[Official] Kanye West Spam Thread - Keep it ALL in HERE!

Video's should be different. But I listen to the general population(SL #1 song in the world..top downloaded video of 09)and the critics :)
..y'all crazy...I'm gonna stop cuz I'll likely getting banned and de-modded..if I say the things I want to say :)

"I can see your halo halo halo"
Even though you people are the hellish(?) I can see your halo's...
Yeah NBC is in the shitter right now. Leno will get them some ratings.

Conan has been great so far.
It's a shame. But the same thing happened when Conan first started on The Tonight Show. Eventually people will turn back to him, especially since Letterman is getting up there.

Conan's show is easily the funniest and best written though. By a country mile. Plus bringing Andy Richter back makes the show even better. I love Conan.
You needed Kanye to tell you that? :lmao:

:lmao: That wasn't the point but that was a damn good comeback Razor, I give ya credit for that one.

My point is he is like your typical mainstream rapper that usually talks about how much money he has, what kind of car he has, blah blah blah look at me I'm rich. I ain't rich, not even fucking close. So instead of listening to his bullshit, I prefer to listen to someone that talks about stuff I've gone through, the struggle, the hustling. In short:

Well, what did I tell you? Kanye was just on Leno and he got cheered like a motherfucker. He blamed it on the alcohol and on his "sadness". Now of course that's a bullshit excuse but he not only is back in the spotlight, but he also has sympathy.
During a CNBC interview on Monday, President Obama called hip-hop artist Kanye West a "jackass" over his behavior at the MTV Video Music Awards. (Watch video of Kanye at the VMAs here.)

Obama's colorful remark was actually made in an off-the-record portion of the interview that was tweeted -- and then deleted -- by ABC News reporter Terry Moran.

"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential," Moran wrote.

Politico's Michael Calderone has ABC's statement apologizing for Moran's journalistic breach.


lol...even Obama hates Kanye :s

M_F red repped me over Beyonce. I didn't even say anything about Beyonce MF! :(
LOL...now that is change I can believe in. I actually agree with Obama on something.

And M_F, if that fucking jackass is the voice of a generation, why is an entire board of people, from that generation, ripping on him. He is the voice of petulant children. His music sucks, his opinion is meaningless, and he is an attention ****e. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.
LOL...now that is change I can believe in. I actually agree with Obama on something.

And M_F, if that fucking jackass is the voice of a generation, why is an entire board of people, from that generation, ripping on him. He is the voice of petulant children. His music sucks, his opinion is meaningless, and he is an attention ****e. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.

I don't actually agree his the "voice of the generation"...but he came out in the 2000's so I'm thinking he means the "new generation" like 10-20 which most of you old farts are past. And obviously Beyonce is the voice of the generation...

And sorry X, but I did say I <3'd you :) On a scary note my neighbors are having Sex...it's disturbing :S
I don't actually agree his the "voice of the generation"...but he came out in the 2000's so I'm thinking he means the "new generation" like 10-20 which most of you old farts are past. And obviously Beyonce is the voice of the generation...

And sorry X, but I did say I <3'd you :) On a scary note my neighbors are having Sex...it's disturbing :S

Sorry M_F, but the dude is 32 years old, he 10 years older than I am, so how can he be the voice for people that are 2-10 years younger than me?

Hell if we're gonna go this route, Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are the voice of that generation. I cringe at the thought of any of the three being the voice for people.
Why is everyone hung up on Kanye? This isn't the first time that he has done something like this! He is an asshole, so get the fuck over it people!

The biggest part of the night was MJ's tribute and Janet Jackson. That was outstanding! It was the best part of the whole night!

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