[OFFICIAL] Mr. Kennedy .........Kennedy Released

So Kenndy has been released ... hmm on one hand I think that he had great potential but on the other hand I think that all this talent should have paid off, he had the pushes, he had the opportunities and yes I know he got injured but this shows that the WWE simply can´t rely on his work.
And seriously would you rather keep someone who is constantly injured or release him and save yourself some money which you could invest in better talent. Will he go to TNA ? Oh he certanly will, will he be a big deal in Orlando ? I´m not so sure about that ... we´ll see what the future has to offer for MR KENEEEEEDYYYYYY ..... KENNEEEDYYYYY. Oh man that´s gettin´old xDD
Rumour has it that Orton threw a massive temper tantrum after Kennedy botched that backdrop and demanded that he was fired. I don't know what the source is. I can't help but wonder who leaks these things. My guess is an embittered Ric Flair. The bastard just can't get over it and keeps e-mailing Dave Meltzer inside news.

I hope Orton was the reason he was fired. That would be great. Well, not great. Less dull.
I heard about the Orton thing as well and if it is true, that's kind of ridiculous. Does the WWE love Orton so much that they will fire a wrestler just because he is angry. I wasn't a big Kennedy fan, but I don't think he should be fired for that reason. The more that I read about it, the more unlikely it seems that the wrist injury was the reason for his firing.
I read on another news site that WWE management were concerned about the backdrop, and that it could have re-injured Orton's shoulder, coupled with him injuring himself.

This gif was also on the site:


Shows Orton lash out at Kennedy. Was a very dangerous backdrop
To all you f'n jabroni's that say KENNEDY got released due to him so called messin up on Monday r dead wrong. If that was the case Mark Henry, Umaga, The Undertaker to name a few would be gone also cause they've have injured people and r still employed. Plus they're alot of the current roster that do a way worser job than Kennedy let's all wait and c where this goes. This could be all a worked shoot. If he ain't on in the next couple of months then we all know that he really got fired or wanted his release from the company to possible go to rehab.

Top 3 wrestlers of All Time:

3. Mr. Kennedy

2. Christian

1. Bret Hart (The Man who never injured anybody purposley or accidentily in his whole career.)

Let's c what happens b4 we make A$$#$ out ourselves for thinkin we know the reason. So lets wait a lil while to find out the real answers behind this.
Apperently is was somthing along the lines of he botched the belly to back suplex on Orton, which he wasnt happy about and could have hurt Ortons shoulder, and somthing about when he took Ortons RKO rong, he also could have re-injured Ortons bad shoulder. This lead to Orton haveing supposed "calm" words with him backstage along of the lines of be carefull or you could seriously hurt someone.

Remeber Kennedy also was the reason Cenas Pectorial muscle was ripped, and i seem to remeber he injured someone else as well but i cant remeber who.
Well well...I think the first hint of this was the report of his wrist getting injured from the RKO last Monday on his return from being injured which is saying something.
Personally I liked Mr Kennedy but you cant expect to be the next big thing if everytime you are heading for a main event push you get injured or screw it up some how.
Was it a quick judgement on Vinces part..quite possibly.. at least see the full extent of the injury but even if there is a complaint of injury from this guy who has been injured several times it suggests the worst so the benefit on Vinces part is its saving him some money.

Where do I reckon Kennedy will end up going...its pretty obvious TNA are going to scoop him up.
Remeber Kennedy also was the reason Cenas Pectorial muscle was ripped, and i seem to remeber he injured someone else as well but i cant remeber who.

I believe Kennedy also injured Bob Holly at a house show. But considering that was Bob Holly, I'd say both wrestlers should take equal blame for it as Holly loves sandbagging the moves of younger guys. Remember the Brock Lesnar powerbomb incident?

