[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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The last Thursday's iMPACT was terrific. From start to end everything made sense even the ending looked cool. I don't know where to start but on thing is for sure the tournament was probably the best tournament in years. The matches were all good especially Sabin vs Styles stole the show. Ending was also great everyone thought for one second that Homicide turned on Hernandez. I don't know who had the total control for the show but I was highly entertained.
TNA IMPACT 9/10/2009 review

It was weird for it to start immediately during a match. Beer MOney's new theme has lyrics.

The swerve at the end was just AWESOME> World Elite ending the show instead of MEM was cool as they're making NEW stars... Homicide turning was awesome.. that reminded me of the EXACT story with Team 3D/Johnny Devine a couple years back where Devine was the X star that turned on the X division. The entire Homicide/Hernandez thing was sooo well done because it has been building up for a few months now.. They kept saying they were tight, and Homicide showed a little bit of upsetness after the match he lost to Hernandez to a few weeks back..

I love world elite's new theme.. they added sheik's intro, more hard rock, some japanese music, lol.. It's cool that they have races/nationalities from different countries. THREE are from UK though. Iran, Japan, Canada, now Latino.

MEM story some dissension with World Elite - resolved. Nash interferes. Cody Deaner was hilarious. The main event was really boring though.... Kurt continues with Matt Morgan. The segment with STing was okay... they need to use sting better. it ended abruptly though...

Morgan finally beats up Kurt Angle...

MMG on commentary table was okay.. but I dont think these guys have comedic talent. I really think these guys should just be fired. They can wrestle a bit, but they dont have entertainment value. TNA has tried too long to push these guys for years.. i say let them go. I think Russo is really high on Deaner...

Pope Deniro has a great look.. He needs to get some mic time..

WOmen wrestling was a little boring. Cool to see MMA style fight with Tara and Deaner.. Deaner is hilarious... in a goofy way.. his promo with lauren was good

Earl Hebner talked smack to Lauren.

Dr Stevie vs Abyss was okay too.

But all in all i think some of the wrestling matches just went a very long time.. and a little boring...

Rhino ambushing Lashley backstage was a short little way to show that Rhino is a heel

Again, great way to end with World Elite...

I do think there are better ways to make the show more unpredictable. THey have SO many stars.. I dont know how to make each show show the fans "LOOK at all the legends we have - look at all the young guns we have" - it seems very structured...

But all in all, i say it's a strong show.. although i'd like it to be more fast paced as the casual viewers just have too many options to stay on unintresting wrestling



Thursday night’s episode of TNA iMPACT drew 1.3 million viewers, but the rating was only a 0.93, which is down even more from last week’s 0.96 rating and is the lowest rating since August 2008. Nielsen ratings are based on how many Americans had their TVs turned on that night, and the fact that 20 million people tuned in to watch the Steelers vs. Titans game on NBC could explain why iMPACT’s rating was so low despite the fact that they still had 1.3 million viewers, which is right around their average viewer count.

Here's a complete quarter-hour ratings breakdown of who drew & who didn't on this week's show:

Q1: 0.88 - Beer Money v Team 3D v Steiner/Booker v Bristish Invasion
Q2: 0.93 - Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan, AJ & Sting in the ring
Q3: 0.97 - Taylor & Sarita v Flash & Daffney, Eric Young backstage
Q4: 0.96 - The Pope v Jay Lethal, Beautiful People v Madison & Roxxi
Q5: 0.95 - Backstage with Mick Foley, Abyss v Stevie Richards
Q6: 0.92 - Hector Guerrero confronts the World Elite
Q7: 0.87 - Cody Deaner v Tara
Q8: 0.92 - AJ & Daniels v Angle & Joe, Hernandez/World Elite brawl
I liked Impact this past week, too bad they were competing with the new football season though. It was weird how it started off, but I really enjoyed the tag match. The promo with Angle, Morgan, AJ and Sting was good too. People can say what they want about Sting but for his age he is better then most young guys in the ring and on the mic. I loved the women's tag match, Sarita and even Taylor Wilde is impressing the hell out of me.

Who would of thought that little Eric Young could turn into such a badass? I'm loving his role week after week. The Pope vs. Jay Lethal was the match of the night. I could be in the minority here but I loved the idea of a MCMG commentary booth. I mean honestly the guys are great in the ring and pretty funny on the mic. I don't know how you can say the MCMG should be fired M2H, and say Cody Deaner is hilarious in the same sentence.

I'm really not a fan of either Madison or Roxxi. Roxxi was only there for one night but that has got to be the ugliest tag team in history. I mean I'm talking Bushwhacker ugly. I don't know why TNA is trying to make Madison into eye candy because it's not working. It was sad to see the Beautiful People in the ring for the last time. The camera man did some great work with Velvet Sky. I haven't seen an ass look that good since Stacy Keibler.

