[Official] WWE Rejects To TNA Thread

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Ron 'The Truth' Killings, as far as I'm concerned, he never worked for WWE. (christ i wish theyd slap a belt on this guy)
Actually umm... he wrestled under the name K Kwik in the WWE and was The Road Dogg's tag team partner in the WWE up until The Road Dogg was released and then a year later, K Kwik was released as well.
Well with the release of two WWE stars comes the mandatory..."will TNA sign them up" thread.

WWE talent executive Mike "Simon Dean" Bucci was released today by WWE

Bucci worked as a high-up in all the developmental territories. Dave Scherer is reporting that the word among the wrestlers is that Bucci was called in for a meeting today by WWE in the wake of his name being mentioned by the The New York Daily News yesterday as being someone on the list of workers named in the Signature Pharmacy growth enhancing drug scandal.

Bucci's dealings with Signature took place when he was still an active wrestler, not a manager.

The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Smackdown talent Eugene as of September 1. We wish Eugene the best in all future endeavors.

Well i have never been high on Eugene in anyway, although i have never seen him wrestle without the ******ed gimmick. I have heard a few times mentioned that he can actual work well as a wrestler, but i am not hot on him as it stands.

Now Simon Dean....As Nova in ECW i f#ckin loved this guy, i actually think he would make a great X-Division addition, he is a tweener in terms of size so he fits somewhere nicely in between Sonjay Dutt and Christopher Daniels making him a great opponent size wise for both. He has recently (past couple of years) been working with Dean Malenko to improve his mat work and technical work, so by now thrown into an enviroment where he can flourish...i would be quite excited.
I used to love Nova but it's been a long time since his glory days as Nova. And the Simon Dean gimmick was annoying. As for Eugene, I'm burnt on the gimmick and frankly I don't want TNA signing either of these guys. They want to pick up guys from the WWE, pick up good ones.
i would sign eugene in his nick dinsmore gimmick from OVW and Nova from his ECW SUpernova gimmick

Yep...Nova is a way better gimmick than simon dean by a mile. I still have not seen Eugene in his nick dinsmore phase...is he any good?...his in ring is average at best from what i have seen as eugene.
I think signing Eugene could be a good thing because he does have good in ring work. his gimmick in the WWE was what was holding him back from showing his talent. So i believe Nick Dinsmore could be a good fit in Tna but i highly doubt it. But signing a wrestler who was released for the possibility of steroids is a bad idea and could put TNA in hot water so i do not believe they will sign Nick Dinsmore and they will not sign him as Eugene because most gimmicks dont carry over and i believe the WWE probably has copyright laws about that. Bucci is way passed the days of Nova and i dont think they will sign him as a wrestler nor a manager. Over the years i believed his in ring worked regressed and same for the Eugene thing he was released for steroids i believe so signing him also would be two guys that got caught taking steroids in the WWE. So i believe neither of these guys will make it to TNA.
I think signing Nick Dinsmore would be one of the best things TNA has done in a long time. nick has great in ring talent, though i am not fully aware of the status of his promos, it doesn't seem like they would have gotten any better working as Eugene. I think the best thing would be for him to be a heel. Idk what for a gimmick but hopefully not something unrealistic, like a wrestling ******.Well maybe its more realistic than we think, great khali anyone?

Nova would probably be placed in the x devision in either of two ways 1 as a jobber, and two as a wrestler who comes in strong, stays ok for a while then is jobbed out and released. Though you never know, he could always do good.
As for Simon Bucci, he hasn't impressed me since his ECW days (and I mean the "real" ECW, not McMahon's reincarnation), and with the issues he had in his trainer position, I doubt TNA will pick him up. However, I think Nick Dinsmore would be a great pick up for TNA. His ring work has always been entertaining and I always felt his "Eugene" gimmick held him back. I think, if he is pushed right and put in some decent angles, TNA can really push him to the next level. Remember, it was about 10-12 years ago that WCW let go of Steve Austin, whom they deemed rather useless and was saddled with his "Stunning Steve" gimmick. After a year in the WWE, he completely reinvented himself and he carried the company to glory. If Dinsmore has the right motivation and is given room to develop his character, he can be a huge asset for TNA. I think it would be great to see him pop on Impact and deliver a promo denouncing his stay in the WWE and his past gimmick. It could be the boost his career needs.
I'm sure TNA is smart enough to know how strong professional wrestling is being attacked by "outsiders".

