The weird disconnect about old school wrestling section


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Where things like late 80's and early 90's which I consider old school and 2000's stuff which I consider still fresh but legitimately can be considered old school (10+ years has passed) are being discussed in the same place. Makes me feel both old and young at the same time.

Can falling off a Hell in a Cell be considered old school wrestling?
In the context of the forum, I've always just taken it as stuff that happened a long time ago, which would certainly include Mick Foley's famous fall. The Attitude Era is definitely not an example of what I'd call "old school wrestling" but neither is the DayGlo neon cartoonishness of the early 90s. When I think "old school," I think more of the pre-WWF territory days.
I hate the term but still enjoy the section.

But yeah, I get the same uncomfortable feeling. Like an obese man accidentally falling on your lap while walking past you in a movie theater and you kind of don't want him to get up so quickly.
Sadly for some of us Foley's fall from the cell is most definitely acceptable for the old school section. It was 15 years ago. Think of it this way, let's say we were members of this forum the night of that match. At the time would you consider The Iron Sheik winning the title from Bob Backlund old school? The same amount of time passed between that event and Foley's fall as Foley's fall to now.
In a way I do and in a way I don't. The Attitude Era was at it's end in 2001 I believe, yet it doesn't seem too long ago. I remember listening to the old school show on Power 106 back in the day and the hip hop they played was at least 4 to 5 years old at the time. I guess the same could be said for wrestling eras, but it does make you wonder.
Sadly for some of us Foley's fall from the cell is most definitely acceptable for the old school section. It was 15 years ago. Think of it this way, let's say we were members of this forum the night of that match. At the time would you consider The Iron Sheik winning the title from Bob Backlund old school? The same amount of time passed between that event and Foley's fall as Foley's fall to now.

I don't think it is only old school for for some of us. It is old school by definition since it happened a long time ago. I just feel weird describing events in the crazy wrestling boom era as 'old school' when the product these days appear more 'old school' to me.

It just messes up my head.
In a way I do and in a way I don't. The Attitude Era was at it's end in 2001 I believe, yet it doesn't seem too long ago. I remember listening to the old school show on Power 106 back in the day and the hip hop they played was at least 4 to 5 years old at the time. I guess the same could be said for wrestling eras, but it does make you wonder.

I wonder if we can consider Nexus old school now? :P

Here's another thought, would TNA be considered old school discussion?
I wonder if we can consider Nexus old school now? :P

Technically, yes. The Nexus disbanded over two years ago. Threads that run an analysis on storylines/matches/issues/rumors/etc that have not been ongoing for more than a year or two can go in the Oldschool section.
There's a case to be made that what happened at Elimination Chamber this year is old school. Think about it:

Odds are you can't remember the details exactly
It has little to no bearing on current storylines
The world champion at the time isn't even in WWE now
A lot of people on that show have since turned heel/face
We tries to break the Old School section into different eras, didn't work out that well.
There's a case to be made that what happened at Elimination Chamber this year is old school. Think about it:

Odds are you can't remember the details exactly
It has little to no bearing on current storylines
The world champion at the time isn't even in WWE now
A lot of people on that show have since turned heel/face

The world champion at the time is the current world champion. And there's no way, under any circumstance, that 6 months ago is old school.
We tries to break the Old School section into different eras, didn't work out that well.

Hmm I guess so. Too few people actually are able to witness the earliest of early pro-wrestling to generate meaningful threads. I guess making an Attitude era section would just be trollbait and flame bait too.

I just had an image in my mind that if this forum is still alive 5 years from now and we have a PG-era section. That would be a riot.
I think when we did it, we broke it into three eras. One was Pioneer, which was everything before 1948ish. The Territory Era/Early TV era which was everything up until 1984. The Modern Era was the last, which at the time we ran it up until the beginning of the brand extension. I would imagine that in 2013 you could bump the time table up to 2007 to the beginning of the PG Era.

Maybe you should start an Ers specific thread in the non spam section, like we have here in the wrestling spam section. It might catch on.
Why? Is there enough discussion regarding George Hackenschmidt to justify such a thing? You're welcome to try. But it's the sort of thing that's destined to fail.

Sad as it is, the working knowledge most fans have of wrestling starts in the mid 80s. And "working knowledge" is a stretch.

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