[Official] Kanye West Spam Thread - Keep it ALL in HERE!

Really? I'm getting upset. You realize how much a moron you are, correct?

What I said stands; you asked why she can lose FVOTY and win VOTY, its because then VOTY would be bewteen the winner of FVOTY and (if there's a male one, sexist bastards) MVOTY.
So the Moral of the Story is, Well he Was Drunk so it was okay, because that's pretty much all I'm getting out of the pro-Kanye crowd. Fact is, Taylor Swift is a country artist that got over with the MTV crowd, and pretty much became the first country star to cross that gap, at 17. At 17 she got fucked over by an egotistical douchebag that in all honesty, I'm surprised hasn't gotten shot yet considering the culture it relates to. Kanye is a douchebag, and his fanbase reflects that.
Lol @ this being from a Beyonce fan.


Oh no you didn't! Someone hold my weave! That is fake. If you don't believe it, I will go post the press release, and the statment from the guy who did it. He did the same thing to Xtina awhile back. So ya...that's fake as shit!

And don't make me spam this thread with the countless vocal perfection that Beyonce delivers in every performance without lip synching while she's grinding up a storm(with the exception of the oscars where she did sing to a back track).

And Taylor has weak ass vocals. I'm a fan and even I know that. I could post the 100's of critics that said her vocals are rough if I have too. She's decent, but she's not known or praised for her vocals.

I don't know if you were joking but yeah. Beyonce is known in the industry as having one of the strongest voices around(and not too mention bitch can dance, writes/produces, and is a Queen to many)...Your on my bad list now

1. Corey
2. Kanye West
3. JMT
Umm, yeah JKO, this definitely WAS NOT planned. At all. MTV told the press that today.

What he did was despicable. Anyone who defends him is a fucking moron. Plain and simple as that.
That's not the issue Brian. It's not what he said, it's how he went about it. You don't fucking barge on stage on national television, steal the mic from a 19 year old girl, insult her, and send her to the back in tears. Anyone who thinks Kanye is okay for doing that is a gigantic fucking moron.
life is full of disappointment... He was doing the adult thing and teaching her a lesson. You steal from Beyonce I rock yo world...

I don't even think he insulted her.. Just said he supports him hop culture..
It isn't like he said you stupid white girl get off my stage, your music is complete shit and I wish it was banned over the radio stations...

I'm going to be honest and say I didn't read anything past the first page of this thread, because I didn't feel like reading everyone and their grandma diss Kanye. So what if he thought Beyonce should've won. It's his fucking opinion. Nobody complains when everyone makes fun of his egotistical ways, so why should we care if he ruins someone's speech. Kanye is an excellent rapper and even better producer. One of the best today. Yes, he is a douche, and yes, he should not have interrupted her, but he has been mocked so many fucking times in his career, that this shouldn't even be made this big of a fuss over. Obviously he wasn't sober, as evidenced by the pre-show photos of him drinking.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if MTV planned this out. They uploaded VMA highlights faster than any YouTuber could. They own the fucking material, so they can replay it as much as they can. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Taylor is getting sympathy which will gain her sales. Kanye's last album was about a year ago, so he's back in the spotlight, and Beyonce is getting looked at like a goddess, as her humble actions later in the show were positively received. This was probably agreed on by all three beforehand. And not only that, but the VMA's are all over the news now. Face it, the VMAs were fucking lame as shit. But now, every news outlet is covering it. And isn't it strange that a list of 'VMA's Most Shocking Moments' comes out RIGHT AFTER THE FUCKING DAY IT HAPPENS. And it has Lady Gaga's bloody dance and Kanye's outburst on it.. Coincidence? And they easily could've cut his mic off if it was indeed real. Couldn't they have saw that coming when he just ripped the mic out of her hands? Especially with his shady past. So let's see: MTV gets page views, Kanye's back in the spotlight, Taylor gets sympathy, and Beyonce gets respect...

Yeah, this was definitely planned.

Ehh you do relize Taylor wouldn't need any help getting sales right. She is already the highest sealing artist this year..so yeah she doesn't need this to boost sales.

Its just Kanye being Kanye simple as that.

life is full of disappointment... He was doing the adult thing and teaching her a lesson. You steal from Beyonce I rock yo world...

I don't even think he insulted her.. Just said he supports him hop culture..

and how did she steal from Beyonce.....Taylor got voted by the FANS for this. No one stole shit from anyone.

