Mr. Kennedy Blogs about his injury

Edit: Can I have the thread title changed to "Mr. Kennedy blogs about his injuries"?

I apologize if this no longer belongs here, since he's released. I just figured it'd get most traffic here.

If I take a sledgehammer and SMASH you in the side of the head and you get hurt very badly, does that make you "injury prone"?

If I cut off your arm with a samurai sword, and you have to have it reattached (causing you to miss several months of work) are you also then to be considered..."injury prone"?

Well let's say that you're in a match in Italy standing on the apron during a ten man tag match, and a guy is supposed to come over and give you a little forearm which will cause you to drop to the floor, but INSTEAD, he decides to drop kick your ass into the 20th row, he virtually leg presses you off the apron, and you have a "Matrix" like moment in your head where you see yourself flying backwards through the air. You clear the mats that line the floor outside the ring and because you're trying to protect your head from smashing into the guardrail, you stretch your right arm over your head. At the moment you make IMPACT with the concrete floor, your arm stretched out over your head and the sudden stop causes the tendon in your latissimus dorsi (or that big back muscle that you see on bodybuilders, ya know the ones that look like wings...) to SNAP in two and it coils up down your side to the point that's in line with your belly button. Let's say.....hypothetically.......that this happened to you. Would you call yourself...."injury prone"?

Let's throw another "hypothetical situation" out there. Let's say that you're having a match with a guy who's just supposed to give you a lil' old schoolboy to end the match. Just a nice and easy rollup for the finish. In fact the night before he hit you with his finish and the crowd didn't really react as strongly as you would have liked it to, so the agent (or producer) who's in charge of your match that night has told your opponent specifically NOT to hit his finish. Now keep in mind that having said this, your opponent's finisher is probably the furthest thing from your mind. So as you're waiting for this nice little easy rollup for the finish, the guy leaps into the air, hooks your head tight, causing your right arm to get caught between your two bodies, and drives you chest first into the mat. You go from standing to laying on your stomach with your arm stretched across your chest and your shoulder pops out of it's socket, tearing that muscle about 60% away from the bone. Now again, would an event such as this make you......"injury prone"?

Now if something like this HAD ever happened to me (again, these are strictly hypothetical situations), I probably wouldn't say anything about it to anyone. I for one would never want to bury another talent, whine or cry about it, I'd probably just chalk it up to poor judgment, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, rather than accusing someone of being a stiff in the ring. Let's face it, accidents happen in the wrestling business which is why there are countless videos of "wrestling screw-ups" on YouTube. Every once in awhile if you're in the wrestling business, you're gonna get a BOO-BOO.

I just want to say, after reading that, a-fucking-men. When Kennedy was released, every single Kennedy hater came out of their caves and talked about how he was soft, had brittle bones, and was simply too injury prone. No one ever mentioned how it may have been, you know, the other person's fault. Now, if Kennedy had injured Randy Orton that night on RAW, you all would have been out here saying that Kennedy is a danger in the ring and all that. I'd say he's injury prone. ;)

Anyway, thoughts and stuff. Go.
Ok so you want shelton fired over doing his job. First off Kennedy screwed himself with all of his injury's and his reckless work in the ring . He is just one of those guys who can not stay healthy, but this time was not the first time he had been called out for his reckless work in the ring , lets not forget he could not perform a simple arm drag on cena and cost cena a couple of months of his career. But in fairness I am a kennedy fan I am just not a fan of his ring work which is his down fall at the moment in his career.

edit :if you combine threads sorry i posted the same thing twice
Well it's always good to hear the other side of the story. Now I'm not saying that everything he's saying is 100% true, but it certainly should mean something in his favor. I've never believed that the injuries were all his fault as injuries rarely are the recipient's entire fault, but some blame must go to him. I think him saying this is a good thing and the fact that he's at least handling it with some class helps too. If that's the entire blog, then at least he's not saying anyone specifically. Now it's not hard to figure out who he's talking about, but at the same time he never blames the company or the guy specifially, so I think I like this. He had to defend himself someway and what he says makes a lot of sense. Now do I agree with it? Partially, but maybe not entirely.
Well, you talk about how all the Kennedy haters came out, and thrashed him, saying he is injury prone. Which is true. But coming from a Kennedy fan, even I agreed with the fact he was injured too much. Was it all his fault? No. But being out for so long, is bad for business.

