Why shouldnt Batista get the same treatment Kennedy did?

Ohkay... lets get a picture on how the WWE has used its ability to rid of its roster...

Elijah Burke - no creative plans
Lance Cade - a random seizure

These are 2 guys who WWE have terminated but had huge potential and was a known name.

Elijah Burke was the top heel on ECW, led the New Breed, great abilities. Imagine what the matches with the ECW prior the draft morrison v.s. burke, bourne v.s. burke, burke v.s. swagger.

Lance Cade was an accomplished tag team competitor with Trevor Murdoch in WWE, mutliple time tag champion. These guys actually held the division together. He had the push with Jericho, who is now a monster heel & draws very well. Good power & wrestling ability.

WWE has made poor decisions on who to fire & who to keep. I know Ken Kennedy is a danger to others in the ring, but why fire him completely. The man has great charismatic skills. Positions such as ring annoncer, commentator, interviewer & quite possibly GM since Vickie has left & Tiffany is being replaced soon. This can give him TV time & exposure for a push yet develop him into a better wrester & heel is injuries.

I look at it this way, if these guys can get released from poor decisions of misuse, then surely Batista could of been on that list. I mean, the released Umaga!!! Why? One injury & he is gone? Isnt he on the same level as Batista with ring safety, making others look better & plays a role in the PG ratings?
Bottom line is this is a question that should not have even been asked. If Payton Manning shows up late for practice does he receive the same punishment as a 4th string D lineman would? HELL NO!!!! Its not fair and its not right but its the way the world works. About 1% of the audience actually cares if Kennedy is there or not. Im sure the 5 people that have Kennedy merchandise will be disappointed or upset, but the rest of us realize Batista=$$$ while Kennedy=what else is on. Although im no fan of Batista. But its the way it is.
Ok I want to point out a few key details on Batista and Kennedy.

First off Batista and Orton if I remember correctly both got hurt pre-evolution which was why the group was held off as long as they did.

Anyways, Kennedy was one of those guys that they wanted to market into a main event guy eventually they just needed him to stay healthy, and that ended up not happening.
Batista suffered his 2nd injury after becoming a main event player much like Cena, Undertaker, Stone Cold, etc...

Its hard to say hey were canning your top guy because of an injury, especially since right now releasing Batista would be something that TNA would capitalize on immediately and could essentially start another Monday Night War because all TNA is missing is real star power (no offense to Sting, Kurt, Mick but they need a big big name)

Kennedy on the other hand was a potential main eventer like Christian was before his departure to TNA, and he will prove that in TNA if he stays healthy.

Basically it comes down to until their contract expires Vince will not give up any of his A-listers
I think the WWE plans on tossing someone a huge contract or something.Look at recent releases.They wouldn't be firing all these recognizable names unless they have a good reason.

Maybe they plan on hiring someone big.One can only hope.

As for the whole Batista thing.I think hes one injury away from his future endeavors notice.Hes a big guy and it doesn't hurt being friends with HHH but no one can doubt the fact that being older and injury prone doesn't lead to a long and happy career.
Here's the way I see it, Batista has the support of both Triple H and more importantly Ric Flair. My point being that he was hand picked to be a main event powerhouse. Moving along, read backstage interviews with other wrestlers talking about Batista. You'll find a pattern "nice guy always trying to help do what's best for the company". Tell me, when was the last time Batista got into some trouble for something like wellness policy? Never happened if my memory serves me correctly. Point being that Batista obviously has something going for him if Triple H was even willing to lay down and give him the belt all those years ago. And to comment on what's been reiterated time and again, Batista sells to the younger demographic. Whoever said he's Warrior 2.0, close, but he's more like what VKM wishes Warrior would have been.