All due respect to Beyonce cause she did the coolest shit last night when she let Taylor come back out to give her speech over her own but I saw Beyonce video and all she doing is dancing and there isn't much to it. Taylor's video has alot going on telling a story and shit so I say Taylor had the better video atleast of the two. Never saw the others really.
Don't mind him Razor, he's our latest terrible excuse for a poster/barfly.
Fuck, quit being bitches.

Dammit, in the real world, drunk pop stars do crazy shit. Sober pop stars do crazy shit! Kanye's apologized. This little incident has too many benefits to MTV, West, Swift, and Beyonce to not be planned.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the benefits for the perpetrator, Yeezy. Perhaps you didn't catch the reaction of not only his fans and peers in attendance, but also the reactions he's been receiving on shows like 106 & Park, which are shows dedicated to Hip Hop and contain a majority of fans that have no interest in Taylor Swift. I don't see there being a chance that this was planned.
All due respect to Beyonce cause she did the coolest shit last night when she let Taylor come back out to give her speech over her own but I saw Beyonce video and all she doing is dancing and there isn't much to it. Taylor's video has alot going on telling a story and shit so I say Taylor had the better video atleast of the two. Never saw the others really.

Story? In a Taylor Swift song? :lmao::lmao:
I think if Kanye could suck his own dick, he'd never leave his house.
Single Ladies shits all over "You belong with me" in everyway possible(creativity, popularity, ect ect ect). Taylor "won" because her 10 year old fans stay up all night to vote for her, while us Beysus fans have things to do. Taylor's was generic, and forgettable, whereas Beyonce was huge and everyone and their mothers were recreating it(including SNL, Joe Broes, and Obama). It also is the #1 watched Youtube music video! Oh and her video has sold a shit more than Taylors too!

All that with just Beyonce, 2 tranny backup dancers, some kick ass choregraphy, and a light. But Kanye shouldn't have interupted poor little Taylor's speech(even though he was speaking the truth).

But if people are able to forgive Chris Brown...then surely people are going to forgive Kanye for being a drunken douche.


And this is what's sucking Kanye's dick...:S
Story? In a Taylor Swift song? :lmao::lmao:

lol..I know your just joking*saw post below* But I said video lol...

Her video has alot going on*one that won* It tells basically a story that goes along with the song. Like without the sound I could tell what was going on by what is going on in the video is what I mean. Maybe not the words that are going with it..*this was if I just saw the video without knowing her lol..* But I know the main back drop to the story.

She likes this guy...the guy has a girlfriend...girlfriend seems not to treat him to well...girlfriends does something that upsets him...There is a dance and she can't go because she gotta study...well guy says I wish you were going...she deicedes to go and take a paper she wrote I Love You..on at the start...shows it to him..he has one to...they kiss.

with the video for Single Ladies...all I see is dancing so I think oh must be one of them new dances people do...

Like I said I have all the respect in the world for Beyonce cause of what she did and all but Kanye was wrong IMO that is ...that Beyonce had one of the best videos ever...or decade or w/e
Yeah, I don't get what's so great about that video. I like Beyonce and all, but it's no different than every other video.
Single Ladies shits all over "You belong with me" in everyway possible(creativity, popularity, ect ect ect). Taylor "won" because her 10 year old fans stay up all night to vote for her, while us Beysus fans have things to do. Taylor's was generic, and forgettable, whereas Beyonce was huge and everyone and their mothers were recreating it(including SNL, Joe Broes, and Obama). It also is the #1 watched Youtube music video! Oh and her video has sold a shit more than Taylors too!

All that with just Beyonce, 2 tranny backup dancers, some kick ass choregraphy, and a light. But Kanye shouldn't have interupted poor little Taylor's speech(even though he was speaking the truth).

But if people are able to forgive Chris Brown...then surely people are going to forgive Kanye for being a drunken douche.


And this is what's sucking Kanye's dick...:S

ehh I'm not Ten and I didn't vote but once so don't try and classfy all Taylor fans like that.

Everyone has the fans that vote and vote like crazy...Your my favorite member here and all but please don't make all Taylor fans seem like they have no life...Hell I'm 18 and I'm a huge fan of her's...I know alot of people over 18 and so who are big fan's of her's so its not just little kids and shit who like her dawg.

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