Between the injuries he's received coupled with the injuries he's caused, I think that was good enough grounds to fire him on. I mean, could WWE really have afforded to lose Orton because of a Kennedy botch right now?
Honestly... I find it hard to believe this is it after Vince put the time in to his return... However, I think theres more to it.. And I think, before the end of the year, you'll see Mr. Kennedy back in the WWE... Even if he has a short run in TNA.. Think Cryme Tyme... WWE released them over an incident with Cade and Murdoch, who were being pushed at the time.. Not even 3 months later Cryme Tyme was back and now Cade and Murdoch no longer work for WWE.. I think the same will happen to Kennedy as he's 10x more over than Cryme Tyme.. They may bring him back to ECW and ease him back in to Raw or Smackdown but give it 3-6 months and Mr.Kennedy will be back in World Wrestling Entertainment.. Ya'll can quote me on that.
I never really believed the hype in all honesty. Kennedy could cut a good promo every now and then and his stuff with Undertaker was great but i feel that he's below average in the ring. Also i found his work with HBK to be very dissapointing.

Injury prone guy who isn't that careful in the ring and who can't stop putting his foot in his mouth with the Wellness Policy.

The guy actually suggested that wrestlers should be able to take steroids if they wanted as they were only harming themselves. The promotion of illegal substances isn't going to help managements view of you in a now PG WWE.
cant say it comes as a surprise. this guys career just spells from injury to injury. he has been out for almost a year? he comes back and does his wrist in taking an RKO?! its kind of a shame because he was great on the mic, received a good pop and heat (wen he was a heel) and there is no doubt he had potential. in the end he was just too injury prone. i could see him going to TNA, but he will be injury plagued there aswell no doubt.

maybe in a few years he may come back, but i wouldt bet on it
Here's what's taken place on the WWE.com main site. On the Raw main page, Kennedy's release is on the third one down...so there's no one trying to hide anything. Another thing is Kennedy's profile is gone from the Raw section. Completely. So if it's a work, it's a good work, but alas. I truly believe Kennedy's legit gone from the company.

In TNA, he'll flourish with new rivalries and the ability to do what he wants as far as drugs and less work due to the schedule being lighter.
I am close to some people in ACW in Green Bay and they are already in talks with bringing Mr. Kennedy ("Kamikazee Ken Anderson") in for a few shows to his old stomping grounds of ACW.

His release is legit and he is not seriously hurt. A stinger in his wrist.

From what I've heard so far is Randy Orton had "calm" words with Vince and Ken. I know that there is no such thing as "calm" with Orton. His locker room destroying, coked out mind threw a fit that he is to valuable to be hurt by someone like Ken.

I don't know if Ken asked for his release or Vince gave it, but I do know Ken has some stories about Orton and backstage he can't wait to tell us about. I'm sure I'll know the whole story sooner or later and will keep you posted.

One more thing is Ken is not an injury prone jobber. He ran into some bad luck after signing with WWE. When he wrestled in ACW he had a memorable fued with Raven and others. He was a trainer, and a hell of a guy.

He will make his return to ACW for a while, but I see TNA in his future. That is if Vince doesn't decide to bring him back and not chance losing a talent liek Ken to the rival.

Only time will tell.
didnt kennedy also injure bobby lashelys shoulder/rotator cuff area in 2007 which was lashleys last match before being released? and what was actually wrong with that back suplex kennedy gave orton? it obv hurt orton cos he could be seen lashing out, but what exactly was wrong with it?

but yeah kennedy is far too injury prone and far too prone to injuring people ala cena, lashley, hardcore holly(?) and i think thats why he was released
I think this is a combination of a few things.

1. The obvious injury issues. Never have I seen someone that has been bitten by the injury bug more than Kennedy. I mean it was every month he'd get hurt again and again. He never had a chance to build anything up for himself.

2. He never actually did anything. Kennedy is the epitome of a guy built up and coasting on hype. What did he ever do in the ring that was so great? His entire appeal was based on nothing but hype that he had and eventually, which I guess was tonight, that ran out of steam.