Now on the flip side, we have Kennedy. He's spent more time on the shelf than he has in the ring, he's made a gimmick last for a few years mostly in part that it's difficult to get stale when you aren't seen on TV more than a month or two out of the year, if that much. He's got a previous wellness violation. He's very outspoken about steroid use in professional wrestling which is something that Vince is trying to make people forget about. How does it benefit WWE to push someone that's gonna answer the wrong questions in an interview and make himself look like a jackass? It doesn't. Third of all, I've said this before and I'll say it again, Kennedy is a prime example of how getting off steroids weakens your body substantially. He fucked up by starting to use them, he fucked himself over when he had to get off them. End of story.
Batista sells. As much as the "real fans" don't like him and were so into Kennedy, Batista is a merch machine. Not quite a Cena or Jeff Hardy, but the kids love him. He's Warrior 2.0... but just looks roided up more. The fact he is friends with HHH can't hurt either...sadly. I do also believe Batista is a company guy and will do anything for the company, but at the same time, he's never been asked to do anything that would decrease his image or name. I mean look what they did with him this week. Gave him the title over the top heel on Raw, even though they knew he wouldn't be around to defend it. Was this part of a bigger story or was this because even though a lot of us (including me) thought Orton was ready to be an epic Champion, he really isn't? That screams to me that Orton is really not as over as we all thought he was. I would defend Orton left and right about 6 months ago... but I'm starting to see how some think he's RKOver-rated. He's a better chaser oddly... just like Jeff Hardy. But with that said, after Extreme Rules this week, we saw what someone with some pull (HHH maybe... or some other folks in creative) really thinks about Batista. He must be really well-liked by just about everybody to go over Orton for the WWE title in a 7 minute... well... squash match. So Batista is doing something right.

From the outside... should Batista have been let go just like Kennedy? Without a doubt he should. But you do have to look deeper. And being such a massive huge Kennedy fan, it hurts to say it. Batista is on a higher level than Kennedy and just has more going for him which is why Batista is still here and Kennedy is not.[/QUOTE]

so a real fan would like kennedy and not batista???? thats complete bull shi* and you know it a real fan like's who he/she wants to like, no i dont think batista is INCREIDBLE but he is much better then kennedy and i like kennedy more, batista is one of the top guys in wwe, he sells the most in europe more then cena and jeff hardy, he can put more people in seats then kennedy can,

could have kennedy become a top player in wwe, ofocurse he could have been the next stone cold, this guy had the best 1st year that ive ever seen his debut was excellent his fued with taker was great, his mic skills were incredible and his catchpraze was epic, but he fucked all of that up no one else but him, he took roids he kept getting injured, so should have he been fired? ofcourse but i started not realy giving a shit about kennedy ever since his first transfer to raw, he got booring and as a face wasnt that great,

even if batista was not friends with tripple h he wud still not get fired because even when batista is injured he is making a shit load of money for wwe, while kennedy is barley making any and getting paid to do f*ck all

batista can return in 4 months and get injured again he wud still not be fired because he has the power to take as much time of as he wants to, undertaker is of more of the year then he's wrestling should he be fired?? no because batista hbk and taker are all epic names that will sell there 40+ so they deserve breaks, yes batista is getting injured alot more now but he still wont ever get thbe treatment kennedy did
Not that I need to point it out or anything but yeah, Batista is a top guy, he's got the connections, he's got a look that no one else has, more often than not been pretty dependable, as much as people are going to give me heat for this I have to say that Batista is a pretty solid wrestler in ring, on the mic he does fine, he is a company guy, he is already well established, and sells like Don West on the Shop at Home program hawking sports memorabilia.

When you put that much stock into a guy you can't just walk away from that kind of an investment. To be honest that is why I was pretty surprised at Kennedy's release, they put all the time, effort, and money into this guy to make him healthy, and popular to a degree, and then at the drop of a hat, poof! He's gone. You have to keep in mind that yeah, Batista has been a top guy for a while now, and has all the tools the the WWE asks of their performers.

I met Batista once and he is a nice guy, I can see how he does get along well back stage, and why besides his ability that people like him in the back. It does help to be a likable sort and have a lot of support going for you back stage. I would have to argue that maybe if he didn't have the support that he does from the locker room and the other guys back stage, he just might have got his walking papers for this. Think if Kennedy had all kinds of support to keep him around, and Batista had a bunch of the guys bitching about him, what do you think would happen?I think it's actually pretty unfortunate that this happened to him since he was getting the WWE title for the first time. I was looking forward to seeing him defend it, and putting on some good matches. I noticed however that the belt looked awfully small on his shoulder and I was surprised he didn't come out wearing it. All that aside I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that Kennedy got the adios and Batista stays. What has Kennedy done for the WWE opposed to Batista? Ask yourself that question.

