the main event or something, and there'll be like 8 to 10 main eventers in the ring running around like a circus. It seems to me they don't need to bring in more talent that will have a high mid-card run for a couple of months before fading into obscurity, it just seems completely unecessary.

TNA is trying to be something that it's not. They're trying to be WCW and if they stay down this path, they will turn into WCW. But not WCW of 1996-1997, WCW of 2001.
man i think every1 needs to calm down, i see this as a move for TNA to get more ratings, it seems they really want to get their ratings up fast so the 2 hour time slot finally happens

most of us might see them as has beens or wwe rejects, but fans will just say ''wow test and a train in TNA?'' all these ex wwe guys for the majority of fans will just look like TNA is becoming a competition to WWE and ''stealing'' they're talent, not evert1 knows why those guys left WWE... many will just think TNA stole them im guessing

+ test and A-train can put on some decent matches, better than most of WWEs main eventers from now, look at the crap SD! is in, id rather see test and A train than batista and khali, i dont even think i have to mention cena right?

TNA just wants to look like a strong company with big names, having fresh talent al though i agree is MUCH better to watch wont give them the fast ratings they want, once they get their 2 hour or maybe 4 hour time slots the X division will get they're time back and will start putting on the damn good matches that they use to, + once they have more time and ratings start going up, im sure they're gonna start getting more indie guys to fill up the x division

im guessing and hoping this is just a quick rating move and im hoping it will work, and im hoping that if it does, TNA will go back to putting on what they do best, and thats good wrestling!
Test is not actually a bad wrestler...he could do to lose the roids and he needs a new gimmick because the reason there is alot of heat on test is because he has never had a good gimmick he has always been thrown into dating storylines and therefor held down to a stereotype.
I'm done with TNA! They are a complete joke now witht eh signing of Pac-Man Jones. Now they want to sign Test, Albert, Rikishi and Brian Christopher...WTF? Whenever these guys were on TV in WWE is when I went to take a crap or change the channel. They guys don't draw, so why the @#$% is TNA going to sign them. More guys to take air time away from the guys in TNA who really deserve it.

TNA is just shooting themselves in the foot again and again.
I don't think TNA will even change untill you replace Jarrett, Dutch Mantel Russo, and their old style of thinking. These guys obviously don't believe guys like Shelley, Sabin, Daniels, and even Styles now are "stars" so they decide to bring in double-chin Dustin Rhodes and other ex-wwe main. eventers (of HEAT and Velocity!!!)

Nobody still wants to see these guys!!!
Well apparantely someone in the WWE wanted to see Goldust this summer, because reports have it that Goldust was offered a contract but turned it down to be the main heel on Raw while Triple H and everyone was gone, doesn't sound too much like a reject to me.

For Christ sake, the mindless bashing is just mind numbing. TNA was probably told to find name talent, and they are doing just that. Dustin still is one of the better workers in the business, and is good on the mic, something that TNA has always lacked, a charismatic figure behind a microphone.
Test maybe the only question mark I have with this whole TNA deal going on today. He needs to slim down and be the slimmer version of himself. This big bulky Test was just horrendous to watch in the ring. He has a good look, no doubt about it, but I really think he needs to slim down again to be effective in that environment.
yeah, its not really a big thing that test is going to tna, its not like he accomplished anything in wwe. almost marrying vinces daughter, an intercontinental title here and there, that was it. oh yeah, only having like one move in his arsenal, the big boot. yeah, tna should just sign mr t and they would get a better deal out of that. and if T&A comes back together, that will be just as much a poop shoot if not more so than test returning to the ring and still being as crappy as batista is.
The Hip-Hop Hippo, or how about Prince Albert, see why this guy didn't work in the WWE? The typical obvious answer, not the wrestler, but the shitty gimmick he was given by a lackluster WWE creative team. I personally like Albert a lot. I think he is a big man that can move very well in the ring. I think he got the short end of the gimmick stick many times in the WWE. The guy is constantly over in Japan, he is doing something right, I like this move if it happens.
^^ The Hip Hop hippo was when he was tagging with Scotty back in 2002 which lasted for a short term (few months) up until he was a "more serious" wrestler as A-Train for years as well as when he was Prince Albert. It was never that he had a "shitty gimmick" but what was he really able to deliver? But I do admit he can move good.
I think it hilarious TNA thinks they can hire every reject WWE fires and think it will turn ratings around. I doubt Test is going to draw any viewers away from WWE. No offense but if Angle doesn't get you higher ratings, no one will.
I liked Test in his run's with the WWE, he had good ability for a man of his size and if he can cut out the roids and slim down abit, he should do ok in TNA pending on his gimmick.

It seems to be that he is coming in as a face an will team with Sting and Abyss. I think this is a good idea from TNA. Because Sting and Abyss are on somewhat of a high at the moment, so putting him with them may help the fans accept him
Dude, good wrestling gets you about a .7 rating. Ever since TNA has been brining in guys like Christian, Angle, Sting, etc. there popularity has gone up. I never watched guys like Sabin, Shelley, and whoever else they have because until they have wrestled on a bigger stage and have made a name for themselves I don't care about them. I would much rather see rikishi's fat ass dancing than Chris Sabin. Maybe if I see Rikish wrestle Chris Sabin and Chris Sabin has a great match I will say hey this guy is good and get interested. But as long as he is wrestling Alan Shelley (I know his name is Alex but still the guys a nobody) I am not going to give a bakers white ass about him.