3. Vince's ego. The ratings for Monday night tanked, and Kennedy was the focus of the show as far as in ring stuff goes. Vince will never in his wildest dreams admit that either A) John and Kate Plus 8 being one of the biggest cable draws of all time hurt him, B) The NBA playoffs hurt him, or most importantly C) Randy Orton and the rest of the Raw feuds right now are so mind numbingly boring that people simply don't care. Kennedy, if he had stayed healthy, could have been a GREAT thing for Raw for one reason: he could have been a new face in the main event. We've seen HHH, Cena, Orton and Batista in the main event forever and people are just flat out tired of it. Throw Kennedy in there fore awhile to replace one of them and I'd be more interested. Of course though, Vince can't accept that his flagship show sucks so he's blaming everyone else, and Kennedy was the brunt of that blame for now.

I wish he was still around, but I'm not really that upset. All that'll happen now is people will whine about how Vince doesn't know what he's doing when in reality, this was probably a good idea.


I don't know why everyone raves about Kennedy. He was poor in the ring, and his matches weren't interesting. Name me one MOTY-type performance he has had. The only "great" match he has had in my opinion was against HBK at Armageddon a couple of years ago, and Shawn Michaels can take a twig to a good match, so does that even count?

All Kennedy was was a hype machine. He talked on the mike, and would yell at the top of his voice, but failed to deliver time and again. He is like Barak Obama. He charms the audience and says a lot, but hasn't put it into action. The difference is Obama still has plenty of time, whereas kennedy doesn't. Still, in both cases, people get caught up with how well they speak. You need more than that.

Besides, I don't want him as the new face of Raw anyway. Why? Because he makes a better heel IMO. Firstly, he is better being a cocky heel, who mocks faces on the mike. As a face, he is very bland. The Rock got away with it because he is 1000+ more interesting than Kennedy. Also, you would still get fresh feuds, because I can't remember them ever having Cena-Kennedy or Triple H-Kennedy. Thirdly, it would be an alternative to Orton and legacy, which seem to dominate airtime on Raw. The faces need other people to fight.
Kennedy is a perfect example of an overly hyped mid-carder that Vince desperately tried to push to main event status. Vince really must have liked Kennedy or he would have been gone a long time ago. He was great on the mic, I'll be the first to admit that, but his in-ring abilities were just kinda..well I dunno. He wasn't bad, but he sure as shit wasn't the next big thing either.

There's no guarantee that, if he does go to TNA, that things will work out any better for him. Kennedy's latest injury came from his first match back and every other injury he's endured in the WWE hasn't come from wear and tear of the road because the guy hasn't been on the road long enough to endure wear and tear. So, what's to say he won't tear his triceps muscle again in his first bout in TNA or seperate his shoulder during his first PPV match? He either doesn't know how to protect himself in the ring or he's just physically frail.

Odds are, he'll eventually wind up in TNA. Since his mic skills are really good, maybe the best place for him is as a commentator. God knows the idiotic banter of Don West and Mike Tenay isn't doing TNA any favors.
What i heard is that that suplex kennedy gave orton yea it hurt orton, but orton wasnt happy that he was dropped on his bean. Orton was furious and he let the wwe officials know that he wasnt too happy about that. Kennedy had a lot of chances supposely by mcmahon standards and the incident with orton was the last chance. U cant endanger the wwe champion health like kennedy did. I dont like orton at all but right now he is champ and the present and future of the company. kennedy can't do that, he did it and he payed for it
im going to shoot down a few misconceptions

1. kennedy hasnt done anything? i guess dominating smackdowns upper mid card for a few years is nothing. thats just flat out stupid to say.


What. When it was at it weakest. He fought the Undertaker and Batista and then what? SD wasn't exactly being looked after in those days.

2. for all the so called wrestling fans out there, to just root against a guy making a living is absurd. the whole first page is full of people who need to grow up. lets just hope the piss poor mods around here dont ban me again for stating the obvious.

People root against Cena, and he is just making a living too. Why let Kennedy off the hook, when Cena can cop abuse, and yet is more talented then Kennedy.