Moving on to Kennedy though. He is the star that never was. I don't understand why people act so ********* over Kennedy. He was never that great in the ring, and half of his appeal was his entrance and repeating his name. I think everyone bought more into what they thought he could be, rather than what he was. I say as stated at the beginning of this paragraph he is simply the superstar than never was. Everybody is so upset that they don't get to see Kennedy's shooting star rocket to the heavens as he claims his rightful glory in the spotlight of the main event. Well, too bad. I say that if that was ever to happen it would have by now, and also that if that was to be he never would have sustained the injuries he did. If Kennedy was ever as good as some of you like to profess, he would already be that superstar, and those injuries would never have come.

However, the truth shall set you free, and the truth that Kennedy is as reckless and injury prove as two midgets on a crotch rocket going down a slip-n-slide indeed did set him free, free agent that is. Now there can only be stories of the career that could have been. If he goes to TNA odds are he will be poorly booked and misused just like everyone else there, and his star will never get the chance to shine. I almost forgot, he's got to stay healthy long enough to take a shit, that might be a problem for him too.
Agreed with everything The Game Rage said. Nice post buddy. :P

But onto my opinion, Batista has done so much for the company in economic ways and rating ways. Someone said Batista was forgotten right after Evolution. Go back and watch Batista Vs. Undertaker please. O.o I think this is both WWE and Batista's fault because of letting him return so early. He was suppose to come back weeks after WrestleMania, but he came the day after. But to sum up, to compare Batista to Kennedy is a joke. Kennedy no where near sells as much as Batista, Batista has had tons of successful runs with Kennedy getting injured every time the major push comes, and is just overall better.
Well, it's split into two main reasons.

1) Batista is one of the biggest stars in the WWE. A proven draw. Kennedy never showed that he could draw. He got decent pops, but outside that he just wasn't a big star. As long as Batista is a sure-fire money maker, then there's no way he's going to be released.

2) Batista was safer to Orton in a steel cage than Kennedy was to Orton in a regular match. What does that tell you about Kennedy?
We've all seen the clip, we've all seen Kennedy's botched backdrop that almost hurt Orton's shoulder again. Batista may have quite a portfolio of botches in his time, but never that could seriously hurt someone, let alone one of the biggest heels in the company.

So yeah, those are the main reasons I can think of.
"Second of all, he's a many-time world champion. Kennedy...he won MITB and then lost it to Edge because they didn't think he was championship material.

Thirdly, Batista came back from injury he suffered around Christmas and provided a solid two months of main-event action before he got hurt again. Kennedy was back for one night after being gone for a year, and then he hurt himself again."

First of all Kennedy didn't get hurt the night he came back that was crap. Second of all he lost the MitB Because he got hurt not because they didn't feel he was championship material. Otherwise he never would've gotten the title shot.
It seems like most of WWE's top-tier are injury prone anyway. So, it's not a good move to axe him, and really, it's nothing unusual.

It seems like ever since HBK won it from Bret Hart at WM 12 the only champions that weren't legitimately injured very frequently were Bret(when he won it back), The Rock, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho and some others that I can't think of right now. And as for Kennedy almost hurting Orton, didn't Batista hurt Cena in the same match that he got hurt in at the last Summerslam? Plus Batista only draw because he's all we see, if the put Kennedy or anyone on screen that much they may draw as well.
I agree with Diablosbomb. I like Kennedy's character and I think he has a bright future, but he needs to not be so wreckless in the ring. Nearly injuring Orton, Vince's top heel on his top show right now who just came back from a serious injury, was too much. I think Kennedy needs to brush up on his ring skills for a while, learn some control and how to work with the guys in the ring with him, and then come back and try it again. The fact that he's injury prone -- and usually right around a big push -- doesn't help. Taking care of himself and others in the ring could cut down on that.

