[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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If heels do bad things, and people cheer for them, then what's the point in having heels? And, if there's no point in having heels, there's no point in having faces. And, if there are no heels and faces, what's the point to watching two half-naked oily guys grab each other for 15 minutes in a pretend fight? Especially when that is the exact thing you can see in Olympic wrestling or MMA, only WITH competition.

If you respect a wrestler, and you cheer him when he is trying to get you to boo him, what does that say about you as a fan? He wants you to boo him, and you cheer him instead. How is that being a good fan of the person you respect?

Go watch the 1990 Royal Rumble. Where fans do as they should by booing heels and cheering faces. Tell me that is not fun as hell to see the place rocking for a midcard jobber like Koko B. Ware. That's what makes wrestling fun.

Why should the show that I paid MY hard earned money for be ruined because people don't understand that their "smarkiness" is ruining the show?

Cheering heels ruins the show. Booing faces ruin the show. It's a fact. It happened back in '96 with the nWo and again in 97 with Austin, and it was HUGE. But now, it's become mundane, everyone does it, and it's boring. However, it ALSO ruins face/heel dispositions, ruins storylines, and makes even having a storyline pointless. If people cheer Randy Orton because he punted John Cena's defenseless father, then why even bother having the storyline?

Your world may be all grey but it doesnt necessarily mean its the same for the rest.

I only took part because this is the only part I feel that it is where I should throw my International view of Pro Wrestling in here, Being from New Zealand I get to look at the WWE and other promotions outside of New Zealand from the Outside in. The View I see you going Sly is that there is a bias towards the US style of Pro Wrestling which requires a Face/Heel dynamic at its most fundamental level. This is contrasted with Puroresu from what I see when I watch the matches as both Wrestlers are cheered after good series (sets of Moves, couldn't think of a better word there). This seems to be the direction that the US fans seem to be going in as you are getting the face and the Heel getting cheered.

Now to go onto this thing of the 1990 Royal Rumble, I can say pretty confidently that people watching wrestling have grown cynical over the years, this is with world events not Wrestling, you have the same thing now in terms of not replacing the members but you have the event now, you will have a similar response to what the WWE is currently getting, Im going to make a hypothesis here in saying that the fans that have followed since the Hulkamania years have grown up and seen the world as a place where if you "eat your Vitamins and Say your Prayers" you will come out on top. The World has a funny way of beating idealism out of people, this will probably contribute to the overall negative response Cena gets.

But the "John Cena" effect, really it is the "Rocky Maivia" effect, is the result of an unimaginative creative department. Straight laced with no Flaws is boring, Ill use Rhino as an example here as he makes the most sense right now. Rhino is a Face in TNA yet he has a huge character flaw which is part of him in that he is a recovering Alchoholic, it makes Rhino more believable as a gimmick, as he is a person with a flaw. ive gone into great lengths explaining that in an earlier post. Now John Cena as a representative for the WWE he is good, he has no visible tattoos, while it may not be a bad thing to have tattoos, Tattos give a certain air to the person, To borrow the Phrase from US college sport he is an All-American type person in looks, He has no big problems and has caused no controversy except for that stare down with Ron Killings in an airport. He is clean as far as we know of Steroids or HGH.

I still stand by what I have said in that Cena is a stale character with the belt now, I am fine with him chasing the title, as he has a better approach to how his gimmick works when he is Chasing, that is what made the Edge feud work last year, he was chasing it made it more compelling if you look at it from the casual fans Point of View. While people criticize Triple H's near monopoly on the belt, this was when they were trying to build the credibility of a new belt as something that you want to hold. The WWE title that Cena is holding has a very large lineage which includes Bruno Sammartino(11 years) Bob Bucklund(7 years) Hulk Hogan(whatever it is) and Diesel(1 year) then you have a fairly quick succession of change in the attitude era, then you get a bringing back of stability to the belt in JBLs 11 month reign. And Cena's first reign. The Second title reign has led to an over exposure of Cena, this is a negative, I think you said it yourself that Hogan was only ever shown on PPV or SNME, not whatever the TV show was. Another poster in Mean_gene_roberts or something like that describes the Sammartino era, in hat he came on and promoted the town he was going to be having a match in rather than have a match in whatever place he was that night.

