[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I can't take your post seriously if you claim that those matches are anywhere close to Cena-Khali. And most fans thought that Cena/Umaga was a great match, myself included. Was it a five star classic? No. But it was an extremely entertaining and fun match that many people enjoyed.

And I'm not fooled by your "expand on your posts" bullshit. I know that the only reason that you warned me for this post is because you disagree.

It might be entertaining but like I told you a little bit ago.This match truly depended on the stipulation to save it.Why?Because Umaga is a good worker for his size but he can't carry Cena.Thats why New Year Revolution sucked.Without something to help the match Cena is nothing.Never will be.And if I were the Rock, or Austin, or Hogan for that matter, I would be truly offended if Cena was in the same class as me.
Thank you X.Me and The Champ have been arguing this for a little bit.

The Champ to me you kind of sound like one of those 12 year old kids obsessed with Cena.

Hey those matches are somewhat more decent than Khali and Cena.
How the fuck am I like a twelve year old kid? A twelve year old kid would say that "OMGZ!!!!!!CENA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!" while I am actually taking the time to explain why he is so great. And the fact that you think those matches are better than Khali vs. Cena shows your blind hate for a great champion.
It might be entertaining but like I told you a little bit ago.This match truly depended on the stipulation to save it.Why?Because Umaga is a good worker for his size but he can't carry Cena.Thats why New Year Revolution sucked.Without something to help the match Cena is nothing.Never will be.And if I were the Rock, or Austin, or Hogan for that matter, I would be truly offended if Cena was in the same class as me.
Well, you're not Rocky, Austin, or Hogan, and I have never heard of any of the three speaking badly about Cena, not even Hogan, whose ego is bigger than Viscera's pajamas. And so what if Cena's strength is in gimmick matches? Last time I checked, most fans enjoyed gimmick matches more than regular matches. So, if it's working, then what's the problem?
This discussion is moving very fast and some of the points I'm about to make may very well have been covered by the time I post this.

Firstly, Cena is a face. The company's leading face to be exact. The fact that he ever gets booed is a failure to fulfill his role as such. He shouldn't be cheered most of the time or a lot of the time, he should be cheered all of the time. Cena/anybody will never be more than 3 stars tops. Why? To be considered "classic" or "awesome", a match must have considerable contributions from both superstars. The only reason Cena/Umaga could be considered entertaining by some people, myself not included, is because it had a stipulation and the writers scripted some spots for him.

Cena is overexposed to the point of ridicule. Perhaps this would be bearable if he were capable of some innovation or originality but the facts are this: he isn't. He's flat. Of course he has some uniqueness, every wrestler does, but he's not the next Bryan Danielson, hell, he's not even the next Jeff Jarrett. No offense to JJ. All Cena is is Vince's sad attempt of the industry's next Austin or Hogan. Well, sorry Vince, you've failed miserably.

I'm unaware of SmackDown's recent ratings, although I'm fairly certain they haven't been as high as Raw's. I must, however, dispute that Edge is a far better champion. Unfortunately, he's trapped in a fued with HHH's sad attempt at another Ultimate Warrior, so he's not able to showcase himself as well as he can. Let me tell you this, if WWE pushed Edge as much as they did Cena, they could have the industry's next big star on their hands.
How the fuck am I like a twelve year old kid? A twelve year old kid would say that "OMGZ!!!!!!CENA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!" while I am actually taking the time to explain why he is so great. And the fact that you think those matches are better than Khali vs. Cena shows your blind hate for a great champion.

I said you sound like one because you say how great Cena is thats all.I do give you the credit of backing your opinion up with facts.He isn't a great champion though.What qualities does he have of a great champion.Except for the fact that he sells.Thats why hes champion.Because Vince just wants the money.
This discussion is moving very fast and some of the points I'm about to make may very well have been covered by the time I post this.

Firstly, Cena is a face. The company's leading face to be exact. The fact that he ever gets booed is a failure to fulfill his role as such. He shouldn't be cheered most of the time or a lot of the time, he should be cheered all of the time. Cena/anybody will never be more than 3 stars tops. Why? To be considered "classic" or "awesome", a match must have considerable contributions from both superstars. The only reason Cena/Umaga could be considered entertaining by some people, myself not included, is because it had a stipulation and the writers scripted some spots for him.

Cena is overexposed to the point of ridicule. Perhaps this would be bearable if he were capable of some innovation or originality but the facts are this: he isn't. He's flat. Of course he has some uniqueness, every wrestler does, but he's not the next Bryan Danielson, hell, he's not even the next Jeff Jarrett. No offense to JJ. All Cena is is Vince's sad attempt of the industry's next Austin or Hogan. Well, sorry Vince, you've failed miserably.

I'm unaware of SmackDown's recent ratings, although I'm fairly certain they haven't been as high as Raw's. I must, however, dispute that Edge is a far better champion. Unfortunately, he's trapped in a fued with HHH's sad attempt at another Ultimate Warrior, so he's not able to showcase himself as well as he can. Let me tell you this, if WWE pushed Edge as much as they did Cena, they could have the industry's next big star on their hands.
Cena's boos are a product of the WWE booking him like Superman and shoving him down the fans' throats. Cena doesn't book his own matches, the creative team does. Cena/HBK on Raw had contributions from both superstars. Cena/Edge at Unforgiven had contributions from both superstars. The idea that Cena was carried in those matches is complete and utter bullshit.

Vince hasn't failed miserably because Cena is a proven draw and sells merchandise. And Cena will at least reach the level of HHH, HBK, and Bret if not the level of Rock, Austin, and Hogan.

It's difficult to compare a heel champion to a face champion, as it's much, much easier to be a heel. I do, however, think that Edge is a great champion and one of the best things Smackdown has going right now.

I said you sound like one because you say how great Cena is thats all.I do give you the credit of backing your opinion up with facts.He isn't a great champion though.What qualities does he have of a great champion.Except for the fact that he sells.Thats why hes champion.Because Vince just wants the money.
You would do the same thing if you ran the company. So would I. So would anybody with a brain. Why wouldn't you push the superstar who make you money over the countless superstars who don't make you money?
Cena's boos are a product of the WWE booking him like Superman and shoving him down the fans' throats. Cena doesn't book his own matches, the creative team does. Cena/HBK on Raw had contributions from both superstars. Cena/Edge at Unforgiven had contributions from both superstars. The idea that Cena was carried in those matches is complete and utter bullshit.

Vince hasn't failed miserably because Cena is a proven draw and sells merchandise. And Cena will at least reach the level of HHH, HBK, and Bret if not the level of Rock, Austin, and Hogan.

It's difficult to compare a heel champion to a face champion, as it's much, much easier to be a heel. I do, however, think that Edge is a great champion and one of the best things Smackdown has going right now.

You would do the same thing if you ran the company. So would I. So would anybody with a brain. Why wouldn't you push the superstar who make you money over the countless superstars who don't make you money?

See again this is what I have been telling you the whole time.The reason his match was so great with Edge was because when it comes to the ladders Edge is the shit.Honestly, I do believe he carried him.maybe he contribted somewhat with the Raw match but honestly the reason it was so great was Michales ability to carry Cena in this match.

Now where do you get off saying that Cena will ever be on their level because those people you listed are pretty much 6 of at least the 10 best people the WWE has seen.

In my honest opinion I think if you have a great champion who puts on great promos and good matches that he can sell an amazong amount of merchandise.I would make the person who I know will entertain and give the fans their money's worth the championship.
Ok guys I know this is a passionate issue, but be careful calling people names and implying things about other posters personally. if you disagree with something a poster says, that's fine, don't respond by implying personal things about them. Keep the discussion to the issue at hand. I've had to give infractions to two people this past day about it in this thread. Consider this a warning to everyone else.

