Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Well, interesting show tonight. Shaq was enjoyable through out the entire night, as I'm sure we all expected him to be. He's such a genuinely entertaining and wacky guy that his presence really helped liven things up during what was otherwise a mediocre episode of RAW. Here are some more random observations about the show.

Couple of random botches I noticed tonight, from Mickie slipping on the turnbuckle during her entrance to the King opening the show by saying that Shaq was a "15 Time MVP"...really now King? Fifteen MVP's huh? No, more like 1 MVP award King, you must have meant 15 All Star selections. Was I the only one that noticed that?

King's solo commentary during the Diva's match was pretty damn painful. The man just continues to deteriorate as a commentator, and has lost almost all of the appeal he once had. You're supposed to be a color commentator King, crack a fucking joke or something, we don't need two play-by-play men.

The Hornswoggle skit at first had me feeling embarrassed to call myself a wrestling fan, but the sketch was then completely redeemed by the incredibly awkward comment Michael Cole made. "Oh my...that was Shaqalicious" he says and attempts to give Shaq a fist-bump with the most awkward and nerdy look on his face ever. I burst out laughing and just COULD NOT stop laughing at how ridiculous that look on Cole's face was. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. It wasn't a particularly funny sketch or anything, but just that awkward look on Cole's face as he sheepishly looked up at Shaq for a fist-bump of approval had me rolling in laughter.

Chris Masters comes back? Why? For what purpose? You could tell that all of the fans had completely forgotten about the goof, and for good reason. Can't say I'm looking forward to seeing Masters in the WWE again, quite a shit wrestler.

I continue to fail to see the point of the entire Chavo Guerrero-Hornswoggle feud. I suppose the only reason it's taking place is so that there's an excuse to stick Hornswoggle on TV for all of the little kiddies. Someone should make a compilation of their awful matches so that future generations can behold the shit that this feud has truly been. Future Wrestle Crap articles will be written about this feud.

Miz's line about Obama was so obviously fed to him by Vince. I'd wager good money that Vince or one of his cronies trying to please him fed that line to the Miz. Keep your fucking politics out of wrestling, they have NO place there.

Main event was decent I suppose, if only to see Shaq and Show go at it. Very, very large men hitting each other is a recipe for entertainment in my book. I laughed my ass off when Cole stated that a spear was apparently going to break several ribs. A spear Cole, really?

The Beat the Clock matches were entertaining, though painfully obvious from start to finish (except for the Bourne upset, didn't see that one happening). It's nice to see Henry continuing to be pushed, his face turn has really been a breath of fresh air. Good to see the crowd is still popping nicely for him as well. The Cena-Miz match had some potential but was over far too quickly, even for a TV match. The Beat the Clock theme overall though works great for a television show and really helps to keep things moving along in a natural progression.

Overall, decent show, nothing too special though. Can't say I'm particularly thrilled over the prospects of yet another Randy Orton-John Cena feud/match, but I suppose it's better than Orton-HHH Part 97. I'd give the show a C+

Rating: C+
1. I liked Shaq is a guest host and even though his insults were something a 2nd grader does all the time, it was still funny nevertheless.

2. I'm curious to see who Kofi's next feud will be against. My money is on the Miz but Swagger is a huge possibility.

3. The HHH/Legacy match seems like they are going to have HBK return so it can be DX/Legacy at Summerslam since I can't see HHH being left off that card.

4. I'm looking forward to Cena/Orton. I don't believe their match will be better than the one that had at Summerslam 2007, mainly because I think Orton was a little bit better back then than he is now.

Grade: B-
Well the show was the usual mix of entertainment and piss breaks. Hornswoggle match and the Divas match served well for the latter.

Right, first of all I want to speak about the Main Event. For months people have been saying they are sick of the main event always being Legacy/HHH/Batista/Cena. We got something different tonight and the crowd were dead. Cryme Tyme in a Main Event? No thankyou. Big Show? Hell no. Shaq knocking Show over was the only high spot of this whole match. Either Show sold it really well or he was actually shocked by how hard Shaq knocked him. Hopefully the latter. Either way this match should not have ended the show, even first timers watching only for Shaq will have found the main event crap.