But then, there were the injuries that happened with other wrestlers. One again, not all his fault, but bad for business. We can't blame all of those injuries on his opponents. With this time off, a healthy time off, if I may add. It gives Kennedy a chance to go work on his falls, and landings.

Who knows, Maybe Ken Anderson will be the next big thing to hit Total Nonstop Action.
The guy knows what he's talking about, I think. He trusts his opponents to follow instructions, and when they don't he pays the price. Of course there are many other incidents in which his opponents DID follow instructions than when the opposite occurred, but the the stuff that he's talking about is when the opponents disobeyed orders or made impromptu changes, thus it warrants discussion of some sort. So it's not fair to say that Kennedy is a crybaby because he simply lists the thing that did happen that were far from the norm. Now, these things could be some sort of revenge against Kennedy for his reckless style, but that's entirely speculative (and rather immature on the behalf of the offender). Also, as electrifying a character as Kennedy was, I don't think it would thrive in TNA as much as it probably should. I think Kennedy would be better off in Japan or something, where his athleticism, while held pretty frickin' highly amongst us IWC folks, would be much more appreciated by the average Japanese wrestling fan.
Ken Anderson is gone. Done. Dead to me.
He was never, ever even considered a top guy, it was all hype. His ring style was inconstant and he never had one memorable match. Lets just stop talking about him, please. I cant even call him a has been or washed up. I think its better to call him a "never was". He will be best remembered for announcing his own name. Wow.
At the start of every boxing match the ref tells the fighters, "Protect yourselves at all times." I know the WWE is sports entertainment, but I would have to think that this would be commonplace knowledge, especially to those who know the workings and the business enough to be in the main event in the first place.
Now I have never been a pro wrestler or a pro athlete so I am not in the best position to judge how truly difficult of a job these superstars have to entertain us. But those who make it to the top know how to work on the fly and deviate from the "script" when the crowd responds unexpectedly or an unplanned ring situation(like an injury) occurs. When Kennedy says he got injured in Italy because the plan was for a "little forearm" instead of a dropkick, I rolled my eyes. Kennedy should have seen the entire scenario as "Opponent is delivering an impact move to knock me off the apron." By being too focused on the details versus seeing it as a face struggling to battle his way out of the heels' corner, he ended up getting hurt by not protecting himself from what was coming.
Now in the latter part of his blog where he refers to injuring his shoulder, seeing that the finish was changed I can to some degree see his point. Finishers generally aren't ad libbed. Is he refering to the RKO? That was the first finisher that came to mind when he described it.
Once again, being a main eventer means that when plans change, make lemonade. When Punk hurt his ankle on Raw, Edge and Jeff Hardy used their main eventer smarts to work though the match. While trainers were checking on Punk, Hardy and Edge did a double cross body that knocked them down for a 9 count so they could discuss if the match finish would have to be changed if Punk was legitimately hurt. That's how you get in the main event. When Taker choke slammed Mankind through the cell ceiling at KOTR, he bottle fed Mick by using his "old school" arm clothesline to see if he could continue and to give him time to recover his wits. Veteran move by a future hall of famer.
Plus I don't see any other main eventers responding to internet threads and blogs. It didn't work out for Matt Hardy after he took the whole Edge/Lita situation to the internet. I wonder why...
My First Post.
The Dude abides...
I agree with a lot of what Kennedy had to say. It's so easy and in style to just say that Kennedy was injury prone and sweep him under the rug. I've noticed a growing trend of internet smarks trying to make themselves look smarter than smart by ripping on whomever the current internet darling is. First it was Matt Hardy and now it's Kennedy.

I don't deny that Kennedy's injuries were a major problem. But you also have to remember what made them such a problem. They kept happening right when Vince wanted to push him to the moon. First there was MitB (which actually wasn't a bad injury at all) and then there was the obvious reveal of Kennedy being Vince's son which would have set up a long term program with Hunter. It's one thing for Chavo Guerrero or Jimmy Wang Yang to get injured. It's another for a soon to be main eventer. The more there is invested in someone the more there is to lose. The one thing that can't be denied is that the WWE saw a lot in Kennedy. If these injuries happened a few years later when Kennedy had time to already establish himself like a Batista or a Randy Orton then they probably wouldn't have been considered as big of a deal.