On another note to one of the guys in this discussion that was saying that this is not how WCW started, thats total BS dude. WCW started by mixing in home grown talent like Sting and others from the old NWA Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, bringing back Ric Flair, bringing in guys like Vader and eventually the likes of Hogan, Hall, Nash, and Savage etc. While also building on it's own group of cruiserweights like Malenko, Mysterio, and Benoit.

The thing is if WCW had just said let's be different than WWF and let's just do cruiserweight wrestling, they never would have been what they became. "An Alternative" is not the answer, "A competitor" is. And they have to start building main event level, and mid card level talent that compares to the WWE and then let the X-Division develop through the fans that will watch their old favorites like Goldust and Angle who bring over WWE fans.

WCW Saturday night was the big show in WCW for a year after they got Savage and Hogan and they were pulling 1.0 ratings, so TNA is on the right track. They just need more talent, and more time (2 hour time slot) in order to bring it in.

Plus this generation blows. Edge is one of the few wrestlers I like in WWE along with Orton, but the rest of the guys are terrible in the ring. Cena, Batista, Lashley, Khali, what a joke. I'd rather see Lex Luger hobble out there all cracked up then watch that garbage that WWE is putting on. Most of the people in this discussion are way off about TNA. They are making necessary moves to get themself more fans. Bringing in these "rejects" as you are all calling them is an incredibly smart move. Think about what era these guys wrestled in, the "attitude" era. Only the biggest era in wrestling history when the ratings reached 7 and above. Keep it up TNA.
Does no one understand that if TNA is going to add name recognition to the brand, it's pretty much stuck hiring guys that leave WWE? Nor is that their only source of new talent either; they're pulling in that guy from WSX, they're pulling in guys from ROH, etc.

They don't have the money or the audience yet to entice active-roster wrestlers from the WWE yet, or they would. It will eventually get to be like the late 90s, with wrestlers switching brands like athletes switch teams, but I'm not in a rush.

That said, I frickin hate the Goldust character. I miss Dustin's early days, with the redneck character he played. I still think WWE should have brought that back, dumped Lance Cade, and reformed the Texas Outlaws...
Test on TNA? Heck NO! It will causes many corruptions. TNA have Tyson Tomko, their version of TEST + Batista. If Test would go to TNA, there would be a contest of whos a better big man, Tomko or Test. They just dont work well together.

A good Example would be the Lesnar Vs. Goldberg match. They both are about the same build and both have the same in ring ability and are both of the same ranking as the top players. But when they face each other, it was like the worst match ever because they have about the same moves and there was no variation.

Take my advice, its good
A good Example would be the Lesnar Vs. Goldberg match. They both are about the same build and both have the same in ring ability and are both of the same ranking as the top players. But when they face each other, it was like the worst match ever because they have about the same moves and there was no variation.

Take my advice, its good

Take my advice, its good? no it isn't. Not about the comparison with Goldberg and Lesnar. Lesnar has soo much more ability than Goldberg! The only reason why there match tanked was because it was the last match for both of them. And they don't have the same type's of move's. When has Lesnar ever done a Jackhammer? When has Goldberg ever done a F-5? to the best of my memory, Lesnar has never done a spear, and Goldberg have never done a double powerbomb, or even thought about attempting a Shooting Star Press
A good Example would be the Lesnar Vs. Goldberg match. They both are about the same build and both have the same in ring ability and are both of the same ranking as the top players.

I'm sorry, Lesnar is a million times better than Goldberg. If you want to say they had the same gimmick then ok. Goldberg to me always looked like someone's angry father.

Now with Test, I said it before in other threads...guys like this would be decent to job to TNA regulars/originals if they need more guys. No, they won't bring fans but they are "Hey I've seen him before" guys who are expendable and can be let go at any time. I'm sure TNA wouldn't make the mistake to sign these guys to high or long term contracts.

Also, I personally like Tomko. I think he comes off much better than Test. And roid Test is just hideous. Plus they'll have to call him Andrew Martin I guess, so that's fairly lame. As long as he doesn't get pushed like a monster it could be a decent experiment.
I'm what you call..an anti-test. So "I" could care less.however. Seeing as TNA has a tendency to pick up fired WWE stars..and WWE's apparent Disinterest in picking him back up..it'd probably be a good acquirement for them. he's not a terrible wrestler, and he'll definetly bring some personality. I think that they'll do it.
Actually I think that Andrew "The Punisher" (not Test) Martin will have a pretty good run in TNA. TNA needs more big men so that they won't be looked at as thriving off of undersized wrestlers when they get their 2 hours. Now the smarks like us will still be pissed that the XDivision isn't being pushed more but truthfully, who other than Aj Styles can pull off a believable match with a big man in that division? Noone. It s is a seperate division and should stay that way. And while we will piss and moan, we don't matter cuz we don't make the ratings or buy tickets to help them generate revernue. No, we sit back on here on Mondays and other nites and critisize what we hear rather than showing that our opinion matters in the pocketbooks. So I wish Test luck. he shoudl do well.
Ah well I just saw Test's debut on TNA a minute ago. Man what a pop he got! Oh wait I mean...there was NO reaction whatsoever from the crowd. Not even after the match ended. Looks like he's going places...
Test is an average wrestler who will never become a major star. He would do well as a midcarder in TNA but its not exactly a signing. They have too much talent as it is, and Test appearing on TV is taking time away from Petey n Shelley who should be the guy getting pushed
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