[Official] Dragon Ball Z Thread

1) Goku SS3 is the strongest in the series. No questions asked.

At the end of the series yes he definitely was but during the Buu Saga I would say Gohan was stronger

2) Kid Buu is stronger than any other Buu.

With all do respect good sir but I disagree. Goku had difficulty keeping up with buu infused with Gotenks but was able to keep up with Kid Buu easily. Buu with Gohan infused posed a real threat which is why Goku was so desperate to fuse with somebody because he knew that individually He and Vegeta were no match for Buuhan as I like to call him. All Kid Buu was is that he was the original form and the most evil and sadistic incarnation of the other Buu's

3) Gotenks SS3 was strong; but not as strong as SS3 Goku.

This I can agree with

4) Super Buu was stronger than Gotenks SS3

I would say they were fairly even, if super buu was indeed stronger then he would of proved it. In at no point during the duration of their fight did Super Buu show any signs of defeating Gotenks. In fact just before Gotenks fusion ended its clear that he had the upper hand. Even Piccolo had mentioned that they were even and Piccolo is one wise mother fucker, I wouldn't question his judgment.
1) Goku SS3 is the strongest in the series. No questions asked.

Maybe by the end of the series, but during and at the end of the Buu Saga, Mystic Gohan is clearly the most powerful non-fused character.

2) Kid Buu is stronger than any other Buu.

This is just plain silly. Buuhan(Buu after he absorbed Gohan) is clearly the most powerful form of Buu. Kid Buu was just evil and sadistic.

3) Gotenks SS3 was strong; but not as strong as SS3 Goku.

I disagree. During the Buu Saga, Goku said on many occasions that he wasn't strong enough to face Super Buu. Remember when he and Vegeta were inside of Buu and rescued the others? Goku was trying to get Vegeta to fuse with him then because he wasn't strong enough to take on Super Buu. Gotenks was completely even with Super Buu; which would mean that Gotenks SSJ3 was stronger than Goku SSJ3 during the Buu saga.

4) Super Buu was stronger than Gotenks SS3

Nope, they were completely even and that's the bottom line because Piccolo said so....
Goku is the John Cena of Dragon Ball Z.

Edit: Does anyone have a link to the Buu/Gohan fight? I just realised I've never seen it.
1) Goku SS3 is the strongest in the series. No questions asked.

Nope. Mystic Gohan had surpassed SSJ3 Goku and Gotenks by the end of DBZ. His butchering of Super Buu, a manifestation that Goku said he could not beat and one that Gotenks was either level with or slightly above, suggests that.

2) Kid Buu is stronger than any other Buu.

Incorrect. Kid Buu is weaker than Buutenks and Buuhan and arguably with some circumstantial evidence was no stronger than Super Buu. Kid Buu's threat comes from the combination of the immense durability that all Buus had demonstrated with his complete lack of moral compass.

3) Gotenks SS3 was strong; but not as strong as SS3 Goku.

This is highly debateable. In a fight, Goku would probably win but not because of SSJ3 Gotenks not being a power match for him but because of the time constraints of the Fusion technique.

4) Super Buu was stronger than Gotenks SS3

Again debateable. SSJ3 Gotenks may have been strong enough to defeat Super Buu if he had not messed around before going SSJ3. He certainly had the power and moves to critically hurt Buu as seen after using the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
SS3 Gotenks was stronger.

SS3 Goktenks had a power level of 4,500,000,000
SS3 Goku had a power level of 1,080,000,000

This could obviously be due to the fact that Gotenks was a fusion, and Goku was not.
non-fused character...

SS3 Gotenks was stronger.

SS3 Goktenks had a power level of 4,500,000,000
SS3 Goku had a power level of 1,080,000,000

This could obviously be due to the fact that Gotenks was a fusion, and Goku was not.

As far as I'm concerned any power levels you read after the Trunks saga is proven to be quiet unreliable.Almost every site I visit tells of different levels so its hard to determine whether or not they are accurate enough. Also considering that the use of scouters were really the only way of truly measuring ones power in the series and since they stopped using them after Trunks raped Freiza with his sword, there was really no way to know the powers as they are usually all fan speculation. Unless they have a source to back up their claims

I use to collect a lot of the DBZ Beckett magazines and they mostly all told the same story and every list of power levels usually end with Trunks after he arrived on earth.
Even so Lenguy, wouldn't it make more sense that SS3 Gotenks is more powerful? Both Goten and Trunks were the youngest Saiyains on Earth at the time, so their power levels must have been fairly high. Add in the fact that they can both turn Super Saiyain and that would make it even higher. When fused, you're really combining the two power levels into one, and then Gotenks turns into a SS3. You have to figure that he's pretty damn powerful at that point.