The entire point of the parts I took were just a theme I was taking out of what you posted Sly not the actual argument contained within.
There has never been a wrestler in the WWE, who has not earned their spot. The WWE determines who earns their spot, not you.
I m gonna beg to differ on that Sly using your own logic.(being hypothetical and summarizing something you posted previously) Cena=talented because of his ability to make money.Fans *DECIDE* to spend their money on his merchandise .Some fans even *DECIDE* to cheer for him.He makes so much money that wwe decides to keep him in the spotlight. So then are you telling me that if Cena made no money and go no reaction from the crowd he would have a spot in the wwe?

Maybe I'm the only one who cares enough to remember what wrestling is supposed to be like?

Are u Jim Cornette? IF you want to be surrounded by people who remember what wrestling is supposed to be like defect to the NWA.
What wrestling is supposed to be like? Slyfox, shame on you! Your past page or so of posts have been absolutely ridiculous! I expected more from you!

How can you justify that we, as fans, are obligated to cheer for the face only? How can you justify that we, as fans, have nothing to do with who is on top in the WWE? Please tell me, I'm dying to know!

Last I checked, we were the ones who put Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, Mick Foley, Undertaker, and countless others to the top! The reason that they were on top was because the fans made their voice heard and put them on top. The WWE responds to what the fans want, because if they didn't then they wouldn't have a show!

Explain what you mean to me, please. I don't get it.
We all know that wrestling is fake but when guys like John Cena wrestle it just looks really bad. Him and Hulk Hogan are the worst wrestlers in WWE history. They just do 50 punches and 5 other moves along with their crappy finishers to win the match. I hate Cena more because he cant sell any offence from his opponent. I will respect and cheer wrestlers that lokk beliveable in the ring. Take that Slyfox!
Slyfox, lmao, so im gathering from your age, your around 25-28 years of age, I’m 27 and also have been following wwf/wwe from 1980's onwards but never had I read someone spill thier guts off like you do, it's almost ******ed. It's not that I can’t answer you, it's just I cant be bothered. Lol (i am really laughing at you) Man oh man.

People don’t bother, Slyfox is not worth the effort, clearly seen in his replies, trying so hard to be a smart arse but come across as a moron.

P.S. If you are that old and follow Cena like the way you do, I think it’s pretty sad. I feel bad for you.

Wow, slow down man. Anybody can root for whoever they want, no matter what the majority of a particular wrestler's fanbase comprises of. I'm in college, and I like Cena. Trust me, I know alot of people who aren't women or children, friends of mine, who also like Cena. And, please, PLEASE don't respond to this by saying, "Well, then you're all as sad as Slyfox." Cuz you're 27, man! That'd be just childish.
And Slyfox, if you read this, plz... calm down. Replying to every single response to your posts makes you look like some sort of radical. Now, I agree with your basic arguements, and most people don't. It's expected, look at the poll. I used to love some of your retorts. But, dude, even the cena fans are getting tired of you. You're making us look bad.
This thread has gotten WAY off track. Let's stop insulting each other, and get back to the basic discussion... What do you think of John Cena and why?
'Nuff said
While I'm pretty sure that Slyfox is more then capable of handling himself with some of the bashing he has received, I'm putting an end to it. Too personally call the man out is getting you an infraction from this point on. I don't mind the wit and sarcasm, but come on, I think people are starting to take this a little bit too personal.

Anyways, onto this new Face/Heel topic. I don't get this argument what so ever. Why, as a paying fan, do I not have the right to boo the hell out of somebody I don't like? It's my money, I have the right to boo someone out as much as you have the right to get angry at me booing someone.

It's been thrown around before, but lets take Steve Austin and the Rock. For all intents and purposes, these two are probably two of the top 3 faces in the history of the WWF. When you look at the meat of those characters, they are two heel characters far and away. Austin is everything a hero shouldn't be. He defied authority, drank beer, kicked ass, broke all of the rules, yet, most over face ever. The Rock ranks right there to, but the character of the Rock was mean and vile to his opponents. Running people into the ground, calling people names, not very good qualities to have in a top face, yet, the man was cheered.

The problem is, the world isn't black and white anymore. The WWE pretends to be a childrens show, yet doesn't want to give up that prime time spot intended for adults. The WWE has half naked scantily clad women running around, violent chair shots, and all of that, yet on top of it all, they have a champion as clean cut and vanilla as any character in the history of wrestling. It's a bore.

It would be a completely different situation if the WWE said, you know what, we're done with prime time, we're putting our show on Saturday Morning Television, and we're making it a child friendly show again. That would end this argument right there. Since the WWE refuses to give up the 18-35 demographic and their pay per view buying ability, this is what causes this argument to go on and on. They want the merchandising money from kids, hence the clean cut John Cena, but still want to interest the people that are going to by the ppvs.