On to the Beat the Clock match and I thought the whole tournament was done superbly. Mark Henry was seen as being too eager to get the pinfall so subsequently hadn't done enough damage to win. Carlito gave as good as he's got and didn't lose anything from the match. MVP vs Masters (what a dud of a re-debut) was okay. Masters not being able to win the match so getting the double countout to stop MVP winning was done well. It's just a shame MVP/Swagger feud was only a one off match as it seems to be forgotten about.

HHH/Rhodes was done brilliantly. Though why HHH did his normal entrance after being hit in the knee with a crowbar was beyond me, he should have been so pissed he went after Rhodes straight away. Ted's interference was well timed and HHH running out of time with Rhodes beaten was brilliant. What HHH does for Summerslam is beyond me though. Him taking out Legacy is the only option but he will be doing that on Raw next week.

Swagger/Bourne was passable too, it got over how Swagger is too cocky for his own good at times and wasn't concentrating well enough and got rolled up. As for Cena/Miz it again told a great story. Miz was there to frustrate and he did that. However, he did it too much and got cocky and rightly ended up in the STF. Cena/Orton is a great Summerslam Main Event. Cena should win to let Orton/HHH have their blow off feud in the Hell in the Cell PPV without the title as a distraction.

Whatever else was on Raw, I've forgotten about already so it wasn't worth mentioning. It set up the main event of Summerslam and it gave a lot of time to Shaq to please the new viewers so it did it's job.

It was an ok show, but some of the items that get repeated far too often once again recurred:

1. The host goofing around with a non-funny santino skit.
2. The host goofing around with hornswaggle.
3. Chavo losing yet again in some sort of penalty match against hornswaggle.
4. Jericho berating the host.
5. Miz getting squashed again by Cena.

And of course, HHH once again making himself look better than a member of legacy. So apparently Cody is so bad that even after HHH went through an exhausting match the night before, had his leg taken out before and repeatedly during the match, and HHH was distracted by dibiase...despite all that, HHH still can beat Cody in approximately 6 and a half minutes?
It was a pretty decent show, nothing spectacular. It could've used a little more Shaq at times, I thought that all of his segments were pretty good.

I love when they do Beat the Clock shows, one of the best concepts in wrestling. I was hoping for Henry to win it, but you knew it had to be Cena. The Masters return was stupid, he is just awful, same with MVP.

Bourne winning was a huge shocker, I'm hoping we get to see Swagger beat the shit out of him in coming weeks. Should be entertaining, maybe they can get on the Summerslam card.

HHH/Rhodes match didn't make much sense, especially the ending. Poor Cody can't even beat a one legged HHH with intereference. DX/Legacy should be decent I suppose.

The Cena/Miz match was looking pretty good, but the ending was pure shit. The whole point of BTC is to build suspense, not have Cena lock on the STF with more than 2 minutes left. It ended too suddenly. However, I am looking forward to Cena/Orton, their last feud was tremendous.

The main event was alright, it did it's job. It highlighted Shaq and gave Raw some exposure.

I'll give the show a B
I'm just gonna point out the select keys within the show, and give my opinions on the topics at hand.

Raw's Guest Host: Shaq

Why does it seem, with the exception of the massive failure I seen ZZ Top to be, that every Guest host that isn't a Wrestler or former Wrestler.. wants to get involved in the Main Event of the show, via Wrestling or trying to be apart of the action in some manner?

Do they not gain the concept of being a guest GM, as being the guy who doesn't have to Wrestle but instead the guy who commands an entire roster what to do, at their feet?

Shaq is the latest wannabe failure in regard to wanting to look cool for trying to make the world see you as something you're not. Shaq stands up to Big Show, and because they're of equal height I'm suppose to think Shaq can suddenly take him? Uhm, no. Would it be a match I'd pay for on Pay per view - yeah, sure. But I've also paid for lesser named individuals to wrestle one another on Pay per views, so that doesn't say a lot.

In the end, I'm hoping that they skip the male testosterone with the next couple of Guest hosts and just allow them to HOST the fucking show - not interject himself into the Main Event of it.

Monday Night Diva's

While I never had a problem with Mickie James becoming the Diva's Champion, and believe she is deserving.. I have a problem with the fact that Maryse has went from being the top Diva on Raw, to not even being on the damn show.

