WWE Re-signs Matt Bloom (Prince Albert/A-Train/Giant Bernard)

my opinion, this would be best for hiom to redebut at mania as one of the team members, but more as a gun for hire/heel. that could kick him off as a monster heel and to really get him over have him beat and embarass brodus clay and take the mark henry role
I have to say I usually don't like to just hate on any wrestlers, especially ones that actually made it to WWE(most of you know alot of guys never even get the chance) and ESPECIALLY one that will go down in record books as a Wrestlemania opponent for the Undertaker, but...

Alot of people are saying this guy "still has it" are absolutley ludacris. Did he ever really have anything?! He was average/par in the ring at best and has never been good on the mic or had much charisma at all. The only thing he has going for him is his size, which in that case they should just build up younger guys that are also big. He is exactly what Jinder Mahal is to me right now. Just that bottom-carder/lower-midcarder that is there cause of his size to make the babyfaces look good beating a guy of his stature, especially when they are smaller than him. I think Vince/HHH/Johnny Ace all would agree, he got his average run with WWE and there is no need to invest time or money into this guy.
Based on the most recent reports, if Albert were to come back, the role he is allegedly pegged for would work really well. I doubt he's going to be chasing any titles, but he would fill a gap in the lower mid-card. Who knows maybe he will return at Mania.
I'd love to see him as the last member of Team Johnny. I wonder if they would keep the current Giant Bernard character or something new as I'm pretty sure only a small percentage would remember him as Prince Albert/A-Train. A good wrestler for his size and would like to see him come back to work a good mid-card feud.
I don't actually mind this news; Albert has been putting in some excellent work in Japan and could be a worthy addition to the roster. Since he was last in the WWE, I'd actually say he has become a far better wrestler. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's the type of guy who can come into the WWE and set the wrestling world on fire -- he's not a top of the card guy, yet -- but the WWE could definitely use him in a midcard role, maybe even in a tag team capacity. I don't think there's any reason the WWE should have passed this opportunity up, it's not as if it is some major risk; Albert's a proven guy (all around the world), he's reliable and he's perfect for what he'll be used as.

Again, I'm more than content with this signing. Regardless of age, he can still go at a high level, higher than before, as a matter of fact and it gives the WWE more depth. If it works out or if it doesn't, the WWE really isn't taking a huge risk here and the reward outweighs it, easily. Albert (just based on appearance and his skill-set) will be able to come in and connect with the fans, it doesn't matter if he wasn't a huge star on his first go around. The WWE has used the likes of Mark Henry in main events, so why not take a chance with Albert in a smaller role?

Good signing.
We've just seen a promo for Lord Tensai, you guys think it's him, looks like him at least.

I wasn't really thrilled when the rumor started, but that promo got my attention and I hope it's him. I'm just not sure he would fit with Johnny Ace with that gimmick.
Oh yea that looks just like him with that tattoos. I think it should be interesting. He is a great talent and has been very successful in Japan for years now.
I'm personally looking forward to Bernard's return. with his skills being improved in all it seems he would like someone else previously stated give some credibility to the roster in terms of good wrestlers. I could also see him giving some top faces a run for their money. Could he be the 6th man on team Johnny? who knows, but regardless he must be in for something good upon returning if Vince extended a hand to sign him back.
Matt Bloom is not the wrestler he was when he left the WWE, he is arguably one of the best big men in ring workers around at the moment and has SUCH an intimidating look, I really cannot wait to see him brought back in.
It is going to be nice to see him return to the ring. He has REALLY improved in his time in Japan (and was not nearly as bad as people made him out to be in his first WWE run).

I don't know about the "gimmick" as the name right off the bat seems like something that may be tough to get over. But his in-ring work as a big man has become nearly flawless and his storytelling in the ring has evolved ten fold.

I will say that his best work in Japan has been as a tag team (though he has done plenty of good singles work also) so it will be interesting to see if they just leave him as a singles performer or tag him with a partner or stable of some sort.

He will be a welcome addition though ... unless the WWE really screws the pooch.
Thats probably a good role for him. Giving Johnny a bodyguard to protect him will make him even more hated. I wasn't a fan of A-Train during his wwe days though.
I have to say I usually don't like to just hate on any wrestlers, especially ones that actually made it to WWE(most of you know alot of guys never even get the chance) and ESPECIALLY one that will go down in record books as a Wrestlemania opponent for the Undertaker, but...

Alot of people are saying this guy "still has it" are absolutley ludacris. Did he ever really have anything?! He was average/par in the ring at best and has never been good on the mic or had much charisma at all.
WWE obviously saw something in him to hire him back in '97 at the age of 25 and keep him on the roster for nearly a decade. How good was Andre or Yokazuna on the mat or in the ring..? By the way this is ludacris:


The success he achieved in NJPW will show us what he will do this time around in WWE. As it stands although he has the longest tag team title reign in the companies history he has yet to capture the IWGP I-C or World heavyweight title. To those saying hes the new Vader I ask you all why he has not reigned atop the single's division in NJPW..? Also if you ever wanna know if someone is working for WWE the beginning of each wikipedia profile tells you a wrestlers current employer in wrestling..
Got a kick out of the way he denied signing with WWE when asked. It shows how silly it is to take the word of a pro athlete in any sport when they're asked for comment. Once Bloom is back, if someone should ask him why he point-blank denied the rumors, he'll say something stupid like: "I meant that I wasn't coming back as Prince Albert or A-Train".....as if we're supposed to accept that as a reasonable explanation.

