[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

I believe that it will be Mr. Kennedy.... Kennedy, but I reeeally don't want it to be because he's slowly but surely rising up to main event status on his own. I have a feeling that this whole angle will be what carries him to the WWE title picture in the future, and that's not what I think would be best for him. I think they way he should enter the WWE Title picture should be them having Kennedy win the Royal Rumble which leads to a WM24 match against HHH for the title. This whole story could tarnish his future legacy if the illegitimate child is indeed him.
I'd like to say to start that I don't think this is a good idea. It may get someone over for main event material, but 5 years down the road people will still say oh yeah, this guy is McMahon's son. Even if they dropped the angle, it will be forever marked on the wrestler that it is.

Having said that, I would say Kennedy. He seems to be getting put down, and the promo he cut on RAW was rather pitiful. But the good thing is that he'll get lots of attention (which he deserves), lots of TV Time (also deserves), and get way way over. This is of course providing that they do the angle right and not mess it up. The whole thing seems pretty awful to me.
remember when mae young gave birth to a hand the father was mark henry I might be the only one who remembers that so if say the whole kennedy angle falls flat in time it may be forgotten by most. then again maybe the rest of the body was actually born and Mcmahon was the actual father. so some one handed 10 year old is running around looking for vince. NAaa they can be that crazy.
How bout this if they are dead set on keeping with the 3 brands have kennedy shane and steph all run a show each (raw kennedy, shane ecw, steph smackdown) have them all vying for vinces favoritism and have a big storyline where at Survivor series or Wrestlmania the winner controls all 3 shows and puts them together.
Man, between everybody thinking it is clever or unique to write "Kennedy.....Kennedy" everytime they post, to the hand idea, to the HHH idea, I become more fervent in standing behind my Dominik Mysterio McMahon idea more and more. Come on people, set up McMahon vs Mysterio and get Smackdown some play!

Anyway, I take this as an insult to Kennedy's talent to have such a blatant soap opera push to get him into the Main Event. The Rock didn't need this, did he?

I can see Vince and Ken vs Shane and HHH at Survivor Series. It's actually suddenly interesting...
This is the dumbest, most desperate angle in a long time. Unless it turns out to be Cody Rhodes - huh, now that would be pretty interesting - it's going to hang over the career of a talent forever. It'll most likely turn out to be Kennedy. I just don't see the point. He's already over, he's already a main eventer, what the hell's the point?
I think the point is on Raw Mr. Kennedy, though is over already, does not have a place. I don't know what the long term will hold should it be Kennedy, but at least for the short term it will give Kennedy something to do on Raw rather then be HHH fodder, cause unless he were to push for the IC title soon he really has no other place. So if Kennedy does turn out to be Vince's "son" then I think him and Vince will team up for a while, or feud, that remains to be seen, but whatever the case it gives Kennedy something to do for a while on Raw rather then doing random matches or jobbing to Super Crazy
I dont think it will effect him negatively or be "his thing" in years to come, you could argue making HHH Vince's son in law back in 1999 pushed him and though we all remember it, nowadays we know him as The Game, The King of Kings, he forged his own career using the leg-up given by the tremendous oppurtunity that was the McMahon-Helmsley era...

Though HHH was a lil further along than Kennedy is now... still
I think the plan was originally to make it Kennedy, but since everyone expects that already, I believe Vince will pull a move from TNA's playbook and his illegitimate child will end up being Michael Vick.
its probably kennedy but think about this remember the whole who ran over austin story line that was going to be the rock but it got pawned off to rikishi and then switched it so hhh was the master mind of it all. if they drag the storyline and make it last for several months they can get the mark off his record sorta if say they have it be MVP (hey interracial illegitimate kid storyline even more interesting) or Carlito (far fetched but think about it Tony Montana gets a dad)
The best way to get out of the angle if Kennedy really is the illegitimate son is to have him turn face (since we all know that's coming, based on the huge pop he got in the draft and such) and say he faked it all. That way you don't have people constantly comparing him to the McMahons, he screws over arguably the biggest heel they have (though was it just me, or did McMahon almost seem a face last Monday? At least more than Umaga) and if HHH really wants to turn heel like he said, he can just flip the feud around 180.
They could stop the storyline anytime by just saying Kennedy faked it all, the papers, blood tests, etc. That's the escape hatch. I think it would catch on, though. It would be something different, and I think fans are smart enough now to know what is real and what is not. I cannot think of anyone else they could use for this angle. Making it a female would not work, because this "child" has to be active in wrestling, and a Diva cannot generate the type of hype they would need to pull this off. Not that the Diva's can't wrestle, but it just is not the same.
I thought the death of mcmahon storyline was stupid because faking your on tv is just awful,but this child of mcmahons just does not make any sense,but I find it some interesting.Since its a storyline it could be all most anybody that has no father shown on tv so you can take out randy orton and cody rhodes and others.I don't know who it is but I hope its not from smackdown because they will go to raw and we find out at saturdays main event.
They have left it open with orton they kept comentating on Cody not being McMahons son but didnt say a thing about orton.