Now kiss and make-up :)
Oh boy, the Cena thread is a rocking tonight, so I'll throw in my two cents.

I agree with Shadowmancer, the Character is so damn 2 Dimensional, it's almost not worth talking about right now. Same Old shit is perfect for the character right now. Cena gets beat early on, somehow manages to Superman up for no reason, and slays the giant, yay Cena.

Cena is a shit Wrestler. He maybe a somewhat decent brawler, but personally, that style of wrestler is boring. The problem with John Cena is, he is 6'2", 240 pounds, but he's wrestling like he is 6'8" and 300 pounds. The style doesn't fit the body. Cena should be wrestling a style more suitable for his body. Wasn't Vinnie Mac bitching a few years ago that the Hurricane was wanting to do Chokeslams on guys bigger then him, and then put a stop to it. It's okay to ban the Hurri-Choke slam, because it's unbelievable, but yet its very believable for Cena to slay monsters.

Cena is the beneficiary of cheap face pops right now. If The IWC hates anyone more then Cena, it maybe Khali and Umaga. You are forced to pick the lesser of two evils on that one, and as much as I think Cena is a bore, anyone in their right wrestling mind will realize he is miles ahead of those two sloths. Those two sloths merely fill a role, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Umaga/Cena, nothing in any of those two matches could be considered anything near a classic, especially the Last Man Standing. I highly encourage anyone to watch either Rock/Mankind or Triple H/Jericho, hell even Jericho/Kane or Michaels/Triple H, those were entertaining Last Man Standing matches, the recent ones, not just the Umaga/Cena, have been shit.

John Cena is the beneficiary of the WWE marketing team getting behind him. There are countless reports online of WWE pulling other peoples merchandise and loading up on Cena. WWE has been notorious for censoring its crowd by pulling anti-Cena signs. If you put the same amount of merchandise side by side and at the same price, there is a good chance that Edge gear is gone just as fast, if not faster then Cena.

Personally, I don't hate Cena, the character is stale, and he is stuck with it for now. The thing that I can't stand, is the WWE is catering to women and children again. Yes I know, there are some male fans of Cena. Eventually Vince McMahon is going to get blasted by Bob Costas once again for aiming programming towards children, then countless thousands online are going to bitch that Costas is a dick, when in reality, he's calling Vince out on his bullshit. The WWE is a primetime show on from 9-11 on the East Coast, children shouldn't be watching at that time of night. This is where you get the pent up male aggression, because many guys are expecting to see something a little more edgy, but we are getting Sesame Street.

John Cena, while not the worst in the company by any stretch of the imagination, is just stale. Hell, anyone that holds the belt for 24 of the last 27 months is going to get stale. Cena is long overdue for a change in character. Everyone has their personal preference, but for me, and apparently alot of others, the boring Brawler isn't cutting it.
No, you didn't.
Actually, yes he did. I found it funny because I also think Cena sucks. You don't agree with that, so obviously the joke left a sour taste in your mouth.
None of those guys are as over with female fans and kids as Cena is. Most aren't as over with male fans as Cena, either. Plus, Edge is already the champion of another brand, so he really shouldn't be in this discussion.
And what is the WWE's key demographic, might I ask? Look at the average age of the geeks like me on here (granted that's only partially reflective), and then look out in the audience at shows. I'd bet a lion's share of my meager paychecks that it isn't in either of the categories you mentioned. Besides, there aren't many bragging rights in being the top, overpushed face, when only a portion of the audience actually gives a shit...and the disgruntled ones are actually loud enough to be heard chanting against you.
What relatively mediocre wrestling skills? Did you even watch his match on Raw against HBK? Or his LMS match with Umaga? Watch those two matches and then tell me that his wrestling skills are mediocre. If you want me to name more, I will.
Relatively is putting it mildly. Try a sling of manuevers that range from pathetic looking in delivery (fisherman's suplex) over to ******edly pointless (Five Knuckle Shuffle, anyone?), not to mention weak as a finisher (either of his will fit this category). Besides, sitting their looking constipated while applying a lousy version of a move that actually contains an illegal choke (in WWE standards) isn't exactly something I'd write home about. HBK and Umaga can at least draw clear responses from the crowd when they wish. Cena was barely able to do that in UPW.
RVD is a spot monkey. I enjoy his matches, but he relies mostly on high-risk spots to make them exciting. As for HBK, do you see him carrying Umaga to classic matches? Do you see him carrying Khali to decent matches? I didn't think so.
And so is Rey Misterio. Or a host of other guys who can draw more consistent pops and better reactions from their matches that Cena could if he paid the crowd off. RVD may be a spot monkey, true. However, how sad is it that he's managed to stay over in the company since day one (with no leeway into Cena's reviled territory) by simply pointing his fingers at himself and doing the spot monkey routine with a watered-down offensive set? Meanwhile, over at Planet Cena the entire WWE marketing machine and booking team is trying their damndest to trick the rest of the WWE fans who aren't buying Cena's Hulkamania 2007 tour...but it still isn't working. Even with a bent-up frame and a receding hairline, HBK still stays over while providing matches on average that are a pale imitation of his glory days...and he still had the crowd on his side DECISIVELY at Wrestlemania...against...yep, you guessed right...Cena. As for Umaga? He's pretty good at taking ass-kickings and I will say that he does a lot with a little considering they gave him a gimmick that was tired when I was in grade school and The Samoan Swat Team revived it. Khali couldn't be carried to a classic match if you had a forklift. I'm sorry, but arguing anything in favor of Khali aside from his circus factor is beyond a moot point.
Like I said above, those guys don't draw as much as Cena. When it's all said and done, Cena will be remembered in the class with Rocky, Austin, and Hogan as the most successful and popular wrestlers of all time.
Hold the phone, there. Even Sly tried hitting me with this crap about Cena "turning the business in WWE around" or something along those lines. There has been no ratings resurgence, and their definitely isn't a renaissance in attendance or crowd reactions. What's sad is that someone would say Cena can draw when he's the top guy in a pretty much unopposed company. The other guys you mentioned were on top with an entirely separate company running neck-and-neck with them...and their respective ratings were still higher than Cena's best. When all is said and done, I (and obviously many others who voted like I did in this poll) will still think he's a shit wrestler, because intelligent evidence isn't there to support anything otherwise.

On a side note, I'd have repped Shock again, but I gotta spread some more around.
Oh boy, the Cena thread is a rocking tonight, so I'll throw in my two cents.

I agree with Shadowmancer, the Character is so damn 2 Dimensional, it's almost not worth talking about right now. Same Old shit is perfect for the character right now. Cena gets beat early on, somehow manages to Superman up for no reason, and slays the giant, yay Cena.

Cena is a shit Wrestler. He maybe a somewhat decent brawler, but personally, that style of wrestler is boring. The problem with John Cena is, he is 6'2", 240 pounds, but he's wrestling like he is 6'8" and 300 pounds. The style doesn't fit the body. Cena should be wrestling a style more suitable for his body. Wasn't Vinnie Mac bitching a few years ago that the Hurricane was wanting to do Chokeslams on guys bigger then him, and then put a stop to it. It's okay to ban the Hurri-Choke slam, because it's unbelievable, but yet its very believable for Cena to slay monsters.

Cena is the beneficiary of cheap face pops right now. If The IWC hates anyone more then Cena, it maybe Khali and Umaga. You are forced to pick the lesser of two evils on that one, and as much as I think Cena is a bore, anyone in their right wrestling mind will realize he is miles ahead of those two sloths. Those two sloths merely fill a role, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Umaga/Cena, nothing in any of those two matches could be considered anything near a classic, especially the Last Man Standing. I highly encourage anyone to watch either Rock/Mankind or Triple H/Jericho, hell even Jericho/Kane or Michaels/Triple H, those were entertaining Last Man Standing matches, the recent ones, not just the Umaga/Cena, have been shit.