3. hes not injury prone, hes just has major injuries when hes gotten injured. theres a big difference. some people bounce back, and some dont. he got a minor injury on raw, and its just idiotic to think he was released for getting hurt. another case of the young crowd "not getting it" on these forums.
No. Kennedy's not injury prone. Like Kevin Nash wasn't injury prone either. In fact, he and Nash have a lot in common. Both are good on the mike, but terrible in the ring and both get lots of injuries. Nash is just a leaner, taller, older Kennedy.


4. he was without a doubt released for taking some banned substance. its not even arguable there...i wish him the best in his battles and i definitely think he will return some day and be dominant.


If he was fired for some banned substance, then he deserved to get fired. Vince doesn't want another Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit-type situation.

Kennedy is a perfect example of an overly hyped mid-carder that Vince desperately tried to push to main event status.

And yet, this comment parallels with the other major complaint I hear - the idea that mid-card talent isn't pushed enough.

Which is it?

If two or three circumstances go the other way, then right now we're discussing Kennedy as one of the future main eventers, because he was pushed as a mid-carder. How else are future champions made?

There's no guarantee that, if he does go to TNA, that things will work out any better for him.

If he goes to TNA, he is employed. If he doesn't, he is not. I'd say that going to TNA would represent things working out better.

He either doesn't know how to protect himself in the ring or he's just physically frail.

Probably a bit of both, though more so the former. Kennedy has been hurt working with some VERY solid competitors, you can't really blame everyone else.
So he's been released... what did he actually do on television but repeat his name and get injured. Ok, potentially he was a great star, but potential isn't exactly worth much on the job hunter market.

As for it being a work...I'm gonna throw this out there. When the Boogeyman was released, they used his gimmick and his real name. With Kennedy, they used his gimmick name alone and i've noticed it hasn't received much publicity on WWE.com, to the point that his name is still on the Superstars list... but the page itself is gone.

If it's a work, it's going well thus far. If not, he's done nothing to miss him
I've got no problem with mid-card level talent getting pushed IF the mid-carder actually has the talent and physical durability required to be a main event wrestler. Kennedy has demonstrated a lack of both in my view. Kennedy has NEVER shown to have the stuff and I've always dogged him because of it.

As for him being employed by TNA being a good thing for him, it depends on what they might do with him. Putting him back in the ring might well be a death sentence for him the next time around. I know that TNA doesn't necessarily give a crap in some instances regarding the health of its wrestlers, but the guy's just gonna get hurt in the ring. Make him a commentator, it's the only thing he's shown that he MIGHT really be able to handle.
In my opinion, Mr. Kennedy did have great potential within the wwe. He could have had great feuds with top wrestlers, like HHH, Undertaker(again),Randy Orton, Batista(again), Jeff Hardy, and CM Punk. But the fact that he was injury prone was a major setback, he didn't even make a return. As I remember, he was injured within 7 or 8 months into his Debut which totally sucked, because he had major charisma and he could pull off great matches. Oh well, the WWE sees another short lived great wrestler. I hope TNA uses him to the potential that the WWE was shooting for.
Im so bored people that i have read everyones replies and many of you make reall valid points but there are just a few things about this that makes me wonder and that makes me thing that this whole thing is the biggest shoot in Pro Wrestling history

He failed a drug test: Many people keep saying that this was Vince's final straw and he failed the test and was fired. But her's whats wrong with that. Kennedy failed a test in 2007 and had to miss 30 days (with no pay) for his mistake. But the wellness policy states 1st Violation 30 days, 2nd violation 60 days, and 3rd violation termination of contract. had he failed that would have only been his second violation therefore he would've been suspended.

He Hurt Orton: Why that back suplex did look very devastating i don't think it was anything to complain about. Plus in 2007 kennedy hurt cena who is vince's Hulk hogan in this day and age. I dont believe he would've been fired for that as Cena was put on the shelf and had to vacate his title.

Wrist Injury: How the hell would they have known this so early? i dont think it was anything serious and i dont beleive Vince would release someone who he almost had be his illigitimate child (this is rite befo Kennedy violates the wellness policy).

