[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

I think the clue of "Things are looking up" could be a signal that his bastard is HBK, think about it, the whole GOD thing and the fact that shawn looks to the sky during his entrance, it really fits
Things are Looking up.

If you look that phrase up on Wikipedia... It's a song in the movie "Damsel in Distress" and when u go that wiki page- the production company for that movie was.... RKO!

Probably a conincedence. But still kinda cool

Wiki has spoken - it is Randy Orton
So what do we think of when people say looking up in wrestling. Sure sure, people want to think of big guys.

I on the other hand have figured out the answer to the question. It is a huge star in the business. It is a man that has never performed in the WWE before, and has more to gain by ruining Vince McMahon then anyone else. Mr. McMahon has done more to ruin his life then anyone else in the business.

This man despised everything that Mr. McMahon created during the 90's especially. This man represents everything in the business that Mr. McMahon isn't. This man is a multiple time World Champion, and when we are talking about a man that lives in the darkness and shadows. We are talking about a man that you always kept an eye to the skies on;

Ladies and Gentleman....Mr. McMahon's Son is Sting

or this guy.
I was just on wikipedia and I came across comething on Snitsky's page which I know is not true because september 10th hasnt even happened yet.

"On September 10, it was revealed that Snitsky was the "illegitimate bastard son" of WWE chairman Vince McMahon after months of speculation. It was rumored to have been Ken Anderson (ring name Mr. Kennedy) but after he was suspended due to the WWE Wellness Policy, the company rushed to the change the storyline."
or this guy.

Well it certainly isn't Owen that's for sure.

The facts are we know is that it's a WWE male superstar and the clue “Things are looking up.”

The following is assuming that it is a Raw wrestler, here is the Raw roster minus injuries and suspended wrestlers.

Shelton Benjamin Lance Cade Carlito John Cena Daivari Hacksaw Jim Duggan Jeff Hardy Brian Kendrick Paul London Robbie McAllister Rory McAllister Trevor Murdoch Randy Orton Cody Rhodes Sandman Snitsky Super Crazy Triple H Val Venis

Now taking people it can't possibly be;
Benjamin (we've had a storyline with his mother already)

Jim Duggan (too old)

Carlito/Daivari/McAllistars (I'm under the impression that the mother's American so it won't be these guys)

Super Crazy/Val venis (haven't been on TV in ages so it very likely won't be them)

Jeff Hardy (there's no way they're going to say Hardy's a McMahon)

HHH (From rumours and what was said on Raw on Monday (The hi Stephanie) they're likely going to have a Steph/HHH wedding type thing and HHH will liekly feud with the son)

Cade/Murdoch/Londrick (they're going to have a tag match at Unforgiven, making one of these 4 as the son would be stupid)

so that leaves us with 5 possible people;

John Cena
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes

As we know the father of Cena/Orton/Rhodes it's either going to be a big shocker of one of those 3 or Sandman/Snitsky. I would love if it was Cena, this would bring a HUGE lease of life to his character but I won't go into how I feel he needs a shake up. Although I can't see how the 'things are looking up will fit in'
so that leaves us with 5 possible people;

John Cena
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes

I cant se it being Cena, after the whole Orton kicking his dad in the head thing, Cant see it being Orton because we all know Cowboy Bob, and I cant see it being Rhodes b/c of the Dream being his father
Now for Smackdown! Again taking out injuries and suspensions we have;

Batista Deuce Domino Kenny Dykstra Finlay Ric Flair The Great Khali Chavo Guerrero Matt Hardy Mark Henry Hornswoggle Kane Brett Major Brian Major Shannon Moore Rey Mysterio Jamie Noble Chuck Palumbo Montel Vontavious Porter Dave Taylor Jimmy Wang Yang

Again it won't be;

Deuce and Domino (as they're tag team and I can't see them being split yet)
Finlay/Khali/mysterio/Jimmy wang yang/Chavo Guerrero (again with the American thing)
Flair/Taylor (too old)
Matt Hardy (again they're not going to mess with the Hardy name)
Kane (takers brother, his mother's dead so wouldn't be able to bring a law suit)
Major bros (they're brothers so wouldn't have them splitting wither)
MVP (currently in a major feud with Matt Hardy, would gain nothing from this)
Shannon Moore/Chuck Palumbo (again these guys I just can't see it being either)

So that again leaves 5 in

Kenny Dykstra
Mark Henry
Jamie Noble

I don't think it will be an ECW superstar.