John Cena is the beneficiary of the WWE marketing team getting behind him. There are countless reports online of WWE pulling other peoples merchandise and loading up on Cena. WWE has been notorious for censoring its crowd by pulling anti-Cena signs. If you put the same amount of merchandise side by side and at the same price, there is a good chance that Edge gear is gone just as fast, if not faster then Cena.

Personally, I don't hate Cena, the character is stale, and he is stuck with it for now. The thing that I can't stand, is the WWE is catering to women and children again. Yes I know, there are some male fans of Cena. Eventually Vince McMahon is going to get blasted by Bob Costas once again for aiming programming towards children, then countless thousands online are going to bitch that Costas is a dick, when in reality, he's calling Vince out on his bullshit. The WWE is a primetime show on from 9-11 on the East Coast, children shouldn't be watching at that time of night. This is where you get the pent up male aggression, because many guys are expecting to see something a little more edgy, but we are getting Sesame Street.

John Cena, while not the worst in the company by any stretch of the imagination, is just stale. Hell, anyone that holds the belt for 24 of the last 27 months is going to get stale. Cena is long overdue for a change in character. Everyone has their personal preference, but for me, and apparently alot of others, the boring Brawler isn't cutting it.

Yeah I think you just summed it up pretty well.Cena is just very stale.I enjoyed him in the beginning of his first title reing but by the time he faced Jericho I was sick of him.
Cena's boos are a product of the WWE booking him like Superman and shoving him down the fans' throats. Cena doesn't book his own matches, the creative team does. Cena/HBK on Raw had contributions from both superstars. Cena/Edge at Unforgiven had contributions from both superstars. The idea that Cena was carried in those matches is complete and utter bullshit.
Then why book him that way? Hell, when a midcarder named Christian outpops you...you suck. When the top heel in HHH outpops you...you suck. When engineered super-villain Kurt Angle outpops you at a moment's notice...you still suck. You could say that anyone involved in any match "contributed." Of course Cena "contributed." He was in it, wasn't he? Notice how Cena's best matches happen to coincide with people who are proven to be good, if not outstanding workers? Wonder why that is? I mean, after all we know Cena was so good he carried JBL to the promise land in a surefire classic at Wrestlemania 21, right? The fact is, if you look back at the respective careers and matches of either HBK or Edge and compare the breadth of it to what Cena is done, you'll see that Cena's aura of greatness falls like a cheap deck of cards. He's been padded by working with the best, which is why his shtick is old and has been for ages. He isn't good enough to elevate someone else to top level because he's not good enough to be there himself. This is why a burnt out Michaels outpopped him cold at WM this year. It's also why Angle was fed to him in a hurry and shipped elsewhere. Same goes for Christian. The fans turned on him in a flash because they realized that beyond his gimmick, he's not much to write home about (and I'm being generous on that). If Vince would've been smart, he'd have turned him heel and stopped swimming the company upstream and instead floated down to success by pushing people the crowd actually liked.

Vince hasn't failed miserably because Cena is a proven draw and sells merchandise. And Cena will at least reach the level of HHH, HBK, and Bret if not the level of Rock, Austin, and Hogan.
The Brooklyn Brawler could sell plenty of merchandise with the kind of push that Cena's been getting for the last couple of years. He can't even hold the jock of any of the guys you mentioned, and never will be able to. Why? He doesn't have it where it counts. He can't carry a match deep into the end without Michaels holding his hand, the entire time. I was actually looking for an airborne pig to go shooting through the sky during the HBK/Cena encounter on Raw that went an hour. HBK may be a polliticking asshole, but in this respect he works bigger miracles than Mother Teresa.
It's difficult to compare a heel champion to a face champion, as it's much, much easier to be a heel. I do, however, think that Edge is a great champion and one of the best things Smackdown has going right now.
Whatever the case is, a typical heel champion would at least get the desired reaction from the audience with no discrepancy as to what they actually thought about him. Can't say the same for Cena. As for the second sentence of this bit? Amen. Edge is the man.
You would do the same thing if you ran the company. So would I. So would anybody with a brain. Why wouldn't you push the superstar who make you money over the countless superstars who don't make you money?
Actually, I'd run it more intelligently than it has been in a long time. First thing I'd do? Listen to the reactions. The second I saw the audience want to turn on my top guy, I'd rebuild him as the ultimate heel. I loathe Cena with a passion, but if I was forced to book him, I'd at least have the sense to book him the right way. The last sentence you typed is brilliant. Seriously. I would push that superstar. However, that superstar isn't Cena. There is a reason that with the exception of a couple of tenths a point the Raw ratings have stayed consistent for a better part of this decade. Now I'm no rocket scientist per se...but if plan A isn't netting results within a one-year period that I'm actually looking for...then it's time to move to plan B and push someone else. They had two chances to do this and those chances ran off to TNA sadly.
Wow. I'm so far behind, and have a lot of catching up to do.

I don't get where you're coming from. My point was - or should've been, before I got a little distracted - that I'm sure there must be people on the roster that can draw better than him. I may be wrong, but I'm sure Edge, Triple H and Shawn Michaels must be up there.
Shawn Michaels has never been a proven draw, and Triple H hogged the belt for YEARS before Cena got there. And, while he has never really been given a great opportunity, Edge never has been a big draw either *waits for the "But he drew the highest rating for Raw in years" line*.

Well, no. Shawn Michaels consistently puts on good matches, seeing as his "same old shit" was pretty entertaining to start with and still entertains fans after all these years, Cena's "SOS" fails to do this.
I find Cena's matches to be as entertaining as anyone on the roster.

Besides, when it comes to big matches, HBK will usually pull something new out of the bag.
So does Cena.
Cena draws because he is on top, not vice versa. I have a sneaking suspicion that if you put, say Triple H or Shawn Michaels on top, they'd draw more than Cena. If you're WWE Champion, you're bound to draw, it's inevitable.
This isn't true. Not all WWE Champions draw, and your sneaking suspicion about HBK is probably wrong. Not to mention that HBK has repeatedly said he does not want the belt, or more importantly, the schedule that comes from having the belt.

Wow, it seems that whatever forum I may visit, Slyfox696 is always right there defending Cena. :lmao:
Ahh, I have a tag team partner now! We can be like DX vs. The Spirit Squad. There may be more of them, but we'll still win!

*merely for comedic effect*

Some thing must be wrong with this statement.Oh I know its the fact that its wrong.For example, Summerslam 06.He was facing Edge in his hometown and the crowd still cheered for Edge.Wrestlemania 22.
Summerslam 06 was held in West Newbury, Massachusetts? I did not know that.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Shawn carried him in that match.
How did Shawn carry Cena in the match on Raw?

And One Night Stand was barely credible thanks to the fact of the stipulation.
What stipulation?

As Cena ever had his own Era.I dont think so.
You're living through it right now friend.

First off, I will guarantee that Edge is much popular with the male base, as is probably any other wrestler, then Cena is.
Then Edge is a terrible wrestler. If the top heel is more popular than any face, then clearly he sucks. Right? Isn't that how people classify Cena. Fact is, for all but a couple nights of their feud, Edge was overwhelmingly booed, and Cena was overwhelmingly cheered.

Next, you'll have to excuse me, as I almost shit myself in laughter upon reading that you claim Cena vs. Umaga is a "classic" match. Really? That's a classic match?
Cena vs. Umaga is probably the best match in the WWE this year.

