[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

I have to agree with JUSTINSAYNE, I'm thinking the "illegitimate child" is still a child and as such, the child won't factor into the storyline as much as, who's the mother?

If there was to be a paternity suit, why now? Now I realize this is the surreal world of WWE and so I shouldn't be applying logic to it because it is frequently not logical in development of its storylines. But even still, I don't think it's Kennedy. Kennedy's character (which I personally don't like, I think he's grossly over-rated), is doing fine on his own, he doesn't need such a risky gimmick to get over. He could feud with a returning Undertaker, Edge, or Rey as I could easily see him returning to SD! once the Raw roster has its injured superstars return. He could be fed to HHH, or feud with a returning HBK (great mic battles there).

If he becomes the illegimate McMahon and this storyline goes bad (which it will), then what? His WWE push takes a serious hit, and to disagree with THEONEBIGWILL, I think compared to a push on the main WWE brand, TNA is a crap hole and would be a significant step backwards for his career.

I don't see Trish returning, as much as I would LOVE to see her back. I don't think she'll ever return, at most, she'll return for sporadic gigs only, I don't see her returning to a full-time schedule now that she's married and will likely be starting a family very soon. I can see someone returning as the "mother" but I have no idea who.

But how's this for a thought? If it is going to be a male superstar to be the long-lost son, how about someone returning unexpectedly? Such as a surprise return of someone like RVD or Y2J, especially if they could do it and actually keep it a secret.
I would like to point something out to those that are saying that the illegitimate child of Vince McMahon is indeed still a child, and that the storyline will revolve around the mother. This is a Wrestling Angle and thus is designed to get a wrestler over, so I don't think there is anyway that one of the active roster is not going to be involved in this angle is some way. Another way someone could be involved in the angle is that one of the wrestlers discover that a child they thought was theirs turns out to be Vince's... thus sparking a feud with Vince and getting someone over as a face, although honestly I could not pick a candidate out for this.

I think the most logical assumption (for now) is that Mr. Kennedy will be the "child" involved in the storyline, with the rumors that were circulating and the fact that he is one of the only people on RAW right now that is not actually involved in any major angles.
The child is Psycho Sid. Hahaha.

Unfortunately, I think what's going to happen is that it will be Kennedy. For a little while, there will be a Kennedy/McMahon thing going on, where Kennedy is trying to win Vince's respect and Vince is hesitant. Then, after HHH wins the belt from Orton, Vince and Kennedy will start working together and Kennedy will be in a main feud with HHH for the belt under the gimmick that its "the illegitimate son vs the son in law". Unfortunately....since I think Kennedy is doing great without this storyline...
No Fate i think you might have nailed it that sounds like the way wwe would do things kennedy trying to earn vinces respect becoming a tweener face as vince continues to shut him down and he only tries harder. Than HHH takes the title from orton/cena and Kennedy goes after him making it son vs son in law. McMahon pretends to have his son in laws side HHH but in the end McMahon turns on HHH making our new champ kennedy and entering into the Vincent KENNEDY McMahon era
You can't always rely on Wikipedia. Sometimes their information is wrong. For example, after Benoit hung himself and killed his family I looked him up. The death details were all wrong. That stuff on there is from people who visit the site. So it is possible that he has a daughter. This could be his way of introducing her. Just some thoughts. The Kennedy thing is good. What if it was Stone Cold? Mr. McMahon would go crazy.
I think they should bring back that little Dominik Mysterio kid and put him through more hell and degredation by making him McMahon's child. That was hilarious when Mysterio and Guerrero wrestled for custody of the child. It was something straight out of the DYFS case files here in New Jersey.

Hell, you could even have Rey's High School buddies from P.O.D. perform a new song called "Quien es su Padre" (Who's Your Daddy?) for McMahon to walk out to!
I'll be going with Mr. Kennedy. It seems the most obvious choice in this whole thing, what with him supposedly having a big involvement with the McMahon death angle. I honestly don't know who else they would use.

