[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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^true with having people that arent falling apart, but with the name Main Even mafia i wouldnt trust these guys because they are not main event to me....joe is main event on their scale and morgan is just a big nobody flunky...i like their parts of the crew but with the name i dont think they fit and i'd rather see a crew of all main eventers if thats their title.
Brutus Magnus versus Brother Ray in a New York City Street Fight:

I liked this. It did what it needed to do and that was seek a bit of revenge for BI's interference at the PPV. Did you see how stiff Bubba was working at the start (the first shot that sent Magnus literally flying, and the chops?)? Good to see a brawl through the crowd even on an ImPact taping, made the whole thing seem a bit out of control - The out of control we're only used to seeing on PPV's these days. Not keen on the whole "lets throw the foreigners together and use them as a stable" thing. TNA clearly have no idea what to do with Abdul and Kioshi, and to be perfectly honest there'd be better off releasing them and saving some cash. Slightly questionnable ending in the sense that it's No DQ, yet the ref called the whole thing off, but still, we saw a fun bout with a 3D through a table for the finish.

Lauren is in the back with Kurt Angle and she wants to know how long he has been talking to Joe. Joe arrives and Lauren wants to know if Sting is aware. We go to commercial after Joe and Angle hug. :
This is the only time i've found Lauren to be irritating lol It did the job ok, but I was genuinely irritated by how many questions she managed to ask in this 1 segment. I like the Taz-mobile.

MEM/Angle/Foley Promo:
So this is where it all made sense. I liked the whole "You gotta be willing to take a bullet for a brother" thing. I also liked how they mentioned that it'd be stupid not to sign Joe considering the sheer damage he'd done to the Mafia. If you can't beat em, join em. Interesting to see how Foley's being used as a tweener now, too. Nice promo by him, and it all made sense. You really do sense that Foley's becoming very shakey (kayfabe) and as ever, does a great job showing it.

The Jarrett phone call was almost as phoney as Trump's "Live broadcast" with Vince the other week... Could have been done in a more credible fashion that wasn't so obviously pre-recorded.

Abyss versus Kevin Nash
Decent match. I'm a fan of Nash (and his music - awesome) and increasingly becoming a fan of Abyss. Good big man/big man match and Nash genuinely does look in decent shape. Would have enjoyed seeing a Nash Bomb on Abyss but still.. Interesting to see they're continuing the Abyss/Stevie feud as I thought Slammi was the blowoff match.

Beer Money/Steiner and Booker/3D promo:
Not a fan of Money's new entrance theme. What was wrong with the old one? Good promo here. Booker and Steiner are absolutely priceless as of late. They've become a fantastic duo in their own right and it seems finally everyone in the Mafia has a purpose/direction. Any time Steiner gets on the mic, it's entertaining, especially when he gets hot. "Show us your abs, fatass!" to the Dudleys. Brilliant. Whether he's a genuine bonehead or not, he plays the part fantastic. Interesting way to mix up the tag division because there's only so many times you can do the Beer Money/3D thing. Nice idea to prolong the tag feuds and to keep some suspense. It will be 3D taking on Steiner/Booker for the #1 contendership next week. Should be good.

Daffney versus Taylor Wilde in a Match of 10,000 Thumbtacks:

Daffney is hot. And that entrance of hers... Not to say Taylor Wilde isn't, but there's a 1000 Taylor's out there with all due respect. Shame this match didn't get longer. They both put in a stella performance at the PPV and opened alot of people's eyes. Also a shame to see Taylor not taking the tack bump, seems as though Daffney's the bump machine of the two. From what I understood, this appeared to be the blowoff match between the two.

Beautiful People promo:
Not much here. Short, heard it all before. Spider thing was kind of a good idea but so impossible, but hey, this is wrestling! Didn't understand why Angelina wasn't there because I couldn't really hear Velvet. Also, Madison Rayne needs more spotlight because she doesn't really do a great deal. It was good to see her in action the other week, along with her own custom entrance (which I must say did show her in a more confident light).

Foley/3D backstage segment:
I liked this. Foley really looks on the brink. I loved the whole begging to take the match thing. This really looks like a desperate and worried man.

Scott Steiner versus Robert Roode:
A great TV match. Good length, back and fourth action. Scotty looked real good in this match and showed absolutely no signs of wear and tear for me. Ever since seeing him live at Wembley my opinion completely changed of him - a truly great entertainer. I also liked the finish. Very different, realistic, and playing up to Scott's immense physique. Good stuff, and clever booking in the sense that we will realistically end up seeing Steiner/Booker Vs. Beer Money at the PPV.

Eric Young/Rhino promo:
Glad they're not forgetting Eric, but they do need to put him in a program with meaning very soon, and i'm not sure Rhino's the one. Rhino isn't over anymore and needs to go back to what he does best. I've expressed before that he needs to demolish Officer Neale, and start attacking anyone and everyone, in vicious ways. Bring back the Piledriver off of things through tables - It worked back then and it'd work now. But going back to the promo, Eric Young has been faultless since his heel turn. Infact, since i've been watching Impact religiously the past 3-4 months he has been faultless. This guy deserves a break and a good program because he really has the skills. And that headbutt on Rhino - Wow! Funny how Neale got pushed into Lauren yet Lauren had to sell it as Neale being the one who got hurt :p

Booker/Sharmell backstage segment:
Well, I can safely say I have no interest in Sharmell Vs Jenna at the PPV. Worthless.

Booker T with Sharmell versus James Storm with Boozer Cruiser:

I'll be honest, I didn't catch all of this match, but from what I saw it was another decent TV match of back and fourth action. Interesting finish in the sense we didn't have a clean winner, because the easiest way to go would have been to have James Storm pick up a tight win.

MEM/Sting promo:
I thought this was fantastic. The only small gripe is the sheer amount of times Sting has to refere to people as their 1st name. I understand that it makes it more personal to the person, but just give it a break a little. Jarrett is another one guilty of this. But, that doesn't take away from the fact this was a great segment which was full of suspense, and had a sense of realism (Wolfpac, anyone???). I really liked how he honed in on Nash. Nash genuinely looked moved when he bought up his son (and i'm not normally one for bringing family in to stuff because of the sheer fact it's incredibly overused). So Sting is up against the Mafia? It works, and it will hopefully lead to some interesting TV.