We have a Six Diva Tag team match, and it seems like the storylines being followed right now are Gail Kim stealing Mickie's thunder, while Beth Phoenix seems to be a third party to the mix.

And in the end.. no Maryse, but why? Maryse is without question the best thing to happen to the Women's Division on Monday Night's in quite a long time since the days of Trish & Lita, and they just discard her completely from any and all storylines for a night - a night, directly following a Pay per view in which she drops her title. Makes no sense, what so ever.

Chavo Guerrero: Lose, Laugh At, & Mock?

While I'm not exactly a Chavo Guerrero fan and could arguably care less what they do with him. Be it use him, don't use him, or fire him all together. I guess a small part of me just wishes they'd quit fucking putting Chavo v. Hornswoggle, in various gimmick matches that when all are said and done - make Chavo lose to a midget.

Guerrero wasn't interesting before any of this, but making him a living joke isn't helping his cause at all. So, these segments weren't funny in the beginning, and roughly one month later - they're even worse. Just stop the shit already. Or let Chavo finally kill the midget.

Rewind & Beat the Clock, To Summerslam!

Its sad enough that 2 of the 5 Beat the Clock contenders were John Cena and Triple H, but did you really have to make their opponents so worthless?

I mean, lets at least give Triple H credit for not winning and not even beating the clock to gain a possible win. On a side note, I'm half way torn in whether or not I want this to lead to a possible Priceless vs. DX match-up at Summerslam. At least it gets Triple H out of the title picture, but only to give Cena a brighter shot at it. Until Triple H gets his turn again.

Chris Masters makes his big return, and I can't help but laugh at the fact that he was basically just thrown out there to die all over again. No big return, no big momentum other than locking M.V.P in the same tireless, worn out Full Nelson, and if anything - he looks worse than when he left. Maybe he should get back ON the roids.

I can't help but find the irony in the Swagger/Bourne match-up, considering since both have jumped to Raw I haven't been able to stand either of them. Bourne is like a fish out of water trying to run with the big dogs on the Flagship, while Swagger's jump was just too soon. Maybe if he'd have gotten the United States title upon debuting it'd be different, but right now he's nothing more than a mid-card jobber that should've stayed as one of the top guys on E.C.W.

Finally, the reason the Beat the Clock pissed me off the most. Mark Henry.

Since jumping to Raw and becoming an aggressive, dominate Face. I've loved Mark Henry and everything about him. But two things happened last night on Raw, that pissed me off more than anything. The first was having Henry struggle for 7 minutes against Car-fucking-lito.. before finally, seemingly barely, beating him.

The second.. having Henry's time go unbeaten all night - until Cena makes the Miz tap out, YET AGAIN, which allows Cena to go on to Summerslam to face Orton for the Championship.. YET AGAIN! Why couldn't we have gotten a fucking break for one month, and had Henry against Orton?

I get Summerslam is a big show. But I promise you, fans are getting tired of the same refurbished shit over and over. Henry vs. Orton may not have been a Main Event, but it would've worked a hell of a lot better than the Summerslam Main Event from two fucking years ago! I'm begging them to do something with Henry, now that he's finally gaining a quality reaction!
Overall, Monday's show was pretty solid. I just caught the replay a few hours ago, and I thought it wasn't completely different, and nothing totally new and original happened, but it did move many things forward, except for one tiny thing, that is. At Night of Champions, Randy Orton tapped out to a double submission move from Trips and Cena. I'm surprised they didn't go deep into that or do anything that furthered the tiny angle. I thought it was a good spot that could have seeded interesting angles, and I wanted to see them do something with it, but they didn't. I guess I'm expecting too much from WWE nowadays. Well, a smark can dream, kids; a smark can dream...
Just another thing I've noticed and not sure where else to mention it...but what is with what the announcers (and I'm assuming McMahon) wanting us to adopt "the viper" as randy orton's new nickname? Now every time we see him, we hear Cole talking about the viper, or is the viper going to strike, or the viper has just struck.

First, it's lame and unimaginative. "The Viper" sounds like a failed name of an 80s wrestler, and it doesn't really fit randy orton. Say what you will about names like the texas rattlesnake, the big red machine, the ultimate opportunist...those names are creative and fun to say. even "the cerebral assassin", while it doesn't seem to fit HHH at all, is still creative.