What was with the reports of a big stage being set up outside of the arena at RAW? Nothing happened and when I heard the reports I was sure something big was going to go down.
I personally think they're going to stick with it just being a regular kid and they're going to use it to throw the McMahon family into a mess again, because Vince was saying he wanted to bring his family together and make them all a strong unit again. I think they'll use it just for Vince to get cast out by his family again.
Mr. Kennedy vs. HHH pretty good match...but they have to set it up right...it should be like a specialty match...loser gets his name removed from the family line?
I dont see it being a child AT all, that would bore me endlessly. I want it to be a wrestler who tries his hardest to win Vince's favour, eventually does so, has his backing, MEGA heel heat, like HHH did. The HHH character in late 1999 and 2000 was amazing in my view, it was like Cena in reverse, the odds beat the good guy.

As far as why the case comes up now, i think they'll have it being made by Kennedy himself as his method of revealing himself, have him say he told us all along that he was special.

And lay off Kennedy not being ready, this angle was clearly meant to last a lot longer, if they're doing it, they'r going to have to improvise and run with it and hope for the best. I don't think it will break him.
From WZ news:

In the May/June 2003, there were plans for a storyline in which Vince McMahon would have an illegitimate daughter. The storyline came really close to happening as they had the person for the role and they even flew her to several SmackDown tapings with the intent of debuting her on television. However, things would always change at the last minute and WWE never pulled the trigger on the storyline. The person they had in mind for the role was a blonde women's wrestler in Ohio Valley Wrestling by the name of Nikita Fink. She never made it to the big show as she was released in March 2004. She's now doing monster truck racing like Madusa.

so, maybe it's not Kennedy after all, who knows...
If they bring a girl for the role, I bet it will be Beth Phoenix. Or maybe Jillian, I see a push coming for her.
It could be any of the women from the development territories, if they are going to run with a young mother (which would work considering how vince has been portrayed with his assistants before) i think it needs to be some one we dont know. To get a wrestler involved you could have either Kennedy attack the mother on vince's behalf, or vince attack the mother, and a wrestler come out to defend her!
...their other option might be to bring back someone like sable o stacy who was 'involved' with mr mcmahon before!!
If we go the daughter angle, maybe Nattie Neidhart? Man, like Bret doesn't need another slap to the face! Of course, that could entice him to come back for a Wrestlemania against Vince.
If we go the daughter angle, maybe Nattie Neidhart? Man, like Bret doesn't need another slap to the face! Of course, that could entice him to come back for a Wrestlemania against Vince.

Yeah, that would be great, Vince vs Bret at WM24!!! I heard somewhere that Bret is in great shape and doing over 250lbs bench press or something...

It's not gonna happen though. :( I guess Natie would rather quit than doing that kind of angle. Besides, they just reformed the Hart Foundation on OVW, so I guess she will be involved there.
guys ur missing the obvious facts. its EUGENE!!! hes been mad a superhero so he kn save vince wenever hes in need, he wears a E which is in VincEnt KEnnEdy Mcmahon...E

but honestly i think its going to be Kennedy. i jus hope it works out for MR. KENNEDY.........(pause for dramatic effect) KENNEDY!!!
The story written prior to the Benoit tragedy had a current Raw superstar being revealed as Vince McMahon's "illegitimate child." Believe it or not, at that time, the plan was to reveal Mr. Ken Kennedy as Vince's "son." Yes, Kennedy.

Hah I knew it. I think this is going to be interesting. I don't think it will hurt kennedy like many of you say. I think it will help that he is put in a storyline like this since he isn't in the title picture. It could give him more credibility and help him become a bigger heel.
They screwed up, though. Why would an adult child file a paternity suit? The person has to be an adult to be involved in angles. If it was Kennedy, that could work. You could bring Shane back and have him fued with Kennedy. BROTHERS COLLIDE! Keep Kennedy heel, and have him say he only filed the suit because he wanted Vince to acknowlege him. Then, maybe a sunny-boy angle with Shane and Kennedy jealous of each other, driving Vince crazy over who he loves more, who he's more proud of, who gets his money! Could be interesting.
how would mini khali open doors? lol