Overall this was a good impact. Alot of in-ring action, but alot of promos too - Exactly what a TV show needs to be. I said it a few weeks ago and i'll say it again, TNA are doing a fine job of hyping their PPV's but also doing enough to keep the weekly shows entertaining and keeping characters moving along.

Hope people enjoyed the review, and I will try to do some more. Opinions more than welcome.

So, I'm not about to review iMPACT! like I have Raw, or anything else before. Basically, I just don't have the time. So here is my take on the events that happened. Smaller things to biggest.

Knockout's Division: So Daffney is taking bumps on tacs, that don't even stick. And Taylor Wilde is being pushed better than the actual Champion. Someone care to explain?

No Angelina. If there was, I completely and utterly missed it. In fact, the spoiler I read claimed of a Championship match - that didn't take place, at all. Must've been for next week. The only jist of what I seen was a Spider get placed on the Ugliest of the Beautiful People.

Meanwhile, where's Kong? Anyone else miss her but me?

Tag Team Division: So, Steiner & Booker finally pair up and become a basic Wrestling Transformer of two halves of some of the greatest Tag Team's in the history of Wrestling. And yet, neither of them together will be as impressive of a Tag team. Can anyone explain that? Didn't think so.

Beer Money: They're Heel, the're Face, they're tweeners, they're heel, now they're face again. Can creative make up their minds?

British Invasion: They're pushed, they aren't. Now they're semi-pushed again. Once again, make up your mind and stick with it. I'm also loving the fact that Rob Terry seemingly is a British version of A-1. He doesn't jack all, except for gets involved, takes bumps, and randomly stands in place.

Whats with the Muta-wannabe and Bashir? I get they're a team, and I can see the International connection w/ the InVasion.. but does this mean they don't care about winning any titles of their own? So is this building to one big 5 on 2 extreme match against Team 3D? Meh.

Abyss: Brings a whole new meaning to the term Shock Treatment. Anyone else find the irony in the fact that a guy with a signature move called "Shock Treatment", get shocked? I hope Raven isn't gone. I heard rumors that Douglas was only a one-time return, and he's back to being gone now. I hope Raven stays.

Eric Young: No one else gives a shit about him, why should I? Still honestly shocked how he hasn't been released yet.

M.E.M./Foley/Sting/Joe/Styles/Jarrett/Everyone Else: I think iMPACT! needs to be changed to iNDECISION! because no one knows who's on who's side. Joe turns on Styles, Foley and Jarrett can't get along, yet do. Angle and the Mafia turn on Sting. Sting's still the Godfather of the Mafia, yet Angle's the Champion.

And who the fuck let Matt Morgan in?! Anyone else get a giant :wtf: come across their face when they returned from break and Morgan's lame ass is standing in the ring with the rest of the Mafia? :lmao: I honestly just paused it, replied the final segment and had to wash my eyes out, just to make sure I wasn't seeing shit.

Final Thoughts: So thus far I'm seeing Victory Road building up to look like this..

Foley v. Angle - Heavyweight Title
Nash v. Styles - Legends Title
Steiner/Booker v. Beer Money - Tag Title
Joe v. Sting - Grudge Match
Tara v. Angelina v. Daffney v. Taylor Wilde - Knockout's Title
Team 3D v. British Invasion/Bashir/Muta-be - Handicap Match
Sharmell v. Nash's Bitch - Loser Leaves Mafia

Do I think that line-up is worth seeing? No. Is it going to sell their B-Grade Pay per view? Probably better than last year's Victory Road.

All in all, I don't know where the Mafia is headed, but by adding Joe and then Morgan, on top of apparently kicking Sting out.. it seems like one of two ways. One, toward n.W.o. White/Black, or Two, towards a split in the Mafia - that leads to two Mafia's, that end up with Jarrett, Foley & Sting on a team.
I thought Impact this week was freaking amazing. They used mostly all there talent either in the ring or promos. Beer Money gets better n better every week. I laughed my ass off when James Storm told Booker T to bob up n down on the beer bottle. On to the MEM Sting situation. I was pure gold. I honestly didnt know which way Nash was going to go. I think he will end up with Sting down the road. Im hoping that by having the MEM turn on Sting he will go Crow again n not talk n just stalk the MEM. All in all i was very impressed with Impact this week. It was way way better then the crap fest that was the commerical free RAW this week.
TNA just keeps getting better and better. This weeks show was great. Everything about it. The booking and mic work between the main event mafia and Sting was amazing. Sting is pure gold on the mic. I like having a mix of veteran and young stars in the MEM. Sting now on his own or with a new group with Nash and others will be very interesting to see. The way the thing went down harkened back to NWO vs Sting. I could also see somehow down the line the MEM going into a group of just Angle and young guys like Eric Young could be added. Or Angle would be ousted somehow and some new star becomes champion and a theres a new leader. Then there would be other groups maybe Booker T and Scott will have a change of heart. So many possibilities.
Those who liked Impact and love the direction TNA is going must be so young they never saw the original Monday Night Wars or the nWo... because its a complete bloody rip off of old WCW and has absolutely no originality to it. The MEM is turning out to be exactly the same as the nWo and now we have Sting taking up the exact same role he did ages ago and fighting everyone with his freaking bat in segments that seem as if they took the exact script from old WCW tapes and just reused them. Be original, will you? And before anyone jumps in with the tiresome excuse that WWE isn't original either and yadda yadda.. who gives a shit? Don't be a follower actually push the limits, raise the bar, try to do something unique and original. This is just garbage.

Not only that it doesn't make sense. The MEM accepts Samoa Joe into their ranks because they can't beat him, after he beat the crap out of them all and bloodied them. Okay, that's a HUGE stretch but I'll accept that. But why in the hell would Samoa Joe join the MEM? The guy has the chance to take out the MEM and get exactly what he's wanted all along, for the old guys to be eliminated so the young stars, like him, can take the ball and go with it.. and he clearly has the ability and the opportunity to do just, because the MEM said so themselves, that they couldn't beat him and couldn't win against him... so Joe has everything he wants and he throws it all away to be a lackey to the MEM? How does that make any damn sense? It doesn't. Stupid booking and stupid writing, good job. This entire storyline has lost its sense of direction and is now just grasping at anything to keep breathing.. its sad.