As far as Batista goes, he's Vince's boy. He's a big man who could go either way (face or heel), and Vince loves that kind of guy. He gets a good pop. So he's injury prone. Most wrestlers are, just not to the degree Dave is. But from everything I've read, he's a good worker. Maybe a little arrogant, but a good worker. But he's also getting up there in age. I don't think he has that much more in the tank. Maybe one or two more years tops.

Kennedy has what Dave doesn't -- time to improve.
"Second of all, he's a many-time world champion. Kennedy...he won MITB and then lost it to Edge because they didn't think he was championship material"

umm no steamboat!!

he was injured

when batista is on tv im usually in the bathroom or cooking..
only time i enjoy watching boreista is when hes being beat up!
Besides all the reasons already mention, and possibly to reiterate what some of you already said, Batista is Vince’s boy, period. He has the look Vince likes and Vince already put the time and effort into making him “Valuable”. If Kennedy were to go to TNA, cool. If Batista were to go to TNA, it might hurt Vince more. I know Dave is no Kurt Angle or anyone else in the Main Event Mafia, but Dave is the current WWE Champion. No need to take that big of a risk, and do what is not good for business right now.
In large part, the Kennedy firing made plenty of sense. Anytime the WWE invested in his character, he went down with an injury or was suspended for violating the wellness policy. Remember the giant push he was supposed to recieve a while back as Vince McMahon's illegitimate son? They get the storyline going and what happens? He fails a drug test and is suspended.

Mr. Kennedy wins the Money in the Bank briefcase at Wrestlemania a few years ago to try to jumpstart ANOTHER Kennedy push. And what happens? Kennedy goes down with an injury.

Yes, Batista has missed significant time due to injury over his WWE career, but the fact of the matter is that Batista's been able to stick around enough to be pushed. Kennedy's just been a lost cause because whenever they try to do something with him, he hurts himself.

Batista is a top talent, Kennedy isn't. Kennedy had the potential and he had the backing, but he never was able to take the ball and run with it like Batista did. Batista's injury this time is simply a matter of him being rushed back into things too quickly because of a lack of main event star power.

When it comes down to it, it's going to seem like more talent are going down with injuries than they did in the old days because we're living in the internet age and we hear about them more. Also, the guys that would be loading up on drugs and painkillers to be able to stay on the road full-time aren't able to do that anymore without being reprimanded.

I actually believe that WWE releasing Kennedy is a result of several factors...but when it comes down to it, Kennedy is easily replaceable and is injury prone. My own theory is that what Wrestlezone reported about Kennedy being reckless in the ring isn't true and I see this more as WWE looking out for Kennedy's health in the long term. If a guy goes down with serious injuries as much as him, maybe time away from the road is best for his life.
He is just as injury prone as Kennedy it seems . In no way is Batista as talented as Kennedy on the mic or in the ring. He's more acomplished then Kennedy but If given the time Kennedy would have been Bigger then Batista ever was. So if the reason Kenndy was fired was because he was to injury prone shouldnt Batista get the same treatment?

Because. Batista gets a reaction from the crowd. That was easy enough.

Kennedy wasn't even that good on the mic. He yelled "KENNEDY!" a whole lot. I can do that. In the ring? Nothing special. Unless you count tearing Cena's pectoral muscle and almost injuring Orton in Kennedy's return match special. Oh, and injuring himself a whole lot must mean he was great in the ring. And blowing his mega-push as McMahon's secret son because of steroids. Awesome stuff right there.

It'd be one thing if Kennedy was a main-event ticket selling machine on par with Batista, and Batista was kept despite being just as injury prone as Kennedy. The truth is Kennedy was at best a mid-card waste of paycheck who hadn't actually done anything in a year because of injuries.
Umm I hate Batista never been a fan and I am a HUGE Kennedy fan wether he is heel or face Kennedy's just AWESOME! Batista did not get the Kennedy treatment because he is a major hit and multi time world champ. It would break the kiddies hearts. Altho I would love for him to get realeased because the man is constantly on the world tittle scene, NEVER jobs and gives rub to the younger guys, terrible on the mic, horrible in the ring, and just sucks...

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