[Official] Dragon Ball Z Thread

It was proven with the abilities of hybrid human-Saiyans, particularly with the Vegeta Jnr and Goku Jnr being able to go SSJ, that even a small amount of Saiyan blood would enable an individual to take on Saiyan traits.

Cell definitely had traits of the Saiyans with the boost in power from blowing himself up being the most obvious. Did Cell have the sensational appetite for battle that defined Goku and Vegeta? I suppose you could argue it by highlighting his use of the Cell Games but you could also say that he was just a maniacal tyrant in the mould of Freiza and was fighting to control the galaxy and then later out of revenge.

I would not say that he was a SSJ2 as he was nowhere near SSJ2 Gohan in terms of power and while his aura might have appeared somewhat SSJ, I would tend to say that that was all it was - like a SSJ but not a SSJ
The thing with Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr and surrounding their transformation is a bit of an enigma and some what of a contradiction. Originally it was believed that Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr would not be able to to transform into Super Saiyans because of their bloodline is so deluded. I've read that Toriyama once stated that saiyans without at least a quarter Saiyan blood would not be able to transform, yet they still possess that ability. I think he made that decision to appeal to the fans but again I can't be sure.

Cell does not posses very much saiyan DNA aside from the few cells he has from Vegeta and Goku..(Gohan and Nappa?) It think he just gives the appearance of being a super saiyan with the golden aura and the lighting while not actually being a super saiyan. I don't know, I could be wrong but this is just my guess.
I think that I am going to have to disagree with you guys on this one.

We'll never be completely sure, however, there is just to much evidence that suggests that Cell was indeed a Super Saiyan. As was already said, it was proven with Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. that one could transform into the legendary warrior of the Saiyan race with just a small amount of Saiyan DNA. Add to the fact that Cell would grow stronger after suffering a mortal wound and there is enough evidence to say that Cell did have enough Saiyan DNA to transform into a Super Saiyan.

The golden aura is another dead give away. As far as I know, we only seen the golden aura twice in the DBZ universe without it being the Super Saiyan aura and that was when Goku transformed into the false SSJ against Lord Slug and again when he and Pikon saved Hell from Frieza, Cell, and the Ginyu Force.

Also, Cell was able to reach the USSJ form. He proved this when he was explaining to Trunks why that form wouldn't work on him. He said, "I could do that too, if I wanted."

I happen to think that Cell was indeed a SSJ.
Cell didn't reach SSJ Grade 3, he's just able to sacrifice speed for strength if he wanted to. It's really not a new form persay, it's just a different attributal (That's a word now, fuck you) way of powering up. Giji SSJ also only happened in a movie, so it has the same credibility as Goku and Vegeta Jr. reaching SSJ; it's technically high grade fanfiction. It's part of a story based in spirit off of Akira's manga, so it should be taken with a grain of salt.

You're also kind of ignoring the anger transformation that allows one to become an SSJ initially, as Cell never really was seen having some sort of moment of rage that would allow him to find the depths to reach it, unless Gero abused him while he was being formed in the laboratory. I mean seriously, what the fuck was up with Goten's transformation? MOMMY'S BEING ME WITH A BROOM AAAARGH so fucking lame. He shoulda had some badass moment against Buu after Gohan got spanked or something, but no, Goten gets rather agitated by wooden cleaning appliances.

God I hate that fucking saga.
Goten's transformation was kind of tacky I'll admit, god knows how Trunks first transformed. The theory as to why were able to achieve the transformation so easily was because they inherited the DNA from their fathers ability to transform already. Its still unsure if Vegeta had actually attained the transformation when he and Bulma conceded Trunks, so its debatable. This would explain why it took Gohan time and effort to be able transform.