It would've made more sense to have Angle behind the Nation of Violence with Joe, and have them eliminate the other members of the MEM as weak and unneeded and then this Nation of Violence to replace the MEM and go to war against the entire TNA. That would've been a valid direction to go, but the way they've chosen to go is just another reason TNA doesn't have a clue and won't get anywhere. It's a damn shame, too.
Those who liked Impact and love the direction TNA is going must be so young they never saw the original Monday Night Wars or the nWo... because its a complete bloody rip off of old WCW and has absolutely no originality to it. The MEM is turning out to be exactly the same as the nWo and now we have Sting taking up the exact same role he did ages ago and fighting everyone with his freaking bat in segments that seem as if they took the exact script from old WCW tapes and just reused them. Be original, will you? And before anyone jumps in with the tiresome excuse that WWE isn't original either and yadda yadda.. who gives a shit? Don't be a follower actually push the limits, raise the bar, try to do something unique and original. This is just garbage.

Actually i've been a wrestling fan for 20 years and I liked this even though it had similiarities to things in the past like in WCW. It is a different time now and the wrestlers are playing a somewhat different roles like Sting and Nash bringing up their personal history. I liked the interactions. The people involved are good workers on the mic and most are good in the ring so it's still entertaining to me. I will want to see where they go from here...

It would've made more sense to have Angle behind the Nation of Violence with Joe, and have them eliminate the other members of the MEM as weak and unneeded and then this Nation of Violence to replace the MEM and go to war against the entire TNA. That would've been a valid direction to go, but the way they've chosen to go is just another reason TNA doesn't have a clue and won't get anywhere. It's a damn shame, too.

This could still happen. Booker and Scott could be kicked out or leave MEM for different reasons. Nash could side with Sting. This would make MEM Angle and younger stars and they could be called something else like Nation of Violence.
MisterRob said:
It would've made more sense to have Angle behind the Nation of Violence with Joe, and have them eliminate the other members of the MEM as weak and unneeded and then this Nation of Violence to replace the MEM and go to war against the entire TNA. That would've been a valid direction to go, but the way they've chosen to go is just another reason TNA doesn't have a clue and won't get anywhere. It's a damn shame, too.

That idea sounds horrible right about now. Thank goodness, you just watch wrestling and don't actually write for it because right now you're the only one that doesn't have a clue.
That idea sounds horrible right about now. Thank goodness, you just watch wrestling and don't actually write for it because right now you're the only one that doesn't have a clue.

No, if I was writing for it storylines would actually make sense. I wouldn't do something for meaningless shock value and nothing else. I wouldn't have old, broken down, no longer relevant, unable to wrestle stars who can't draw be the ones I'm depending on to attempt to draw (see the contradiction there?) I wouldn't be building a direction that could've made sense only to do a U turn and do something that makes absolutely no sense. You obviously have incredibly low standards, I don't. What happened to the Nation of Violence? Why would Joe suddenly be all about money when he's never been made out, EVER, to be anything remotely close to that? Why would he join the very people he's been made out to utterly Hate?
No, if I was writing for it storylines would actually make sense. I wouldn't do something for meaningless shock value and nothing else. I wouldn't have old, broken down, no longer relevant, unable to wrestle stars who can't draw be the ones I'm depending on to attempt to draw (see the contradiction there?) I wouldn't be building a direction that could've made sense only to do a U turn and do something that makes absolutely no sense. You obviously have incredibly low standards, I don't. What happened to the Nation of Violence? Why would Joe suddenly be all about money when he's never been made out, EVER, to be anything remotely close to that? Why would he join the very people he's been made out to utterly Hate?

You just said you'd have Samoa Joe join up with Kurt Angle to form NOV but yet you claim that him joining Kurt Angle & the MEM make no sense. That in itself makes no sense. Samoa Joe hated Kurt Angle, so what difference does it make if he's aligned with him in the MEM or with him in the NOV?

I guess you don't understand our everyday world if you don't understand the simple fact that any and everybody can be bought out. Money talks. Maybe you're too young to comprehend that. The holiest preacher in your neighborhood can get caught in money schemes without ever showing any signs prior of being money hungry so to sit there and say, "Oh it's not part of Joe's character to want money" is quite dumb.

And lol at incredibly low standards. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys Legacy. I think you're opinion from now on is quite worthless.
You just said you'd have Samoa Joe join up with Kurt Angle to form NOV but yet you claim that him joining Kurt Angle & the MEM make no sense. That in itself makes no sense. Samoa Joe hated Kurt Angle, so what difference does it make if he's aligned with him in the MEM or with him in the NOV?

I guess you don't understand our everyday world if you don't understand the simple fact that any and everybody can be bought out. Money talks. Maybe you're too young to comprehend that. The holiest preacher in your neighborhood can get caught in money schemes without ever showing any signs prior of being money hungry so to sit there and say, "Oh it's not part of Joe's character to want money" is quite dumb.

And lol at incredibly low standards. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys Legacy. I think you're opinion from now on is quite worthless.

No I didn't. I said that it would've made more SENSE if Kurt Angle had been behind the Nation of Violence and Joe joined up with him to get rid of the rest of the MEM and go to war with all of TNA then the direction TNA ACTUALLY went in does. At least that way it wouldn't have entirely contradicted everything Joe's done with Scott Steiner, every promo he's made in the past several months, or the final few weeks before the PPV where he attacked and unleashed his violence on all of the other members of the MEM -except- Angle. It still doesn't make sense with he and Angle's history, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense then the way they've gone with it now because right now it makes absolutely NO sense. None whatsoever.

And I'm far from being young. The fact is is that the lame excuse you just made to justify the storyline is a horrible excuse. Money talks? The world is deceitful and evil.. yadda yadda.. so basically the shit writers of TNA can take a character down one direction their entire career, build their character to portray certain ideals and characteristics, and then because "anything can happen in the real world" it gives them the excuse to entirely contradict everything Joe's ever done, turn his character entirely upside down, and become something clear out of left field? Yeah, that's great writing. Great story telling. Great character development. Great reasoning!