Tell me one person who doesn't watch wrestling who has any fucking clue who John Cena is
My cousin Becca, my friend Courtney, my friend Hayle, my co-worker Cole, my co-worker Lance...how's that?

He might have added a little bit to the match but that was the first time we saw a match like that from Cena.Happened to be Shawn, one of the best people at carrying other, being Cenas opponent.Ironic.
Again, explain how Shawn carried Cena. Please give me your reasoning.

And, it wasn't the first time you've seen a match like that from Cena. There are plenty of great Cena matches.

The Champ to me you kind of sound like one of those 12 year old kids obsessed with Cena.
I hope you are not a gambling man, because this statement is untrue.

Firstly, Cena is a face. The company's leading face to be exact. The fact that he ever gets booed is a failure to fulfill his role as such. He shouldn't be cheered most of the time or a lot of the time, he should be cheered all of the time.
I assume then that you feel that Jericho is a bad heel, Christian is a bad heel, Angle is a bad heel, Nash is a bad heel, Hall was a bad heel, Triple H is a bad heel, Carlito is a bad heel, The Rock was a bad face...you know what? I think you get my point.

The only reason Cena/Umaga could be considered entertaining by some people, myself not included, is because it had a stipulation and the writers scripted some spots for him.
Really? I never knew that. I know this might be a little much to ask, but could you provide even an OUNCE of proof of what you are saying? Because, strange as this might seem, it kind of seems to me that you are pulling this completely out of the air.

Of course he has some uniqueness, every wrestler does, but he's not the next Bryan Danielson
Thank God for that. Danielson as WWE champion would probably put the company under.

I must, however, dispute that Edge is a far better champion. Unfortunately, he's trapped in a fued with HHH's sad attempt at another Ultimate Warrior, so he's not able to showcase himself as well as he can. Let me tell you this, if WWE pushed Edge as much as they did Cena, they could have the industry's next big star on their hands.
Here's what I don't understand. How come people say that Cena sucks because the only good matches he has is gimmick matches, and then praise Edge? Not you individually, but anybody. Does Edge even compete in normal matches? If he does, they generally are average at best. His gimmick matches are superb, but his "normal" matches, outside of his one with Cena at Summerslam, are boring.

Seriously. Someone please answer this, because I would love to know the reasoning behind the hypocrisy.

Now where do you get off saying that Cena will ever be on their level because those people you listed are pretty much 6 of at least the 10 best people the WWE has seen.
Easy. Because Cena is already on their level of superstardom (not Austin, Rock, or Hogan yet). I'm not sure how this can be disputed.

In my honest opinion I think if you have a great champion who puts on great promos and good matches that he can sell an amazong amount of merchandise.I would make the person who I know will entertain and give the fans their money's worth the championship.
And how come? So people will continue to come back and spend their money. That's what John Cena does. The IWC may not like it, but clearly someone does.

Oh boy, the Cena thread is a rocking tonight, so I'll throw in my two cents.
I know, and I missed it! I'm so sad.

Cena gets beat early on, somehow manages to Superman up for no reason
Instead of Superman, I prefer to think of it as a Rocky comeback. Because he does show human qualities and does take punishment, but still comes back. Superman usually just kicks ass all the way through.

Wasn't Vinnie Mac bitching a few years ago that the Hurricane was wanting to do Chokeslams on guys bigger then him, and then put a stop to it. It's okay to ban the Hurri-Choke slam, because it's unbelievable, but yet its very believable for Cena to slay monsters.
John Cena can bench press a monster truck. Hurricane can barely bench press a hamburger (that's hamburgler reference for you Rock fans).

Cena is the beneficiary of cheap face pops right now. If The IWC hates anyone more then Cena, it maybe Khali and Umaga.
And see, this I just don't understand. First of all, if Khali and Umaga are getting hated, they are doing their job. I've often thought that a promotion like ROH should bring in a big lumbering wrestler who noticeably half-asses it in the ring. The heat the guy would generate would be enormous.

But, what do people want Khali to do? He's a big ass mother fucker. He's not going to run off the ropes, or do drop toeholds or chimuras. He's going to knock you the fuck out. I don't see the problem with this. It's realistic.

Umaga/Cena, nothing in any of those two matches could be considered anything near a classic, especially the Last Man Standing.
I completely disagree. Could you explain why you dislike it?

John Cena is the beneficiary of the WWE marketing team getting behind him. There are countless reports online of WWE pulling other peoples merchandise and loading up on Cena.
First, I have NEVER read such a report, so if you could point me to one or two, I would appreciate it. You seem like you generally know what you are talking about, so I'm not doubting you, I would just love to read one, to know how to respond.

Other than with this. Don't you think it's possible other people got pulled because they sucked at sales, and that loading up on Cena happens because Cena sells?

******edly pointless (Five Knuckle Shuffle, anyone?),
As opposed to any other wrestling move which is completely unrealistic? At least I can honestly say a fist being driven into someone's face would hurt and wouldn't require the assistance of another person. Unlike say...The Pedigree? The Stone Cold Stunner?

not to mention weak as a finisher (either of his will fit this category). Besides, sitting their looking constipated while applying a lousy version of a move that actually contains an illegal choke (in WWE standards) isn't exactly something I'd write home about.
A choke? How so? Last I checked the Sleeper Hold wasn't a choke. *shrugs*

And so is Rey Misterio.
Except that, for his finisher, Rey's matches have this thing called "logic" and "transition".

Hold the phone, there. Even Sly tried hitting me with this crap about Cena "turning the business in WWE around" or something along those lines. There has been no ratings resurgence, and their definitely isn't a renaissance in attendance or crowd reactions. What's sad is that someone would say Cena can draw when he's the top guy in a pretty much unopposed company.
Crap? What crap are you talking about? What more proof would you like? Ratings are up, money is up, PPV buys are up, house show attendance is up, merchandising is up, and Cena is generally in the highest rated segment of the night. What else can possibly be done on Cena's end?

Notice how Cena's best matches happen to coincide with people who are proven to be good, if not outstanding workers? Wonder why that is?
Name me a single match that HBK, Flair, RVD, or Triple H has had that has been one of their best matches that have not been with guys who have been proven to be good, if not outstanding, workers. This statement is true of anyone. Your best matches are ALWAYS going to be with workers that are good workers.

The fact is, if you look back at the respective careers and matches of either HBK or Edge and compare the breadth of it to what Cena is done, you'll see that Cena's aura of greatness falls like a cheap deck of cards.
Give me a great HBK match from 88-93. Hell, give me a great non-gimmick match of HBK's that didn't include Hall or Bret from 88-96. And, has Edge ever had a memorable match that wasn't a gimmick match?

He can't carry a match deep into the end without Michaels holding his hand, the entire time. I was actually looking for an airborne pig to go shooting through the sky during the HBK/Cena encounter on Raw that went an hour. HBK may be a polliticking asshole, but in this respect he works bigger miracles than Mother Teresa.
I'll ask you the same question. Please explain to me how Michaels carried the Raw match.

Whatever the case is, a typical heel champion would at least get the desired reaction from the audience with no discrepancy as to what they actually thought about him.
You mean like when The Rock was getting cheered as the heel champion?