Goku, while very powerful, is only one person.

I don't know, that's just the way it plays out in my head.
Even so Lenguy, wouldn't it make more sense that SS3 Gotenks is more powerful? Both Goten and Trunks were the youngest Saiyains on Earth at the time, so their power levels must have been fairly high. Add in the fact that they can both turn Super Saiyain and that would make it even higher. When fused, you're really combining the two power levels into one, and then Gotenks turns into a SS3. You have to figure that he's pretty damn powerful at that point.

Goku, while very powerful, is only one person.

I don't know, that's just the way it plays out in my head.

You can't think of it like that.

If you watch the Buu Saga, you'll get all the evidence that you need. Goku said, more than once mind you, that he was not strong enough to take on Super Buu. Gotenks was either even with or slightly stronger than Super Buu.

Evidence suggests that during the Buu Saga, Gotenks was stronger than Goku.
You can't think of it like that.

If you watch the Buu Saga, you'll get all the evidence that you need. Goku said, more than once mind you, that he was not strong enough to take on Super Buu. Gotenks was either even with or slightly stronger than Super Buu.

Evidence suggests that during the Buu Saga, Gotenks was stronger than Goku.

So then, since Goku could take on Majin and Kid Buu in his SS3 Form... That makes Super Buu the most powerful Buu?
So then, since Goku could take on Majin and Kid Buu in his SS3 Form... That makes Super Buu the most powerful Buu?

Don't be silly.

The most powerful form of Buu is Buuhan(Buu after he absorbed Gohan). Majin Buu is clearly the weakest form of Buu and Kid Buu may have been weaker than Super Buu by a little bit, but he was more dangerous because he had no moral compass whatsoever.
Power levels become completely unreliable once the rank of Super Saiyan is achieved. In fact once Freiza attains his final transformation, they basically go out the window.

As for SSJ3 Goku and SSJ3 Gotenks, it is difficult to call but again through circumstantial evidence I would lean slightly towards Gotenks being stronger. Goku claimed that he might or might not have been strong enough to take out Fat Buu whilst SSJ3 Gotenks could possibly have taken out Super Buu had he been a bit more focused on the job at hand rather than putting on a show.

Again, however, I would say that in a fight, Goku would prevail due to the limitations of the Fusion techique.

I would also question how consistent Goku's SSJ3 power actually is. As has been already mentioned, his 'dead' state may have enabled him to push the boundaries of SSJ3 but once he receives a new life from Elder Kai, he may not have been able to scale those heights straight away so the SSJ3 Goku that squared up to Fat Buu may have been stronger than the SSJ3 Goku that faced Kid Buu; although Vegeta's humility in admitting that Goku was better than him could easily stem from him knowing that Goku was pushin himself beyond what his mortal body should have been able to take so it is quite possible that SSJ3 Goku was as powerful during the Kid Buu saga than he was in the Fusion saga and perhaps more so.
This is the way I see the breakdown in the power of Buu's various forms

1. Buuhan
2. Buutenks
3. Buucolo
4. Super Kid Buu
5/6. Super Buu/Kid Buu
7. Majin (Fat) Buu
8. Evil (Skinny) Buu
9. Good Buu
At the end of the series yes he definitely was but during the Buu Saga I would say Gohan was stronger

Maybe by the end of the series, but during and at the end of the Buu Saga, Mystic Gohan is clearly the most powerful non-fused character.

I guess I could be persuaded into believing this.

Барбоса;2927861 said:
Nope. Mystic Gohan had surpassed SSJ3 Goku and Gotenks by the end of DBZ. His butchering of Super Buu, a manifestation that Goku said he could not beat and one that Gotenks was either level with or slightly above, suggests that.

I'll speak on the boys a bit later on as I have no need to talk about them more than once. As far as Gohan is concerned, that is just plain tom-foolery. When Gohan gained his 'Mystic' powers he was far above the power of Super Buu -- that much we can agree. However, you forget to factor in one detail. The detail that specifically notes that in whatever battle -- the harder the battle -- a saiyan becomes stronger. Goku fought not only the same fused Buu that practically murdered Gohan; but also the incarnation of the Buu with the absorption of Gohan. Moreover, he fought a brutal match with Kid Buu -- one that is arguably the hardest fight he had ever faced.