That's like you saying.. a guy whose been harassed and manipulated all his life by a group of people, and those people have done harm to his friends and family, they've built up years of abuse to the point he absolutely hates them and despises everything they're about.. is suddenly going to stand beside them and do whatever they want because they offer him a big paycheque. That's flawed logic to the extreme. Good job.

And I don't really watch WWE so I don't see how I'm really enjoying Legacy, since I seldom watch them or RAW. Another fail for you!
Impact was sub par at best this week. I thought the best part of the first segment was when Foley told the security to attack and Steiner beat the shit outta them. I lol'd at that. The segment was decent until Jarrett came out and "shocked the world" by hitting Foley. Is Foley a face or a heel? Why did Jarrett just come out and hit Foley instead of trying to talk about things? I don't get it.

Amazing Red vs. Cody Deaner. Why? Who care about this at all. At least put Red against someone like Shelley or Creed so we can have a spotfest instead of this stupid match.

I like Booker and Steiner getting the title shot, but I that whole match was really a clusterfuck, what the hell is Kyoshi doing? Are BMI face or heel? I'm confused.

There was also some more Abyss and Stevie stuff that's gone on too long.

I thought the main event was decent, but I don't know how Sting can beat up the entire MEM singlehandidly. So much for making them look strong throuoghout the show.

All in all, and up and down Impact that was pretty disappointing. Victory Road is looking to be lackluster at best.
Impact to me was kind of average for me.

Amazing Red vs Cody Deaner- My god why have Cody Deaner around. He's terrible & it makes a great talent like Amazing Red seem like he's unimportant(oh wait I think TNA's dumb ass booking is doing just that). At least Red defeated his ass.

3D vs Booker/Steiner- I do like how Steiner & Booker getting the tag title shot, but the match was a clusterfuck. What the hell is Kiyoshi & Bashir doing anyways? I'm still not sure if Beer Money are faces, tweeners or heels. I'm just gonna go with Tweeners, but i'm confused.

Evil ******(Abyss)/Stevie Richards segment- God I can't stand on what TNA has done to Abyss's character by making him well an evil ******. I mean Abyss's character used to be a legitamate bad ass monster that let his actions speak for him, but now the dumb ass TNA creative team has turned him into an evil ******. I did however like Stevie's promo as he had Lauren hostage.

Jarrett/Styles vs Angle/Joe match- The actual match was pretty good. It's really similar to the Sting/nWo storyline in WCW cause Sting is doing the exactly same thing to the Main Event Mafia. Suprisingly the whole MEM/Sting situation is interesting me.

All in all Impact had it's ups & downs. Thank god I ain't ordering Victory Road cause it's looking to be very crappy so far.
MisterRob said:
No I didn't. I said that it would've made more SENSE if Kurt Angle had been behind the Nation of Violence and Joe joined up with him to get rid of the rest of the MEM and go to war with all of TNA then the direction TNA ACTUALLY went in does. At least that way it wouldn't have entirely contradicted everything Joe's done with Scott Steiner, every promo he's made in the past several months, or the final few weeks before the PPV where he attacked and unleashed his violence on all of the other members of the MEM -except- Angle. It still doesn't make sense with he and Angle's history, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense then the way they've gone with it now because right now it makes absolutely NO sense. None whatsoever.

Yeah because it would make sense for Kurt Angle to be advising Joe all this time to terrorize and take out his fellow Mafia members? Makes real sense. :ass: You see how much of a joke that sounds? Stick to internet blogging.

And I'm far from being young. The fact is is that the lame excuse you just made to justify the storyline is a horrible excuse. Money talks? The world is deceitful and evil.. yadda yadda.. so basically the shit writers of TNA can take a character down one direction their entire career, build their character to portray certain ideals and characteristics, and then because "anything can happen in the real world" it gives them the excuse to entirely contradict everything Joe's ever done, turn his character entirely upside down, and become something clear out of left field? Yeah, that's great writing. Great story telling. Great character development. Great reasoning!

And what direction was Joe built towards? What are these ideals and characteristics of Joe did he have that you speak of that made it so contradicting for him to be bought out? Explain.

MisterRob said:
And I don't really watch WWE so I don't see how I'm really enjoying Legacy, since I seldom watch them or RAW. Another fail for you!

Lol, didn't you write an essay on them in here?
Yeah because it would make sense for Kurt Angle to be advising Joe all this time to terrorize and take out his fellow Mafia members? Makes real sense. :ass: You see how much of a joke that sounds? Stick to internet blogging.

I'm going to chock this upto you just being clueless and not able to grasping what I SAID compared to what you're Implying and leave it at that. You obviously can't grasp the difference.

And what direction was Joe built towards? What are these ideals and characteristics of Joe did he have that you speak of that made it so contradicting for him to be bought out? Explain.

From the very beginning of Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe's history of Nash being an adviser type role its always been about respect and earning his way. Their disagreements and eventual clashes were based on the fact of Joe's differing mentality then Nash, whose mentality was far more in sequence with the MEM's outlook. Joe's entire hunt for the Heavyweight title, his feuds with Angle, they've all been about respect and him standing on his own and proving he can not only be a champion but he's the future of TNA. He joined the Frontline for the past year because his mentality and ideals were exactly opposite of the MEM. When Joe went extreme and began the Nation of Violence his character pushed even more every characteristic about him that was Opposite and Against the MEM, and how he was out to get rid of them. Joe's always been a one man army if nothing else, always been about becoming champion and not allowing others to stand in his way of his success. So how in the hell would he not only be bought by the MEM who stand for everything he has been against for years now, but why in the hell would he become a lackey and set aside his own ambitions and wants to allow Angle to be champion and the MEM to prosper? It makes no sense. The only way it could be justified is if Joe's pretending and going to take them apart from the inside, instead. Otherwise, as I've stated many times, the writing and logic behind all of this is shit.

Lol, didn't you write an essay on them in here?

Nope. I don't know who you're thinking about but it wasn't me. I've never written an essay about wrestling, sorry.
Impact this week was same as always:Too much mafia and promos,not enough wrestling.