Since Eugene and Simon Dean's drug use was made public, the last thing TNA needs is to hire two people that everyone knows were released due to drug problems. This will do nothing but A.) feed the entire "WWE rejects" stereotype and B.) ruin TNA's reputation when they most likely acknowledge the reason behind their WWE release which if the media would like to, they can [if TNA signs Dean or Eugene] to attack TNA very good.

With the problems TNA already has and the current problem/s with wrestling and the media/outsiders, is it really worth it at all?

Also, when I was assuming there was an actual story or report indicating that TNA has interest already in the newly released WWE stars, I wasn't expecting this to be an un-official potential discussion on a possibility debut/s of the two men. I think the subject title might throw others off as well....
I really don't want to see TNA pick up Nova or Cryme Tyme, but Nick Densmore is a little bit of a different story. I could see him showing up at the opening of iMpact one week in-ring with Jeremy Borash. And just have Nick going off on how he's not ******ed and was held down by that stupid gimmick some other company made him do. And then he said he's going to show everybody he can wrestle and will capture the X Division title. I could see that going over well, especially with that rabid TNA crowd.

Although, I'm not sure they can sign anybody else, they do have to make room for Too Cool to be resigned!!! (Kill me now. If they sign even just Rikishi, I might start to turn on TNA...)
If they brought in Nick Dinsmore i would not want him to come in and right away cut a shoot promo about not being ******ed, they should just act like that character has nothing to do with him. He can make himself look different enough that most fans won't even know he's the guy who was Eugene in the WWE, and TNA doesnt need more blatantly disgruntled ex-WWE employees. Give him a good character and let him build it, just leave Eugene and WWE behind.

Also I would not mind Cryme Tyme being brought in as Team 3D and VKM are likely both on the way out soon and they are an entertaining team. CT vs LAX could be a very entertaining feud and given the in-ring talent of TNA's younger tag teams I could see CT improving alot in the ring in TNA with a good feud against either LAX, XXX, or MCMG. Maybe down the line if LAX keeps the Latin Militant thing toned down they could merge into one stable and Homicide and Hernandez could then get singles pushes.
first of Eugene has been contacted by TNA and he would probably go in as a ****** to face Eric Young as they both their roles are playing ******s and it would help build ratings as it can be battle of the ******s, and Cryme Tyme would be a perfect asset in TNA afterall WWE has no tag teams left lol wow Highlanders,Worlds Greatest Tag Team ior Brian Kendrick and Paul London maybe 3 or 4 teams compared to TNA when you got VKM,LAX,Steiner Bros,XXX,Motor City Machineguns and 3D!

As for Simon Bucci, he hasn't impressed me since his ECW days (and I mean the "real" ECW, not McMahon's reincarnation), and with the issues he had in his trainer position, I doubt TNA will pick him up. However, I think Nick Dinsmore would be a great pick up for TNA. His ring work has always been entertaining and I always felt his "Eugene" gimmick held him back. I think, if he is pushed right and put in some decent angles, TNA can really push him to the next level.

Remember, it was about 10-12 years ago that WCW let go of Steve Austin, whom they deemed rather useless and was saddled with his "Stunning Steve" gimmick. After a year in the WWE, he completely reinvented himself and he carried the company to glory. If Dinsmore has the right motivation and is given room to develop his character, he can be a huge asset for TNA. I think it would be great to see him pop on Impact and deliver a promo denouncing his stay in the WWE and his past gimmick. It could be the boost his career needs.