I do understand that the attempt to give Randy some sort of nickname. And I also understand that they can't go with something like "the wooden robot" or the "boring promotion guy" But come on, the viper? It's not memorable, fun, or creative, and I think they need to find something else.

While they're at it, the "charismatic enigma" nickname for jeff is stupid too. They tried to change it for a while to the "rainbow haired warrior" but apparently that has been stopped and they're back to this enigma thing. That doesn't fit either...what exactly is enigmatic about him, outside of why he paints his face up like halloween?
I have been a long-time lurker here.. but never registered to post. This episode of Smackdown.. made me register lol. It was that good.

From the opening promo, Jericho's mic work, the tag team match rey/finley(which was actually very good), to the epic match between Hardy & Morrison... it was just an incredible night. That, by far, was a 100x better show than what Raw has produced lately.

Great show..
The entire night was spent with the destruction of every single new star on the show... In a time where new stars MUST be built, they systematically made every single one look like an utter joke other then Legacy? (who you know will get mowed down by 'DX' at summer' fest)

And removing the Miz from RAW??? at RAW?? a non PPV? removing the one person who seems to be rising quite quickly? this move makes no sense what so ever in any universe.... Vince McMahon is losing his mind!!!

It's time to fire every single member of that RAW writing staff and start over. This episode was a disgrace to every person who think of themselves as a wrestling fan.
Yeah I was pretty embarrassed to call myself a wrestling fan after watching that abortion tonight. If the NWO, 4 Horseman, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, and even the Rock made an appearance it still wouldn't of saved the show tonight. I will still hear those Entourage is Gay! chants in my head tonight. Say what you will but you won't hear those chants in TNA.
While I do commend Piven for being the first guest non-wrestling host willing to go heel, it was the worst swerve in history. What point did it really prove? It wasn't done at the beginning of the show to build some sort of "dilemna" for the top star, it was done in the last 15 minutes... and the top star still won his match. The only thing that happened as a result of the swerve was piven now had an excuse to jump from the top rope (personally i was hoping he'd slip and fall off at this point) only to be caught by cena and dr ken could now be thrown out of the ring onto the other bad guys.
Lately i havent been liking raw with the guest hosts and everything, ts a waist of time. For instance Jeremy Piven only went on raw this week to advertise his movies and to do something that a lot of people probably now hate him for, Banning the miz from Raw and summerslam and summerfest. Even though its Vinces fault there are a lot of fans out there that will not understand this.

Ever since raw has been controlled by celebrities that vince thinks will help the ratings (not really), its been having less control you have talented wrestlers being fired and humilated.

For instance hat they have been doing to Chavo, I dont think sewing his tuxedo pants together, giving him a blind fold match and putting him through other stipulations is really helping him in any way. And I go back to The Miz, out of all wrestlers why did he have to get banned. At the moment out of all the wrestlers he was probably the only talent raw had left, seeing thought they were humilating Chavo, the main even only having Legacy, Cena and Triple H in it, Santino Marrela doesnt even do anything but hang out with the hosts, and finnaly having kofi kingston as champion even though he doesnt even show it.

I think if Vince was to go back and get only one gm then it would be good, i am pretty sure people wouldnt mind having Vickie Guerrero back!
Raw was great last night. The seeds were planted for DX vs Legacy, Legacy got a clean win over HHH, Swagger looked good out there, the IWC's favorite wrestler got banned
( :lmao: take that IWC), and Dr. Ken was hilarious he stole the show last night.
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Well I actually almost ordered tickets to this. Really good tickets, too. Then I decided to order some pizza and a Matt Morgan t-shirt instead. One of the better decisions I've made recently.

Dr. Ken was atrocious. Just atrocious. I don't even know what else to say about him other than RAW would have been much better off without him. Basically... Dr Ken, worthless Mark Henry/Chavo match (better than 'swoggle, though, I'll give them that), and the fact that Masters wasn't in a match (not counting lumber jack) were the low points for me.

The Piven heel turn was entertaining. I don't watch SmackDown, so it was the first time I've heard Y2Show music and I dug it. Jericho on commentary and marking out for the Big Show was pretty cool. I guess those were the only things I semi-enjoyed out of this episode.