So this added to
John Cena
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes

I'm going to take out the people who's fathers we know about so that now takes cena, orton and Cody out, on top of the people who have a match at vengeance [batista, henry and likely hornswoggle/jamie noble]... so that leaves us with;

Kenny Dykstra
We also have to look at two guys like HBK and Y2J, who very well could return by next Monday, Y2J would be great but I just cant see the whole "Things are looking up" theory goin towards him. But like I have said before I can see HBK after the GOD thing that happened a couple of years ago, Lets face it, they are not gonna have Kenny Dykstra or Sandman as the son, no way. Snitskey is possible though because we all know hoe Vince gets a rise in his pants whenever Snitsky's name is mentioned
The more you look and think about it. It's going to be Snitsky and it's going to fucking suck. Vince will be bound and determined to get the guy over to be fed to Cena/Trips before then end of the year. Kennedy was perfect but now thats out the window along with the storyline IF Snitsky is indeed the son. He's been gone 2 weeks..How rare is that? I just see WWE letting us down one more time just like before Judgement Day when Khali was #1 Contender.

The other choice is John Cena. Hmmm...Hope not. He's had his push/rub and been shoved down out throats weekly but in a way it makes sense with him slapping and shit talking Vince and his father being brought in recently. Vince/Cena has been teasing a feud since he had the ECW title back in April. Vince is one of the best heels ever and Cena is losing fans on a weekly basis. So maybe Vince will throw us a curve ball. It wouldn't matter anyways as long as he has that fucking title everyone will despise him. Trips/Cena feud #2 is going to happen sooner or later. This could be the way to kick it off with RKO is this drugs situation and still possibly suspended. I don't like the idea but it sure is a hell of a lot better than Snitsky. I'd rather a up and comer who hasn't got his shot to take the storyline but who is there? Kennedy was absolutely perfect.
I must admit the HBK angle is interesting.

Have HHH and HBK being all nice , and Vince and Steph at eachothers throats. Although again Unlikely.

Theres a slight chance its Kane. But again like Snitsky. This role I suspect Is going to be heavily revovled around Promos , and although I suppose the IC could hide behind Vince , with Trips on the opposition , it would be difficult.

Can I just say one thing. They said on Raw It wasn't Mr Kennedy. And I suspect the mother knew who it was anyway. And the bloke was represting her , so I doubt there would need to be any test. So Kennedy for me is a no no.

FlameBoy , I think your a little to realistic on a couple of things. I think it would make it even better if it was Benjamin , because they could bring back Momma Benjamin (Although i do Admit she wouldn't be needed for much of the storyline).

Its too early for Cody Rhodes. The superstar would be in main event status by at the latest Wrestlemania Id say. Main event status in under 8 months. I doubt it.

MVP , why not. I do agree hes in a storyline at the moment and it would be difficult to strip him of the belts. But possible.

But unfortunatly , as much as we hope for someone good , theres always the nagging influence of Snitsky.
Theres a slight chance its Kane.

There's ZERO chance it is Kane...the storyline goes that taker burned his family house killing both his parents and his brother, Kane turns up as his brother who wasn't actually dead. Needless to say that makes both Kanes parents (kayfabe) DEAD. Now the mother of the son has been issuing statements about the son...how can a dead person hire an attorney?!
There's ZERO chance it is Kane...the storyline goes that taker burned his family house killing both his parents and his brother, Kane turns up as his brother who wasn't actually dead. Needless to say that makes both Kanes parents (kayfabe) DEAD. Now the mother of the son has been issuing statements about the son...how can a dead person hire an attorney?!

Fare enough , I wasn't watching WWF at that point.

I don't think Kane would work anyway. They need a up and coming superstar of the likes of Benjamin , CM Punk , MVP etc...
Oh and on the story of Kane someone reminded me that Paul Bearer was Kane's dad so it definately can't be Kane.

It's looking more and more like snitsky although the things are looking up clue made me first think of kenny just because DX used to say look up to the spirit squad before covering them in poo/gunge
ya, i really hate to say this, it makes me sick its gonna ruin the whole story line, but i think snitsky is gonna be his son =/, kennedy was perfect for it! but now that wont happen since he was stupid enough to get suspended and ruin his biggest push ever =/... and i would like it to be the likes of cm punk, morrison, benjamin, MVP

but i dont think any of them are really ready to be getting porbably a main event spot on WM yet.. not that snitsky is but hell they were planning on building snitsky up and make him lose on the next WM right? i think i read that on WZ a couple of weeks ago... though i could be wrong, anyway snitsky is the safe choice so cena can beat yet another huge monster and WWE will think this will get snitsk over