It's simple, the John Cena character is too one dimensional for this day and age. If the WWE wants to be childrens programming, then fine, go to children's television time slots, get off of prime time. The story lines and characters are so damn one dimensional and stale, that is why they are booed. If Cena had a character flaw, then people wouldn't be so hard on him. If one storyline in the last 3 years was worth a damn, the IWC wouldn't be so hard on the WWE. As much as people don't want to admit it, the world is not as black and white as they want it to be, most people live in the shades of grey in between, hence, they want someone that they can relate too, and John Cena simply isn't that person.

And as far as the Spiderman stuff goes, some of the better Spiderman, and comic book storylines in general, are the ones that blur the line between hero and villian. The battle within gets peoples attention. A hero that has flaws is the most interesting character of them all. People don't root for Spiderman to get killed, because Spiderman has more too his character then just being a hero. Spiderman struggles with being a hero and being himself, struggles with blurring the line of his own code of morals, or stepping over his self created morals to get the job done. Should he not kill the bad guy, even though if he doesn't the baddie will kill hundreds of more? People relate to not that situation, but making tough decisions. With John Cena, he's just too one dimensional, that I've lost interest in it, and the company as a whole.
That's what makes the WWE exciting isn't it? The fans choosing who to root for, hoping that who they root for wins! To say that a fan should root for the face only is ridiculous! Why? Because there goes the excitment of it all.

As far as Cena is concerned. Anyone who has read one of my posts knows how I feel about Cena and why. And the reason why myself or any other "Cena Hater," hates Cena has not changed since the beginning of this thread. Why? Because Cena keeps on giving us the same ole reasons to hate him. That's all one can say at this point.
I think they should bring back shawn michaels to verse Cena again. The match will get a good pop and everybody wants to see michaels be wwe champ.
Michaels doesn't want to be the WWE champ and quite frankly I don't want him to be either. Cena vs. Michaels was great, but I don't want to see it again. I am more interested in RKO defeating Cena for the title. It is going to be great to have a heel champion. We haven't had a strong heel champ for a long time on either show. So RKO, if you ask me, is going to be a breath of fresh air. (Of course, however, any champ would be a breath of fresh air when compared to Cena!)
Now, in most cases, I would agree that Cena needs to drop the title to save himself. But Orton is a DICK!! He has had so many behavior problems that I just don't think he should be rewarded with the top title in WWE.
I only took part because this is the only part I feel that it is where I should throw my International view of Pro Wrestling in here, Being from New Zealand I get to look at the WWE and other promotions outside of New Zealand from the Outside in. The View I see you going Sly is that there is a bias towards the US style of Pro Wrestling which requires a Face/Heel dynamic at its most fundamental level. This is contrasted with Puroresu from what I see when I watch the matches as both Wrestlers are cheered after good series (sets of Moves, couldn't think of a better word there). This seems to be the direction that the US fans seem to be going in as you are getting the face and the Heel getting cheered.

Now to go onto this thing of the 1990 Royal Rumble, I can say pretty confidently that people watching wrestling have grown cynical over the years, this is with world events not Wrestling, you have the same thing now in terms of not replacing the members but you have the event now, you will have a similar response to what the WWE is currently getting, Im going to make a hypothesis here in saying that the fans that have followed since the Hulkamania years have grown up and seen the world as a place where if you "eat your Vitamins and Say your Prayers" you will come out on top. The World has a funny way of beating idealism out of people, this will probably contribute to the overall negative response Cena gets.

But the "John Cena" effect, really it is the "Rocky Maivia" effect, is the result of an unimaginative creative department. Straight laced with no Flaws is boring, Ill use Rhino as an example here as he makes the most sense right now. Rhino is a Face in TNA yet he has a huge character flaw which is part of him in that he is a recovering Alchoholic, it makes Rhino more believable as a gimmick, as he is a person with a flaw. ive gone into great lengths explaining that in an earlier post. Now John Cena as a representative for the WWE he is good, he has no visible tattoos, while it may not be a bad thing to have tattoos, Tattos give a certain air to the person, To borrow the Phrase from US college sport he is an All-American type person in looks, He has no big problems and has caused no controversy except for that stare down with Ron Killings in an airport. He is clean as far as we know of Steroids or HGH.