So, he's back, according to printed rumors that he was backstage at the Smackdown tapings. Whoop-dee-do.

He was no ball of fire in his last run with the company, but he has the same opportunities as guys who have been on the roster for years, hoping that Creative would come up with something for them. And like them, if Bloom has a good program written for him, maybe he'll be a hit.

Good luck, Matthew Bloom. That is, if it's really you in the Lord Tensai disguise.:shrug:
Well, for the most part, I am excited to have A-Train back in the WWE. When I first started watching WWE back in 2002, he was one of the guys that kind of stuck in my mind (probably just because of his size; it's hard to forget Big Show, Khali, etc). He definitely is one of the better 'big' wrestlers.

How I feel about this 'Lord Tensai' gimmick, I'm not really sure..

Why are the doing it? And where are they going to go with it? I'm sure the rumors about him being sort henchman for Johnny Ace will end up being true. I'm also pretty sure that he'll receive a push of some sort, but I don't know how to feel about him winning the WWE Championship. Even more of a train wreck (ha ha) would be if him and Otunga formed a tag team, and won the titles.. anyways, I hope to see good things from Mr. Matthew Bloom.
I actually like the Lord Tensai gimmick, I've always thought that Japanese culture is something that the WWE have underused gimmick-wise especially in light of the large amount of talented asian wrestlers they have had and never really pushed minus Yokuzuna and to an extent Tajiri. So yeah I'm pretty intrigued by this would love to see them use him as an ultimate bad-ass modern samurai type character.
Got a kick out of the way he denied signing with WWE when asked. It shows how silly it is to take the word of a pro athlete in any sport when they're asked for comment. Once Bloom is back, if someone should ask him why he point-blank denied the rumors, he'll say something stupid like: "I meant that I wasn't coming back as Prince Albert or A-Train".....as if we're supposed to accept that as a reasonable explanation.

So, he's back, according to printed rumors that he was backstage at the Smackdown tapings. Whoop-dee-do.

He was no ball of fire in his last run with the company, but he has the same opportunities as guys who have been on the roster for years, hoping that Creative would come up with something for them. And like them, if Bloom has a good program written for him, maybe he'll be a hit.

Good luck, Matthew Bloom. That is, if it's really you in the Lord Tensai disguise.:shrug:

Actually, as A-Train, he was really successful and started getting closer to the main event on Smackdown. He even managed to be in a decent rivalry with Undertaker where he teamed with Big Show. Plus, he was very significant in building the beloved tag division of the Attitude era. T&A was successful and really had a cult following.

I just find it funny how people think him saying he isn't signing to WWE is proof that he isn't signing to WWE. Didn't Jericho say he wasn't the 1.2.12 guy? And who turned up on 1.2.12? Like really, people should stop and realize that wrestlers get paid to pull you in to their world.

I personally like this idea for 2 reasons. 1. A-Train is a very well seasoned competitor and he's very great at what he does, plus someone who can put over newer guys and be believable at it is always a good thing.

And 2. I won't have to create him in my next WWE game, since he'll already BE there. No I'm serious. I'm a BIG A-Train fan... not really followed his Giant Bernard gimmick in Japan, but as far as him in WWE goes, I was really hoping he'd be a world champion back when he went single.
Cool. I hear good things about A-Train and how he's fine tuned himself over in Japan or wherever the hell he wrestles at. A-Train possesses a menacing look that could potentially get him far within the WWE if pushed hard enough. My only gripe - Matt Bloom is 39 years old. Is it really worth pushing someone as hard as the dirtsheets claim that might eventually retire in the next five years or so? I don't know. I've managed to simply look past his age and hope for good things in his future. Lord Tensai seems to be a catchy name. Some of his recent pictures have impressed me enough. I cannot wait until I see his return and hopefully, he manages to go straight to the top.
Who gives a crap how old he is... if anything.. thats WHY THEY WOULD SIGN HIM.

Experience is something you get over time, you just don't pick it up as a rookie. There is no substitute for experience.

I gurantee A-Train being in Japan has done wonders for his wrestling career. I know he's improved a lot.

It seems like a lot of the midcard stars from the Attitude Era who are still around are getting big runs these days.... Christian, Jeff Hardy, Mark Henry.

Having a credible wrestler like A-Train come in and put over the younger talent is what the WWE needs. Because there is no fucking credible wrestlers in there right now to put over the talent. Dolph Ziggler is like the 5most expierenced guy on the roster.. and his debut was with the spirit squad.

WWE should really pick up a lot of the older guys.. give them short runs... squash them... and put over the new talent.

