*OFFICIAL* Old School Wrestling Discussion (New Generation & Earlier Discussion ONLY)

Was he hurt at the time?

hey there, still new to the site but i'm probably as old skool as anyone on here been 33 yrs old and watched since 1986!

No from what i know Bret wasnt hurt, he was in contract negotiations and had dropped the ic title a short time before the rumble to avoid having the belt on him when he left (sound familiar 97 montreal!)
If he hadnt been in this situation i think he may have defended against the mountie in an undercard match but would have loved to have seen him in the rumble match itself!

I'm not saying that's not true but that would be news to me. Bret was scheduled to defend the IC title at the Rumble against the Mountie. That's what was set as far as the fans were concerned right up until the show went on the air. Two days before the Rumble there was an angle where Bret defended the title against doctor's orders. He had a severe case of the flu which hindered his performance and cost him the title. After the match Roddy Piper saved Hart from a post match beatdown. Now instead of challenging Hart for the title at the Rumble, Mountie defended it and lost it to Piper. I always just assumed this was done to give Piper a title reign before leaving the company. He was always on of the WWF's biggest names but never held a title. He was leaving after WM8 and dropped the belt back to Hart that night in an awesome match.
He was always on of the WWF's biggest names but never held a title. He was leaving after WM8 and dropped the belt back to Hart that night in an awesome match.

This basically explains it all.

Piper was given a title as a thank you and was given one last chance at a really great match, which he had with Bret. You can really tell that Piper put work into that match when you saw the shape he was in. His abs had abs ni that match and they paid off. What a matchup...
The sad part is that with this statement, you lost just about everyone.

All I know about Rikidozan is that he's like a Japanese Hulk Hogan (which I'm sure is a terrible similie, but I'll roll with it). Was a massive draw, which enabled the Japanese wrestling scene to become as big as it did. Fought a lot of Gaijins with wrestling experience (I expect that was partially down to there not being a lot of home grown tallent on the level of Lou Thesz or any of the other guys he faced), much like any all american babyface does/did in the States. Never seen any of his matches though.
You must not have read my previous post properly because this paragraph was EXACTLY my point. If the current midcard titles are currently not being properly utilized, why should the WWE create more titles that will lead to more obscurity?

See, this is where everyone is wrong. You guys all ask for more titles and more divisions. However, if EVERYONE is a champion, what's the point of a title belt?? This is basically giving the WWE a reason to devalue their titles even further than what has already transpired with the US and IC belts.

New divisions and more gold is NOT the answer. Matter of fact, it couldn't be further from the answer. They need to restart and shift their focus back onto the titles that are currently in play. If THOSE divisions become oversaturated (which I highly doubt they ever will) then maybe they should consider another division/title.

No, my first paragraph is not the same as your original point, D-Man. That first paragraph wasn't talking about mid-carders and their titles, but rather the wrestlers of a tier below who are still frequently included on television but still have no purpose or direction because they're either used as jobbers, get shitty television feuds, or there is no need of them to be elevated to the mid-card title level.

I also don't agree that they haven't used the mid-card titles well. It's WrestleMania season, the mid-card titles always lose significance around this period and I don't entirely fault them for it. They have better storylines not involving those titles. However, in other parts of the year when the titles are used better and defended more regularly, there still remains the aforementioned undercard that has no direction because they aren't included in the mid-card division. Having a title would give more purpose to watch their segments without having to elevate them to the mid-card level, which the show might not need at a given time.
You guys remember those old ppv reports from the weekly show right? Like this one for example


Those were awesome. They took up about 20% of the show and didn't feature any action but they were often the highlight. They would start several weeks before the ppv and every week more matches would be added. This one was only two weeks from the show so the entire card is here. I remember looking forward to these so much just to see which match would be added next. By the time we got to the ppv we had seen so many of these reports that everyone was totally pumped for the show. See how easy it was to get people excited back then.
You want to talk old school, nothing I love more than sparkin' up a bowl or having a drink and watching a great old school battle. Lately I've been perusing this NJPW 1982 TV set which is amazing and has so many revolutionary junior heavyweight matches with guys like Dynamite Kid, Bret Hart, Tiger Mask, etc.

I've also been dipping in and out of a WCW/NWA 1988 Main Event set, just watched a pretty bitchin' little match between Ronnie Garvin and Arn Anderson from that set which was as good of a 10 minute match with a DQ finish could be.

And right now I'm actually watching some old WCCW, Kerry Von Erich defending the NWA World Title during his brief reign against the Freebird Terry Gordy from May of 1984, good stuff.

I love old school wrasslin'. Seriously, the sheer amount of crazy good, long, awesome matches that NWA and the other territories aired on free TV back in those days is ridiculous.
So I figured that since the WZ tourney's in full swing and plenty of Old School guys are in, it'a about time this thread got bumped and get a little discussion going.
Did Bret Hart and Ricky Steamboat ever face each other?

Forgive me if it's an obvious answer and I am being stupid here, but off the top of my head I can't come up with any matches?
Did Bret Hart and Ricky Steamboat ever face each other?

Forgive me if it's an obvious answer and I am being stupid here, but off the top of my head I can't come up with any matches?

Yes, in Boston.


I'm in love with this thread now... What are your thoughts on Jake Roberts v. Ricky Steamboat with all the animals and stuff?

I always knew Real American was originally written for Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda but I never actually saw them come out to it.


Cool thread ;) My questions:

Did you enjoy the new generation?

Was the sport dying in that era (cuz of WCW/NWO)?

Who was the face of it? HBK or Hart?

Was that the best time for in-ring wrestling?

Face(s) of 1st golden age?

Any faces/eras before that?

After all these years I'm still learning new things. I never knew that Missy Hyatt ever worked in the WWF.





Shocking this didn't last longer, right?
Yep. It didn't last long. Vince wanted her to be one of the Federettes (speaking of things that didn't last long) and she bailed.
Not in this case. The Federettes are basically ring attendants that wore something you might see a gymnast wear. They were at WM 3 but didn't last long at all.

Really Grainy but this is possibly the oldest surviving recording of pro wrestling or is this too old school for this thread?
I've been watching a lot of the Raw shows from 1993 on the WWE Network today. I'm seeing a lot of Mr. Hughes during the summer months. I always thought they were building toward Hughes vs. Taker at SummerSlam but used Giant Gonzalez because Hughes left the company. However, there are SummerSlam reports announcing Taker vs. Gonzalez while Hughes is still around. Why Gonzalez instead of Hughes? Taker vs. Hughes was the big feud at the time. Not that Taker vs. Hughes would have been an outstanding match but it would have been better than Gonzalez.
I've finally started watching Nitro from the beginning, nearly 20 years too late. But Christ, I'm only up to January 1996, and already the commentators constantly taking digs at WWE is annoying the hell out of me.

"Remember, this is the only company that gives you this kind of hard-hitting wrestling action! You wouldn't see a match like this from our competition!"

If the match is so damn good, TALK ABOUT IT.

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