though i think they should do something to drag it out for a month and say kennedy really is his son somehow, cuz i presonally think that this storyline is gonna make a mid carder a main eventer at then end, and a big one, so i really hope they dont choose snitsky, he wont be a main eventer he will just job to cena and be 4gotten later, so why waste such a good storyline on snitsky? i dont know, but it seems hes the only logical choice left IF its some1 from raw... but lets wait and see i guess.. hope im wrong
this thing has me baffled to be completely honest with you all. Kennedy was the dead give away candidate until he gets suspended. This could have catipulted him to major heel in the WWE. Now we are left guessing. I think you can cut the list down a bit. In my eyes the candidates are in no particular order : Snitzky, Kennedy(still if they delay this thing for 30 days and say Kennedy was doing research to prove he is Vince's son), Orton(unlikely though...doesnt need it he is established), MVP to name some that come to mind. Atleast no one is complaining about the WWE being predictable with this angle.

What about that Russian Guy who use to sit in the audience on Raw and said "double double E"??????
I think it should be Elijah Burke. He is under-utilized and he is by far a great in ring peformer and not only that, but his mic skills are golden, and he could defintally fill in the roll. That is my opinion. Making Snitsky a McMahon would be like bringing back Kurgan and making him JR's son, because both ideas are ******ed.

BUT I know this will never happen, and it wouldnt make sense because this storyline is to elevate a mid-carder. But imagine Chris Jericho comming back as Vinces son. I can picture his music going off and the crowd roar already!
OK everybody lets think about this. First it started off as saying that the superstar was somebody around the ring, which excludes, HHH, HBK, Jericho, and the others out right now. next it wont be a ECW/Smackdown superstar since Vince can give a crap about them. third, they are saying that it will be revealed next week, so all of your, panning out, extended storyline scenarios will not work. my only choice, although sad, is that its Snitsky, only adding to it is the things are looking up line. Also adding to it is that Vince was shocked that Snitsky wasn't over, and he even put him over Cena, so it must be leading to Snitsky taking the title from Orton after about a month, then reigning until mania when HHH beats him for it, just to get HHH over. Thats what would happen to Kennedy anyway. or the more predictable one where he just dominates jobbers until right before mania when he challenges HHH for the belt and loses. Idk though, my conclusions could always be wrong.
I was just on wikipedia and I came across comething on Snitsky's page which I know is not true because september 10th hasnt even happened yet.

"On September 10, it was revealed that Snitsky was the "illegitimate bastard son" of WWE chairman Vince McMahon after months of speculation. It was rumored to have been Ken Anderson (ring name Mr. Kennedy) but after he was suspended due to the WWE Wellness Policy, the company rushed to the change the storyline."

Spurious lies. This is actually what it says, unless it has been edited since you last looked.

On the September 10th edition of Raw, it was revealed that Kennedy was the illegitimate child of Vince McMahon much to the dismay of Snitsky fans all across the globe. Because of Kennedy's suspension, many smarks believed that Snitsky would be revealed as the bastard son of Vince McMahon. This plan was axed however, when Snitsky tested positive for HIV in his September 4th Wellness Test performed by the WWE. After the results were read to him, he was immediately sent to the hospital and faced criminal charges for being the absolute worst monster character the WWE has ever seen.
But imagine Chris Jericho comming back as Vinces son. I can picture his music going off and the crowd roar already!

this is the best idea i've read so far.. unless i missed the one where triple h turns out to be his son, and he married his daughter.. but being a big triple h fan, i wouldn't really want to see that.
Why did this whole thing hve to come to a end next week. It makes no since to me. They could of drug this out for 2 mor monthes if they wanted to. No one said the storyline had to end next week. Kennedy could have still be part of this. He could of done his time, cameback, the story line could of went on a few more weeks, then reviel who it is. There is nosaying that it had to end next week. WWE needs a new creative team to help out these idiots.
It can't be the following

Orton or Cena- they are already in a storyline and we know who both of thier fathers are.

C.m Punk or Elijah Burke-It seems like the storyline is mainly going to take place on Raw. ECW needs these two to stay. Plus Punk is the champ so they won't take him off the show.

Matt Hardy or MVP- They already have a storyline going. Plus agian they have titles.

Rey, Baatista, Khali- Khali is the champ for now and Rey and Batista are too important to Smackdown. Khali is one of the few "big" heels on smackdown who can be used to challenge for the title. Plsu Rey was injured at teh start of the storyline.

Undertaker or Mark Henry- Both in a storyline. They wouldn't bring Undertaker back and start a storyline just to send him to Raw.