Homicide v Doug Williams:Way too short.What a waste of a ladder match.My TV's fuse blew for a minute and when I turned the TV back on,it was on the ads.The match was used well,get Homicide his X title shot and further the feud between the Foreigners and 3D.Funny how they forgot about Homicide at the end.And where was hernandez.3D came out,but not supermex.Boo.

Motor city Machine guns v Beer Money:My 2 favourite teams put on a good match,it was really exciting.James storm displays some more great psychology in ring,and the guns are fast as always.Double teams were great as always,and Booker on the commentary always makes me chuckle.Roode hip tossing storm was,umm,odd but effective.

velvet Sky v Tara:Boring.Used just to get Tara her shot.

Angelina Love v Tara:This match was better than the previous one,it was decent.Tara winning was a huge surprise.A HUGE one.

kevin nash and Matt Morgan vs Styles and Daniels:I didn't have high hopes foe this match,and i was right.I lkove styles,and I like Daniels.But bI think Morgan is okay,a bit boring and Nash is terrible.He can barely walk.All he does is hit a few knees and then tags himself out.

Jarrett vs Angle vs Mick Foley:Eric young was a surprise,but I should have expected it.I had Bobby Lashley in my mind.Anyway,as good a match you can expect from foley.Okay match,decent ending.Not the best from Jarrett and Angle.

Impact rating:2.7/5

  • Too many promos.TOO MANY PROMOS!The main event mafia need one promo,max 2.Not 5
  • beat downs.This is the benchmark for Impact!How many beatdowns can you instigate.Tonights'a lot.Beatdowns are boring unless a arestler appears to stop them after a long abscence.Like,say,Bobby Lashley.
  • Tara winning the title was surprising.Stupid though.Why give the title away at impact.Oh well...
  • Where was hernandez.I expected him to come out.Homicide getting back his title shot was pretty cool though.I'm looking forward to his reign.
  • The guns and beer money showed they can put on a good match,hopefully food for thought for the future
  • Impact needed a bit more Amazing Red and Jay Lethal.Just saying
  • How many video packages must they show.At least 4.Boring as shite.

Final Thoughts:Impact wasn't the best,but I'm looking forward to next week.
MisterRob said:
From the very beginning of Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe's history of Nash being an adviser type role its always been about respect and earning his way. Their disagreements and eventual clashes were based on the fact of Joe's differing mentality then Nash, whose mentality was far more in sequence with the MEM's outlook. Joe's entire hunt for the Heavyweight title, his feuds with Angle, they've all been about respect and him standing on his own and proving he can not only be a champion but he's the future of TNA. He joined the Frontline for the past year because his mentality and ideals were exactly opposite of the MEM. When Joe went extreme and began the Nation of Violence his character pushed even more every characteristic about him that was Opposite and Against the MEM, and how he was out to get rid of them. Joe's always been a one man army if nothing else, always been about becoming champion and not allowing others to stand in his way of his success. So how in the hell would he not only be bought by the MEM who stand for everything he has been against for years now, but why in the hell would he become a lackey and set aside his own ambitions and wants to allow Angle to be champion and the MEM to prosper? It makes no sense. The only way it could be justified is if Joe's pretending and going to take them apart from the inside, instead. Otherwise, as I've stated many times, the writing and logic behind all of this is shit.

I guess you know nothing of characters evolving. This is a new Samoa Joe, a Nation Of Violence Samoa Joe. TNA has sold him as not being the same man since his return, so again why refer to his past? His character has evolved. I'm surprised a man like you seems to know little about characters evolving since you talk as if you're some Pulitzer Prize winner.
I was slightly dsappointed with Impact! this week,but don't regret entirely watching it.

Samoa Joe vs Amazing Red:When I first saw this advertised,I thought 2 words: Quick Squash!Well,I was right,and when I saw Joe beating him up before it,I cried a little.TNA can say they gave us plenty of matches,but this was pure shit.Job Red to Joe,I can understand.But that just depressed me.It wasn't even a match.It doesn't get a 0 because I couldn't justifiably give Joe or Red a zero,never mind both.And I suppose it did further Joe's dominance,so...

Suicide vs Chris Sabin:I enjoyed this match,I always enjoy X division matches,well most of the time.And I like Sabin and Suicide,and they didn't disappoint.Decent Length,good wrestling,ultimately used it as a way to get Homicide the title,so I'll give it a good rating.

Homicide Vs Suicide:Well,the way they got Homicide to win the title while still looking like a face was a good idea,but illogical.Why would he come out to help suicide,with the case,and then seem surprised when he thought of the idea.But I'll give it a high rating,for 2 reasons.1.Homicide is finally the x division champion.2.GRINGO KILLLLAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I marked the fuck out when he used it.he can't win a title without breaking it out.It just goes to show,X wrestlers are the only ones willing to take it.Good thing he's the champ then.

Alissa Flash vs Sarita:Well,it's official,Sarita is my new favourite female wrestler.I had seen some stuff from her on Youtube,but this was much better.I haven't seen a woman do a suicide dive since Gail Kim,I think.She reminded me a lot of Amazing Red,her high flying,her in ring attire,her constant hand signals.So much that I dubbed her "Amazing Sa-Red".Also,why do they need a new knockout,they have too fucking much.Why not have Sarita beat Sojo,who I don't see the point in either.The only problem,it seemed as if Flash dominated her,and the ending made Sarita seem like a fluke.Roll-up on a debut.A debut after huge build-up is a no-no.It sort of put Alissa over Sarita,it was a bit idiotic.And the beat down afterwards,what the fuck was the point on building her up to make her leave lying on the ground to a no-name debutant.Oh well,I like her anyway.I look forward to seeing more.And it was the best women's match I've seen in a while.

Beer Money and AJ Styles vs The Main event mafia:What a terrible booked match.First,let's squash AJ to Nash.Then Storm.And ten let Roode fight by himself,the tag team wrestler.Not the legend's champion.He only eliminated Nash aswell,not anyone else.When a team finishes 3-1,it's not a good sign.TNA,continuing the trend of putting the Mafia over the young guys.And putting over 2 non-knockouts for a match,not once but twice is idiotic.

Sting vs Angle:Did I even care about this match.Looks so good on paper,but I knew there would be interference.And boy was there.A referee keeping the key around their neck.Good idea.If a wrestler comes looking for it,you can just,ummm,do nothing.Great protection.And that's another Impact ending with a beatdown.Boring.Match was okay,nothing special,not bad.As much as you can expect.