LOL let snot go there with WCW he was WCW made and created and had every damn title you can think of and WWE didn't reinvent anything what WWE did was make him lose his career in wrestling should he have stayed in WCW he would still be wrestling! It even saddens me to see Ron Simmons week after week or shall I say weak after weak acting like a ****** he was former WCW Champion what has he done in WWE so far hmm damn !
LOL let snot go there with WCW he was WCW made and created and had every damn title you can think of and WWE didn't reinvent anything what WWE did was make him lose his career in wrestling should he have stayed in WCW he would still be wrestling! It even saddens me to see Ron Simmons week after week or shall I say weak after weak acting like a ****** he was former WCW Champion what has he done in WWE so far hmm damn !

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you 100% here.

How can it be said that the WWE never helped to "reinvent" Steve Austin or "repackage" him? Every title in WCW? Last I checked, he never held the World title while the old timer Hollywood Hulkster was rewarded the belt. Unlike in WCW, in the WWE Steve Austin went to the level he was the most successful ever right after Hulk Hogan.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you 100% here.

How can it be said that the WWE never helped to "reinvent" Steve Austin or "repackage" him? Every title in WCW? Last I checked, he never held the World title while the old timer Hollywood Hulkster was rewarded the belt. Unlike in WCW, in the WWE Steve Austin went to the level he was the most successful ever right after Hulk Hogan.

LOL Hulk Hogan even though I disliked him always will be before The Rock and Stunning Steve Austin these wrestlers where not as good as HulK Hogan and his career was elevated to his supreme when he was Bad Hogan of nWo and
I take Randy Savage ,Bret Hart,Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan over Steve Austin and The Rock anytime and Underfaker! Austin had all the belts in WCW tag team belts with late Brian Pillman Hollywood Blondes,US title and TV Title and he was geared up for heavyweight shot and screwed himself over for that coz he was always injured and what is he doing now eh collecting paychecks from McMoron still and he has done steroids big time also eh along with The Rock and us fans have to admire a bunch of steroid freaksters juicing up how fun wrestling has become lol
LOL Hulk Hogan even though I disliked him always will be before The Rock and Stunning Steve Austin these wrestlers where not as good as HulK Hogan and his career was elevated to his supreme when he was Bad Hogan of nWo and
I take Randy Savage ,Bret Hart,Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan over Steve Austin and The Rock anytime and Underfaker! Austin had all the belts in WCW tag team belts with late Brian Pillman Hollywood Blondes,US title and TV Title and he was geared up for heavyweight shot and screwed himself over for that coz he was always injured and what is he doing now eh collecting paychecks from McMoron still and he has done steroids big time also eh along with The Rock and us fans have to admire a bunch of steroid freaksters juicing up how fun wrestling has become lol

Are you stupid? honestly how can you sit their and write that the rock was not as good as hogan, he was the face of wwf at the time, he also had three generations of wrestling in his blood, half of his family are either former wrestlers or are currently employed, and further still how can you say the rock took steroids, If batisat isnt taking roids then the rock defiently wasnt taking roids.. besided i think it was hogan who realesed publicly that vicne made him takes roids.
LOL Hulk Hogan even though I disliked him always will be before The Rock and Stunning Steve Austin these wrestlers where not as good as HulK Hogan and his career was elevated to his supreme when he was Bad Hogan of nWo and
I take Randy Savage ,Bret Hart,Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan over Steve Austin and The Rock anytime and Underfaker! Austin had all the belts in WCW tag team belts with late Brian Pillman Hollywood Blondes,US title and TV Title and he was geared up for heavyweight shot and screwed himself over for that coz he was always injured and what is he doing now eh collecting paychecks from McMoron still and he has done steroids big time also eh along with The Rock and us fans have to admire a bunch of steroid freaksters juicing up how fun wrestling has become lol

I'm taking it that you didn't watch professional wrestling from 1997 - 2002, eh? I honestly don't know how it's possible to say Hogan was better than Austin & Rock. Like Lou Thesz said, Hogan doesn't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch; that's how bad he is in the ring as well as his finisher, the leg drop. I seen many superstars who performs the move ten times better and more "effective" that's not even their own finisher, such as The Undertaker. Actually, if Steve Austin were to get a push and a title shot, why did Eric Bischoff release Austin? That makes no sense to me at all so please elaborate on that. And for the steroids part; can you give a credible source indicating or that specifies that The Rock took steroids while he was a professional wrestler? The last I heard, this week The Rock indicated in an interview that he never took steroids while he was in the wrestling business but did in his Freshman year when playing football.
WARNING: The following news contains *SPOILERS* from the TNA iMPACT! tapings.