Ken has a right to be angry. By all accounts, he was let go under shady circumstances because wrestler(s) in high places decided to pitch a fit. Who can say that they wouldn't be angry to know that a fellow employee went behind there back and cried to the owner to get them canned?

I think that like in many cases the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Was Kennedy injury prone? Yes. Was he fired for legit reasons? I don't believe so. It's a shame all around. It's a shame that a helluva talent like Kennedy doesn't look like he'll ever be able to interject himself as a fresh face into the WWE title picture and it's a shame that some wrestlers feel that it's a good idea to get another wrestler fired by complaining. Heck, it's a shame that an owner will cave to such pressure and fire a guy. Injuries or not, Vince got rid of a heck of a hand in Kennedy.

When the WWE is booking yet another version of a Hunter/Batista/Orton/Cena feud I know that I'll be missing Kennedy like crazy.

Ken Anderson is gone. Done. Dead to me.
He was never, ever even considered a top guy, it was all hype. His ring style was inconstant and he never had one memorable match. Lets just stop talking about him, please. I cant even call him a has been or washed up. I think its better to call him a "never was". He will be best remembered for announcing his own name. Wow.

I'm sorry, but that's a load of crap. Kennedy had two amazing matches with Shawn Michaels and a couple of great ones with Undertaker. Heck, I'll even go for the most obvious one and simply say WrestleMania 23. If that's not a memorable match then that's less Kennedy's fault and more the problem of your terrible memory.

I'd never call Kennedy a fantastic wrestler. He never really was able to have enough matches in order to earn that title. But when he was around he absolutely had far many more good matches than he did bad ones. Love him or hate him the guy had a lot going for him. He got it done both in the ring and on the mic. The injury bug was a major problem but it was his ONLY problem.
Yeah I gotta side with Kennedy here. If he is gonna get fired for nearly injuring Randy Orton(who is just as injury prone and less talented, you guys wanna insert your blind hate, so will I) he has every right to be pissed. I'm surprised he didn't drop names. I respect him even more for that. I would have sold out every one of them. They didn't hesitate to sell him out. Then again, I'm a dick.
In wrestling people get hurt !!!!!!! maybe Kennedy should have been put in a fued with Diamond Dallas Page............... permanently .............. so he could read DDP's 500 page detailed play by play script of the match nightly and never get a single bruise. Does he really think that these "hypothetical" change of plans/moves only ever happened in his matches and everyone else's matches go according to plan??
I just want to say, after reading that, a-fucking-men. When Kennedy was released, every single Kennedy hater came out of their caves and talked about how he was soft, had brittle bones, and was simply too injury prone. No one ever mentioned how it may have been, you know, the other person's fault. Now, if Kennedy had injured Randy Orton that night on RAW, you all would have been out here saying that Kennedy is a danger in the ring and all that. I'd say he's injury prone. ;)

Anyway, thoughts and stuff. Go.

Sorry buddy, I was one of those Kennedy haters. But hey. I also hated on him for being horrible on the mic and the crowd never caring. Oh, and blowing his push with steroids. So, you see. I'm not all that bad.

As KB said, it's nice to hear the other side. I'm not going to throw a 100% behind Kennedy now, but hell. It's still his fault he tore Cena's muscle on a back body drop. It's still his fault he almost injured Orton. I do believe, if the main-site is to be believed, that Vince fired him when he found out about Kennedy almost cracking Orton's shoulder. You don't do that with the WWE's current champion. You just don't.

Well, I'll just keep a little quieter about his injuries. But it still stands that Kennedy wasn't over with the crowd, wasn't a God on the mic like everyone likes to think, and he still injured Cena, and almost injured Orton. Not exactly worthy of a job there.
Edit: Can I have the thread title changed to "Mr. Kennedy blogs about his injuries"?