I think its about time we see a Foley/Abyss feud once and for all. It's time for Abyss to be a monster heel again. There isn't much left for him to do, hopefully we can see a heel turn after the Nash match at No Surrender. I love Stevie Richards but isn't his character pretty much useless? Before he had a stable going with Daffney and Raven, but now he is just solo. I think Hector Guerrero used to many Essa's in his promo. We know he is latino but come on TNA, you don't have to make Hector Guerrero into Speedy Gonzalez.

Cody Deaner just needs to die a slow painful death. I really hope after No Surrender we never see him again. I mean what is the point? That redneck stereotype has been done to death. I don't think too many people especially nowadays are fans of a white trash redneck who can't wrestle. At least Austin stood for something. Why does TNA have to have MMA or UFC matches? This is wrestling, if people wanted to watch MMA or UFC they wouldn't turn on Impact to do it. I don't think UFC or MMA would have wrestling matches in the Octagon.

I thought the main event was great with Morgan finally turning on Angle to receive a huge pop. The Homicide heel turn was great too, I would love to see a TNA Knockout join World Elite someday.

Overall I give it a 7/10, I could of done without the Deaner match. It was nice to see them actually promote a Lashley/Rhino match. I'm looking forward to the go home show. They need to start having Lashley actually wrestle on Impact, what good is it to bring in a huge star that is never on TV? I think we will see Ken Andersen show his face pretty soon. I think it will be pretty interesting to see how the PPV plays out before Bound For Glory.
I havent watched it all yet. it starts with knockouts match. traci's playboy pics aren't that great.. she doesn't have that great of a body although huge tits... christy hemme looks sizzling hot.. christy is good on the mic when she's just herself rather when trying to act (remember)

Madison Rayne says "i'm sorry" to beautiful people and joins them back -- could be a swerve down the line?

Cody Deaner vs Alyssa Flash was hilarious.. the lumberjacks all kick his ass and he wins.. ODB's promo backstage was good. I think Russo really likes ODB.. and she beats him up at the stage after he starts bragging "KING OF THE KNOCKOUTS"..

beer money's new theme is good.. with lyrics...

RHinos' promo was awesome.. he can harsh be a stone cold steve austin. I honestly beleive that.. He says TNA has held him down and put him in a program with Jesse Neal... he says people go past him while he is held back.. he kept silent. Sooo good because he is telling the truth... devon comes out and tries to make things right until he says he wants to make TNA the best promotion ever, which leaves rhino kicking his ass...

British invasion pins and wins.. I foudn penzer's announcing hilarious.. he had to say steiner was "representing the main event mafia and one half of the tna world heavyweight champions".. for Brutus he missed out some parts like the iwgp and world elite.. he says "representing the british invasion" only. should have added "as well as the world elite and one half of the iwgp tag team champions"... lots of stuff haha

anyways.. good promo backstage with eric young and homicide. eric comes out and nails hernandez... good push.. and ey looks good in the suit

Foley is pissed at Abyss. Abyss is backstage all nervous... Nash retains.. Nash's backstage segment was pretty funny. I really think the second girl that came in was SUPER HOT.. hiim flirting with Lauren was great. They write Lauren always so tense, she needs to have some "chill out" time.. Lauren looks nice, and i think she does a great job keeping up with all the sh*tty ass storylines that TNA throws at her and she is forced to react to all the wrestlers and Abyss, lol

Rhino ALSO talks about the Dixie carter stuff.. and says dixie is all dressed up promoting Bobby.. "where is my phone call, where is my time" - rhino says to Dixie.. that is some GREAT PROMO

I think Rhino is the new austin. It doesn't take much to make an Austin.. RHino has what it takes and if RUsso wants to write him as an Austin character, he can do it.. especially sicne Rhino has been fucked over for the past few years... and Rhino will EASILY be able to pull it off. YOu guys can say what you want and not believe me.. but Rhino can do an Austin role... hands down
The Rhino and D-Von promo was incredible along with Abyss and Foley. I have to write two posts just to talk about how awesome Impact was.
The MCMG on commentary is a great move. That child molesterer comment and mocking Suicides ring attire is hilarious. Granted it puts no one over (other than the guns) but hey its damn funny.
Probably one of the greatest impacts ever written by Ed and Vince.. DAMN

The crowd went in absoltue shock when Foley attacked Abyss...

(PS: Don West made his appearance haha)

Foley has done many turns while at TNA.. but man, that was a crazy ending. Abyss screaming WHY.... Lauren has to do a lot btw.. with her caring for abyss, and reacting to all the wrestlers..

but yeah.. that ending was nuts

Loved MEM segment to start with WE talking and Booker T getting really angry.

Suicide vs Pope was an AWESOME street fight man!!!!