During an in-ring segment with Christian Cage, Tyson Tomko & AJ Styles, Jim Cornette that on the September 20th edition of TNA iMPACT! - Christian Cage would have to face JUNIOR FATU, formerly known as Rikishi.

Christian Cage defeats Junior Fatu after interference from AJ Styles, but Junior Fatu fought back and gave the stinkface to Styles and Cage. After the former Rikishi was getting beat down by Tyson Tomko, Samoa Joe made the save and the two Samoans joined foces.

Junior Fatu is the former WWE champion that TNA had been negotiating with recently- is a former Intercontinental and Tag Team champion.

Another step in the wrong direction. There's no need for Rikishi in 2007. When was he last over? 2000? There's a pool of talent out there. Talent that given the right push could be superstars. Rikishi has even less to offer when he doesn't have the name that made him famous.
It's funny to note the entire storyline of "who ran over Austin" in hopes to get Rikishi over to boost his career didn't work at all. If that didn't work, nothing will in TNA.

With TNA going two hours my expectations for the promotion is higher as I'm hoping to see actual fresh stars rise as well as the resurrection of the X Division. With the massive ex-WWE names that came in a couple weeks ago and the negative feedback given for the move, it seemed as if TNA actually were forced to listen to what the fans thought instead of proceeding the downside by signing Ariel, Nidia, Brian "Sexay" Lawler and Rikishi Fatu, but I guess I was incorrect.

The only thing I'm interested in is what kind of shape Rikishi is in currently. Other than that, just like always, I could care less about Rikishi. I don't know how he can or will fit in with the TNA roster seeing I doubt he would get to the heavyweight/main event level and I can easily see him burying the entire X Division.

Junior Fatu is the former WWE champion that TNA had been negotiating with recently- is a former Intercontinental and Tag Team champion.

Disappointing. The way TNA released the statement through their text messaging program really made it seem as if a WORLD champion or a somewhat decent name would make his debut such as Brock Lesnar, Sabu or RVD.

If they hire another WWE reject, I'm going to go on claiming every episode of iMPACT! should conclude with a credits page giving proper credit to where all of their wrestlers became superstars.
From WZ.com
Dawn Marie is currently in talks with TNA. At age 37, she is now getting back into shape after giving birth to a child. Dixie Carter has been friends with Dawn ever since WWE fired her while she was pregnant.

I know TNA is serious bout a new womens division but I doubt that at her age that Dawn Marie would really want to wrestle, but maybe a time here and there. But i see her more of a manger's role and she could do that I think she he a good manager for some young tag team or a wrestler that needs it. Now I dont have any ideas who they could pair her up with but it be interesting to see what TNA would do with Dawn IMO.
What's 37 in dog years?

There is no point bringing in Dawn Marie. Not only is 37 ancient for a woman in wrestling but she's not even wrestling material like say Victoria for example. Put her against the women of wrestling today and she'll certainly look her age.
Originally posted by bbay

hmm what did angle the master mind do, did he go into an ally and let matt morgan or andrew the punisher martin piss in a cup and then showed it to mcmahon, dude seriously this is how stupid tna is they dont even have a drug policy, you could walk in looking like the ex test who even admitted taking steroids and get a push tna is a revolving door and i wouldnt be surpirsed to see them lose all their credible talent to other promotions, coz seriously they are continously dropping the ball

the sad thing about lesner is that is true, if i was running things i wouldnt even let him kiss my feet let alone step into that ring again, their are more commited stars that need a spot and shouldnt give it up for the likes of lesner

Thats true I think there are alot of deserving talent who dont do drugs, but the whole reject idea is kind of true to , if these guys had talent why would the wwe get rid of them?

Originally posted by EPN17
If the whole argument of WWE rejects is dumb, Test, Morgan, and Rikisha all woulda' been WWE champion....