I still stand by what I have said in that Cena is a stale character with the belt now, I am fine with him chasing the title, as he has a better approach to how his gimmick works when he is Chasing, that is what made the Edge feud work last year, he was chasing it made it more compelling if you look at it from the casual fans Point of View. While people criticize Triple H's near monopoly on the belt, this was when they were trying to build the credibility of a new belt as something that you want to hold. The WWE title that Cena is holding has a very large lineage which includes Bruno Sammartino(11 years) Bob Bucklund(7 years) Hulk Hogan(whatever it is) and Diesel(1 year) then you have a fairly quick succession of change in the attitude era, then you get a bringing back of stability to the belt in JBLs 11 month reign. And Cena's first reign. The Second title reign has led to an over exposure of Cena, this is a negative, I think you said it yourself that Hogan was only ever shown on PPV or SNME, not whatever the TV show was. Another poster in Mean_gene_roberts or something like that describes the Sammartino era, in hat he came on and promoted the town he was going to be having a match in rather than have a match in whatever place he was that night.

The entire point of the parts I took were just a theme I was taking out of what you posted Sly not the actual argument contained within.
I agree with most of what you said. The thing about it is, that American wrestling is not Puro wrestling. It never has been. Obviously, that wrestling appeals to some people here, but, on the majority, it doesn't. So, the need for storylines of emotional value, with face/heel dispositions is still alive and running. I don't think it will ever go away, and even in Puro, they still have some of the rudimentary aspects of that.

As far as your hypothesis, I would rather present a different one. Most of the wrestling fans, who bash the current product, including guys like Cena, started watching wrestling in the Attitude era. Obviously, that doesn't encapsulate everyone, but I think on the whole, it covers a lot of the bashers. Whereas I grew up in the "idealistic" time of professional wrestling.

Obviously, it's different tastes, due to what we remember as children. I just think that the Attitude Era, while great for it's time, is not sustainable. Eventually, what made the Attitude Era great was going to have to end, regardless of who booked and how well they did it. But, what I propose, doesn't. You can do good guy vs. bad guy for decades. They have been. There is no end to that. The Attitude Era is self-defeating, my way of thinking is not.

If you wish clarification, let me know. Actually, it would make a great thread.

I m gonna beg to differ on that Sly using your own logic.(being hypothetical and summarizing something you posted previously) Cena=talented because of his ability to make money.Fans *DECIDE* to spend their money on his merchandise .Some fans even *DECIDE* to cheer for him.He makes so much money that wwe decides to keep him in the spotlight. So then are you telling me that if Cena made no money and go no reaction from the crowd he would have a spot in the wwe?
Yes. See Tommy Dreamer.

Guys play other roles in wrestling companies, that help them earn their spot on the roster. There are other things guys do that makes them valuable. But, the WWE decides if they are valuable. The WWE decides who "earns their spot".

Are u Jim Cornette? IF you want to be surrounded by people who remember what wrestling is supposed to be like defect to the NWA.
See: my post to Shadowmancer.

And, if you think being compared to Jim Cornette is an insult, then I don't know what to think.

What wrestling is supposed to be like? Slyfox, shame on you! Your past page or so of posts have been absolutely ridiculous! I expected more from you!

How can you justify that we, as fans, are obligated to cheer for the face only? How can you justify that we, as fans, have nothing to do with who is on top in the WWE? Please tell me, I'm dying to know!

Last I checked, we were the ones who put Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, Mick Foley, Undertaker, and countless others to the top! The reason that they were on top was because the fans made their voice heard and put them on top. The WWE responds to what the fans want, because if they didn't then they wouldn't have a show!

Explain what you mean to me, please. I don't get it.
Make a new thread for it. I'll be happy to share.

And Slyfox, if you read this, plz... calm down. Replying to every single response to your posts makes you look like some sort of radical. Now, I agree with your basic arguements, and most people don't. It's expected, look at the poll. I used to love some of your retorts. But, dude, even the cena fans are getting tired of you. You're making us look bad.
This thread has gotten WAY off track. Let's stop insulting each other, and get back to the basic discussion... What do you think of John Cena and why?
'Nuff said
I won't lie, I enjoy the debates. I enjoy taking the time to dissect each and every line I feel is inaccurate. And, the only reason people are getting tired of me, is because I'm the one who is doing most of the defending for Cena. Not saying that is a bad thing, or an attack on everyone else, but it's true. On another forum I post at, I used to do the same thing there. Now, there are a couple other guys who defend Cena, so I don't have to jump in near as much.

