*OFFICIAL* Old School Wrestling Discussion (Attitude Era to PG Era Discussion ONLY)

Is Flair still considered active?

He was only asking about wrestlers on the WWE roster.

In reference to something Shocky mentioned earlier -- about the "magic" of wrestling being gone -- I really like how he put that. Some of my earliest wrestling memories date back to the Attitude Era. I still remember some of the magic being there and I wish I could duplicate that feeling today, but I've always wondered how I would see wrestling if I was 10 years older; if I had watched in the late '80's and not had to go back and re-watch that. I suppose my outlook on wrestling would be different, but I can't say. I assume someone like D-Man or Shocky both have a different view on wrestling than I do, because they remember what it was like before the Attitude Era, before that curtain was pulled back. That idea is very interesting to me, because that really has a huge effect on our enjoyment of the product, I think.
Why doesn't Jericho get shit for saying that the cruiserweights are the reason WCW was on top for so long? That's essentially exactly what he says in his DVD and I balked at it. Don't get me wrong, he made some good points. The WCW undercard massacred WWE's at the time and WWE's main event matches blew WCW's out of the water, but Goldberg, Sting, DDP, and the NWO were the ones drawing, not the fucking cruiserweights.
Why doesn't Jericho get shit for saying that the cruiserweights are the reason WCW was on top for so long? That's essentially exactly what he says in his DVD and I balked at it. Don't get me wrong, he made some good points. The WCW undercard massacred WWE's at the time and WWE's main event matches blew WCW's out of the water, but Goldberg, Sting, DDP, and the NWO were the ones drawing, not the fucking cruiserweights.

Not 100% true.

Jericho stressed the importance of the CW's when it came to Nitro and Thunder's curtain jerking and when it came to providing the most exciting matches possible outside of their main events. Despite what your personal beliefs are, there was (and still is) a major craving for great in-ring wrestling. WCW was able to provide a combination of the entertainment factor (NWO, Goldberg, Hogan) coupled with great matches (Cruiserweights) and gave fans everything they craved. WWE, on the other hand, only had good matches on the main event level out of guys like HBK and Bret but the undercard was horrendous.
WCW Cruiserweights were phenomenal.

Jericho, Mysterio Jr, Juventud, Malenko, Guerrero, Syxx and many more. You were guaranteed a good match every single time they stepped into the ring.
I don't buy the whole argument that the Attitude era is the reason the WWE is seemingly struggling a bit now. They could still make riveting television without being overly risque if they wanted/needed to.

The problem with the current WWE is complacency. They won the war way back when and are still resting on those laurels. The writing and booking has gotten lazy.

If the WWE had genuine competition again, you'd see a marked improvement in the product, even with the supposed constraints of PG still being in place.
The problem with the current WWE is complacency. They won the war way back when and are still resting on those laurels. The writing and booking has gotten lazy.

If the WWE had genuine competition again, you'd see a marked improvement in the product, even with the supposed constraints of PG still being in place.

I think you are right to a certain extent. You don't need the OTT Attitude Era violence to create a good show, the writers just are not producing the goods frequently enough now.

TNA may be genuine competition someday, but they aren't there yet. Hopefully they will get there and we will see the WWE turn their efforts up a notch.

However, I think another factor is that most of WWE Superstars of today just do not have the IT factor of guys like HBK, Austin, Rock etc of the Attitude Era. We were very fortunate to have Austin and Rock at the same time. That will not happen again.
I think you are right to a certain extent. You don't need the OTT Attitude Era violence to create a good show, the writers just are not producing the goods frequently enough now.

TNA may be genuine competition someday, but they aren't there yet. Hopefully they will get there and we will see the WWE turn their efforts up a notch.

However, I think another factor is that most of WWE Superstars of today just do not have the IT factor of guys like HBK, Austin, Rock etc of the Attitude Era. We were very fortunate to have Austin and Rock at the same time. That will not happen again.

It's entirely possible that they could find two iconic superstars at the same time again, but unlikely. Creative doesn't trust anybody enough to let them do their own thing like they did with The Rock and Austin.

I like Cena, but I think his inherent cheese factor is partially to blame for the current "struggles " of the WWE. When your top star is gloriously cheesy and childish, it reflects badly on the whole product to the casual viewer.
It's entirely possible that they could find two iconic superstars at the same time again, but unlikely. Creative doesn't trust anybody enough to let them do their own thing like they did with The Rock and Austin.

Agreed. It's strange how WWE gave wrestlers the chance during the AA when they actually had competition, and each Raw was a big deal going head to head with Nitro, and now when they have not got the direct competition, they seem to scared to give their superstars the opportunity to do their own promos or come up with ideas for their own character. Also, whenever they do try something and it doesnt work immediately, it gets cancelled.

I like Cena, but I think his inherent cheese factor is partially to blame for the current "struggles " of the WWE. When your top star is gloriously cheesy and childish, it reflects badly on the whole product to the casual viewer.

I just hate the fact the WWE's main star looks so childish wrestling in trainers, and has a array of stupid bright coloured t-shirts and matching hats. He looks like a childrens hero, not a character that relates to the older audience. Give me Stone Cold, Triple H, the Attitude Era Kane or Undertaker any day.
I just hate the fact the WWE's main star looks so childish wrestling in trainers, and has a array of stupid bright coloured t-shirts and matching hats. He looks like a childrens hero, not a character that relates to the older audience. Give me Stone Cold, Triple H, the Attitude Era Kane or Undertaker any day.

I prefer the AE characters too. Thing is, I do believe they could create characters just as interesting as those dudes, even with the PG kid friendly standards. They just need to find dudes with the proper look and charisma. I'm sure they're out there, somewhere. That's one of the major problem with the current dudes. They lack charisma.
May I gents?

I think 97/98 best years as a fan growing up. However 99 was The Rock's year. He turned face next night after Backlash was it? Then he took off like a rocket.

Also, SummerSlam 98, what a PPV!

P.S- Chyna was hot in 2000/01

Ahhh what a relief.
Super awesome.

And then those thickly packed houses with peoples' arms flailing across the guardrails.

If these characters debuted today, how do you think they would fare?

The Godfather
D'Lo Brown
Val Venis

All held titles in the Attitude Era
Brown would do ok, Godfather would never stand a chance, Mideon.....why would anyone want him back, Val would never stand a chance.
I was gonna say the same for D' LO. Had a good pace and a very high impact finisher.

Very Art Barry that Frog Splash.

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