I don't know about anyone else but I couldn't care less about the possible DX reunion. Though I do understand that I'm in the minority there so whatever. At any rate, I'm glad I didn't spend my $70 on this.
mareek, I'd green rep you if I could, but apparently I've given out too much rep in the last 24 hours. I'll get you as soon as I can.

Personally, I thought Raw was pretty decent last night. The opening segment was kind of all over the place, but it was definetly entertaining.

The Swagger/Bourne match was pretty good, a little short, but at least Swagger was made to look good. They aren't burying EVERY young star now are they?

Diva match, standard stuff, nothing great nothing bad. I'm glad we got to see Jillian again though, she's really underrated.

I was actually pretty surprised to see Legacy go over HHH, even if it was a handicap match it is the best they've ever looked. The HHH promo while he was on the ground was fantastic as well. The crowd completely ate it up. I'm so pumped to see Shawn come back even though I know it's going to happen.

The Colons had a match. Truthfully, I can't really remember who won. I think Carlito, but I'm not sure. Primo tries, but he is just too boring and Carlito looked like he didn't give a shit.

Chavo/Markswaggle was ok. At least you can't complain about Hornswaggle beating Chavo again. The aftermath was a little too long, but nothing too bad.

I really enjoyed the Kofi/Big Show match. Jericho was awesome on commentary. I could listen to him call me a hypocrite and a drone all day long. The match made Big Show look dominant, but let Kofi keep his title. The best of both worlds.

The main event swerve was kind of dumb, but at least one of the guest hosts went heel. Dr. Ken was funny as hell coming down to the ring, he made me lol. I like how Masters was used as a lumberjack since he wasn't in a match, at least we know he's still on Raw. The ending was a little quick, but it was surprising. The aftermath with Piven and Dr. Ken was some of the funniest stuff I've seen on Raw in a while, they had me laughing even after the show was over.

I'll give Raw a B+ last night, it was a pretty good show.

As for everyone whining about the Miz being kicked off Raw, it was for the best. The mid card is crowded with heels like Master, Carlito, and Swagger. There isn't anything for the Miz to do, so he is stuck losing to Cena every week. Instead of doing that, he's going to have a chance to go to Smackdown and most likely receive a pretty big push. There is absolutely no reason to bitch and moan like little 4 year olds, jeez!
mareek, I'd green rep you if I could, but apparently I've given out too much rep in the last 24 hours. I'll get you as soon as I can.

Personally, I thought Raw was pretty decent last night. The opening segment was kind of all over the place, but it was definetly entertaining.

The Swagger/Bourne match was pretty good, a little short, but at least Swagger was made to look good. They aren't burying EVERY young star now are they?

Diva match, standard stuff, nothing great nothing bad. I'm glad we got to see Jillian again though, she's really underrated.

I was actually pretty surprised to see Legacy go over HHH, even if it was a handicap match it is the best they've ever looked. The HHH promo while he was on the ground was fantastic as well. The crowd completely ate it up. I'm so pumped to see Shawn come back even though I know it's going to happen.

The Colons had a match. Truthfully, I can't really remember who won. I think Carlito, but I'm not sure. Primo tries, but he is just too boring and Carlito looked like he didn't give a shit.

Chavo/Markswaggle was ok. At least you can't complain about Hornswaggle beating Chavo again. The aftermath was a little too long, but nothing too bad.

I really enjoyed the Kofi/Big Show match. Jericho was awesome on commentary. I could listen to him call me a hypocrite and a drone all day long. The match made Big Show look dominant, but let Kofi keep his title. The best of both worlds.

The main event swerve was kind of dumb, but at least one of the guest hosts went heel. Dr. Ken was funny as hell coming down to the ring, he made me lol. I like how Masters was used as a lumberjack since he wasn't in a match, at least we know he's still on Raw. The ending was a little quick, but it was surprising. The aftermath with Piven and Dr. Ken was some of the funniest stuff I've seen on Raw in a while, they had me laughing even after the show was over.

I'll give Raw a B+ last night, it was a pretty good show.

As for everyone whining about the Miz being kicked off Raw, it was for the best. The mid card is crowded with heels like Master, Carlito, and Swagger. There isn't anything for the Miz to do, so he is stuck losing to Cena every week. Instead of doing that, he's going to have a chance to go to Smackdown and most likely receive a pretty big push. There is absolutely no reason to bitch and moan like little 4 year olds, jeez!

