[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

You know something just hit me what if it's Sandman. I mean we heard that he's suppose to get this big push but it hasn't come yet.

Plus the Camera looks up when he pans through the Crowd.
Things are looking up, that is the clue, so I'm thinking it's got to be a giant, which leaves us with guys like Khali, Kane, Snitsky and Taker, could also be a high flyer, Shelton, London or Kendrick, Jeff Hardy, HBK, or in an unlikely turn of events Y2J, I have know idea of who it could be but the first guy I thought of when they said what the clue was Khali, but he's on SD!, and I would think it would be a raw guy, but who knows, we'll just half to wait a week and find out, though it sucks that it isn't Kennedy, this guy just seems to have the worst luck
This current situation due to unforseen circumstances is going to end up being another Wwe abortion of epic proportions. Ken Kennedy has become a victim, by his own hand. Logically thinking there are not that many other performers the illegitimate child can actually be. I am praying that creative have not decided to use Snitsky as the back-up plan. This would be horrible on so many levels, including dropped ratings. Saying that, if they used HHH in this angle it would be as equally disgusting, and damn right immoral (We all know Vince likes his shock value). Other than that, Im hoping its Shelton Benjamin. But even as I write his name in this reply. I just know, be it Snitsky or someone just as undesirable this is going to end up being so much less than it could of been.
what about sid vicious? he was rumored to possibly be returning to wwe. i would much rather see it be him than snitsky. how about warrior-he always looked up to the gods-haha like that ill ever happen!
Don't be shocked if it's Elijah Burke. I remember Vince on ECW a few months ago saying that Elijah was the future of ECW. Elijah has the pedigree for this storyline and I think he can take the ball and run with it.
Well from what I seen tonight, I believe the son will have these characteristics...

1. Be a RAW Superstar, they aren't going to go to their sister shows of SmackDown and ECW.
2. I think this superstar is going to be not a giant, but a normal superstar.
3. I'm going out on a limb here and say it may very well be... don't like attack me for this but The Sandman.

A. The Sandman comes from the rafters, plus he's a former construction worker, so McMahon would have to look up, to see him...
B. It was said that McMahon really liked the Sandman character, so maybe this will be his big push?!
what about sid vicious? he was rumored to possibly be returning to wwe. i would much rather see it be him than snitsky. how about warrior-he always looked up to the gods-haha like that ill ever happen!

Oh please let it be true. The ratings, matches and well just the product in general would be so much better off if it was someone like Sid, opposed to Snitsky.

I was looking back through my video collection of some of the Big-man's feuds over the years the other day. I personally think as giants of the squared circle go. Sid Vicious/Justice/Psycho Sid is certainly one of the better workers, and convincing character.
haha, thank you, i think i just figured it out!!!

Kennedy was soposed to rig tests sometime in the plot, maybe kennedy rigged them to think its hornswoggle because he hates hornswoggle, and he doesnt like mcmahon, you know he just sucking up or playing a trick the way he was going on tonight!
dude, this might be way out of line... but could he not have 2 sons, kennedy as the serious thing, and little bastards mom suing being the funny shit?

All in all the storyline being mcmahon knew kennedy was his son all along and when the suing thing came out he thought shes suing me? when it was really a whole different person suing him even though kennedy is his son, which would mean he lied to linda when he said 1 affair which would highten the storyline alot!
I don't know if its been discussed, but does this mean Mr. Kennedy will or won't be suspended? I mean, RAW had a major show that saw the end of William Regal, Umaga, Santino & Charlie Haas.. but Randy Orton is still there.. & now onto the topic...

Just because Mr. Kennedy was revealed to NOT be the bastard son, that doesn't mean he still won't be involved heavily in the angle. I mean, he came out to try & convince McMahon that he WAS the son.. in an attempt to show him how much he respects him. So whos to say it won't end up being like.. Triple H. & the incest angle..

Then have McMahon absolutely shocked & hating that.. (especially since the rest of the McMahon family was open to another member) So I can see Triple H. being welcomed with "open arms" & have them kinda ignore the HHH/Steph real-life marriage.. then have Kennedy side with Mr. McMahon to feud with Triple H.