Just being able to see our new guys like Zack Ryder with the likes of Road Dogg or A-Train could help establish them.
Who gives a crap how old he is... if anything.. thats WHY THEY WOULD SIGN HIM.

Experience is something you get over time, you just don't pick it up as a rookie. There is no substitute for experience.

I gurantee A-Train being in Japan has done wonders for his wrestling career. I know he's improved a lot.

It seems like a lot of the midcard stars from the Attitude Era who are still around are getting big runs these days.... Christian, Jeff Hardy, Mark Henry.

Having a credible wrestler like A-Train come in and put over the younger talent is what the WWE needs. Because there is no fucking credible wrestlers in there right now to put over the talent. Dolph Ziggler is like the 5most expierenced guy on the roster.. and his debut was with the spirit squad.

WWE should really pick up a lot of the older guys.. give them short runs... squash them... and put over the new talent.

Just being able to see our new guys like Zack Ryder with the likes of Road Dogg or A-Train could help establish them.

I agree with this with the exception of squashing the older guys. Guys like Bernard can make the younger guys without getting squashed... and in fact to an uninitiated audience, it'll be best to first put Giant Bernard/Lord Tensai over as a monster first.

The thing I like most about bringing him in is that he's a guy that works more than just the cookie cutter WWE style that the new guys learn down in the developmental leagues. Even if he'll mostly be working the traditional WWE style, he's more experienced than just that, and some guys working with him will learn by osmosis and become more well rounded workers as a result.

There absolutely is no substitute for experience, in any walk of life... and the worker that does not learn and become better working in Japan, is the worker that needs to find a new line of work. For my money, this is the best signing the WWE's done in a long time.
Who gives a crap how old he is... if anything.. thats WHY THEY WOULD SIGN HIM.

Experience is something you get over time, you just don't pick it up as a rookie. There is no substitute for experience.

I gurantee A-Train being in Japan has done wonders for his wrestling career. I know he's improved a lot.

It seems like a lot of the midcard stars from the Attitude Era who are still around are getting big runs these days.... Christian, Jeff Hardy, Mark Henry.

Having a credible wrestler like A-Train come in and put over the younger talent is what the WWE needs. Because there is no fucking credible wrestlers in there right now to put over the talent. Dolph Ziggler is like the 5most expierenced guy on the roster.. and his debut was with the spirit squad.

WWE should really pick up a lot of the older guys.. give them short runs... squash them... and put over the new talent.

Just being able to see our new guys like Zack Ryder with the likes of Road Dogg or A-Train could help establish them.

I actually agree with you. The key to establishing alot of newer talents is pairing them up with veteran wrestlers from the past. Road Dogg was an established midcareer. He was solidly over and holds a solid spot in WWE's history. A-Train, however, doesn't. He never really amounted to anything in the WWE. When A-Train comes back, he won't be over. It's likely, fans won't even remember him. Age does matter here. Why invest all that time and money into someone who will eventually retire within the next few years? No, I don't know how long he'll stay in the WWE but given that the majority of wrestlers retire around the age of 40, it's possible Lord Tensai will too.

And no, A-Train won't be credible upon his arrival. He left the around 7 or 8 years ago. Not only that, but he failed to accomplish any memorable. Face it, if he was still credible in anyway, don't you think he would've returned as A-Train, Albert or whatever the hell he went by before and not under a completely new identity? Face it; WWE signed a brand new talent in Lord Tensai. They’re going to have to build him up like they do any other regular new comer. Only thing that's different, like you said, experience. Whatever the case, I'm fairly excited for whatever they have for him. I've always enjoyed his look and with the hype surrounding his possible push, I'm interested in the direction they plan on going with his character.
Great signing. dude could always work a match, always had something going on to make him memorable. The Asian thing has never really gotten all that over in front of a US audience (yea yea, like 2 times) but who knows, it could still work.

Big Asian dudes work out better than smaller Kung Fu Asian dudes. Plus he's not even Asian.

He is a pretty awesome big man, I hope he destroys Kane honestly. Kane's character cycle has already gone past the interesting part, may as well skip the bullshit and have him destroyed so he can come back around next December as the "motivated monster" part of his cycle.
I really don't have high hopes for this to tell you the truth.

I get the feeling that the whole gimmick will be a flop in the same way that Mordecai was for Kevin Thorn, and Lord Train will have to be repackaged, or worse, future endeavoured.
I never even liked his renaming in the first place; I just got the wrong pronunciation stuck in my head. I kept saying A-Train, instead of A-Train, as in, "I'm going to catch a train".

And this Sakamoto fella who's coming up from FCW to team with him, is he just going to be what Ricardo is to Alberto? Japanese superstars have a proven track record of eventually becoming comedy jobbers.

Really, I think they should stick with saying, "Look Albert's been to Japan for a bit, now he's even more badass, and he and Hardcore Holly share the same tattoo artist". Or if they need someone new as a 'bodyguard' role for John Laurinaitis, bring up the Kings of Wrestling from FCW.
Not sure whether this Lord Tensai gimmick will work but I think that a far more experienced "Albert" back in the fold is a good thing.

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