I hope that its one of cryme time lol.But I can see it being Kennedy just because they now have nothing to do with him on Raw it seems
Like Honestly i believe its going to be Kennedy because of how Vince stared him down and how Kennedy himself said Kennedy is going to be the only thing you hear. Or he said something like that not actually positive so dont quote me on that. but there will be a feud probably trying to earn respect of vince. Having Kennedy be the illegitimate son could make or break his career. The HHH Son in law of vince really helped HHH. even though he has now made his own legacy. But i honestly though can see big things from this because honestly like some people stated Kennedy is one of the main reasons why i watch raw. he has exceptional talent and love him on the mic. SO this could be the push he needs to become "Great". A good thing though would be have Kennedy fake the whole entire thing, like have him become good by basically lying and cheating, that could be tremendous by having him play Mcmahon like Austin did. Except Austin never pretended to be his son. But you get my drift.
I'm surprised that no one has brought this up yet, but, I believe there is an even more interesting sub-plot to this illegimate son angle here. WHO IS THE MOTHER? Hhhmmmm!! My vote goes to Mae Young. No matter who the son turns out to be, it is certain to be a comedic angle. I believe this because Mr. McMahon seems pleased that it could be someone like Khali or Batista rather than a Eugen type character.
So, choice #1 for the mother would be Mae Young.
Choice #2 is Big Mama and Shelton Benjamin being the son.

Post SNME note: Before going to the ring last night, Vince looked in the mirror to comb his hair and saw in place of his own reflection, an image of himself as an announcer back in the early WWF days. Does my memory deceive me, or was that the era of The Fabulous Moolah championship reign? So, I'm revising my choices.

#1 Mae Young
#2 Fabulous Moolah
#3 Big Mama
Despite who it is or could be, I hope they reveal it Monday night on Raw. Quite frankly I am tired of waiting, even though making us wait it out brings in ratings. No idea who it could be, but the evidence is all pointing directly at Mr. Kennedy at this point. Maybe there will be a surprise twist that nobody expects, but otherwise Kennedy is the obvious choice/candidate.
I hope it's not Mr Kennedy, it's too obvious now. There won't be much of a suprise to the story. Although it would be good to see Mr Kennedy have a boost, this may also break him and the story may flop.
Who knows i say TRIPLE H!!! ... haha now wouldn't that be a story to tell the kids
Personally, I would have liked to seen JBL as Vince's son. Especially with the rumors of him returning to the ring. It would have made for great backstage skits and promos between him and Vince! Plus having him on Raw with Vince in his corner would make the main event scene even more exciting!

But alas, it'll be Missssssssssssssttaaahhhh.....Kennedyyyyyyyyyy.
If Umaga was still a heel,then it might have been him.It would have been ridiculous,but would hilarous.Clearly its gonna have to be Kennedy,only because they need to push him or lose him at this point.The plan had been to imlpictae him in the limo bombing and make him a monster heel.Although I do like the idea of JBL being Vince's kid or maybe CM Punk?
The way I see it being , will be Triple H (As WWE Champ) w/ Steph against Mr Kennedy (Or whoever Vince's son is , nothing is ever a guarentee in the WWE) w/ Vince. It should be a decent fued , aslong as the writers get it right. If Im honest , I don't see Shane having much to do with it at the moment.
Hehe, they could use this to make Shane a face.

But I like the Santino idea - I could see him being the song (even though its clearly looking like it will be Kennedy...Kennedy).

Maybe Armando whatever his name is, the GM of ECW (for whatever reason oO;) could be his son. They need to push the ECW brand more and that would be kinda crazy.

I do believe ultimately though whoever it is it will stay on the Raw Brand.
i think that it might be Mr. Kenedy because if u look at them, they do look like each other a little bit which could help with the angle, and i thing they should make Kenedy the new heavyweight champ because i believe that he could make a good run at it and have a good fued with somebody, i think they should have Cena drop the title to Orton and then have Orton drop it to Kenedy and then have Kenedy drop it to HHH, it could all work into the storyline somehow
see i think if it is mr kennedy they can make some good storylines out of this they could have the obvious kennedy and shane both competing for dads love. and they could have a son vs son in law and have vince screw triple h helping kennedyy win the title
Has to be Kennedy, First Vince's middle name as his last name and those glances those two share during each Raw has to mean something. I would love if they throw us a huge serve and its someone like Edge or someone like Jeff Hardy to get him into the main event scene. It would be weird if it was Triple H.
Because everyone keeps saying its Kennedy...it probably wont be.
Because they keep teasing it on the show...it probably wont be.

My 3 choices were Eugene, Kennedy and Paul London.

Eugene they already used in a comedy piece, so hes prob out.
Kennedy..ive already said my piece about that.

Paul London..i dunno..just have afeeling..like maybe the reason he was smiling at Vince when he was walking out to the limo was because of this?

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