That added to the fact that EVEN the creator of the manga, Akira Toriyama suggest that the strongest character in the series (non-fusion due to Vegeto) was without a doubt, undoubtedly Goku.


Good point; but I didn't feel the need to mention Vegito seeing as how he is half Goku. Either way, with the exclusion of Vegeto, Goku is the strongest.

With all do respect good sir but I disagree. Goku had difficulty keeping up with buu infused with Gotenks but was able to keep up with Kid Buu easily. Buu with Gohan infused posed a real threat which is why Goku was so desperate to fuse with somebody because he knew that individually He and Vegeta were no match for Buuhan as I like to call him. All Kid Buu was is that he was the original form and the most evil and sadistic incarnation of the other Buu's

This is just plain silly. Buuhan(Buu after he absorbed Gohan) is clearly the most powerful form of Buu. Kid Buu was just evil and sadistic.

Барбоса;2927861 said:
Incorrect. Kid Buu is weaker than Buutenks and Buuhan and arguably with some circumstantial evidence was no stronger than Super Buu. Kid Buu's threat comes from the combination of the immense durability that all Buus had demonstrated with his complete lack of moral compass.

I've always been convinced that it's Super Buu with Gohan, Piccolo & Gotenks.

Giving it second thought, that is correct. I was wrong here.

This I can agree with


I disagree. During the Buu Saga, Goku said on many occasions that he wasn't strong enough to face Super Buu. Remember when he and Vegeta were inside of Buu and rescued the others? Goku was trying to get Vegeta to fuse with him then because he wasn't strong enough to take on Super Buu. Gotenks was completely even with Super Buu; which would mean that Gotenks SSJ3 was stronger than Goku SSJ3 during the Buu saga.

Барбоса;2927861 said:
This is highly debateable. In a fight, Goku would probably win but not because of SSJ3 Gotenks not being a power match for him but because of the time constraints of the Fusion technique.

Goku constantly over-estimated the powers that the Gotenks fusion possessed. More often than not, he'd cream himself over the boys; yet, not knowing that, truthfully, the boys were but mere jokes that were no where near the power of even the weakest form of the Super Buu collection. To the same time, Goku under-estimated his own ability to, uh, kick-ass. SS3 Goku, it looks as if, he's being under-rated by a good number of people. Just as SS3 Goku would have had enough power to defeat the fat Buu, he would have also had enough power to destroy the Super Buu form.

I would say they were fairly even, if super buu was indeed stronger then he would of proved it. In at no point during the duration of their fight did Super Buu show any signs of defeating Gotenks. In fact just before Gotenks fusion ended its clear that he had the upper hand. Even Piccolo had mentioned that they were even and Piccolo is one wise mother fucker, I wouldn't question his judgment.

Nope, they were completely even and that's the bottom line because Piccolo said so....

Барбоса;2927861 said:
Again debateable. SSJ3 Gotenks may have been strong enough to defeat Super Buu if he had not messed around before going SSJ3. He certainly had the power and moves to critically hurt Buu as seen after using the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack

Nates. I'd say that all you guys were speaking truth had it not been for the fact that: Super Buu was already aware of Gohan's coming; and as a result, he decided to 'toy' with Gotenks as a 'warm-up' as he awaited for Gohan. Super Buu explains this himself in the episode where Ultimate Gohan arrives. Moreover, claiming that Piccolo "even" declared so, is fallacy. Piccolo didn't know the true measure of the capacity to which Buu's power could be. He only had assumptions -- no hard evidence. Also, to say that Gotenks didn't defeat Buu because he played around too much is silly. Gotenks wasn't nearly as strong as Super Buu was.

The other two I agree with.


SS3 Gotenks was stronger.

SS3 Goktenks had a power level of 4,500,000,000
SS3 Goku had a power level of 1,080,000,000

This could obviously be due to the fact that Gotenks was a fusion, and Goku was not.

What lenguy said.