3D segment was good... devon talked.. i think ed is helping producing segments so they dont be cheesy

INCREDible segment with Devon vs Rhino. Dvon nails Rhino to start

Bubba comes in yelling so damn loud that everyone can hear. I like that. SCREW mics.. have them YELL. usually arenas are so loud in the big arenas that we can't hear them.. but the impact zone is tiny and sometimes silent.. have them yell their lungs out

Stars are finally being built like crazy now... Eric Young is really convincing as a leader.. Hernandez on that match was really good.. And Matt Morgan is so over in hte impact zone.

I liked the foley segments.. and i enjoyed the aftermath of ODB/Tara.. sarita/wilde are tag womens' champs

Taz is growing on me as a commentator,.. he has his own opinion, is enjoying his time there..

Steiner didn't get to do anything... I think they should help getting everyone somethign to do.. yet making everyone important.. AJ and Sting had a good segment too.

foley says mmg are guilty of having the worst entrance theme music ever.. i agree

this is a good shot at dale oliver alyssa flash beat hamada up like crazy. it'd hurt like hell getting slammed into the bleachers and thrown down like that... SCOTT DAMORE and PAT KENNEY!!! haha

The nash segmetn backstage was crazy. Daffney goes down and then nails Nash in the nuts. Stevie then tasers Nash.. and is pissed at Nash robbing him 50k... Great stuff! Tenay and Taz didn't even talk about it. Lashley destroys JEthro Foley last segmetn coming up!!! Very good show

They crammed everyone on the show. Thumbs way up! One of the best impacts ever
I couldn't believe my eyes last night. Probably the greatest Impact's of all time and probably the best wrestling show I have seen in a long time also.

Pope vs. Suicide: Again this was the match of the night just like it was at the PPV. I love how over the Pope is and am really getting behind him.

AJ Styles/ Sting:
It may have been the weakest segment of the night but it was still good. We knew these two would face each other at BFG, we just didn't know what capacity. I don't think Sting is retiring because if he was they would make a huge deal out of it. I'm glad they are laying low and not making these out to be like Flair and Michaels at WM24.

Knockout Tag Title: Sarita & Wilde vs. ODB & Tara: Thank God Deaner is out of the picture. I thought these 4 had a great match, I am really impressed by the athleticism between Wilde and Sarita. It's sad when the Knockout matches are better then most matches you see on Raw nowadays.

X Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Homicide. vs. Daniels: These 3 always have great matches, Homicide looked pretty weak but I'm loving the idea of a feud between MEM and WE.

Angle & Young vs. Morgan & Hernandez:
My God is Morgan over or what? I know its the Impact Zone and the same people every week but the chants for him were through the roof. I can't wait for BFG to see what kind of reaction they give him and Sting in California.

Lashley vs. Jethro Holliday: We were wondering where Holliday was. It wasn't a complete squash match but at least it was short and sweet. I could really care less about Lashley since he is only there to promote MMA which no one cares about.

Foley JB Skits: How great were these, Foley and Borash is always comedy gold. Especially when you add Jay Lethal and Motor City to the mix. It's funny how the most basic stuff can be funny. WWE needs to take a page out of TNA's book for comedy skits. Santino and DX overacting is too much.

Nash Skits: Man how hot is Daffney. I love seeing her on television. Nash is always gold on the mic with Paparazzi productions and now with the Big Sexy Invitational Tournament. "Watch, look at how big it will look in their hands" I'll take that over a fake Rabbi performing a circumcision on a plastic doll any day.

Alissa Flash/Hamada segment: I have never seen two women do what these two did in that promo. Alissa body slamming Hamada and throwing her down the bleachers. I haven't seen that since the good ol days of Terry Funk and Foley vs. The Rock. Again its a shame that two new women in TNA can cut a more vicious and entertaining promo then the superstars on Raw.

TNA Tag Team Championship: Mick Foley & Abyss vs. Steiner & Booker: I have been waiting for these two to go head to head since Foley came into TNA. How vicious was it to see Foley smash that tape into Abyss' head? I have never seen that much blood pour out of a human being. It's interesting to see where they go with this if Foley is a full on heel. Foley is so talented he can be both heel and face at the same time. I can't wait to see these two in a Monster's ball match or even a barb wire if we're lucky.

Overall this Impact was incredible. It's a site for sore eyes after seeing yet again another abomination on Raw. Impact last night is what real entertainment should be. Not a bad segment from start to finish. Say what you want about Ed and Vince, they have done a pretty damn good job so far. Bubba Ray and Taz have also helped out too. Taz and Tenay seem like they are having a ball and I'm really enjoying their commentary now. It is always great to see Don West on Impact even if it is a limited role. This Impact had everything: I cant wait till next week.