The sad thing about this post is that I omitted discussing other things I wanted to talk about. And, it's still this long.
Sly, you absolutely amaze me. You just pretty much owned every single one of the haters in a single post. :lmao:
Actually he didn't. All he did was point out the holes in some peoples arguments which they will probably admit were there once they have been pointed out. As for Slyfox the reports of the taking down of Heels merch that was selling more than John Cena's stuff is in the Archives of Wrestlezones news stuff I can't remember exactly where or how long ago it was mentioned but it is there. Im going to lay this plain and clear; Cena is Controversial, whether as a main Eventer or Champion. I prefer him as a Main Eventer over Champ because it means he doesn't have to be in the Title picture for ever and Ever, which is what you have it appears right now. He is stale in character, he was brought up too early from OVW, he got the belt slapped on him too early, the man who he was supposed to be the antithesis of up and left the WWE for Football and MMA. Cena would not be who he is now without crap booking, people like Lesnar leaving to ply greener pastures (that is questionable but is the best saying I could think of). But to reiterate my point made 2 Pages ago Cena is stale Character wise as Champ, you should not have a stale character. Oh and Slyfox, society has moved on since the days of Hulkamania and even before that the days of Sammartino, Wrestling should reflect society, not an idealised good Vs. Evil fight. that can be the undertone but not the entire story, which it is right now.
Right now, RAW has the makings of a soap opera you can see on CBS. Here is another theory I have on John Cena being champion. Right now, the WWE's audience target is on the younger crowd. A note to this is why RAW is on USA and Smackdown is on CW. With that in mind, since he is so over with the little kids is that the WWE is trying to show the message that you can come over anything obstacle (no matter how unrealistic it sounds apparently). The matured may seem like it's some kind of joke, but to a 10-13 year old kid, that one match that Cena "overcame the odds" may mean a lot to that individual. and I know I've mentioned this a lot, but a lot of you are still feeling that Cena should lose the title within the next 2 days, but honestly, who on RAW is there to pass the title to? And I'm also getting tired of this carrying bullshit. Despite what some of you may think, John Cena is not some kind of lazy ass wrestler, and HBK is not some kind of superman worker. For someone to say that great match between HBK and John Cena on Raw last month was the work of HBK carrying John Cena throughout, you need to get your head out of your ass. The fact that one individual is getting stripped of credit, no matter how much you love him or hate him is just simply stupid.
As for Slyfox the reports of the taking down of Heels merch that was selling more than John Cena's stuff is in the Archives of Wrestlezones news stuff I can't remember exactly where or how long ago it was mentioned but it is there.
Ok, I'll try and look for it, although not really sure how to find it.

Oh and Slyfox, society has moved on since the days of Hulkamania and even before that the days of Sammartino, Wrestling should reflect society, not an idealised good Vs. Evil fight. that can be the undertone but not the entire story, which it is right now.
Then why are the Spiderman movies so popular? How come we're still talking about Superman? Why is it Rocky is an American institution? Why is it that the Shawshank Redemption is considered one of the greatest movies ever? Why is it that The Lord of the Rings movie series won 17 Academy Awards combined? How come "The Return of the King" places second all-time in amount of box-office money ever, with Harry Potter: Sorcerer's Stone coming in at number 4, Star Wars Episode 1 at number 5, and The Two Towers at number 6? How come most books still have the good guy over come the bad guy? Good vs. Evil still very much sells.
Ok, I'll try and look for it, although not really sure how to find it.

Then why are the Spiderman movies so popular? How come we're still talking about Superman? Why is it Rocky is an American institution? Why is it that the Shawshank Redemption is considered one of the greatest movies ever? Why is it that The Lord of the Rings movie series won 17 Academy Awards combined? How come "The Return of the King" places second all-time in amount of box-office money ever, with Harry Potter: Sorcerer's Stone coming in at number 4, Star Wars Episode 1 at number 5, and The Two Towers at number 6? How come most books still have the good guy over come the bad guy? Good vs. Evil still very much sells.

You also forgot the basic overview of good vs evil in wrestling...and that's the entire wrestling business itself. This is why there are heels and faces. Another reason why good vs evil is still alive and still sells these days.
Wow. I'm so far behind, and have a lot of catching up to do.

Shawn Michaels has never been a proven draw, and Triple H hogged the belt for YEARS before Cena got there. And, while he has never really been given a great opportunity, Edge never has been a big draw either *waits for the "But he drew the highest rating for Raw in years" line*.

I find Cena's matches to be as entertaining as anyone on the roster.

So does Cena.

This isn't true. Not all WWE Champions draw, and your sneaking suspicion about HBK is probably wrong. Not to mention that HBK has repeatedly said he does not want the belt, or more importantly, the schedule that comes from having the belt.

Ahh, I have a tag team partner now! We can be like DX vs. The Spirit Squad. There may be more of them, but we'll still win!

*merely for comedic effect*

Summerslam 06 was held in West Newbury, Massachusetts? I did not know that.

How did Shawn carry Cena in the match on Raw?

What stipulation?

You're living through it right now friend.

Then Edge is a terrible wrestler. If the top heel is more popular than any face, then clearly he sucks. Right? Isn't that how people classify Cena. Fact is, for all but a couple nights of their feud, Edge was overwhelmingly booed, and Cena was overwhelmingly cheered.

Cena vs. Umaga is probably the best match in the WWE this year.

My cousin Becca, my friend Courtney, my friend Hayle, my co-worker Cole, my co-worker Lance...how's that?

Again, explain how Shawn carried Cena. Please give me your reasoning.

And, it wasn't the first time you've seen a match like that from Cena. There are plenty of great Cena matches.

I hope you are not a gambling man, because this statement is untrue.

I assume then that you feel that Jericho is a bad heel, Christian is a bad heel, Angle is a bad heel, Nash is a bad heel, Hall was a bad heel, Triple H is a bad heel, Carlito is a bad heel, The Rock was a bad face...you know what? I think you get my point.

Really? I never knew that. I know this might be a little much to ask, but could you provide even an OUNCE of proof of what you are saying? Because, strange as this might seem, it kind of seems to me that you are pulling this completely out of the air.

Thank God for that. Danielson as WWE champion would probably put the company under.

Here's what I don't understand. How come people say that Cena sucks because the only good matches he has is gimmick matches, and then praise Edge? Not you individually, but anybody. Does Edge even compete in normal matches? If he does, they generally are average at best. His gimmick matches are superb, but his "normal" matches, outside of his one with Cena at Summerslam, are boring.

Seriously. Someone please answer this, because I would love to know the reasoning behind the hypocrisy.

Easy. Because Cena is already on their level of superstardom (not Austin, Rock, or Hogan yet). I'm not sure how this can be disputed.

And how come? So people will continue to come back and spend their money. That's what John Cena does. The IWC may not like it, but clearly someone does.

I know, and I missed it! I'm so sad.

Instead of Superman, I prefer to think of it as a Rocky comeback. Because he does show human qualities and does take punishment, but still comes back. Superman usually just kicks ass all the way through.

John Cena can bench press a monster truck. Hurricane can barely bench press a hamburger (that's hamburgler reference for you Rock fans).

And see, this I just don't understand. First of all, if Khali and Umaga are getting hated, they are doing their job. I've often thought that a promotion like ROH should bring in a big lumbering wrestler who noticeably half-asses it in the ring. The heat the guy would generate would be enormous.

But, what do people want Khali to do? He's a big ass mother fucker. He's not going to run off the ropes, or do drop toeholds or chimuras. He's going to knock you the fuck out. I don't see the problem with this. It's realistic.

I completely disagree. Could you explain why you dislike it?

First, I have NEVER read such a report, so if you could point me to one or two, I would appreciate it. You seem like you generally know what you are talking about, so I'm not doubting you, I would just love to read one, to know how to respond.

Other than with this. Don't you think it's possible other people got pulled because they sucked at sales, and that loading up on Cena happens because Cena sells?

As opposed to any other wrestling move which is completely unrealistic? At least I can honestly say a fist being driven into someone's face would hurt and wouldn't require the assistance of another person. Unlike say...The Pedigree? The Stone Cold Stunner?