I still stand by my statement that Cell never actually achieved the transformation because of the minimal amount of saiyan blood. I believe he just took on the appearance of a super saiyan.
Also, has I've said before, Cell did have the sensational appetite for battle that the Saiyans possessed. The Cell Games is evidence of this, however, that could also be explained by Frieza. The biggest piece of evidence, though, would be Cell wanting Gohan to unleash his hidden power.

I'm telling you people, Cell was a Super Saiyan.

I still stand by my statement that Cell never actually achieved the transformation because of the minimal amount of saiyan blood. I believe he just took on the appearance of a super saiyan.

Cell had DNA from Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Nappa within his being. I think that he did have enough Saiyan blood to reach that transformation.

I've already explained the traits that Cell has from the Saiyans. I think that my argument is valid according to evidence.
Also, has I've said before, Cell did have the sensational appetite for battle that the Saiyans possessed. The Cell Games is evidence of this, however, that could also be explained by Frieza. The biggest piece of evidence, though, would be Cell wanting Gohan to unleash his hidden power.

Appearances can be deceiving. These are just the traits he inherited from all the individuals he attained cells from, all of Cells Forms he took on also took on different personalities. I think somebody previously mentioned this before but all four forms of Cell had some sort of characteristic of the Z Fighters who challenged him in his personality. Imperfect Cell was sneaky and calculating like Piccolo, Semi-Perfect Cell was vain and arrogant like Vegeta, Perfect Cell was laid back and only wanted to fight powerful opponents like Goku, and Super Perfect Cell was hotheaded and cocky like Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Cell possessed Cells from Piccolo. Why can't Cell be a Super Namek lol?

I'm telling you people, Cell was a Super Saiyan.

I'm not gonna call you a liar but I just for some reason don't believe it, for all I know you could very well be right.

Cell had DNA from Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Nappa within his being. I think that he did have enough Saiyan blood to reach that transformation.

I should of made it more clear and said he attained Cells from them, a few Cells from 4 Saiyans I don't think would be enough to trigger a Super Saiyan transformation.

I've already explained the traits that Cell has from the Saiyans. I think that my argument is valid according to evidence.

Maybe, I could make a similar argument for Buu. When Buu absorbed Gohan and Gotenks, having 3 hybrid Saiyans in his body, would he not be able to access their powers and transform into a super saiyan as well? Sounds crazy but why not?
Appearances can be deceiving. These are just the traits he inherited from all the individuals he attained cells from, all of Cells Forms he took on also took on different personalities. I think somebody previously mentioned this before but all four forms of Cell had some sort of characteristic of the Z Fighters who challenged him in his personality. Imperfect Cell was sneaky and calculating like Piccolo, Semi-Perfect Cell was vain and arrogant like Vegeta, Perfect Cell was laid back and only wanted to fight powerful opponents like Goku, and Super Perfect Cell was hotheaded and cocky like Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Imperfect Cell was forced to be sneaky and calculating because he was weak and couldn't obtain what he needed head on. When he first met Piccolo, was he not arrogant and ready for battle like; who am I thinking of here, the Saiyans? IMO, Cell, throughout all of his transformations, showed traits from the Saiyans first.

Cell possessed Cells from Piccolo. Why can't Cell be a Super Namek lol?

I hope you're joking here, but in case you're not: Piccolo was only a Super Namek after he and Kami rejoined. The Cell from the future didn't have cells from this form of Piccolo. Also, Piccolo is the only Namekian that is in Cell's being. He had a considerable amount of Saiyan DNA within his being.

I can't believe that I had to address that.

I'm not gonna call you a liar but I just for some reason don't believe it, for all I know you could very well be right.

You better not call me a liar.

I should of made it more clear and said he attained Cells from them, a few Cells from 4 Saiyans I don't think would be enough to trigger a Super Saiyan transformation.

This is debatable. He had cells from 4 Saiyans, which together could've been enough to give him the DNA needed to reach SSJ.

Maybe, I could make a similar argument for Buu. When Buu absorbed Gohan and Gotenks, having 3 hybrid Saiyans in his body, would he not be able to access their powers and transform into a super saiyan as well? Sounds crazy but why not?