I apologize if this no longer belongs here, since he's released. I just figured it'd get most traffic here.

I just want to say, after reading that, a-fucking-men. When Kennedy was released, every single Kennedy hater came out of their caves and talked about how he was soft, had brittle bones, and was simply too injury prone. No one ever mentioned how it may have been, you know, the other person's fault. Now, if Kennedy had injured Randy Orton that night on RAW, you all would have been out here saying that Kennedy is a danger in the ring and all that. I'd say he's injury prone. ;)

Anyway, thoughts and stuff. Go.

When did wrestling become such a business of wussies? I mean I heard something about Kennedy maybe almost injurying Orton or slamming him to hard, isn't that what wrestling is? I mean granted they try to keep it so nobody gets injuried in the ring but getting slammed to hard or something like that, that is crazy and then tell your boss "Oh he slammed me and it hurt I'd like so and so released" if that is the case wrestling has become such show of wussies. You never heard Jake the Snake complain, you never heard Flair complain, you never heard any of the old school wrestlers complain about being slammed to hard, it was those rough and tough guys who built wrestling for this spoiled punks now with there TV time, cutting promos and there kid like behavior of telling on people. Is there such things as a real wrestlers anymore or they just all wussies now who don't want to be slammed to hard while wrestling? Its insane really.
When did wrestling become such a business of wussies? I mean I heard something about Kennedy maybe almost injurying Orton or slamming him to hard, isn't that what wrestling is? I mean granted they try to keep it so nobody gets injuried in the ring but getting slammed to hard or something like that, that is crazy and then tell your boss "Oh he slammed me and it hurt I'd like so and so released" if that is the case wrestling has become such show of wussies. You never heard Jake the Snake complain, you never heard Flair complain, you never heard any of the old school wrestlers complain about being slammed to hard, it was those rough and tough guys who built wrestling for this spoiled punks now with there TV time, cutting promos and there kid like behavior of telling on people. Is there such things as a real wrestlers anymore or they just all wussies now who don't want to be slammed to hard while wrestling? Its insane really.

I disagree. Now, of course a few bumps and bruises are to be expected in this type of industry. However, anyone has the right to refuse to work with someone for whom gives them a genuine concern about their safety. Pro-wrestling is one of the most dangerous sports there is. You have to completely trust the person you're working with not to kill you, as it'd be pretty damn easy in some situations; Undertaker and The Tombstone for example. If wrestlers thought Kennedy was such a bad worker that he could seriously harm them they have a right to voice those concerns, and McMahon as an employer has the responsibility of listening to them. If people honestly complained about the way he worked, which concerned McMahon and a possible loss of stars therefore money for him, Kennedy should be fired, as anyone would be.
I understand the Kennedy's backers. I get Kennedy's stance. "Let me get my side of the story out. I'm not injury prone. I am just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

But I see a blame game first. "Person X hurt can't follow instructions." Impromptu decisions are made all of the time. I agree that you shouldn't change defined spots without prior communication (Jericho not wanting to do the Walls of Jericho on Triple H with an injured leg in 2001) but you have to be ready for anything. Many guys make adjustments by feeling the crowd. They don't have the entire match mapped out. Be ready for anything.

Secondly, I see someone who was apparently sloppy in the ring. Lashley, Cena, and nearly Orton. So a rising star, Cash Cow, and nearly your champion. You cannot have guys like this running around on your show. A guy in Japan just died from a simple wrestling move. So let a guy whose limited time is spent getting hurt or hurting himself continue on the show is not smart on anyone's part.

Thirdly, what about looking at yourself? Can you take the simple bumps? If your getting hurt on basics within a 10 minute match, what is going to happen when you are asked to spend 20+ minutes in the ring or even do a gimmick match? This is one of those unfortunate "life is not fair" things. It isn't fair. It isn't fair Kennedy has the hardest time staying healthy for any amount of time. It is kind of like it isn't fair some people's football careers are cut short due to injuries. But the fact is that Kennedy is constantly in that position. Not good for Kennedy, not good for WWE, not good for fans who get behind him just for him to go down again, and not good for guys who are working to get him over.