Барбоса;2928118 said:
I would also question how consistent Goku's SSJ3 power actually is. As has been already mentioned, his 'dead' state may have enabled him to push the boundaries of SSJ3 but once he receives a new life from Elder Kai, he may not have been able to scale those heights straight away so the SSJ3 Goku that squared up to Fat Buu may have been stronger than the SSJ3 Goku that faced Kid Buu; although Vegeta's humility in admitting that Goku was better than him could easily stem from him knowing that Goku was pushin himself beyond what his mortal body should have been able to take so it is quite possible that SSJ3 Goku was as powerful during the Kid Buu saga than he was in the Fusion saga and perhaps more so.

You and I both know that Goku was no ordinary being. Dead, alive -- Goku knew no limits. Goku could push himself far beyond the limitations of any dead person or mortal could soley due to his persistance to destroy evil and become stronger. C'mon, dude. This is Goku we're talking about here; not Ichigo Kurosaki.

Барбоса;2928129 said:
This is the way I see the breakdown in the power of Buu's various forms

1. Buuhan
2. Super Kid Buu/Kid Buu
3. BuuTenks
4. Buucolo
5/6. Super Buu
7. Majin (Fat) Buu
8. Evil (Skinny) Buu
9. Good Buu

Even so Lenguy, wouldn't it make more sense that SS3 Gotenks is more powerful? Both Goten and Trunks were the youngest Saiyains on Earth at the time, so their power levels must have been fairly high. Add in the fact that they can both turn Super Saiyain and that would make it even higher. When fused, you're really combining the two power levels into one, and then Gotenks turns into a SS3. You have to figure that he's pretty damn powerful at that point.

Goku, while very powerful, is only one person.

I don't know, that's just the way it plays out in my head.

It makes sense yes it does, I'm just not sure, I would like to say there are almost even but the case you make seems almost certain they were not. I noted before that in Wrath of the Dragon, Hirudegran was able to take out SSJ3 Gotenks with much ease but had trouble with Goku at the same level. So its really debatable.

Plus even if Goku was one person he was still much stronger than Goten as Trunks individually. Goten and Trunks while strong, they were only super saiyans. Goku had reached all the levels. If the fusion is indeed a combination of power levels then it doesn't add up as from what I found out.

Goten at Super Saiyan was 70,000,000
Trunks was 80,000,000

If they are just a combination of powers then they should only be 150,000,000 at Super Saiyan but according the information I found they are over 1 billion, which seems completely far-fetched, even as a fusion considering what there speculated powers are already.

I'm not sure lol You could be right and a part of me whats to believe it but when I look at it from a different standpoint, to me it just doesn't add up. I want to say there even with Gotenks being a bit stronger but I'm not sure.
I'll speak on the boys a bit later on as I have no need to talk about them more than once. As far as Gohan is concerned, that is just plain tom-foolery. When Gohan gained his 'Mystic' powers he was far above the power of Super Buu -- that much we can agree. However, you forget to factor in one detail. The detail that specifically notes that in whatever battle -- the harder the battle -- a saiyan becomes stronger. Goku fought not only the same fused Buu that practically murdered Gohan; but also the incarnation of the Buu with the absorption of Gohan. Moreover, he fought a brutal match with Kid Buu -- one that is arguably the hardest fight he had ever faced.

But surely then you have to apply the same line of thinking to Gohan as well. After his ascension to Mystic, he crushed Super Buu which puts his powers at least on a par with Goku, then he was blitzkrieged by Buutenks and then later killed so the combination of a massive battle and then returning from the dead will have also boosted Gohan's powers as well.

Nates. I'd say that all you guys were speaking truth had it not been for the fact that: Super Buu was already aware of Gohan's coming; and as a result, he decided to 'toy' with Gotenks as a 'warm-up' as he awaited for Gohan. Super Buu explains this himself in the episode where Ultimate Gohan arrives. Moreover, claiming that Piccolo "even" declared so, is fallacy. Piccolo didn't know the true measure of the capacity to which Buu's power could be. He only had assumptions -- no hard evidence. Also, to say that Gotenks didn't defeat Buu because he played around too much is silly. Gotenks wasn't nearly as strong as Super Buu was.

I have to disagree. There is no way that Super Buu allowed himself to get badly beaten in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber because he knew Mystic Gohan was on the way. With Buu, Gotenks and Piccolo being in a different dimension, Goku could not sense them anymore so there is no way that Buu could sense Gohan's awakening and then allow himself to be so badly beaten by Gotenks for funnzies.

You and I both know that Goku was no ordinary being. Dead, alive -- Goku knew no limits. Goku could push himself far beyond the limitations of any dead person or mortal could soley due to his persistance to destroy evil and become stronger. C'mon, dude. This is Goku we're talking about here; not Ichigo Kurosaki.