The show itself was great. I'm actually starting to care about Rhino again which is awesome because he was one of my favorites during the end of the real ecw. I hope they don't use him to put Team 3D over in some weird way. Rhino still has more to give to TNA and being a pissed off monster is where he shines.

My only real complaint with the show was the crowd. At both the ppv and this impact, the crowd have been dead for the most part which makes for awkward tv. I really wish they would get out of the impact zone more. Really hoping the change of scenery for Bound For Glory is a success. The pop for AJ finally being world champion was so weak on impact; I was very disappointed.

Also I don't know if it's just me, but does Samoa Joe seem less and less like he matters every show? I mean I know he is the X Division Champ and all, but it just seems to me like he isn't needed in TNA anymore. Like he is taking up space that could be filled by someone who could play his roll better. I guess Joe used to seem so impressive because he was wrestling with little x division wrestlers. Now with Hernandez, Morgan, and Lashley taking center stage, they are just much more intimidating and impressive and it makes Joe kind of look like a joke. I hate to say that because Joe used to be one of the reasons I watched TNA but lately I just feel like cringing when I see him. And that's too bad because he's out there representing fat dudes like me. I guess I've gone off track so I'll end it here.
Kenny ROgers - excellent recap covering all bases that occurred on Impact. You didn't mention Rhino and Team 3D though. It was great to see your enthusiasm on in my opinion one of the greatest impacts TNA has ever done.

As for Brad, I thought the crowd was awesome on the show - they popped for Suicide/Pope, for Booker T wanting to beat up EY, for Morgan, and was in absolute shock when Foley turned - chanting "YOU SUCK YOU SUCK". They reacted to everything and even chanted YOU DESERVE IT to AJ Styles when he came out. Not too sure what you're complaining about.

To touch on the comments of Kenny ROgers that he missed.. i'd like to say that Team 3D and JB yelling at rhino/mick without a mic was good television. We could hear them loud and clear and the fans can hear when the wrestlers are completely yelling...

Joe did a nice win. he needs to speak up when he's in the mafia a little more maybe if you want him to talk more. but he's a guy that beats up people and doesn't talk much. Joe is kinda taking a backburner to these guys - TNA did invest in Joe maybe Joe cannot be a "household" name due to his look, but I think they're doing a good job utilizing him.

ALl and all I thought it was a terrific show. I'd like to hear from a Brutus Magnus and The Pope live in the Impact Zone though.

It was also nice seeing Don WEst back on teh show! HAHA
Sorry Marty but I'm Kenny Powers not Kenny Rogers. You know the show Eastbound and Down on HBO, You're fuckin out! Anyways yeah so much awesome stuff happened on Impact that I forgot to write about everything. I loved them Team 3D/Rhino promo. With Rhino goring the rail was vicious. I wonder what kind of feud they will have if it will be 2 on 1 Team 3D against Rhino, or if Rhino will get a tag team partner. I love the Impact Crowd too, but it would be nice to see TNA move out of the Impact Zone every now and then.

They are going overseas which I've read they are HUGE overseas. They are having a Global Impact in 2 weeks. I want to see them move not only to get away from the same fans but also so I can actually have a chance to see an Impact or PPV since Florida is quite a ways away.
As for Brad, I thought the crowd was awesome on the show - they popped for Suicide/Pope, for Booker T wanting to beat up EY, for Morgan, and was in absolute shock when Foley turned - chanting "YOU SUCK YOU SUCK". They reacted to everything and even chanted YOU DESERVE IT to AJ Styles when he came out. Not too sure what you're complaining about.

It's either TNA does a bad job of getting the crowd noise in the final mix in the production process, or it sounds like it's like 5 fans chanting. The rest of the crowd looks clueless like they don't even know any of the wrestlers (I imagine tourists that are just there for the free show). It just comes off bad to me. Now if the whole crowd was hot and into the show, I can see loving the crowd. However one row or small section, doesn't make the building seem alive for the show. There's also points where there is actual silence and that just seems weird too.

I'm not saying TNA is putting on a bad product and that it's their fault, I'm saying the crowd is either full of a lot more tourists than ever before, or they just aren't pulling their weight in the impact zone and a change of scenery would definitely be needed. TNA should have "home field advantage" so to speak in the Impact Zone and they definitely don't have that. Could you imagine a crowd being that quiet at a football game? And this is pro wrestling where anything goes; I'd expect a crowd to be a lot more fired up.
I agree that TNA does need to move out of the Impact Zone. But honestly have you heard a crowd go crazy at ECW or Raw lately? I haven't lately, especially since the last 2 weeks have been Cedric and Al Sharpton hosting. Anyways, time for another epic review of another EPIC Impact. Last weeks was the best Impact ever, lets see how this week measures up.