Austin, Triple H, Taker, HBK, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Christian and many other go out and work. And these guys are continually put into gimmick matches. These guys are in there night in and night out. They have taken time off. But they come back and do something with the time they are out there and people aren't afraid to get into the ring with them. I do not condone working with injuries but these guys spend more time, get injured less, and people aren't afraid to work with them. Austin knew when to quit. Kennedy should follow his idol.

As for the whole wussie complaining about Kennedy almost hurting them, that is a legit concern; especially when Orton hasn't had the most success with staying healthy. People in the territories approached the sloppy worker if not just beat the crap out of them in the ring.

From my understanding Orton approached Kennedy. Everyone understands they are going to get hurt. But getting injured and missing out on substantial money because of someone else's imcompetence would piss anyone in any profession off.

Bottom line, Kennedy was a guy many wanted to succeed. He was very entertaining to many people; including myself. But when you can't work because you are hurt AND are putting others at a higher risk in an already high-risk profession, it's time to find a new profession. I don't say it to be mean. Life is not fair and Kennedy's body does not want him to be a professional wrestler; regardless of how much his mind and heart may want him to.
Ok so you want shelton fired over doing his job. First off Kennedy screwed himself with all of his injury's and his reckless work in the ring . He is just one of those guys who can not stay healthy, but this time was not the first time he had been called out for his reckless work in the ring , lets not forget he could not perform a simple arm drag on cena and cost cena a couple of months of his career. But in fairness I am a kennedy fan I am just not a fan of his ring work which is his down fall at the moment in his career.

edit :if you combine threads sorry i posted the same thing twice

I'm pretty sure nobody said they wanted Shelton fired, but good job at injecting what you want to read into people's comments, I salute you. Now if you'd read what Kennedy said, he didn't really screw himself. The first injury was actually trying to protect himself from what could have been a more dangerous head injury. The second injury came from what I assume is Randy Orton ignoring what he's been told by his superiors, and hitting the RKO out of nowhere with no prep whatsoever. If you want to get into "injury prone" I'd say we need to start to focus on Batista, which WWE will never do because they're too high up on the musclebound, juiced-up wrestlers to do anything about it. And then you want to say he can't do a simple armdrag on Cena...well Cena can't really do a simple technical wrestling move on ANYONE. His matches consist of back and forth punching, his running shoulder block, the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, the FU, and the STFU. Hell, Trips ripped BOTH his quadriceps completely off the bone (albeit at different times fairly far apart), but you didn't see a bunch of people calling him injury prone. You didn't see a wrestler run to the back and cry about him. The people who hate Kennedy so much just eat this up so much specifically because it's Kennedy....Well, that and I think that maybe they LIKE seeing the same 4-5 people in the title picture.
When did wrestling become such a business of wussies? I mean I heard something about Kennedy maybe almost injurying Orton or slamming him to hard, isn't that what wrestling is? I mean granted they try to keep it so nobody gets injuried in the ring but getting slammed to hard or something like that, that is crazy and then tell your boss "Oh he slammed me and it hurt I'd like so and so released" if that is the case wrestling has become such show of wussies. You never heard Jake the Snake complain, you never heard Flair complain, you never heard any of the old school wrestlers complain about being slammed to hard, it was those rough and tough guys who built wrestling for this spoiled punks now with there TV time, cutting promos and there kid like behavior of telling on people. Is there such things as a real wrestlers anymore or they just all wussies now who don't want to be slammed to hard while wrestling? Its insane really.

I'll add this. Austin was very reluctant to take the tombstone from Owen Hart with him going to his butt. Owen Hart. One of the better in-ring workers. Austin repeatedly requested Owen go to his knees if he was going to do the move at all. Owen went to his butt, cut years off of Austin's career, and Austin never looked at nor treated Owen the same again. That was a blip on Owen's resume. With Kennedy, this "blip" keeps repeating itself. So to voice a concern about safety is legit. If you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. No one wants to have their career cut short due to someone's "blip."
I think he's 100% right. If you really think about it, he had three injuries, one of which took him out for a matter of weeks and two that were long term. Every wrestler going picks up the short-term injuries, you can't begrudge him of that one. Then look back at the other two, he had one right at the start of his career and whilst nobody outside of those in attendance in Italy has seen how it happened he claims it wasn't his fault and quite frankly I believe him.