A choke? How so? Last I checked the Sleeper Hold wasn't a choke. *shrugs*

Except that, for his finisher, Rey's matches have this thing called "logic" and "transition".

Crap? What crap are you talking about? What more proof would you like? Ratings are up, money is up, PPV buys are up, house show attendance is up, merchandising is up, and Cena is generally in the highest rated segment of the night. What else can possibly be done on Cena's end?

Name me a single match that HBK, Flair, RVD, or Triple H has had that has been one of their best matches that have not been with guys who have been proven to be good, if not outstanding, workers. This statement is true of anyone. Your best matches are ALWAYS going to be with workers that are good workers.

Give me a great HBK match from 88-93. Hell, give me a great non-gimmick match of HBK's that didn't include Hall or Bret from 88-96. And, has Edge ever had a memorable match that wasn't a gimmick match?

I'll ask you the same question. Please explain to me how Michaels carried the Raw match.

You mean like when The Rock was getting cheered as the heel champion?

The sad thing about this post is that I omitted discussing other things I wanted to talk about. And, it's still this long.

Shawn is proven to be or has been a draw.Do you know how popular he was 1996?The fans loved him and he carried the company on his back that year and still drew a crowd.I think he draws.

I can remember one time that Cena has ever pulled something out of the bag.And its that legdrop thing he does from the top.

It wasn't held there it was held somewhere near by and the whole match you hear J.R. and the King saying hes defending his title in his hometown.Obviously its near by.

Like I said earlier you had never seen a Cena match go an hour before and you had never seen him wrestle like that.Why?Again, Shawn has the ability to carry others.

What stipulation?Hello, every match on that pay per view had a stipulation.Theirs happened to be a Falls Count Anywhere.

No, that just means the fans do not like the face champion and decide to cheer for the heel.

DX vs. Rated Rko at New Years Revolution,
Money In The Bank,
All of the MVP vs. Benoit matches

All of those matches and more were better than the Cena Umaga match.

At Royal Rumble 2005 Michales and Edge had a normal wrestling match and it was one of the best matches on the card.Edge can pull a great match.

John Cena doesn't make them come back for more.He sells merchandise and thats what makes the money.

Are you kidding me every PPV buyrate has been a bust.All of them since like the beginning of this year.except for Wrestlemania.

Shawn had an amazing match with Jannety at Royal Rumble 1993.And guess what?Match of the Year.
Then why are the Spiderman movies so popular? How come we're still talking about Superman? Why is it Rocky is an American institution? Why is it that the Shawshank Redemption is considered one of the greatest movies ever? Why is it that The Lord of the Rings movie series won 17 Academy Awards combined? How come "The Return of the King" places second all-time in amount of box-office money ever, with Harry Potter: Sorcerer's Stone coming in at number 4, Star Wars Episode 1 at number 5, and The Two Towers at number 6? How come most books still have the good guy over come the bad guy? Good vs. Evil still very much sells.

Im not getting into a debate about all that because that is probably a debate that we can probably have in Chit Chat. But in all those things the 'Superman routine' doesn't occur, even in Superman he has his weakness in Kryptonite, Cena doesn't have it. Also these are Idealised stories, Wrestling is supposed to have some semblence of reality, so overcoming all odds and winning every single fricking time gets boring quite quickly, Rocky got beaten and lost rather than win every single time. Im not disputing that good Vs. Evil sells but arguably the most popular comic book character is Wolverine, that is part of why Austin and the Rock were big they played the anti-hero. also all of those characters involved had their flaws, Cena's character right now has none. Making him 2-dimensional thereby boring, I haven't really been able to follow Wrestling that much before a couple of years ago cause I couldn't watch it, so I can't say much about the Hogan era in the 80's but that is quite possibly the last time that a completely straight laced character got over as a Wrestler to the extent that Vinnie Mac and the rest of WWE high Brass want Cena to. They tried it with The Rock it failed, why should it work now. Similar if not more cynical times. So Cena needs to either develop more as a character or get himself dropped down off of the top spot and get him chasing again whether as a face or a Heel, I don't care which but he works better without the Belt, there is more interest to his character, it brings more emotion to Cena, it makes people care. Supporting doesn't mean they care, they support because that is that is expected from the fans by WWE. whereas if he was wrestling in either TNA or Ring of Honor, Cena would get rattled with the negative reaction, that is one of the reasons why I think Wrestlers should spend a long time as a Heel, before the Face turn as it gives the gimmick depth, while you may cite CM Punk, his work in the Indies as a heel gave him more depth as a character than Cena has gathered as Champ.
I am and I am not a Cena fan I liked it when he came out on the scene in the beginning as the heel. As is stated in an earlier post it is easier to be a heel than a face. What I think needs to happen to John Cena is for him to lose the belt to someone like a Randy Orton, HHH, Chris Benoit and not regain the belt. Cena needs to be out of the main event picture for a while so that the WWE can start to build up some other main event characters on RAW with all the recent inuries it shows that the WWE needs more main eventers on RAW so that Cena doesnt have to be in the main event every pay per view and other people can fight for the title.
Shawn is proven to be or has been a draw.Do you know how popular he was 1996?The fans loved him and he carried the company on his back that year and still drew a crowd.I think he draws.
You mean when he was champ and ratings plummeted as did PPV buys while WCW completely zoomed right past the WWF, and that HBK was so loved that by the time he dropped the belt, people were actually cheering for Sid to win the title? That year?

I can remember one time that Cena has ever pulled something out of the bag.And its that legdrop thing he does from the top.
His jump off the top rope down to the floor with a clubbing forearm to RVD at One Night Stand. His STFU with the ropes on Umaga? Just as an example.

Like I said earlier you had never seen a Cena match go an hour before and you had never seen him wrestle like that.Why?Again, Shawn has the ability to carry others.
So, HBK magically imparted the knowledge of all these moves and made Cena do them? That's ridiculous. If anyone carried the Raw match, it was Cena.

What stipulation?Hello, every match on that pay per view had a stipulation.Theirs happened to be a Falls Count Anywhere.
Incorrect again. It was an Extreme Rules match, just like every other match on the card. For that night, it was not the stipulation, it was the norm.

DX vs. Rated Rko at New Years Revolution,
Money In The Bank,
All of the MVP vs. Benoit matches
You really need to reference which part of my posts you are referring to. And, no to all of those.

At Royal Rumble 2005 Michales and Edge had a normal wrestling match and it was one of the best matches on the card.Edge can pull a great match.
Better does not equal good. Besides, you just said HBK can carry anyone to a good match. I think he did that with Edge. I've actually never seen the match, but it is clear to me that Edge was carried by HBK.

John Cena doesn't make them come back for more.He sells merchandise and thats what makes the money.
Funny, I'm pretty certain most of their shows are sell-outs, and that attendance in 2006 was up from 2005.

Are you kidding me every PPV buyrate has been a bust.All of them since like the beginning of this year.except for Wrestlemania.
Am I kidding you about what? The fact that 2006 had more PPV buys, and a higher PPV buy average than 2005? No, I am not kidding you. That is fact.

source: http://corporate.wwe.com/documents/YET200610-K.pdf

Shawn had an amazing match with Jannety at Royal Rumble 1993.And guess what?Match of the Year.
Match of the Year...says who? By whose standards? And, are you SURE it was better than Hart/Perfect at KOTR '93?
I find Cena's matches to be as entertaining as anyone on the roster.
Well you would. But if you look outside WWE, you don't even have to further than TNA to see how poor Cena's matches are in comparison. Joe/Angle or Cena/Khali? I know which I'd choose, perhaps you'd choose differently. It still doesn't change the fact that the further you get away from the WWE, the better wrestling you will usually find. That's sad. But then again, it must be the booking. If Cena was just booked correctly the crowd would just be going "Let's go Cena, all the legends that actually deserve our respect suck!" or something a bit easier on the tongue.

