American Wrestlers Going to Japan

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I recently brought this up in my most recent Kurt Angle thread - in my sig, if anyone is interested. In my experience, Americans only use Japan for a few functions. I may be incredibly wrong, considering my limited exposure to Japan. Well, it's probably more than 80% of this site, but considerably less than anyone who really knows, well, anything about Japan.

Anyway, function number one. A place for young wrestlers to travel to early in their career. You'll always get young indies wrestlers going over to Japan. Everyone from Bryan Danielson to AJ Styles has done some time there. I once read a blog by Alex Shelley, claiming this is because going to Japan is a learning experience. I suppose it is. Although... I also think it's largely because the mainstream Japanese style is a lot more spot-heavy than the Western style, and so young stars can perfect their spot-heavy style with people who are more used to it. Or something along those lines.

Function number two. American wrestlers go (back, I suppose) there once it looks like they won't experience much more success in America. They usually have success, or so I've been told. Granted they're big enough of course. I've read, but rarely watched, that people from Bam Bam Bigelow and Big Van Vader (actually, I have watched several of their Japan matches...) to Giant Bernard (formerly Prince Albert) and Tomko (who I've never watched in Japan) have had success in Japan. What do they have in common? They're all big, American and tough-looking. I suppose the parallel would be that Americans like little Japanese guys but, of course, on the whole, they don't.

So, your thoughts on American wrestlers venturing into the land of the rising sun? Maybe you can be a bit - uh, a lot - more precise than me.
It's pretty simple. They like big Americans. It really is that simple on the Japanese side of things. That's why Hogan, Albert, Brody & Tomko have found success even though there styles clash with the usual Japanese style.

Vader & The Steiners are well loved because they're just great workers. Vader only worked with heavyweights, but he was great so it was no problem for him. The Steiners moved divisions and obviously they teamed up.

The difference between Japanese & American, or more specifically WWE, is that Japan has more styles. WWE has one. Also divisions on a whole don't mix. The heavyweights are the stars. But lighter wrestlers aren't far behind.

If wrestlers go to Japan for experience then the same can be said for Mexico & Europe. Mayeb that has something to do with networking. Some wrestlers must be aware that they'll never make it in WWE. So they travel to make friens and meet people so they can have longevity in the sport.

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