Mick Foley & Abyss Segment: This was an amazing promo by probably two of the best people in TNA, if not the wrestling world to cut promos. Everyone was thinking what Foley said last night. Even the ones that aren't TNA fans look at Abyss and say he is a hack or a Mankind ripoff. I don't think that, but it's nice to see Foley bringing it to the surface. These two haven't even had a match yet, and they are already tearing the house down. I could only imagine how brutal a match these two will have at BFG.

#1 Contender Ladder Match for the X-Divsion Title: This was a great match with Jay Lethal, Kyioshi, Amazing Red, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Consequences Creed. I may be forgetting someone since there was so much talent in the ring. Amazing Red did a hurricanrana to Creed, then Creed spewed chunks all over the place. It was pretty much projectile vomiting like in the Exorcist almost. Amazing Red won the contract. I don't think he stands a chance against Joe, but who knows maybe Joe will have some outside interference. Taz had a great line after seeing Creed puke in the middle of the ring. I know our catering is bad but not that bad.

Kevin Nash vs. Dr.Stevie: This was a basic match with Stevie getting in most of the offense thanks to Daffney. Daffney had a great line saying No Dr. Stevie isn't mad, he's crazy.. I'm Mad! Oh what I wouldn't do to her...;) Nash got the win after a powerbomb.

Knockouts Title Match: ODB vs. Awesome Kong: Tara came down for commentary. These two had a good back and forth with Tara getting involved with Raesha Saeed, and eventually with Kong. The match was a no contest and ended with ODB and Tara exchanging rights and lefts.

Sit down Interview with Sting and AJ Styles: We all know that Sting probably won't retire anytime soon. However, I still think these two will have the match of the night unless Morgan and Angle have anything to say about it. Sting calmly tells Mike Tenay that he has been world champion many times so he didn't feel the need to get the win over Angle at No Surrender. AJ thanks Sting but questions his passion for the business, and asks if he is ready for Bound For Glory.

Playboy Bunny Match: Christy Hemme vs. Traci Brooks: This wasn't a barn burner but it wasn't terrible. These two had some good moves with Christy going over Traci at the end. Later, Traci gets revenge by stomping Hemme.

The Beautiful People Segment:
I liked this segment. The Beautiful People apologize to Sarita and Taylor Wilde, only to attack them from behind. Once Wild and Sarita gain an advantage, Lacey Von Erich comes out and puts the claw on Wilde. It might of been impressive when Kerry did it but a female claw? The Beautiful People basically say Lacey is going to finish what Angelina started. I don't know what to think of the New BP but Lacey is definitely hot. Hopefully she is as good to hear and watch in the ring as she is to look at.

Brawl between Main Event Mafia and World Elite: Eric Young talks down Booker T and tells him to stay in line so the two leaders can talk. Ultimately leading to a huge brawl/riot between the two factions.

Angle vs. Hernandez:
This was a great match, too bad it was cut short due to World Elite's interference.

Team 3D and Bobby Lashley vs. British Invasion and Rhyno: Not a bad match, Lashley is pretty much dominant through out the entire match. Beer Money sit for commentary and drink beers with Taz and Tenay. Brother Ray actually called Big Rob a fairy during their promo earlier, funny stuff. After The Boss crushes The Invasion, Samoa Joe sneaks up from behind and chokes Lashley out. Lashley vs. Samoa Joe is announced for Bound For Glory.

Throughout the night we see Foley and Abyss attack each other, with Foley getting most of the cheap shots. World Elite and MEM are also fighting through out the show. MCMG had a great interview, Sabin and Shelley acknowledging how bad their theme music is, but its not as bad as Sabin's old music. They also said next week they are having a tryouts to see who can not only make new music for them, but to have a new entrance video as well.

I might of forgotten a few details, but Impact was packed with a lot of material last night. Not a bad segment as far as I'm concerned. The matches were solid, new feuds, a new member of The Beautiful People. Of course we have a great feud with Foley and Abyss taking place as well. I think Bound For Glory will be incredible. TNA has done a great job week after week. I know the ratings aren't great, but I would rather watch a good show with bad ratings then a bad show with good ratings.

Overall 8/10
It's been a while since I reviewed Impact so I figured I'd give it a whirl.

Mick Foley & Abyss: I think it was a pretty good attempt on TNA's part to try to cultivate some interest in Abyss, although where they're going with this is entirely predictable. Abyss and Foley are going to have some sort of hardcore showdown in which Foley is going to job and wind up passing the torch, or barb wire bat, to Abyss when it's all said and done.

Ladder Match to determine #1 contender for the X Division Championship: Personally, I think TNA needs some new talent in the X Division. The match wasn't all that great, it was pretty solid and I suppose it did what it was designed to do. The part with Creed spewing chunks looked kinda cool. Amazing Red wins the match and the shot at Joe, which he has absolutely no chance in winning. I won't be at all surprised if it's a squash but, yeah there's nobody in the X Division outside of Daniels that I care to see go up against Joe.