And -- think of this.. IF Kennedy is to be suspended, then I can see the McMahon Family suspending him for interrupting & claiming he was the bastard son.. only for Mr. McMahon to bring him back (in 30 days) after Triple H. is announced the son.. & there you go, the HHH/Kennedy feud can still happen.. they'd just have to alter the way the storyline goes, thats all.
What if instead of Kennedy messing with the Tests. What if HHH did it since he's trying to mess with Vinnie Mac's Mind right now. Say he rigs the Test and it turns out to be Hornswoggle as a joke. Then later like in 30 days it is revealed that Kennedy is actually Vince's Real son and it is learned that HHH alter the test setting up the HHH vs. Kennedy feud.
Definitely a great point. That could very well be the way they're working the angle now. Plus, it'll add more fuel to a Kennedy/HHH angle.

The only problem in that is if they have HHH rig it, then they can't say that Kennedy rigged it when they want to back out of it and make him a face. Once they say he's his son for real, they can't keep him like that forever cause it will just cast a shadow over his character and he'd just keep being "Vince's son", so they would need to retcon it in a way, and having two "rigged the tests" seems a little redundant.
Now that it's not Kennedy, frankly, I don't care. I'd rather they find a way to still have Kennedy be the son. No other superstar can run with this the way Kennedy can.
While I think Elijah Burke would be good for the role of Vince's son, I still think this is a swerve. I think Mr. Kennedy could still be revealed as the son. If they really wanted to be creative, they could name an undercard/midcard wrestler who is totally surprised to be a McMahon. Perhaps the wrestler may have come from a poor family and never thought he would amount to much. But suddenly, he finds out that he's a McMahon. He would be excited, Vince would pretend to be proud to meet his son.

He could then compete at the Survivor Series and somehow get screwed in the finish by none other than Mr. Kennedy. It would then be revealed that Mr. Kennedy was the son all along and the poor wrestler who thought his life was on easy street would have his heart broken.

It would push two stars at once, irritate the McMahon family, and could transition in to a feud with Triple H by Wrestlemania.
It could be Khali. they need some heat on him as the champion. That would also boost Smackdown ratings since there is no really great storyline going on there.
I think Rey is going to win the title at the PPV and with Raw losing Kennedy and Umaga (where was Booker on monday? I have a feeling he is the person speculated to be leaving) they could put Khali back on Raw to battle Triple H. Imagine a Hell in the Cell match at WM between those two.
If the son is really revealed next week it can't be any of the suspended superstars.
However I agree that Kennedy can be brought back into this storyline somehow.
"Things are looking up"
McMahon's son seems to be Khali. Man did Kennedy screw himself over or what. Being involved with this storyline could have given him a chance to be a great main event guy now he's suspended. His own fault none the less for abusing these enhancement drugs as well as him being outspoken on the whole situation. The problem with Khali being Vince's son is that it pretty much doesn't make sense. They had him coming out on Smackdown in a segment and he was used as one of those people that couldn't be Vince's son. It is really interesting where they will go from here. I guess their use of that clue is actually a statement to the WWE fans, performers and other employees backstage. Maybe this angle can really bring a lot of viewership back to the company after a terrible week. This could be something special if they bring something out of left field. If the company could find a way of finding a wrestler that might make sense to be Vince's son and could make his way to be a main event performer, this angle could totally bank. What if it was someone from the Carolinas like one of the Hardys? Possibly Jeff. How about someone like Shelton Benjamin that might actually need this for furthering his career. The one thing that could be for sure is that anyone could be his "son" now and that makes for interesting TV.
Now.. i did think Mr. Kennedy would be his son but of course bc of the steriods he was using he had to get out of the storyline. Well now Mr. Mcmahon ended the show by having some guy say a clue to know who ur bastard son is "Thing are looking up" now the only thing i could think of is his son has to look up to Mcmahon! So he is short! Now there are only two short people in the WWE and those people are Rey Misterio and Hornswoggle. And i really gave it thought. I don't think Mcmahon would have Rey as his son bc he is too big right now and there is no point in putting him in it! Hornswoggle on the other hand could infact be his so called son. Now my back up is "What was Hornwoggles old name?" Thats right The Little Bastard! And I don't think he was called that for nothing he is a bastard and now we will find out he is Mr. Mcmahon's bastard! So my guess is Hornswoggle is Mcmahons Bastard son.
Shelton Benjamin would make total sense and we have already seen his "momma." Haas will be suspended and Shelton is in a midcard role when he has the talent to be a main eventer. I think Benjamin/HHH would be a great match. The one thing that Benjamin needs, In my opinion, is a better, more exciting finisher. One that when he has his opponent in it, the audience knows what's coming.(for example, On Cena's shoulders for the F-U, under Batista's legs for the Batista Bomb...) The T-bone just doesn't do that for me. Maybe a diving finisher.
Ok well lets think about it. Regardless of who it is, lets put together the criteria to become vince's son:
Young, or at least young looking
Good on the stick
Can go the distance in a match and must be championship material
Already has an established good gimmick
Good size, physically (kennedy is a lil bit small, but is the cut off point)