Impact Rating

  • No lethal and a squashed red leads to me being disappointed.
  • Jenna is smoking,Sharmell pales in comparison.It must be Nash's hair.
  • West's thoughts on Red looking like a smartass when he's not talikng was hilarious.Same with suicide.
  • Joe's new music is cool.The remix is awesome.
  • TNA seems to be focusing more on the women then the X division.Depressing.
  • Where is Hernandez????If he had of returned plus DA GRINGO KILLLAAAHHH,this Impact would have been much better.Oh well.

All in all,it did act as good build up for Vicory Road,which isn't going to be spectacular.Not by a long shot.
I guess you know nothing of characters evolving. This is a new Samoa Joe, a Nation Of Violence Samoa Joe. TNA has sold him as not being the same man since his return, so again why refer to his past? His character has evolved. I'm surprised a man like you seems to know little about characters evolving since you talk as if you're some Pulitzer Prize winner.

Correction: I don't think YOU know anything about characters evolving, or character development for that matter. A character's evolution is fine, and characters develop all the time, but in good writing they go from point A to point B in a manner that makes sense. They also keep the foundation of where they came from, because what they evolve into is from that foundation and therefore the influence of who they were is still present and able to be seen in some way. Hence the 'evoltion' term. Samoa Joe is not an example of character evolution, nor character development, he's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT character then he was before and doesn't make sense in context with who his former character was. One character was basically scrapped and another, entirely new character seems to have been created, the two contradicting one another. That's where TNA and you fail.

Good job.
Correction: I don't think YOU know anything about characters evolving, or character development for that matter. A character's evolution is fine, and characters develop all the time, but in good writing they go from point A to point B in a manner that makes sense. They also keep the foundation of where they came from, because what they evolve into is from that foundation and therefore the influence of who they were is still present and able to be seen in some way. Hence the 'evoltion' term. Samoa Joe is not an example of character evolution, nor character development, he's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT character then he was before and doesn't make sense in context with who his former character was. One character was basically scrapped and another, entirely new character seems to have been created, the two contradicting one another. That's where TNA and you fail.

Good job.

You're obviously new to TNA or oblivious to the fact that Joe's "COMPLETELY DIFFERENT character" is not different from his character when he first came to TNA which was all about hurting people and being deceptive. In fact, it's about the same character with a slight twist. He's gone back to his roots of being a badass! He's gone back to being a killer! He's back to being a man who walks around with a chip on his shoulder! To say he's a completely different character shows you're ignorance. What you see now is part of his traits. Before the Samoa Joe who preached to Nash about being a fighting champion and working hard, you had a similar character in Joe who was all for himself while remaining questionable so what you see now is not too far along the lines of that. So before you proceed, go back and brush up on your TNA history before you embarass yourself.
Not a terrible show by any means tonight.

The opening Taz promo was decent, he modified his famed "Survive if I let you" catch phrase to put over Joe, which was a nice touch. He spent far too much time putting over TNA and trashing WWE though, something which I'm starting to guess is a mandatory script every wrestling jumping ship to TNA is given. Just having Taz back and being used properly (not as comedic relief as an announcer) has me happy. He'd make a much better manager than half of the ones TNA already have.

Nash versus Red was the obvious jobber match it was intended to be. The Jacknife was pretty damn sick sick though.

The women's battle royal was entertaining. Battle royals usually are. The Beautiful People remain one of the few reasons to watch TNA anymore.

This whole "TNA Legends" stable they've apparently come up with? Awful. You know what it reminds me of? The Union stable from the WWF in 1999. That failed miserably as well, which I'm guessing this will. Any stable involving Eric Young is pretty shit to begin with.

AJ Styles and Matt Morgan was enjoyable as well, if a bit short.

The whole Lashley ending was okay. I've never been a fan of the guy so I wasn't particularly thrilled to see him showing up in TNA. Anyone who thought he was actually going to join the MEM and hit Foley is either a moron or a mark. He telegraphed that entire segment. Still, atleast Lashley freshens things up in TNA for now, if only for a little bit because of his MMA career. Better to have new faces than seeing the same old tired storyline (MEM aka NWO Vol. 37) dragged out week in and week out long outstaying it's welcome.

Overall I'd give the show a

I felt that last night's Impact was simply awful. I guess I'll start at the beginning.

The MEM comes out, does their thing about we're the most dominant group, yadda yadda. When Angle announces Nash, Booker and Steiner are going to defend their titles, part of me hopes that there are going to be some legit challengers. Then here comes Foley, he and Kurt doing their whole power struggle thing, then Angle announces a Keys on a Pole match. Foley isn't going to win that match, you know that the very second Angle announces the match. Even Foley himself all but comes right out and says he won't win.

Taz coming out seemed to be kind of...I dunno, just didn't seem like he had that whole spark. I don't think he put down the WWE all that much, after all it's not the WWE's fault that he can't physically wrestle anymore. I try not to read spoilers or posts that contain them, so I admit I was sort of excited that Joe was going for the X-Division title. The title has really languished in the wake of the Legends title and because the X-Division seems to be entirely cruiserweight. Then the match takes place, it's halfway decent overall. Then Joe does something completely ******ed, he knocks the shit out of the referee while he's in complete control of the match!! He and Homicide tussle for a bit more before Joe locks on the choke, ref comes around and calls for the bell. Joe knocks the piss out of the referee and gets up expecting that Homicide gave up and seems to be shocked that the ref actually disqualified him. Joe made the X-Division champ look weak, almost as if he could simply put him away at anytime and we're supposed to believe that Joe didn't know he was going to get DQ'd? Ridiculous.

Kevin Nash against Amazing Red for the Legends title. TNA has spent so much time building up the older guys that nobody thinks a smaller guy like AR has a chance. A complete waste of time, a complete squash. AR is made to look horrible during the match, West's sarcastic commentary only knocks the guy down further.

Then we've got Booker T and Scott Steiner taking on Sally Boy and Big Rocco, the two worst security guards in wrestling history. Once again, you know these two lumps aren't going to win, the match is nothing more than a joke, something else to put over the MEM. West doing his little sarcastic commentary again just makes the match even more unbearable.