Kevin Nash Vs. Dr. Stevie: No interest in this whatsoever. I flipped the channel cuz I knew Nash was going to win this in typical unspectacular fashion.

TNA Knockout Championship: ODB vs. Awesome Kong: Also, entirely predictable. A fairly solid match overall, but Tara being at ringside already spoiled the ending before either combatant even came to the ring which made me not really give a damn. Since Kong has dominated ODB in nearly every match they've been in, whether it be singles or tag team, she came across as looking somewhat weak I thought. So, a set up for a 3 way feud for the Knockout title is imminent.

AJ Styles & Sting Sit-Down Interview: I like how Styles sort of called Sting out in this interview. By bringing up the question of asking Sting whether or not he still wants it, I think he addressed one of the real short falls this angle had.

Playboy Bunny Match: Traci Brooks Vs. Christy Hemme: I flipped the channel, had no desire to see this. If the WWE did a match like this, people would be trying to rip it a new one. Just a waste of air time on TNA's part.

Segment featuring The Beautiful People: While the general concept of the segment, namely being an "apology" to those they've wronged, was predictable, it's always nice to see the BP out. Lacey Von Erich made her TNA debut and she's almost obscenely beautiful, I have to admit. She seems to be solid on the mic thus far, but neither she nor the other two gals are all that solid in the ring. Allegedly, TNA is going to have the group focus more on skits and promos than anything else. Lacey definitely needs to get herself a new finisher for when she does work in the ring because The Claw is one of the most overrated finishing holds in history and I just don't buy into it in the least with her slapping it onto anyone.

MEM/WE Brawl: TNA has been doing a lot of these brawl segments as of late and it's starting to get old. I'm not sure really what it is, but I just can't get into this feud all that much. One group comprised muchly of has beens embroiled with a group comprised of neverwases isn't blowing my skirt up.

Kurt Angle Vs. Hernandez: Pretty solid match overall but, once again, entirely predictable. I'm not really sure why the WE is going after Hernandez while feuding with the MEM as well. Seeing as how Hernandez has pretty much had his way with every member of the WE, sometimes even when the odds are against him, it just seems like a waste for him.

The British Invasion & Rhino Vs. Team 3D & Bobby Lashley: Mostly what I figured it'd be, solid but nothing spectacular. Given Joe's involvement at the end, I'm hoping that this Lashley is finished with the whole thing with Rhino.

Overall: 6.5 out of 10 I thought it was pretty average overall, some entertaining spots here and there but nothing to get in a twist over. However, everything that's been happening in TNA has been almost entirely predictable over the past few months. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind predictable if I'm pretty well entertained. The problem, however, is that I just don't care about most of what TNA's got going on, which means the predictable factor gets to me a little. I find it laughable to hear someone say how unpredictable TNA is compared to the WWE. Not that the WWE is anymore unpredictable, don't get me wrong, but it's time to stop overhyping the "unpredictable" nature that is TNA.
I think we could honestly say that without the internet or without Spoilers to tapings, then TNA wouldn't' be predictable at all. The same can be said about WWE. That's really the only down side to TNA when you think about it, along with marketing. I'm just happy to see more wrestling than celebrities for a change.
I generally don't read spoilers. I read the spoilers for this past week of Impact, first time I've done that in ages, cuz of rumors surrounding Lacey Von Erich. Even then, all I could really remember was her debut. For instance, you don't have someone you're beginning a feud with at the commentator's table without some sort of interference on their part or some other sort of involvement. That's what happened in the Knockout match. The false apology/attempt to make ammends on the part of the BP is one of the oldest angles in the book. The BP concept only works as a heel faction and, since they've been one of the biggest draws on Impact, you know that TNA isn't going to change that. As for Hernandez, he can't stick his dick out without the WE jumping all over it so any match he's involved in for the forseeable future is going to have them involved in it.

As for Foley/Abyss, we all know what's going to happen there. Foley is going to put Abyss over after at least one, possibly a series of, hardcore matches before it's all said and done. Mick'll get on the mic, praise Abyss, pass the torch and they'll hug and all this stuff. And so on and so forth. When you find yourself watching a promo or a match and say "Ok, when's so and so gonna do a run in?" or something to that degree and it happens just as you figure it would, it's just predictable.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's difficult to be original or keep secrets in wrestling today. That's why I'm willing to look over all that as long as I'm entertained.

The Mick Foley & Abyss confrontation / Monster's Ball announced

Legends Title: Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez / Eric Young interferes

Amazing Red wins the X Division Champion over Samoa Joe

Homicide and D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels and Suicide

The contract signing for the Tag Team Title Match at BFG

TNA Knockouts Elimination Match / Beautiful People win

Knockouts Champion ODB vs. Tara

-Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan

With One Impact left before Bound For Glory, I thought this Impact did a good job of elevating some feuds. Foley and Abyss had a good promo, I just don't think Stevie Richards being the special guest referee will do wonders for the match. Hernandez and Eric Young received good exposure for their feud, I expect Hernandez to win this match even with Nash being involved.