Id think two great candidates would be (even though impossible since they are with TNA) Kurt Angle or Christian
It's probably going to be Snisky.If they are forced to continue with Steph's statement that the superstar was around the ring,then their really screwed.
The only major talent I can think of right now is CM Punk.He's the only other superstar who can save this storyline.
I think they have kinda overdone it with the Wellness Policy.While I belive in its merits,I think they sometimes go overboard to prove a point o thier crictics.I belive guys like Kennedy should have been kept on TV,but suspended without pay from house shows& ppvs,or at least till they can be taken of TV in a kayfabe kinda way.If Edge was still on the SD! roster,it would have been a disaster right now.I'm in no way downplaying the severity of abusing drugs,but this is hurting the company.
JBL could actually be vince's son now that kennedy's out,they could make this his BIG ANNOUNCEMENT,(things are looking up)= Wrestling God?

It could be that big guy wwe signed a few months back aswell
"Things are looking up"

Kennedy's mic comes from the rafters...it could still be Kennedy.

At least I hope it is

After the whole "Kennedy's a liar" portion of the segment on RAW,I think we should bury any hopes its him.He'll probably be jobbing till WM24.I thing we may have screwed up he "Things are looking up" could simply mean that it will be good news for Mcmahon,someone who he likes or has supported in the past.
"big shout out"? What the hell does that mean..?

Anyway.. As I was saying earlier, I think Vince is going to have a very limited choice. He was obviously going to push Kennedy, that being why Stephanie said the superstar was standing around the ring.

We all know how Vince knows what the fans want. Cena/Khali, Cena/Lashley, Mysterio/Khali.. From witnessing who Vince has pushed in the past, I believe the new bastard son role will be filled by Snitsky.
With the "things are looking up" 'clue', it could relate to a lot of people, but by the sound of it, its gonna be a raw guy, because of the lovely commentator slip up, Michael Cole did it saying the child was a boy, and JR on raw said that he was a raw superstar, then quickly corrected himself saying WWE superstar. So i reckon its a raw guy.

The clue has two meanings, looking up literally, or things could be improving for Vince... if WWE have gone with the literal meaning, it could be a few things, like a tall guy (i hope hope hope its not Snitsky he just isn't over and he would spoil a half decent storyline!), it could also be a high-flyer (like Jeff, but with Matt being his brother i doubt it, not to mention Jeff does seem to be a bit of a liability, and not very good on the mic), it could be a short guy, because looking up at Vince... so they you have Rey, who is going to be champ on Smackdown soon I guess, Hornswoggle or whatever, i mean that wouldn't make sense he has never even been around Vince in any storyline, there is obviously connection, and there are two other literal options, the sandman, he comes from the crowd, Vince likes his character, and he kinda has a "Vince" look to him, strange to say but he could work, or the last option, remember when DX did the whole storyline of dropping nasty stuff on Vince, they would always say "look up" ... which could be either HBK or HHH, i would love it to be HBK, them DX would literally be in the McMahon family, but as he is injured and not returning early, i doubt it, and the only other one is HHH, which would be gross, unless he had rigged the test to screw with Vince.

The other meaning of "things are looking up" means someone Vince likes? so far we know Vince likes Kennedy and Orton... but i still don't see them working.

I just hope its HHH, disgusting i know, but i would like HHH to have altered the test, Kennedy actually being Vince's son, (returning in 30 days after being suspended for pretending to be his son, in the storyline of course), HHH some how screwing Vince, involving Steph somehow, and when Kennedy returns it opens up for a HHH/Kennedy match, which would be decent.

Just my opinion, but does anyone else think Vince might be doing something right here, I want to see raw next week now to find out who it is, and i haven't wanted Monday to come round quick for a long time!
Don't be surprised if it still ends up being Kennedy. It's the obvious choice, so the WWE has thrown people a curve ball. If it's someone like Snitsky, it's a disaster of epic proportions. Remember, this is set to be the big storyline leading into Wrestlemania, so there is no way in hell Snitsky is going to get that big of a push.

Suspension or not, Kennedy is set for a push. We're 9 months from Wrestlemania, and Kennedy being gone for just one of those months doesn't justify fucking this storyline up.

I still Say it's Kennedy.

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