So does Cena.
What, like a flying shoulder block or lifting something really heavy? Or perhaps uses the ring ropes to choke out his opponent. Christ, you could tell the Umaga/Cena match was scripted so much it hurt. I've seen more improvisation in an X Division match. Cena has never done anything orginal that actually requires skill, just brute strength.

This isn't true. Not all WWE Champions draw, and your sneaking suspicion about HBK is probably wrong. Not to mention that HBK has repeatedly said he does not want the belt, or more importantly, the schedule that comes from having the belt.
Hmmm, well, I'm not too sure about this one. I guess we'll never find out if HBK can outdraw Cena. I still say that him being booed at all is a failure to fulfill his duty. OK, maybe it's not his fault, it's - once again - the evil, the sinister, the nefarious, the booking! He's still failing.
As opposed to any other wrestling move which is completely unrealistic? At least I can honestly say a fist being driven into someone's face would hurt and wouldn't require the assistance of another person. Unlike say...The Pedigree? The Stone Cold Stunner?
I'm not even discussing the fist drop portion of the move. Marty Jannetty and Jerry Lawler can do that part fine. It's Cena's posturing beforehand that is as nauseating to me as The Rock's lovely little elbow shenanigans were back in 1998 and beyond.
A choke? How so? Last I checked the Sleeper Hold wasn't a choke. *shrugs*
And by definition, if Cena's piss-poor rendition of that hold falls in the sleeper category, then I'm Gorilla Monsoon. A sleeper doesn't involve the constriction of the windpipe, only the constriction of the carotid artery, by definition. During a properly applied sleeper hold, the recipient doesn't usually thrust a tongue out and gag.
Except that, for his finisher, Rey's matches have this thing called "logic" and "transition".
Yes, because although it entertains me to no end, lucha is the epitome of realism in wrestling. They both live off the highspot. Rey just does his faster these days.
Crap? What crap are you talking about? What more proof would you like? Ratings are up, money is up, PPV buys are up, house show attendance is up, merchandising is up, and Cena is generally in the highest rated segment of the night. What else can possibly be done on Cena's end?
Yes, Sly, crap. Shit, if you prefer. Bullshit to be entirely specific. Yes, this last PPV buy was the worst since 2004, wasn't it? The only moneymaker they have in the bag is Wrestlemania, and that gets by on name alone. This is why the UFC is kicking their ass. On Cena's end? Step aside and let decent talent have the top spot. Like I said to Champ...this damn sure ain't no renaissance. Two tenths of a ratings point is nothing for a company who used to do nearly three points more in business...WITH COMPETITION. Now if we we're talking consistent ratings and profits for a small company like TNA per se, then I'd call it an accomplishment. But we're not...so I won't.
Name me a single match that HBK, Flair, RVD, or Triple H has had that has been one of their best matches that have not been with guys who have been proven to be good, if not outstanding, workers. This statement is true of anyone. Your best matches are ALWAYS going to be with workers that are good workers.
Fair enough. However, at least the other guys can deliver something decent when paired with a stiff. Hell, RVD actually managed to keep the crowd awake a few weeks back and he was wrestling Snitsky. Flair is able to qualify for the senior's menu at Denny's nearly and he can still go with Carlito and get sizable pops...even now. Michaels carried Cena...but we've already gone over that. In the end, though, why do you think the crowd isn't buying what Cena's selling in complete fashion like the previously mentioned names? Maybe because Cena/Khali was crap? Or that even when he won the title for the first time...no one cared as evidenced by the "let's get up and go take a piss" reception from the Staples Center audience? Maybe a large chunk of them agree with what I'm saying? Maybe not, though. Maybe I'm just making all the Cena hate on my own along with the crowd responses and altered audio to cover up the "Cena sucks" chants.
Give me a great HBK match from 88-93. Hell, give me a great non-gimmick match of HBK's that didn't include Hall or Bret from 88-96. And, has Edge ever had a memorable match that wasn't a gimmick match?
Why from then? Michaels hadn't even been pushed past IC status at that point, but if you'd like to know of some of his matches that I liked from those days? Tatanka, Wrestlemania IX. Jannetty, take your pick. For midcard fare, Michaels did pretty damn good...but it wasn't until he shed his babyfat and upped his game (i.e. established his finisher and the rest of his mannerisms and offensive structure) that he was even pushed to the upper echelon(1995). He was decent in those days 1988-1993...but notice that he wasn't pushed through the roof yet? Maybe one day I'll change my tune on Cena and I'll not become nauseated during the vast majority of his matches...but that shouldn't have to be while he's pushed through the roof. Cena was pushed too soon because his gimmick was over...not because he was ready. Why don't we count the number of five-star matches each guy has held? How 'bout that?
I'll ask you the same question. Please explain to me how Michaels carried the Raw match.
Look at the layout of the match from that Raw and from Wrestlemania. Had Cena EVER done anything alone those lines and with that complexity before in his life? HELL NO. Even with Angle and HHH, he still didn't put on a match of that caliber and length. Michaels had wrestled encounters of that length and quality before with a handful of other workers (including Angle and HHH). Besides, Michaels wasn't the one forgetting to sell a complete shellacking at Wrestlemania, only to "hulk up" was he? No, I thought not. As for the Raw match, that is the one time I was actually okay with watching a Cena match. I'll give credit most times where the intelligence in the ring is displayed...and that will likely never fall in Cena's stead because between those two, Michaels was obviously calling the spots because there were sections of both of those matches that Cena couldn't ever dream of laying out on his own...while Michaels had already been there and done that.
You mean like when The Rock was getting cheered as the heel champion?
Yes, and in the long run (definitely under the Cena timeframe of two years) they did, in fact, turn Rock face, correct? Thus completing the transition because THAT'S WHAT THE FANS ASKED FOR. Plus, there is a staunch difference between an anti-hero (which was very prevalent during The Rock's era) and a clean-cut babyface that sickens a big chunk of the WWE fanbase. It's not that I'm going to say that Cena never got good pops. Because he did leading up to and right after Wrestlemania 21. However, by the time he had finished feuding with Jericho and Angle showed up, the crowd turned on him (rightfully so because they found out exactly what a lemon he was in the ring against JBL). Under no circumstances during ANY of The Rock's tenure did J.R. have to cover for him on the mic because the fans didn't like him by referring to him as a "controversial" champion of some sidestepping horseshit like that. The Rock's pushes went over the correct way and were received as such. Cena's science experiment push was already stale and rejected by the time the fall of 2005 hit. It's run on fumes ever since.
The sad thing about this post is that I omitted discussing other things I wanted to talk about. And, it's still this long.
Please, we're all ears and I welcome the discussion, dude:) .
Well you would. But if you look outside WWE, you don't even have to further than TNA to see how poor Cena's matches are in comparison. Joe/Angle or Cena/Khali? I know which I'd choose, perhaps you'd choose differently. It still doesn't change the fact that the further you get away from the WWE, the better wrestling you will usually find. That's sad. But then again, it must be the booking. If Cena was just booked correctly the crowd would just be going "Let's go Cena, all the legends that actually deserve our respect suck!" or something a bit easier on the tongue.
Hahaha...I watch TNA all the time. I have a couple of ROH DVDs, as well as a few other indy DVDs. I have a collection of some of the top Puro matches of the 90s. I've been watching wrestling since the late 80s, which includes various other promotions. Spare me this "the further you get away from WWE, the better wrestling you will usually find" garbage. I know professional wrestling, and I've seen more matches than you could possibly know.