Then 10 man tag match did nothing more than make the "TNA Originals" look even weaker than they already do overall. Eric Young turning was one of the few surprises or really even bright spots of the show, so that whole situation was maybe 50/50.

The Knockouts Battle Royal was nothing to write home about. The match in and of itself was just meh. I mean, it's a women's battle royal, it is what it is. When Tracy did her little interview stating she was essentially going to be an in-ring ref, I immediately knew she was going to come out with the win in the end. After all, this is a woman I haven't seen on TNA television in months and she's suddenly going to be in this battle royal where the winner represents the MEM, has a shot at the Knockout strap and wins 50K, the writing was on the wall.

So we come to Foley and Angle, which goes pretty much the way I figured it was going to go. Foley hobbling around on his "moderately sprained" ankle, trying to climb up the ropes to get the keys and so on and so forth. Then here comes the MEM, Foley gets beaten down and all that. Then, Bobby Lashley comes out, the only other surprise of the show. Calling the guy the "Thunder God" isn't doing him any favors, really not at all. I actually laughed out loud a little bit on that one. Him showing up was a surprise, what he was going to do wasn't. He was going to waffle the MEM, look all physically dominant and impressive with the MEM looking on in a mix of shocked confusion and anger on the outside.

I just wasn't at all entertained by last night's show. I thought a couple of times during the show that some potentially interesting things were about to happen, only to be completely let down. As I said, there were a couple of surprises with Eric Young's turn and Lashley showing up. Problem with Eric Young is that nobody cares and the problem with Lashley is that TNA is just a side project for him. I've read that a major reason why he signed with TNA was because they'd make allowances for his MMA career, meaning he could take extensive periods of absence at times in order to train for any upcoming fights he has. Just a smokescreen.

If I had to assign the show a grade, I'd probably give the whole thing overall a D-.
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Overall this weeks iMPACT! was rock solid, as usual. Here is my match by match review:

Taz' promo on Joe:
Great to see Taz as Joe's manager, it will really help his career and the spin on Taz' famous catchphrase was clever. Taz really put Joe over in the promo. Good stuff.

X Title Match: Samoa Joe vs. Homicide
Nice back and forth match. Homicide got far more offense then I would have predicted. I am glad Joe didn't squash Homicide in a matter of second. Regardless of the shoddy finish it was a solid match.

Hernandez Returns:
Great to see big Hernandez return, but for the sake of all things holy please for the love of god change his music. What is his Mexican or Middle Eastern? I didn't know what that shit was. It kinda killed his return for me but anyhow good return and possible Joe/Hernandez feud on the horizon.

Legends Title Match: Kevin Nash vs Amazing Red
Just complete filler. Nash made Red look like shit, especially after that Jackknife powerbomb. Overall a horrible match just to build up Nash as Legends champ.

Tag Titles Match: Booker T & Scott Steiner vs Foley's Security
Surprisingly, not a half bad match. It wasn't complete domination by MEM the whole way through. I'll admit when Rocco climbed to the top turnbuckle I marked out. But then the finish came quick and fast leaving a lot to be desired. Is it wrong that I actually find Rocco and Sally Boy entertaining? Anyways a good match none the less, not great though.

Knockouts Battle Royal to determine MEM member:
I am not sure whether TNA wanted me to think that Traci was the ref the whole time or not but I just thought she was in the match. How often do you see a referee in the ring for a battle royal? Never? Yes never. Well despite that the match was actually pretty good. But if TNA really wanted me to care that Traci is in the MEM then they failed. Didn't really seem that big of a deal, not as big as her breasts atleast. Seriously someone needs to tell her when enough is enough. Those things could kill a man.

British Invasion, Sheik & Kyoshi vs AJ Styles, Daniels, Beer Money & Eric Young:
Great match, probably the best of the night. Nice to see some Styles and Daniels double team moves again and Rob Terry finally wrestled and didn't look too bad either. Not much to say here, but it was match of the night for me. Lots of fast paced action and a nice end with EY hitting the piledriver (Which according to Tenay is unwritten law that you just don't use that move!) on AJ allowing the Brits and company get the win.

Eric Young forms The World Elite:
A great promo by EY and it really solidifies why Sheik and Kyoshi are the Brits. I also had forgotten EY was Canadian until last night but it all made sense in the end and Foley's attack on EY was well done as well.

Keys on a pole match: Kurt Angle vs Mick Foley
Mick Foley keeps consistently proving that he still has a lot left in the tank. He is a far better performer than Nash is right now and that superplex he hit on Kurt was great. Kurt made Mick's double-arm DDT look like gold as well. But overall the match wasn't too exciting and a good match was ruined by an interference ending. Oh well.

Bobby Lashley destroys:
MEM are taking it to Mick then all of the sudden the Thunder God arrives supposedly out to join in on the hurting. Instead he turns on MEM and makes them all into his new line of protein shake. I must admit it was very predictable but we have to remember it is Lashley we are dealing with. Overall his debut was good and I wouldn't put it past TNA to give him the title in about a months time.

Moment of the Night:
Don West's commentary
This guy is pure genius and I think he may be starting to over shadow the actual show with how funny he is. With lines like: "Me and Kyoshi were out to dinner the other night.." or "Me and Velvet Sky were tweeting each other the other night..." I just can't help but laugh. This guy really has evolved into his character and I am willing to go out on a limb and say that I prefer him over good ole' JR. West brings humour to the table. His comments on Red are always good for a laugh as well, making Red out to be serious competition for Nash or making him out to be a complete asshole. Regardless his commentary was the moment of the night for me, particularly the Kyoshi comment.

Honorable mentions:
1. Lashley destroys.
2. Hernandez returns.
3. Nash murders Red.

Overall Score:
The night was really solid a lot of ups and downs. So I am going to give it a 7.
Overall, an awful show. My thoughts after watching it again

The beginning actually wasn't bad. I get to see Taz on TV again. He's really good on the mic and he and Joe make one badass team. But wait, why is the crowd cheering him? He's supposed to be a heel. Samoa Joe should be the biggest heel in the company but he's getting more cheers than anyone? It makes no sense. On to the match for the Forgotten Title. Pretty decent, but nothing great. Little did I know I wouldn't see anything close to this good for the rest of the night. The ref gets knocked down or something and it ends with bells ringing everywhere and Don West yelling like a maniac. Hernandez makes the save, there's another good thing, this show is looking good. However, when the high point of the show is 15 minutes in there is a problem.