I like this guy. ;)

But yeah Dr. Ken completely stole the show I was anxious to see him come back on camera after a match or segment because he was that funny. He said some classic lines that will never be forgotten.
Alright, Raw last night wasn't great. It wasn't horrendous, it was just below average. There were a few good matches and a few high spots, but really, outside of the main event heel turn, Piven wasn't that great of a host, and to be honest, Dr. Ken got old real fast. Let's break it down.

Opening Promo: This opening bit was entertaining, but Piven and Ken wouldn't manage that again until the main event. The introductions by Ken and Piven were good, and the ensuing Miz/Cena bit was really good. The main event is announced, and my first reaction is that it's rather silly to have stipulations apply to only one half of the match. I get that it's all about the uberface host being unfair to heels, but still. There's no drama here for the average fan. The Miz fans on the boards had plenty to worry about, but the live audience as a whole was probably happy at the prospect of Miz leaving. If you put the possibility of Cena banned from Raw on there, how much more exciting does the main event become? Simple stuff, really. 6/10

Match #1 - Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne: Not sure why it was necessary to go and kill Bourne here, after he debuted new music, a new shirt, and a big win over Swagger last week. There's got to be another face on the roster Swagger can do this to. Why not Primo? The Carlito vs Primo match could have been a SummerSlam opener. Not the actual match they had on Raw, the match they could have had, with promotion and better time. Or Santino or something, he's a face now. Whatever. Anyway, this was a short match that was basically a quick squash for Swagger, and really just buildup for MVP vs Swagger, with the former making a save for Bourne at the end. 5.5/10

Match #2 - Mickie James & Gail Kim vs Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall: Typical Divas match fare, really. Nothing bad and nothing impressive. Gail vs Beth was a cool component of this match. The face team was really hot here, with Gail especially looking better than she has in a while. A relatively short match here again that seems to be servicing one of two things: either rebuild Beth as a credible challenger so she can go after Mickie, or, with Gail taking the pin, maybe setting her up to go heel and wrestle Mickie. Either way, a decent match here. 5/10

Match #3 - Legacy vs Triple H: This was a damn good match that was far better than I expected. It didn't feature the immediate debut of HBK which might have been a disappointment to some, but it's pretty much confirmed. I was really in shock when Legacy got the pin and honestly, it was a clean victory. There was typical double teaming stuff and tag team assistance, but altogether, there was no hardcore cheating here, and Orton didn't even show his face. They both got to hit finishers on HHH and HHH actually went out to the Crossroads. I'm really impressed with this match. It was a great handicap contest, it fed the feud really well, it sold Legacy as a legitimate threat to HHH, and brings in DX in a perfectly logical manner. Altogether great stuff, and the MOTN. HHH's after match promo was great, with a perfect combination of humor and the intensity required to bring DX in.7.5/10

Match #4 - Carlito vs Primo: Right, awesome. I'm telling you this could have been a PPV opener. How about some, I dunno...actual promos? No one has gotten a promo in this feud, not even a backstage interview. No Carlito expressing his anger at Primo. No Primo expressing his outrage. Nothing. Just the commentators selling this like an actual feud. Faaaantastic. The match was pretty poor, really because no one cared, and whatever, let's move on. 4/10

Match #5 - Chavo Guerrero vs Mark Henry: I would complain about this match, but honestly, it isn't Hornswoggle. This is an improvement, which is the sad bit. It's just another Chavo-embarrassing squash match, but at least a legitimate wrestler is squashing him, and that legitimate wrestler is getting great face pops. On his own, and now that he got the Hornswoggle rub. Yes, Hornswoggle has a rub now. It's really sad. 4/10

Match #6 - Big Show vs Kofi Kingston for the United States Championship: A decent match here that's basically a complete Show domination, but there was some good offense from Kofi. It was good for what it was meant to be. I've got problems with the finish, however. I mean, disqualifying him for corner punches? It was the right thing for the ref to do, but it was a bad way to end the match. Considering that earlier in the match, Show had a hold in the corner that he let go, to not be disqualified, why is he suddenly stupid enough to get DQd in the corner? And, incidentally, the ref's count was barely noticeable, which hurt the finish even more. I'm not saying Show getting DQd was a bad idea, but why not via Jericho interference or something? Oh well. 5/10