Everyone can crap on this all they want, but everyone was shocked to see Amazing Red win the title and that's how it should be. I understand he doesn't have the best character or mic skills, but he is a young underdog in the X Division. That is what the title is all about, the Cruiser weights. It's not about the Mid Card Talent. If it were WWE, you would prefer to see Ziggler or Morrison be champ over Mysterio wouldn't you?

Anyways, it benefits Red and we don't have to see Lashley as X Division champ because we all know that Lashley is winning at Bound For Glory. Samoa Joe doesn't need to be X Division champ anyhow. This also elevates the feud between these two which is another reason Joe lost the belt. D'Angelo Dinero got a nice win again, I'm sure these 4 competitors will tear the rough off with their Ultimate X match next Sunday.

I'm looking forward to seeing new tag team champions next Sunday since Booker is on his way out. A ladder match for two sets of titles should be interesting to see, here is hoping that Beer Money can walk out new tag champs and feud with younger tag teams.

The Knockouts elimination was pretty sloppy, anytime you have 8 women in a match or even 8 men it's a sloppy match. At least Lacey didn't do that horrible claw maneuver. It looks like Kong, ODB, and Tara will have some sort of match at BFG. Or at least Kong and Tara will, which I could go with or without.

I'm hoping that Sting and AJ will bump heads before Bound For Glory, because like Angle said he is tired of seeing them kiss each others asses each and every week. I've heard great stuff about the Angle and Styles match next week. I'm looking forward to 3 hours of Impact yet again.

It wasn't a bad show overall, we saw some matches booked and a new X Division champion. People will bitch whether Joe is Champion or he isn't so TNA can't win. It's not perfect but I just watch for enjoyment. I'm not critical on every little mundane detail about a wrestling show in TNA or WWE. People need to just sit back and enjoy wrestling instead of calling nit picking everything about it. I give Impact a 7/10 this week. I'm looking forward to the 3 hour episode next week, maybe we will find out if Sting is going to retire or if TNA is just teasing us.

- Main Event Mafia Promo/Brawl
- The Beautiful People vs. Tara, Awesome Kong & ODB
- Amazing Red vs. Suicide / Don West announces Red will defend in Ultimate X
- Hernadez vs. British Invasion
- Foley reviews Abyss' Monster Ball moments
- Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero
- Hamada vs. Alyssa Flash
- Tag Team Interviews with Mike Tenay
- Stretcher Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino
- Main Event: AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

I have to say this was a great Impact leading into Bound For Glory. Every match and feud was covered, and every superstar was given enough time for promos. I do wish that MCMG or Lethal Consequences were somehow used on the show. I wasn't too thrilled about Big Rob getting TV time, but at least it was short. It looks like TNA is really trying to keep Lacey Von Erich out of the ring. I don't blame them since she has the look WWE wants and they still didn't hire her. I wasn't crazy about a six man tag Knockout match, but The Beautiful People's entrance is probably the greatest ring entrance of all time.

I loved the MEM promo and the brawl leading up to it. I strongly feel that the Mafia will be history after Bound For Glory. I'm glad Amazing Red has a manager is Don West. It's always great to see West and to have him cut promos for Red. Which Red is extremely lacking in that field. His match was Suicide was good, I was also impressed with Dinero and Daniels. I see potential all over Burke's face, it' sounds weird but his gimmick now reminds of a young Rock back in the day. Foley and Abyss are going to tear the roof off the house this Sunday. I just hope Stevie doesn't have too big of a role in the outcome. These two will probably have the best hardcore match in ages.

Hamada vs. Alyssa Flash was a great match too, these two women can have a better match then most men can. Lashley vs. Rhino wasn't spectacular but at least Lashley was dominating the entire time. It was nice to see Joe come in and actually be seen as a dominant force to be reckoned with. Angle against AJ Styles was probably the best match of the year. These two reminded me of Flair and Steamboat draws back in the day.

I wanted to see a winner but a draw is the best thing for these two. It keeps you tuned in for the PPV and for next week. I think Bound For Glory is going to be amazing, it could be the best PPV or the year period. We might even see some debuts in Kennedy or RVD. Even if we don't, I won't be disappointed. Zack Wylde is performing the National Anthem, how could this PPV disappoint?

I look forward to BFG and for Impact next week as I always do. I can miss any show but I can't miss Impact. That's a good feeling to have again. I do wish Sting and AJ would of mixed it up a bit since they are the main event Sunday. Anyways, still an awesome show. I give it 8/10 Stars.
The show had quite a bit of wrestling and I fast forwarded the main event with AJ/Kurt. The last 40 mins were packages solely done to hype Bound For GLory - there's a new woman voice over

nash only appeared at the beginning. Hamada was awesome during her match and I marked out to a lot of her moves.