What kind of an argument is that? Goku is the good guy and is therefore the strongest? I do not buy it in the slighest. Goku was not all seeing and knowing as you yourself suggested with his under and overestimating of peoples' strength. He couldn't just conjure as much strength as he wanted at any time - he was not strong enough to beat Buuhan or even Kid Buu. He had to conform to the rules of the DB universe. He had to return to the Otherworld after his time ran out and he ran out of power fighting against Kid Buu and it was only Porunga who saved him from getting wiped out.

It should not have been or if it should have been it was not done correctly. Although not stated in here yet, all of the mentioning about Vegeta and Goku worrying that Buu was getting stronger after rescuing their friends and family can be explained by the fact that they do not say that Buu is getting stronger until after he has regressed to his Super Buu form. Therefore whilst Kid Buu and Super Kid Buu were indeed stronger than Super Buu, there is no evidence to suggest that Kid Buu was stronger than Buuhan or even Buutenks. I might believe that Kid Buu was stronger than Buucolo though.
Барбоса;2928226 said:
But surely then you have to apply the same line of thinking to Gohan as well. After his ascension to Mystic, he crushed Super Buu which puts his powers at least on a par with Goku, then he was blitzkrieged by Buutenks and then later killed so the combination of a massive battle and then returning from the dead will have also boosted Gohan's powers as well.

True, but comparing that to the amount of trouble that Goku went through, I would say that that puts Goku a bit higher than Gohan. Goku fought the same BuuTenks that Gohan fought -- even if it was for only a short time, it seemed as if Goku SS3 was more equal to BuuTenks than Gohan was. Moreover, Goku fought against Buuhan and then Kid Buu. The amount of trouble these two cost surely warrants Goku to have a harder time and ultimately become stronger.

I have to disagree. There is no way that Super Buu allowed himself to get badly beaten in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber because he knew Mystic Gohan was on the way. With Buu, Gotenks and Piccolo being in a different dimension, Goku could not sense them anymore so there is no way that Buu could sense Gohan's awakening and then allow himself to be so badly beaten by Gotenks for funnzies.


Oh yeah? (Starts at 2:22)

What kind of an argument is that? Goku is the good guy and is therefore the strongest? [I never said this.]I do not buy it in the slighest. Goku was not all seeing and knowing as you yourself suggested with his under and overestimating of peoples' strength[Exactly why I said he under-estimated himself and over-estimated the kids’ fusion?]. He couldn't just conjure as much strength as he wanted at any time - he was not strong enough to beat Buuhan or even Kid Buu. He had to conform to the rules of the DB universe. He had to return to the Otherworld after his time ran out and he ran out of power fighting against Kid Buu and it was only Porunga who saved him from getting wiped out.

Outside factors prevented Goku from going beyond his limitations. Something that he had a knack for doing all too often. Being dead, he could only power up so much because of the 24 hr period. While alive, you said that as a mortal, his limits would be much lower; and thus, reduce the amount of power Goku could conjure up. But through the characteristics that Goku has, it can easily be inferred that Goku always defied all odds. Moreover, Goku knew no limits.

It should not have been or if it should have been it was not done correctly. Although not stated in here yet, all of the mentioning about Vegeta and Goku worrying that Buu was getting stronger after rescuing their friends and family can be explained by the fact that they do not say that Buu is getting stronger until after he has regressed to his Super Buu form. Therefore whilst Kid Buu and Super Kid Buu were indeed stronger than Super Buu, there is no evidence to suggest that Kid Buu was stronger than Buuhan or even Buutenks. I might believe that Kid Buu was stronger than Buucolo though.

Using basic deduction, however, my fixations still stands. Let's start with Buucolo (horrible name, by the way). When the fusion of the boys ended, Goku told Gohan that there was no need for them to fuse anymore. Meaning, that Buucolo can easily be taken down by SS3 Goku or Ultimate Gohan. As for BuuTenks, my assumption had always been that Goku had over-estimated the power to which he held. I mean, Goku had a brief encounter with him to which it was shown that he would be on par with. Could the team-up of Gohan, Goku SS3, and the possibly Vegeta alone been enough to defeat BuuTenks? – I believe so.

So what does that leave us with? Kid Buu and Buuhan. Obviously, even though I had it wrong at first, Buuhan was stronger than Kid Buu. But it's really hard to imagine that Kid Buu would be weaker than a fusion involving two kids being fused with a monster.