Then he returned and built a huge amount of momentum. He won the US Title from Lashley, battled Batista, had a great feud with the Undertaker, he moved to Raw, he had another great feud with a veteran, this time Shawn Michaels and actually beat him a couple of times. Then he managed a face turn, won Money in the Bank, they had plans for him to Main Event Wrestlemania 24 but he picked up that short term injury so for whatever reason they took the title shot from him and have it to Edge. No biggie, he comes back and works well with Jeff Hardy and later Randy Orton.

He moves back to Smackdown and almost instantly picks up a huge injury at the hands of Shelton Benjamin. Watch the footage back, it was just bad timing, neither did anything wrong. Kennedy didn't know the move was coming and it's such a quickly executed move he had no time to prepare. If you call this injury his fault you're a moron.

He was out longer than expected which can't be helped, complications arise, that's why the WWE bother evaluating injuries. So he returns, get's a big pop, wrestles pretty well in his first match back. If you watch the match and read people's reviews you'll see he looked pretty good in that match save for one badly executed suplex that nearly injured Randy Orton.

Granted it is never good to hurt the golden boy much less the champion, but let's be real here, people have put champions in much greater risk in the past, and throughout the rest of his career I don't remember him botching a simple move like that so to me it's a freak accident. Apparently others don't see it that way but hey.

I think Kennedy got fired because Vince was pissed off at Stan Kroenke and losing money from having to move his show last minute and Kennedy happened to make an otherwise forgiveable mistake in the wrong week.

May he fare well in TNA but I hope they don't immediately toss the belt on him just to stick it to the WWE, they did that with Christian to an extent (though he made for a decent champion).
When did wrestling become such a business of wussies?

Wussies? Those people who go through hella bumps that you definitely couldn't pull off? That I couldn't pull off? Oh, you mean someone else. You must be.

I mean I heard something about Kennedy maybe almost injurying Orton or slamming him to hard, isn't that what wrestling is? I mean granted they try to keep it so nobody gets injuried in the ring but getting slammed to hard or something like that, that is crazy and then tell your boss "Oh he slammed me and it hurt I'd like so and so released" if that is the case wrestling has become such show of wussies.

Read the report. Orton talked to Kennedy backstage alone about when Kennedy almost rebroke Orton's, the WWE Champion mind you, shoulder. It's when someone else reported to Vince about Kennedy's wrist tweak and the WWE Champion almost getting his shoulder broken (which would have interrupted the company's largest major storyline) that Kennedy lost his job.

You never heard Jake the Snake complain, you never heard Flair complain, you never heard any of the old school wrestlers complain about being slammed to hard, it was those rough and tough guys who built wrestling for this spoiled punks now with there TV time, cutting promos and there kid like behavior of telling on people.

I don't think I've heard of one wrestler who ran to Vince over a wrestler being too stiff with him. Unless you have a documented case, then I'll gladly admit I'm wrong.

Is there such things as a real wrestlers anymore or they just all wussies now who don't want to be slammed to hard while wrestling? Its insane really.

You see those wrestlers who are out everyday risking their lives doing moves you and I could never do? Those wrestlers working in constant pain just to entertain us? Yeah. There are your "real wrestlers."
Ken Anderson is gone. Done. Dead to me.
He was never, ever even considered a top guy, it was all hype. His ring style was inconstant and he never had one memorable match.

Undertaker vs Mr kennedy last ride match - armageddon 2006. There you go. he had one.

Back on topic: I wouldn't say it was ortons fault that kennedy couldn't even register properly the rko. I mean, not like orton was holding kennedy's arms or hands so he could've putted em wherever he wanted to. And come on, "leg pressed me to the 20th row" If he can get leg pressed that hard he shouldn't be wrestling since he's a "light doll". I didn't like kennedy recently anyway, he only had the hype with the mcmahon illegitimate son storyline and when MITB, thats it.
I think he just got that reputation as being too stiff when he wrestled and that was unfair. All wrestlers have taken stiff shots and all wrestlers have given stiff shots, it's part of the business.

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