While I'm pretty sure that Slyfox is more then capable of handling himself with some of the bashing he has received, I'm putting an end to it. Too personally call the man out is getting you an infraction from this point on. I don't mind the wit and sarcasm, but come on, I think people are starting to take this a little bit too personal.
Haha, I do appreciate. After defending Cena for over a year now, I'm pretty used to it, and most stuff just rolls off me. But, you're right, it doesn't mean that it needs to happen. It's not really good debate and doesn't need to be said. And that includes me as well.

Anyways, onto this new Face/Heel topic. I don't get this argument what so ever. Why, as a paying fan, do I not have the right to boo the hell out of somebody I don't like? It's my money, I have the right to boo someone out as much as you have the right to get angry at me booing someone.
This would make a great thread.

And as far as the Spiderman stuff goes, some of the better Spiderman, and comic book storylines in general, are the ones that blur the line between hero and villian. The battle within gets peoples attention. A hero that has flaws is the most interesting character of them all. People don't root for Spiderman to get killed, because Spiderman has more too his character then just being a hero. Spiderman struggles with being a hero and being himself, struggles with blurring the line of his own code of morals, or stepping over his self created morals to get the job done. Should he not kill the bad guy, even though if he doesn't the baddie will kill hundreds of more? People relate to not that situation, but making tough decisions. With John Cena, he's just too one dimensional, that I've lost interest in it, and the company as a whole.
When John Cena has flaws, people bash him for that too. "He sucks at kicking Regal's ass." "His angry promos suck"....etc. Cena bashing goes beyond the surface. Regardless of what Cena does or says, he is going to get bashed. To that end, he is Triple H of 2003 and 2004.
I love Cena, though it is true he doesnt have many moves his strength and ability to perform tells us something. He is a guy that deserves repect and yet doesnt get it. He defeated HHH, He defeated Randy Orton, and many others I dont think that Randy Orton should get another title shot thats for sure. I cant not stand Kahli, he does nothing in the ring just like Umaga and Randy Orton. Kahli needs to be taken out, fast and soon, I'm sure that Batista will be able to.
do you go to a play and boo Romeo, because you don't like the guy playing him? Do you pay tickets to go to a music concert, just to boo the band? Do you watch a movie and hope that Spiderman is killed?.

But a concert is usually just one band, you pay to see that one band. In the WWE their are dozens of different wrestlers, you boo the ones you like and you cheer the ones you don't like. I'll use Khalli for example, since well nobody likes Khalli. Khalli is a horrible wrestler but if he turned face, would you cheer for him because it's right for buisness?
But a concert is usually just one band, you pay to see that one band.
Ok, I'll revise. Would you pay to go to a concert to cheer the drummer and boo the guitarist?

In the WWE their are dozens of different wrestlers, you boo the ones you like and you cheer the ones you don't like. I'll use Khalli for example, since well nobody likes Khalli. Khalli is a horrible wrestler but if he turned face, would you cheer for him because it's right for buisness?
I would not boo Khali. Would I cheer him? Yeah, I probably would. Would I expect others to? No. You don't have to cheer someone because they are a face, and you don't have to boo someone because they are a heel. If you don't like them, than do nothing. There is nothing that will get them off TV faster than people who don't react to them at all.

If you don't like the fact, just sit quiet. If you don't like the heel, just do nothing. It really isn't that difficult to do.
The worst part about Cena is his STFU finisher. He made HHH and HBK tap out in back 2 back wrestlemanias which is a joke. Why would a guy who doesnt do any submission holds and has no mat skills have a submission finisher? He isnt credible to have one. The only reason he uses it is because the FU is a terrible finisher.
No, he uses it because he is trying to add more dimensions to his wrestling ability, but he has failed miserably at this. I agree, however, about them being horrible finishers. He uses a horrible submission that he doesn't even apply right, and his big finisher is an advance fireman's carry. C'mon, the only other two finisher's in the business that are that lame is the Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow! They were a joke! (I Like the Rock though, so don't jump on me for that!)
No, he uses it because he is trying to add more dimensions to his wrestling ability, but he has failed miserably at this. I agree, however, about them being horrible finishers. He uses a horrible submission that he doesn't even apply right, and his big finisher is an advance fireman's carry. C'mon, the only other two finisher's in the business that are that lame is the Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow! They were a joke! (I Like the Rock though, so don't jump on me for that!)

Could you please take the time to explain why or how it is you feel that he does not apply the STF-U correctly?
I'm backin' up Sly here.