And John Cena is a great professional wrestler.

What, like a flying shoulder block or lifting something really heavy? Or perhaps uses the ring ropes to choke out his opponent. Christ, you could tell the Umaga/Cena match was scripted so much it hurt. I've seen more improvisation in an X Division match. Cena has never done anything orginal that actually requires skill, just brute strength.
You clearly have not read my other posts.

As far as scripted matches go, Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3 was completely pre-planned with the entire match mapped out. It must suck too right because there was no improvisation? In addition, I'm still waiting on that source that said someone else scripted the match.

Hmmm, well, I'm not too sure about this one. I guess we'll never find out if HBK can outdraw Cena. I still say that him being booed at all is a failure to fulfill his duty. OK, maybe it's not his fault, it's - once again - the evil, the sinister, the nefarious, the booking! He's still failing.
What do you mean we'll never find out? We know. HBK has never been a proven draw. His first reign as champion was a complete disaster. Ratings and buyrates went straight down the toilet and the WWF was subjected to second-tier status. HBK is not a proven draw, unlike Cena who is a proven draw.

I'm not even discussing the fist drop portion of the move. Marty Jannetty and Jerry Lawler can do that part fine. It's Cena's posturing beforehand that is as nauseating to me as The Rock's lovely little elbow shenanigans were back in 1998 and beyond.
Who cares about that? It's for entertainment purposes. It's called "working the crowd".

And by definition, if Cena's piss-poor rendition of that hold falls in the sleeper category, then I'm Gorilla Monsoon. A sleeper doesn't involve the constriction of the windpipe, only the constriction of the carotid artery, by definition. During a properly applied sleeper hold, the recipient doesn't usually thrust a tongue out and gag.
So, it's Cena's fault his opponent don't know how to sell the move? Show me a picture of Cena's STFU where his arms cross in front of his opponents windpipe, and not around both sides of the neck.

Let's face it. If Chris Benoit did the exact same move, and applied it the exact same way, it would go from "piss-poor" to "excellent". It's only "piss-poor" because it is Cena.

Yes, because although it entertains me to no end, lucha is the epitome of realism in wrestling. They both live off the highspot. Rey just does his faster these days.
I'm confused. Not really sure what you mean here. The original concept was something about how Rey is better than RVD.

Yes, Sly, crap. Shit, if you prefer. Bullshit to be entirely specific. Yes, this last PPV buy was the worst since 2004, wasn't it?
No, it was not. Dismember to December.

The only moneymaker they have in the bag is Wrestlemania, and that gets by on name alone.
Coincidentally (or not) the most bought wrestling PPV ever.

On Cena's end? Step aside and let decent talent have the top spot.
Decent talent like who? HBK? Been there done that...he failed. Benoit? Yeah, 2004 was the worst average Raw rating since the 90s. HHH? Isn't 10 title reigns enough to show that he can't lead the WWE into another boom period? The Undertaker? Doesn't he actually have to wrestle full-time? Randy Orton? Possibly, if the son of a bitch wasn't a loser in his personal life. Rey Mysterio? Yeah, I think we all saw how that reign went. Edge? Pretty certain he has the title now. RVD? They tried that and he pissed it away. CM Punk? Maybe in a couple of years. Mr. Kennedy? Maybe if he could do something competent besides scream his own name. Umaga? Khali?

So who. Who do you put the belt on?

Or that even when he won the title for the first time...no one cared as evidenced by the "let's get up and go take a piss" reception from the Staples Center audience?
You should probably actually watch the Wrestlemania 21 match before you make such terribly ignorant statements. The crowd was anything but in the "let's get up and go take a piss" mode. I'm watching the match right now. He ducks the Clothesline From Hell, and gets JBL up in the FU. As he does so, the entire crowd rises to its feet. They then count in unison 1-2-3, and pop big when he wins. He then stands up on the security railing and celebrates with the entire crowd reacting to him when he raises his arms and the belt.

Watch the match.

The other stuff is ridiculous in my opinion as well, but it's the same stuff we've been repeating.

Why from then?
Because it is 3 years more time to work matches than Cena has had in his whole career? And, I liked Tatanka match too. But, are you going to tell me that is better than Cena vs. Edge? Or HHH? Or HBK? Or Umaga? I really hope you don't say yes to that.

Why don't we count the number of five-star matches each guy has held? How 'bout that?
Because five-star matches are completely subjective. There is only one recognized authority in the world that I'm aware of on the subject of 5 star matches. And, I think we can both agree his opinion is no less subjective than yours or mine.

BUT, for argument's sake, just to save a post, let's say we take Meltzer as the authority. Using Meltzer, the only one with any real recognized authority on the star rating system, John Cena has had 32 matches that have been rated 3 stars or better since 2003. Shawn Michaels has had 94 matches rated 3 star or better. John Cena has been in the WWE since 2002. Shawn Michaels has been in the WWF/E since 1988. So, in Cena's five years, he's averaged 6.4 matches a year in which he earns 3 stars or better. Shawn, in his 19 years, averages 4.94 3 star matches a year.

Now, I know what you are thinking. "But Slyfox, HBK was out with injuries". Good point. So, let's take out the 4 years HBK wasn't performing. 94 divided by 15 equals...6.27. Hmmm...

Now, what exactly were we supposed to prove here?

All we've proven is that star ratings are completely subjective, and the guy who is the only recognized authority on the subject thinks as highly of Cena's matches as he does HBK's.

source: http://www.geocities.com/mfoy18/wwfstarlist.html

Look at the layout of the match from that Raw and from Wrestlemania. Had Cena EVER done anything alone those lines and with that complexity before in his life?
Complexity? What complexity? The Raw and Wrestlemania matches were different matches. HBK carried the offense for the majority of the WM match, and Cena carried it for the Raw match. Cena in the Raw match played the role of the guy who tried everything he knew to keep Shawn down but he "won't stay down".

HELL NO. Even with Angle and HHH, he still didn't put on a match of that caliber and length.
Oh, I see. So, because the match is longer clearly HBK carried him. Wow, and I truly thought I had seen all of the arguments against Cena.

On a side note: Cena's Elimination Chamber match, in which he was one of the first two entrants, last longer than the HBK Wrestlemania match. And, Cena's match with HHH went 22 minutes, while HBK with 28. So, clearly Cena can put on long main-event matches.

Besides, Michaels wasn't the one forgetting to sell a complete shellacking at Wrestlemania, only to "hulk up" was he?
No, but he did completely forget the work Cena did to his back on Raw a couple of times. *shrugs*. And, Cena did not take a "complete shellacking". Like I said to Xfear earlier, the problem was not his no-selling, it was his over-selling of the original shot to the knee. Watch the match again, for the exact moment that they go with the knee story.

Michaels was obviously calling the spots because there were sections of both of those matches that Cena couldn't ever dream of laying out on his own...while Michaels had already been there and done that.
I just don't even know what to say to such ridiculous assumptions presented as fact. Cena has been in MANY good matches with many guys. All I can say is that clearly the WWE has a lot more great workers, all of whom carry the champ, then I thought.

See, I was under the mistaken notion that generally the champion calls a lot of the match. You know, because he's the champ?

Yes, and in the long run (definitely under the Cena timeframe of two years) they did, in fact, turn Rock face, correct? Thus completing the transition because THAT'S WHAT THE FANS ASKED FOR.
And, that's indicative of Cena's abilities how? How is Cena a bad wrestler because the Rock was turned face? I'm not understanding.

Please, we're all ears and I welcome the discussion, dude:) .
Hey, we've been doing this for months. I know I enjoy it, even if this post was a little more edgy. It's three in the morning and I'm tired as can be. Nothing personal.
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