im also guessing its MR. KENNEDY!!...............................KENNEDY!...........KENNEDY!..........KENNEDY!..............................KENNEDY!, lol that shit was so stupid, then they cut him off for no reason o_O...... i get it ur name is kennedy stop already, i think this will help kennedy get to the main event status he deserves faster, i just hope the same thing that happened to orton doesnt happen to him, anyway i think its gonna be an interesting storyline, kinda like the attitude era, im really looking forward to this, i hope WWE doesnt screw the storyline up with a stupid idea, but lets see what happens...
it will defenitely be kennedy and this is just what he needed, a monster push.

this can open up a feud with shane and him both trying to win over their dad and it could also put him in a great title feud with vince using all is advantages to get him the title putting the odds against the champ this would make kennedy a monster heel
I would love to see a new stable form from this as well maybe vince shane kennedy throw in the WGTT and an enforcer snitsky? maybe that would be sick ... to fight off the son-in-law Triple H and possibly DX? Michaels HHH Stephanie (good angle there with her choosing sides) bring back X-Pac maybe since its bene talked about possibly some news guys

could be very interesting we haven't had a strong stable since evolution (I don't count a two man DX as a strong stable) but most likely highly unlikely ugh
Ok, I've seen a lot of people saying that Mr. Kennedy's last name is Kennedy, well it's not, his real last name is Anderson. In OVW he said MRRRRRR. ANDERSON! Insted of KENNEDY! But the Paul Heymen said that they might think he is part of the Anderson Family (you know, Arn Anderson) so he said it would be better if he went by Kennedy cause its Vince's middle name. So my point is the his REAL life name if Ken Anderson, not kennedy! And as for the McMahon child storyline, I think it should be Kennedy. THEY GOTTA MAKE HIM A MAIN EVENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually Vince himself wanted Kennedy to be distanced from the Andersons as he saw big things for him and wanted him to get by on his own, Kennedy was intent on using his own name, but went to Heyman for suggestions, Kennedy gave them to Vince who went for something stupid like Adam Hole and then admitted it was stupid and asked if he liked Kennedy.

ANYWAY, his real name isn't really an issue here. It is clearly Kennedy and he will have filed the suit himself to get Vince's attention like i said on like page 2 of this thread. I also suggested having Kennedy fight for attention, finally win it, become monster heel, feud with HHH etc etc etc
here is an interesting twist, what if it's Triple H, that way they could bring in the whole marriage to Stephanie, and the fact that they have a kid, and turn this into something HUGE, the best way for this to work would to have Triple H act as if he never knew he was a McMahon, and lets keep in mind that Triple H is also from Greenwich, which is where the McMahons are all from

Justin, this is crazy... but I said the exact same thing to my friend last night. I would rather see something with an insanely unique twist like that scenerio than just bringing in someone out of the blue.

On a side note, most people here seem to think Kennedy will be involved in this angle. As far as I'm aware, that angle was scrapped a while back. God help Kennedy if they drag him into an angle like this. I think Kennedy is the best guy the WWE has on the roster right now. Hell, Kennedy is the reason I still watch any WWE programming. Putting him in an angle like this will do nothing to further his career, in fact, it will probably serve to steal all credibility he has at this point.
Kennedy did say that he would dedicate his career to Vince after the "death" and its been sperad around that he's involved. i hope he is the son because i'd love to see Shane vs Kennedy. The winner gets the company when vince dies. or Shane & Kennedy vs The Next Generation Hart Foundation. a you screwed bret story for survivor series. it'd be a shit load better than some random from OVW coming in and then being on heat for 5 seconds then leaving.
going on from the last post... shane and kennedy when vince dies with vince as special refere, the winner gets the wwe when vince dies.. we think he's gnna favour shane then turns on shane, kennedy gets the win. I hope from this shane turns face and vince and kennedy become huge heels. Ive said before that i'm a huge fans of factions, and this angle could lead to that with vince, kennedy, regal, steph, triple h and a few others versus shanes army...(what became of the mean street posey lol)

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