John Cena does apply the STFU correctly becuase he created the STFU. Sure there's the STF, but Cena has a varied version of that. The FU, is yes a very simple, crappy finisher. The STFU, if you try it on a friend, it kills. He does apply it correctly, becuase he applies his own finisher the way it hurts. The STFU doesn't really fit Cena's moveset, considering he isn't a technical wrestler, but it's a half decent submission.
Could you please take the time to explain why or how it is you feel that he does not apply the STF-U correctly?

No worries, TakerFan, I got this one.

I like Cena, but I gotta say he doesn't apply it right. The STFU is actually NOT an STF, but rather a Stepover Toehold Sleeper. The wrestler is supposed to wrap thier arms around the opponents neck and apply a sleeper hold. Cena actually does a sort of loose crossface hold that brings his arms around the opponents face. It doesn't even always look like he's putting any pressure into the hold at all. I understand that he wants to give his rival protection, but it just brings down it's cred as a finisher. Maybe if he made it more like a sleeper hold, or pulled back more and squeeze, it would look more believable.
No worries, TakerFan, I got this one.

I like Cena, but I gotta say he doesn't apply it right. The STFU is actually NOT an STF, but rather a Stepover Toehold Sleeper. The wrestler is supposed to wrap thier arms around the opponents neck and apply a sleeper hold. Cena actually does a sort of loose crossface hold that brings his arms around the opponents face. It doesn't even always look like he's putting any pressure into the hold at all. I understand that he wants to give his rival protection, but it just brings down it's cred as a finisher. Maybe if he made it more like a sleeper hold, or pulled back more and squeeze, it would look more believable.
Hahaha, I know what move Cena does, I've been the one saying so all along.


Could you please tell me how that is anything but a devastating sleeper? His arms are surrounding both sides of the neck, cutting off blood flow and oxygen, to the brain.

How is that a bad STS?
Look at that picture! Look at it! The only reason that it even looks half decent in this instance is because Master's is holding himself and Cena up, making it appear that Cena is pulling back applying all of the pressure!

I appreciate the back up Edgefan#1, that is exactly what I meant. The STF-U is a horrible looking finisher. We know that wrestling is fake, but they are supposed to appear to be real and the STF-U does not appear to be real at all. If he put me in it, the way he does the other wrestlers, I would not tap out. The fact that he beat Shawn Michaels and HHH with this move is a freaking joke. In this instance, I would much more prefer he stick with the F-U, even though it sucks as well!
The STFU is actually NOT an STF, but rather a Stepover Toehold Sleeper. The wrestler is supposed to wrap thier arms around the opponents neck and apply a sleeper hold. Cena actually does a sort of loose crossface hold that brings his arms around the opponents face. It doesn't even always look like he's putting any pressure into the hold at all. I understand that he wants to give his rival protection, but it just brings down it's cred as a finisher. Maybe if he made it more like a sleeper hold, or pulled back more and squeeze, it would look more believable.

STS -(taken from wikipedia)
Short for Stepover Toehold Sleeper and innovated by Masahiro Chono, this hold is a modified STF in which the attackers wraps his arm around the neck of the opponent in a sleeper hold instead of pulling back on the head of the opponent.

an sts is a stf which is a stfu. like how the scorpion deathlock/sharpshooter are the same move only different. Just thought i d throw that out there.
Look at that picture! Look at it! The only reason that it even looks half decent in this instance is because Master's is holding himself and Cena up, making it appear that Cena is pulling back applying all of the pressure!
It's a sleeper hold. Who gives a damn if Chris Masters is on his hands?

A sleeper hold has nothing to do with the back. Sure, it may have aesthetic value when Masters holds himself up, but it doesn't change the fact that Cena's arms are securely around Masters neck, cutting off blood in the carotid artery.

I'm not understanding your logic here at all.
I believe the point he's trying to make is that a sleeper wouldn't make you tap out, but pass out. So, instead, he should be pulling back to enduce pain, which would then allow for a tap out.

To put it simply; Why are they tapping from a sleeper? I believe thats what he's asking. Though, I could be wrong.
No, completely right! If he was trying to weaken his opponent with a sleeper, cut off the oxygen and blood flow, wouldn't they, in fact, slowly fade away and have their arms raised three times to show that they are passed out? I mean, if you are saying that he is applying a sleeper hold, then why are they able to continuosly fight to get to the bottom rope, until they eventually TAP OUT from some sort of pain! When he applies this STF-U, he looks like he is trying with all of his might to enduce pain, but if it is a sleeper hold, he wouldn't have to struggle the way that he does. If Cena were really implying this move to be a sleeper type of submission, he would wrap his entire arm around the throat area to completely cut off the oxygen.
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