Heres the video, fight starts at about 3 min

After watching it I can see that Goku has difficulty trying to keep up with Buutenks, its written in his face, you can see the look of concern during the brief fight. Would Goku, Vegeta and Gohan been able to beat Buutenks if they worked together? Maybe, I mean if they could manage to stay alive for the 30 min, remember Gohan has been fighting with buu for a while now and is probably hurting, so his power would have drained. Vegeta honestly I don't think would of made any difference considering that Kid Buu was able to clobbered him.

Buu is not so easily destroyed, its not as if a few big Kamehameha waves would really do anything, he would just reform. After the boys fusion wore off it would be a safe bet to say that they would have been able to handle buu with little ease.

As far as Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 3. I'll agree with Super Awesome in that Goku knows no limits, he shuns them. Physically though his body does have a limit. This is evident when Vegeta made an attempt to buy Goku some time to gain some his power back. Goku noted that it took a lot longer than it normally would have in other world because his physical body burns up much more energy much faster. If he was still dead then he could of fought buu at a faster pace and for a longer time, he might of even had a bit more power as well. I doubt it still would of been enough to physically beat Buu into the ground and win, I mean how else could they have won without using the spirit bomb?
Super Awesome, unless your youtube vid also happened in the manga, it isn't technically canon as it was extra footage created by TOEI

Someone post the manga picture of Goku saying "Gohan can handle you now" after the defusion inside of Buu

I noted before that in Wrath of the Dragon, Hirudegran was able to take out SSJ3 Gotenks with much ease but had trouble with Goku at the same level.

While I haven't seen that movie, I'm assuming that Gotenks still probably fought like a fucking nimrod, so that could also be a factor

Goten at Super Saiyan was 70,000,000
Trunks was 80,000,000

All powerlevels after the Frieza saga are pure speculation, you reeeally shouldn't be quoting them to debate things
All powerlevels after the Frieza saga are pure speculation, you reeeally shouldn't be quoting them to debate things

If you read my post quoting stinger when he first brought up Goku and Gotenks powers on the previous page,you would of noticed that I point that out, I was only bringing it up to to try and attempt to make a point to say that anything after Freiza is speculation and also completely unreliable and sometimes seems completely far-fetched.

I'm a very passionate person when debating about DBZ lol I don't over look these things.

Heres the video, fight starts at about 3 min

After watching it I can see that Goku has difficulty trying to keep up with Buutenks, its written in his face, you can see the look of concern during the brief fight. Would Goku, Vegeta and Gohan been able to beat Buutenks if they worked together? Maybe, I mean if they could manage to stay alive for the 30 min, remember Gohan has been fighting with buu for a while now and is probably hurting, so his power would have drained. Vegeta honestly I don't think would of made any difference considering that Kid Buu was able to clobbered him.

Surviving to the 30 minute time limit would have been the logical conclusion. Even still, it doesn't disprove the fact that Kid Buu was stronger than BuuTenks.

Buu is not so easily destroyed, its not as if a few big Kamehameha waves would really do anything, he would just reform. After the boys fusion wore off it would be a safe bet to say that they would have been able to handle buu with little ease.


As far as Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 3. I'll agree with Super Awesome in that Goku knows no limits, he shuns them. Physically though his body does have a limit. This is evident when Vegeta made an attempt to buy Goku some time to gain some his power back. Goku noted that it took a lot longer than it normally would have in other world because his physical body burns up much more energy much faster. If he was still dead then he could of fought buu at a faster pace and for a longer time, he might of even had a bit more power as well. I doubt it still would of been enough to physically beat Buu into the ground and win, I mean how else could they have won without using the spirit bomb?

Can't really argue here.

Super Awesome, unless your youtube vid also happened in the manga, it isn't technically canon as it was extra footage created by TOEI


He could have done it.
I like to spark debates. It's what I do.

So for my next question, I will go to the Cell Saga.

Is it safe to assume that, in fact, Cell was a Super Saiyan? Let's look at the facts: Cell had the golden glow of a SSJ, he had more Saiyan DNA inside of him than anything else, and he had their sensationable appetite for battle. Also, when he blew himself up, he came back even stronger than ever. I happen to think that after he blew himself up, he came back as a Super Saiyan 2; as he had the golden glow and the sparks of electricity bouncing off of him.

What do you guys think?

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