URRRHH, no when would Test be a WWE champion Tna didnt even want test, he is all muscle and no charisma, if he had a finger of the talent Undertaker has he would still be in the wwe and you know what im glad hes gone because he is exactly like mark merro a man on steroids who was gettin paid wayy too much for way too little.

And as for Morgan and rikishi i dont think soo, morgan has yet to impress me in tna and rikish has yet to even do anything interesting these guys are taking up space from talent such as AJ styles, Elix skipper and CAHRISTOPHER DANIELS.

Originally posted by MADMETAL

If they hire another WWE reject, I'm going to go on claiming every episode of iMPACT! should conclude with a credits page giving proper credit to where all of their wrestlers became superstars.

yeah superstars in their own minds!!!, seriously did Dixie Carter read the WCW book of how to book a wrestling show and just skip the chapters where the company took a nose dive???
What's 37 in dog years?

There is no point bringing in Dawn Marie. Not only is 37 ancient for a woman in wrestling but she's not even wrestling material like say Victoria for example. Put her against the women of wrestling today and she'll certainly look her age.

Oh please, Ivory is 46 now and she still wrestles better than many of the 20 somethings she faces in the ring. Ivory managed to not only keep up with Rebecca Knox (whose widely considered to be the top female wrestler to come out of Europe) but also managed to defeat her for her Supergirl Title, which was a feat that girls like LuFisto and Cheerleader Melissa couldn't even do. So I figure if Dawn Marie is wanting to get back in the ring and willing to do the work to get there, then I think she should be fine. Her age shouldn't have anything to do with it, as if she gets back into tip top shape then she should have a few good years left to give to the business. Besides, Dawn isn't that much worse then say, Christy Hemme, and TNA actually makes Christy look good during her matches (as compared to her WWE matches) I'm sure TNA could do the same for Dawn.
I just don't get it, why now when the show is coming into two hours would they want to bring in a new division, i think that the best thing for tna is to develop talent that they already have not throw more into the mix?, but hey lets see how this all plays out
Now apparently there's something going on with TNA negotiating with a former WWE IC and European champion. Here's the news about it with some analysis.

As we reported earlier, the October 6th "TNA Mobile" text message alert contained a news item stating "TNA is in negotiations with a former WWE IC and European champion".

After doing some research at WWE's "Title History" page, I found that there are only 5 men who have hold both WWE's Intercontinental & European championships and are not currently under contract. Both Shawn Michaels and Triple H have held both titles but are obviously not eligible.

Of the five men who held both titles and are not currently under WWE contract, two of them are already under TNA contract. Those two are Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage.

The remaining wrestlers who held both the WWE Intercontinental and European championships and are free agents are Andrew "Test" Martin, D-Lo Brown and Rob Van Dam.

Andrew "Test" Martin recently made several appearances for TNA. He worked without a contract and was sent home because of his unreasonably muscular body. TNA told Test to drop some some muscle mass and he showed up to the next taping even larger. TNA knows Congress is watching and Martin was too much of a liability to have on the roster.

D-Lo Brown recently wrestled several dark matches for WWE. Management was reportedly impressed with D-Lo's performance and liked that he is a talented performer without a "musclehead" physique.

Rob Van Dam recently stated in an interview that he would be open to working for TNA Wrestling. He put over the benefits of TNA's lighter schedule and was very outspoken about his final months in WWE. RVD saw the writing on the wall when Bobby Lashley won the ECW title and the remaining glimpses of the original ECW died.

With all this being the case, the only remote possibilities seem to be RVD and D'Lo Brown. But even though D'Lo has been wrestling dark matches for WWE lately, I would lean toward him as the mystery man for one reason. RVD is a former WWE champion. Why would TNA not list that as a credential? For one thing it would generate more interest by showing that the negotiations are with a bigger name, and it would also widen the possibilities of who it could be. So I'm guessing TNA is trying to get "down with the Brown".

What does everybody else think of that? Anybody care?
RVD would be awesome in TNA because he still had alot to give back to wrestling, Also he isnt a WWE Reject the guy left like Angle & Christian did so i'd welcome him on my TV Screen every Satday nights!
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