All i have to say is believe what you will but when Booker T, Sharmell, Boogeyman,Bobby lashley, and others were released the called them by their real names Booker Huffman,Marty Wright, and Franklin Lashley. But Kennedy was called Ken Kennedt when his actual name is Kenneth Anderson. Why didn't they use his real name if he was really released? As i said before i think we have the biggest shoot in Pro Wrestling history ladies and gentleman.
Mr. Kennedy was one of my favorite guys in this business when he was actually around. I was very excited to see what he was going to do as a face upon his return... I feel bad now, but I made jokes as soon as he hit the ring last Monday night for his return. "Let the injury countdown begin..."
Like i said, I feel bad about it now, but it's very much true. I don't know what was up with this guy...did he have the glass bone disease or what?

Kennedy is one of those guys that is actually good enough to make the "really fast huge push" thing work. Take CM Punk...in my opinion, he's not that great, but WWE has forced him on us with two MITB wins and several pushes into the main events...I hated him, but the weird thing is that ratings went up during his reign... But Kennedy is actually very good. And they always give him the most random main event feuds:
--Let's randomly put him on the Smackdown Survivor Series team...but first, let him face Eddie Guerrero in his last match before dying...big push there. Sure, it wasn't intentional, but it happened.
--What should we do with him now...? Let him attack DX with the McMahons...huge push.
--Intermission...US title reign...
--WWE allows him to make the claim that he's better than the entire Smackdown brand and wants to go to Raw. Bold claim. What do they do? Undertaker feud. Then a match with Chris Benoit.
--Well, he did the Undertaker thing...now he's "beaten the best"...what now? Team him up with MVP to face the Brothers of Destruction...? Sure, let's do that. And then later, we'll have him and Undertaker have a decent feud to get his name even MORE out there...
--BUT WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO!?! Money in the Bank win...
*This is where the mistake came in my opinion. Why give the hottest guy with the biggest pushes the MITB, but then have him lose it to Edge. If that match hadn't taken place, he wouldn't have been injured (maybe) and he probably could have gone on to do bigger things...But they gave it to Edge...
--Alright, the MITB didn't work out...major injury and steroid thing put him back a little bit, so WWE gave him a month or so in the mid card against Carlito, Jeff Hardy, etc. Funny...even in the mid card as punishment, he still got to work with the tag champs and beat Jeff Hardy.
--Ok guys, he's been punished in the mid card for about two months... should we do what we do with William Regal, Jeff Hardy...no...let's give him an awesome feud with Shawn Michaels.

When did Kennedy even put in his time in the lower card...not that he had to...he was good. Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Jeff Hardy, Edge...this guy worked with the best of the best and the most popular... was he one of them? Not exactly. He wasn't a phenom or a legend and he didn't sell millions of dollars... he was just good...in the ring and on the mic.
Unfortunately for him, he couldn't stay healthy. Had he been able to stay healthy for his entire career up till this point, and didn't do that steroid thing...imagine the possibilities.
I can almost say with certainty that he would have been a World Champion by now...

Now on to his future...when he gets healthy again, will he continue in the business... he better in my opinion. TNA would eat this guy up in a heartbeat. He probably wouldn't be injured with a lighter load of work... I think he could be an instant top card draw, but strangely enough, for the first time in history, WWE probably pushed this guy more than TNA would.
Kennedy vs. Kurt Angle.
Kennedy vs. Sting
Kennedy vs. AJ Styles

I want to see that.
In conclusion...rest in peace Kennedy's WWE career. I hope we see you in some way in the future. If now, it was a waste of what could have been a fantastic career.
I think this week on Raw we will find out if this is legit or not. If they bother to mention Kennedys name even once then we will no its just a kayfabe incedient as they NEVER mention released stars names.

Either way this is a kayfabe incedient and he will come back and shock everyone, or this is the real deal and Ortons proberly went mad at Vince and Kennedys been fired and will proberly go to TNA. Orton did drive Manu out of Legacy so he does have some backstage power.

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