As far as I know, Buu just used their energy, techniques, and some personaility traits. They were never actually a part of Buu. He didn't take their DNA so how could he have obtained the SSJ power, however, he did take their SSJ energy.
(yes it was a joke lol)From what I recall, lord Slug was a super Namek I believe. But since he was not apart of the main storyline then he probably wouldn't count. I know it seemed a bit silly but considering how far above Cell is from piccolo, wouldn't it seem probable though? Not saying that was actually the case but considering Cell has all sorts of Cells from all sorts of beings, who really knows what cell is at this point.
(yes it was a joke lol)From what I recall, lord Slug was a super Namek I believe. But since he was not apart of the main storyline then he probably wouldn't count. I know it seemed a bit silly but considering how far above Cell is from piccolo, wouldn't it seem probable though? Not saying that was actually the case but considering Cell has all sorts of Cells from all sorts of beings, who really knows what cell is at this point.

But he had a higher concentration of Saiyan cells in his being than that of anything else.

lol I'm not sure how I could continue this little debate, I've mentioned all I could. I personally don't believe he was a super saiyan but you do and in all likely hood he could be. The evidence is there but its not perfectly sound but with much respect you are entitled to your opinion, I just don't know what more I can say.
I agree.

We have said all that could be said on this debate and since my evidence out weighs your own(no offense, but I provided more), then I won and Cell was indeed a Super Saiyan.
If they had carried out Toriyama's original plan, being that Gohan was the BDH of the Buu Saga, do you think Piccolo would have played a bigger and more important part? He was very very tertiary, and not to beat a dead horse but AAARGH BUU SAGA
If they had carried out Toriyama's original plan, being that Gohan was the BDH of the Buu Saga, do you think Piccolo would have played a bigger and more important part? He was very very tertiary, and not to beat a dead horse but AAARGH BUU SAGA

No, I don't think he would have.

It was the natural progression of the series. In the Saiyan, Namek, and Freiza Sagas everyone played a role. From the humans, to the Namekians, and the Saiyans. In the Android and Cell Sagas, it was only Piccolo that could stay on par with the Saiyans. Finally, the Buu Saga was all about the Saiyans.

I don't think it matters if it were Gohan or Goku. It would have still been all about the Saiyans.
DBZ Quote Of The Day!

S.S Goku to Frieza after attempting to blow up Namek

So you couldn't do it....you couldn't go through with it after all huh?...I don't blame you. Destroying both of us to make sure that I don't win isn't anyway to fight....its just another way of giving up

I couldn't upload a Video because I couldn't find one but yupp, there it is.
I've been reviewing the Buu Saga and I had a thought.

I think that if there had have been food and candy inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, then Super Buu would have been ok with staying in there for a while and he wouldn't have gone all crazy on the rest of the characters that were still on Kami's Lookout.

What's everyone's favorite attack from the DBZ series? It doesn't have to be one of the main attacks from the series. It can be anything that had a name.

For me, it's a combination. 1st it's the Sreaming Banchee Attack followed by the Spiking Buu Ball Slam.

Gotenks vs. Super Buu has to be the funniest fight from the entire series.
I've been reviewing the Buu Saga and I had a thought.

I think that if there had have been food and candy inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, then Super Buu would have been ok with staying in there for a while and he wouldn't have gone all crazy on the rest of the characters that were still on Kami's Lookout.


The Room of Spirit and Time creates pretty much everything you need, so the whole "There's no food here" was a blatant bluff



I love Gogeta's final attack. I'm not sure what its called, I think its stardust breaker or something? But yeah its sweet.


The attack Janemba uses right at the end I've always been fond of, it looks so cool. In fact anything janemba does is pretty bad ass.
I didn't like Janemba because he was pretty much a f'n rip off of Buu.

Couldn't they have came up with a more original character?

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