Match #7 - John Cena vs The Miz, Lumberjack Loser Is Banned From Summerfest '09 Loser Leaves Raw (But Only For the Miz) Match: Okay, now, really. Let's just take the match in and of itself first, which is decent. It was back and forth, it implemented the lumberjacks well, etc., etc. It wasn't good, but it was good enough. But honestly. Miz has a lot of potential. He's nowhere near main event, but this Cena feud could have done a lot for him. If Cena could have managed to put him over just once in their four matches, think of where it would have gotten him. Even in this Raw match, with 12 other guys helping him, Cena STILL wins? I mean, honestly, I'm a Cena fan, and I don't even particularly like the Miz, but I do recognize that the Miz has a great deal of potential and they're killing him. How pathetic does the Miz look out of this? Why would you even do this feud when it does nothing but hurt for everyone? It doesn't make Cena look any better, and it destroys any credibility the Miz has a singles competitor. Now he goes to ECW or SmackDown, where he's going to have to dig himself out a hole to get over. It's silly, really. 4.5/10

Overall: Raw's been on a bit of a roll lately, but last night's show failed to impress. Only one good match, with the rest being poor, especially considering last week's run of very good matches the whole night. The handicap was great, but really, nothing else stood out. Piven as a host was really unimpressive, as I said it would be, because frankly, no-one really knows who Piven is. He's a great actor, yes, Entourage is a good show, yes, and I'm sure the Goods will be very funny, yes. But he's got extremely little name value to the average person, and this is why he failed. He wasn't really that funny, and the Dr. Ken antics got old quick. The main event was really poor, I mean, it would have failed as a one hour main event, let alone the proper one. The handicap match really should have main evented the show, and just skip the HHH phone call promo (can be done on Superstars). It also really failed to develop Summerslam properly. DX vs Legacy was moved along nicely, of course, but Orton vs Cena did nothing, and that's a problem, considering it was billed as the main attraction on the card. Cena was all about the Miz and Orton was...Orton was nowhere. Swagger vs MVP got a tease, and that was all we had for SummerSlam development. Really, just unimpressive. A below average show that will hopefully be shown up by next week's program, which features Sgt. Slaughter, who will make everything okay. Raw's final rating: 5/10
I would just like to say one thing...

Were my eyes decieving me or did Triple H lay down for Legacy?

I was in utter shock when Cody Rhodes pinned The Game cleanly... This is the man who destroys everyone and everything and really gets on my nerves with the way he wins his matches...

Hopefully he continues to lay down for Legacy to really get the team over

Overall another dissapointing RAW.
-Why did The Miz lose to Cena YET AGAIN!
ok everyone,what are your thoughts on this weeks Raw

I thought Raw was terrible like always,Jermey piven and dr. Ken were okay as hosts,dr. ken was hilarious but john cena ruined it by coming out and talking

evan bourne/jack swagger match was a huge disappointment,the crowd was dead the whole time and jack swagger won out of no where,it really made evan look weak

divas tag match,what else can I say,it was a divas tag match,nice to see jillian back though

triple h/legacy was an okay match,it was great to see triple h put over younger talent for once but then ONCE AGAIN,triple h has to have the spotlight(would it kill kim to just stay down) and teases a DX reunion,for me,i didn't care

carito/primo was boring

chavo/mark henry was just a sqaush match,waste of time,hornswaggle needs to go

kofi/big show was good,I knew kofi wouldn't lose the title so I expected a DQ finish

cena/Miz was stupid,jeremy and dr. den turn heel because they don't want orton to kill them so they bring out every heel superstar as lumberjacks,you would think cena has no chance of winning but YOUR WRONG,the almighty superman cena wins like always and everyone else looks weak

overall,Raw gets a 4/10,you would think Raw can not get any worse but YOUR WRONG AGAIN,Vince needs to wake up

your thoughts?
jericho and big show was basically the only good thing. Dr Ken was really and i mean really annoying, the divas match was well a diva match. i seriously think its time to push Gail Kim that girl can wrestle and she has a natural heel look. i actually thought the miz was finally going to win one against cena but boy was i wrong he got squashed and cena overcame an ALL HEEL LUMBERJACK MATCH.