HHH, HBK, and anyone who isn't part of the company- It has to be somepne who was there at the start of the storyline.

Chris Masters-May be gone for 60 days due to second violation.
I thought the original plan was to reveal the name in October during a 3 hour Raw special. So announcing the person next week is rushing the storyline. This makes me question if this is actually going to run until WM still.

If it's a face then they will have to turn heel eventually to feud with HHH as part of the original plan, not only that but to feud with the whole McMahon family.

I would count out Jeff Hardy considering it would be hard to make him a heel and he may not even show up anyway.

I'm leaning towards Carlito, he is starting a feud with HHH. He has mic skills, he can draw a crowd and has beconme part of the storyline anyway.
I'm not counting out the return of Kennedy in this storyline yet but I do question if he will be reward after violating policy. That would look bad on the WWE to give a guy a big push right after his suspension.

My final verdict- Carlito
I absolutely reckon it is Great Khali.With the clue "everythings looking up"
But mabuza has a pint about chris jericho knocking shane around in 2003 for not respecting vince and he has none all along and that this is the time.
My options are
Great Khali
Chris Jericho

Kane and undertaker aint brothers there STEP brothers so it could be Kane or Undertaker. Cant wait till RAW next week.
Well the lawyer said "Things are looking up." And that was the clue. So maybe it'll be a returning Sabu! He's always looking up and pointing at the sky in respect to his...father...shit, I guess that wouldn't work then.

Or maybe it's Ric Flair! I just read that he tried to quit and was rewarded by being promised a big program...so maybe that'll be his program. I can see it now, it'll be revealed that Vince time-traveled to the late 18th century and boned Betsy Ross, thus explaining how he managed to sire a 200+ year-old man. Way to go Vince, wave that flag, you filthy devil!

Or maybe it's Hornswoggle. "Looking up"...little Horny looks up all the time because he's short. It would also explain why they used to call him little BASTARD.

Now some people might think the "looking up" clue refers to his son being someone tall. Well for one thing, that would be probably be too obvious, and for another thing, have you looked at some of these big guys that are being speculated about? Khali, Snitsky, Kane, etc...that woman would most likely be dead as a direct result of any of those deliveries. But seriously folks...

I thought for a sec it might be Randy Orton, but some good points have been made about that, he doesn't really need it and he's already going for the title...although it could lead to his long-awaited feud with Trips. Still, it's been established who his father is, and it's just not likely in general.

Gunner said Carlito...I doubt it. Carlito's going nowhere and it looks like it's gonna stay that way. Besides, it's already been established who his father is...and I could have sworn Carlito was fully Puerto Rican...unless it's revealed that he's only half Puerto Rican...or it's revealed that Vince is Puerto Rican. Anything can happen in the WWE, right?

I hope to god it's not Snitsky, he sucks. That's really all I can say about him.

For a second I thought of Sid Vicious, and then I sobered up.

Chris Jericho would be fun, but he's not a current superstar. I know they originally planned for it to be Kennedy and now they have to change it, but I'd still expect a little continuity from them.

A big shake-up would be Brock Lesnar. Imagine if they patched things up with him and offered him some big money deal, leading him away from MMA and/or TNA...I don't know how the "looking up" thing would come into play, but that would be pretty wild.

I would say maybe JBL if he were about to return to the ring, and if I could figure out what he had to do with "looking up".

I must admit, I'm actually quite stumped so i give WWE points for being unpredictable. If I had it my way it would be Jericho, but I highly doubt it. Another person I would pick is Carlito, simply in the hopes that it would turn him into a main eventer (what can I say, he's grown on me...).

It's a shame, but it seems like Snitsky is actually a possibility. Although I still have a gut feeling it won't be him, you never know. But in closing...

Carlito for bastard child 2007!
Gunner said Carlito...I doubt it. Carlito's going nowhere and it looks like it's gonna stay that way. Besides, it's already been established who his father is...and I could have sworn Carlito was fully Puerto Rican...unless it's revealed that he's only half Puerto Rican...or it's revealed that Vince is Puerto Rican. Anything can happen in the WWE, right?

Another person I would pick is Carlito, simply in the hopes that it would turn him into a main eventer (what can I say, he's grown on me...)..

Carlito for bastard child 2007!

I don't get what you're saying, one part you'rew saying Carlito's going nowhere the next you're saying you would pick him, I think you need to make your mind up. Carlito would make a decent choice as he's just wrestled HHH and seems to have been up McMahons ass the past few weeks.

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