We go to the back and Foley is whining to JB about being not being the golden boy or something. Very, very pointless.

O goodie, a MEM in ring promo. Angle goes on talking for what seems like a million years. Booker is hugging Sharmell during the whole thing. Angle calls out Mick Foley. Why? Shouldn't he be done with him now? Foley comes out looking like a ******ed hippie. Angle has his office keys and we are sure they're his cause it says TNA is really big letters on it. The segment is still going on, I'm fighting to stay awake. Apparently we get a keys on a pole match for the office. It's one of the stupidest matches TNA's pulled out in a long time, and that's saying something.

We get Nash defending his title against Amazing Red. Poor guy, he could be successful in the X Division if it still existed. Nash beats him in like a minute. Not too bad, his powerbomb was sweet.

Lauren is interviewing Hernandez backstage, or maybe it's Homicide, I'm not paying much attention anymore. Either way, the other one comes back as well. They may a few possibly racist remarks to Lauren and proceed to yell at each other in Spanish for whatever reason.

Another Foley segment. This one is might be more confusing and pointless than the last one. Foley has a sprained ankle. O shit, how will he ever compete. He says something about dignity and blah blah blah. Rocco and Sally Boy come in to cap off another outstanding segment.

Another backstage segment with the Booker family and Steiner. Some incoherent blabbering. They're going to defend their titles or something.

We come back with our 4th straight backstage segment. I wonder if the Impact Zone blew up. That'd be interesting. Anyway, Lauren is talking to Tits McGee about being "Knockout Law" again, whatever the fuck that is.

Wait, what's this? A match? There's a shocker. The tag champs are going up against the juggernaut known as the fat, Italian security guys. They beat the shit out of the less fat one until big Rocco comes in and OWNS everyone. The crowd actually cared for amount. Alas, it doesn't matter as that bitch Sharmell ruins it. The tag champs beat the security team, but they needed interference to do so. Awesome.

We go back to Foley yet again. He climbing an invisible pole. Damnit, Eric Young is there. Young goes on and on saying a bunch of generic things a face would say. Foley can trust him now and Young is the super secret mystery partner in the clusterfuck tag team match.

We get another backstage segment. It's with Tara and it's by far the worst yet. She has less personality that a crusty old pile of dog shit. She's bitching about Slick Johnson (lol) and is gonna put the spider of doom on him.

Now we have a women's battle royal to win 50,000 bucks and become the Main Event Mafia's "Chosen One" and occasional sex toy. There are a bunch of chicks in the ring. I've heard good things about Alissa Flash but I don't know where the hell she is. Sarita's in here, too. Is this her debut match? Who knows. Deaner catches ODB and we get to see him yelling at Slick. It's more interesting than the actual match I suppose. Nash comes to the announce table before commercial. We come back and it looks like some chicks were eliminated, only Russo knows who. Tits McGee is creepy in the ring checking to see whose feet touch the floor. She's pretty sneaky. Anyway, it's down to Kong and Spider Girl and Tits pushes eliminated both of them. What a shocker. She jumps into Nash's arms, her job begins immediately. Meanwhile, Kong and Tara are fighting and the bells are ringing and refs are everywhere. Tara gets in the rings some how and punches Slick right in the nads. I gotta admit, that was somewhat funny.

Beautiful People with Lauren backstage. Man they're hot. I don't know what they're saying and I don't care. Damnit, it's Deaner. He all pissed about something. The Beautiful People tease him and they knee him right in the balls before he can get his BJ. That's 2 shots to the nuts from women today. Spike might want to relook that whole man on women violence thing.

Angle's opponent on the next PPV is Sting. Wait a minute, STING!?!? Why the fuck does he get a title shot when he hasn’t won a PPV match in forever? That makes no sense. Apparently Morgan or AJ will also be in the match depending on who wins a series or something. Why not just have them in a one on one match with Angle. I know Sting's a big name and all, but it's illogical that he should even be near the main event right now.

AJ finally gets an interview. His is the shortest of the night for some reason, even though he's the best thing in TNA right now.

Time for the huge 10 man tag match with the good guys against the foreign guys. Starts of ok. There are a lot of spots that make everyone happy. Eventually turns into a big clusterfuck with everyone and their momma's in the ring. AJ is about to get the win and we get another shocker as Shithead Eric Young hits him with the Evil Piledriver of Doom. Who would've thought he would do something like that after turning face just an hour ago? TNA really got me there. After the match Foley is shown backstage and he can't even act like he's that angry because this is so stupid.

Eric Young is still on my TV after commercial. Why? Apparently him and the foreign guys are the World Elite. Just what TNA needs, another heel stable. Foley comes out and tries to fight Shithead. Stupid move, he'll need all his energy for the big Keys on a Pole Match.

Finally, time for the big Pole Match. I've been looking forward to this all night. Foley, sprained ankle and all, takes control early. It looks like Angle is going to get some offense in but Foley suplexes him. We're back and the old man is still taking it to the champ. Angle can't do anything. Foley with the Claw and Angle passes out. He might be dead. Foley's about to get the key until ... ZOMG ITS TEH MEM!! Who saw this coming? What an unpredictable run in. They easily beat the shit outta Foley for what seems like the 34th time.

It looks like it's finally over, thank the Lord. But wait, there's some machine parts on the big screen. It's the motha-fuckin' Thunder God Bobby Lashley! He's back after making a huge impression during his first run in TNA. What will he do this time? Is he actually going to walk down the ramp? He is! Apparently he's an MMA star now and the great WWE Champion of all time. He's hugging Kurt so he must be with the MEM. There's no reason to think otherwise. Poor Foley is going to die. But wait, another shocker. The God of Thunder and a wounded Mick Foley single-handedly take out the entire MEM.

The screen has faded to black. Mercifully, it's over. There was no Abyss, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, or Matt Morgan on this show. We had a total of 9 backstage segment/interview things and 6 matches; 1 of which ended cleanly. I'm speechless.
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