The Foley /Abyss thing started okay and then kinda got lame with the Lauren thing.

Suicide unmasking as Homicide (followed by genocide) was a nice twist.

Daneils match was long. Suicide vs Red was cool. Don West cut a promo backstage explaining why he was supporting red.

EY beating up Hernandez after the match was cool - with the kendo sticks.

stretcher match was pretty good too.

i'm forgetting some others. but looksl ike they're moving toward a wrestling-oriented direction. There was a four way interview. Booker T was pretty good at his promo. this leads to a little brawl. Joe beating up Lashley was pretty good.

I'm forgetting some others
I think this was a really good episode. Another in a series of impressive shows that TNA has treated us to lately. It was a great follow up to BFG with Morgan and Hernandez picking up impressive wins, and set us up for the Turning Point main event, as well as a showdown between Steiner and Lashley.

Also, who can forget the debut of Nigel McGuiness? That was really well done. When the beatdown Red got goes forgotten on an episode of Impact, you know something is being done right. That usually would have been a highlight, and here, it's an afterthought.
The show had quite a bit of wrestling and I fast forwarded the main event with AJ/Kurt.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, WHY DO YOU WATCH WRESTLING Marty, I just don't get it. You don't like wrestling. I mean, seriously, there are so many more well written shows than what you'll find on wrestling if you're just looking for the dramatic elements of the product. You missed a phenomenal match between those two, one of the best in Impact history.

As for tonight's episode, very good. TNA has been on a real roll these last few weeks, really building up momentum, cutting out the bullshit and pushing the young talent. It's got me thrilled quite frankly, a feeling I haven't had while watching Impact in a very long time. Nigel's debut was fantastically done, and to see him immediately being put into a program with Kurt Angle is TNA granting every TNA fan's wet dream come true, myself included.

The Ultimate X match wasn't bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. The Six Sides of Steel match was also pretty good, but damn have I gotten sick of that Tower of Doom spot they do in pretty much every match involving a cage.

The booking of Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels as the main event for Turning Point also made this a great episode, and pretty much solidified my smark orgasm today. TNA has done something downright amazing here; they've already got me excited for the next PPV only a few days removed from the last one.

Turning Point is going to be one hell of a PPV methinks. Good episode tonight, I'd give it a B+ or, no, an A-. I'll be nice.
Yay I finally made it to WZ! Impact was awesome tonight! I wasn't a fan of the BM/BI finish but I believe it will lead to something. Im dying to see when Kong finds out who Raiesha really is, sorry if I spelled that wrong. The only thing that really angered me was seeing a wobbly walking on 1 knee Nash pin Daniels, but eh you cant get everything you want. The Nigel/Angle stuff made my night! It was surreal, like seeing Punk win the WHT the 1st time. Not a fan of the new name but as long as he's used right it doesn't matter. No more 10 lariats a match though lol. The TNA bashers seem to go from what TNA was in 07/08 and so, the past few months have been quite the turn around.
I really enjoyed tonights matches. The Kong/Saeed thing had to end. Eventually(if they didn't know all ready) people were gonna start figuring out why you never see Flash and Saeed in the same match. Kurt Angle turning sorta face really did it for me. I have always been an Angle fan and some of the writing lately has been shitty for him, but tonight he was on. I can't wait to see the next PPV. Beer money gettin screwed in the main event was the weakest point for me. And i don't know what there trying to do with Rhino and 3D but it better be done and over soon cause im tired of listening to Rhino bitch every damn week.

I give the show a B

If the previous Daniels/Styles/Joe matches are any indication, I will certainly be looking forward to their match at Hard Justice.

On a side note, McGuinness looks nothing like I thought he would. When he first came on camera, I thought he was Eric Young.
So last night was the first time in about 6 or 7 months that I watched an entire episode of Impact. I watched, of course, simply so I could see the debut of Nigel McGuinness. I have to say that I enjoyed the entire show.

Off the bat, Kurt Angle turns face and I learn that Rhino is a heel. I'm old school when it comes to Rhino- he needs to be a heel. He finally has that intensity and fire that got him over back in ECW. The Ultimate X match was pretty good. I've always been a big fan of the Machine Guns, and I'm glad to see that they are getting a decent push. And when the hell did LAX break up? I almost shouted with joy that Homicide is getting to stand on his own. I prefer him as a single's wrestler. Next X Division champ?

I'm glad that Impact isn't the MEM shows anymore. The over saturation of the MEM is what made me stop watching TNA many months ago. Last night's Impact really proved to me that TNA has stepped up their game.
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