2/10 for me
As for everyone whining about the Miz being kicked off Raw, it was for the best. The mid card is crowded with heels like Master, Carlito, and Swagger. There isn't anything for the Miz to do, so he is stuck losing to Cena every week. Instead of doing that, he's going to have a chance to go to Smackdown and most likely receive a pretty big push. There is absolutely no reason to bitch and moan like little 4 year olds, jeez!

As if you wouldnt complain or whine if your favourite superstar is banned. I can understand that Vince banned him to put it him on smackdown, but honestly not only did he get baned from raw he also got banned from summerfest, summerslam, and everytime they are going to be in LA. So i think we have all right to complain!
The Swagger/Bourne match was pretty good, a little short, but at least Swagger was made to look good. They aren't burying EVERY young star now are they?

Jack Swagger looked good but Bourne got jobbed Instead of burying Swagger, Evan looked horrible.

Opening Segment: I hated every moment of this. To Dr. Ken to Piven to John Cena. The Miz made it good for a moment but once John Cena decides to make it so Miz gets banned ruined it all for me. After this moment i wanted to turn off the show, i regret not doing so. Overall 3/10

Swagger vs Bourne: Terrible, Terrible, Terrible. The WWE booked it right last week making both superstars credible but this week they job Bourne. Swagger looked dominant but there goes Evan's roll. Why couldnt it be a good match, that makes both guys good. I'm fine with Swagger getting clean win but dont make it look like a walk in the park. Overall 4.5/10

Divas Tag: Decent match, thank god it wasnt 6 diva tag again. Finally the WWE has figured out that Beth Phoenix is not a comedy act but one of the most dominant divas in the WWE. Let Beth get on that roll have her face Mickie at Summerslam and slowly turn Gail Kim no need to rush it right now. But anyway good match better then most divas. Overall 5/10

Legacy vs Triple H: THANK U TRIPLE H!!!!!! You finally let Legacy look good against you, albeit 2 on 1 and yes Triple H almost pulled it off but they finally let Legacy start to get some credibility. It was good match better then most people expected, including myself. Overall 8/10

Carlito vs Primo: This match just came out of the blue. I'm glad they finally fought but this needs to build up. They just gave us this no mic time over the past few weeks and they expect Primo vs Carlito to have a pop or even have fans interested. Primo and Carlito are good wrestlers and can put on a good match but they need a proper buildup or nobody will care and Primo will be released followed by Carlito... AND THATS NOT COOL. Overall 5/10

Chavo vs Markswaggle: Funny entrance, but that was the only good thing about this. Chavo jobbed once again and I dont think a victory is ever in his near future. Terrible match, but at least Hornswoggle only was on tv for a minute and a half. Almost forget Henry has a good vertical, I loved that kick. Overall 2.5/10

Big Show vs Kofi: Big Show dominated with Kofi literally getting 3 moves throughout the entire match. Yes I know Big Show is getting major dominating push again but you need to let your United States champion get a little bit more cred here. Kofi looking weak except from that move from the top rope. But it was a good match, typical finish as it seems Big Show is constantly going to get DQ'ed for beating everybody up, but I like that makes Show look good again. Overall 6/10

Miz vs John Cena: Piven heel turn was definitely different for a guest host, but all it did was make the Miz look weaker and Cena is Superman once again. He gets put through the Masterlock beatup by all of the lumberjacks yet easily cruises to victory against the Miz. And now the Miz is banned from summerfest, I mean Summerslam. Im glad Miz is off Raw so he can go to Smackdown where he can be used properly. Bad match, dissapointed once again as Cena is God. Overall 4.5/10. Only part I liked was Jeong and Piven getting beat up because they needed to shut their mouth.

Terrible show, hated most of it excpet for Legacy winning. Overall 4.5/10. Hopefully the Sarge will give us a good show in Calgary
I have to say that was not as bad as some of the other Raws. I think all of the matches were good except for the Big Show match.I think that the Big Show match sucked. When he landed on Kofi it was clear that most of the weight did not touch him. His knees hit first to the mat and Kofi did not realize this and played it as if he was really hurt. I thought the Cena match was alittle too much as well but the ending was nice with the guest hosts attacking.

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