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Official Backlash Thread.

  • Thread starter hbk&triple h
  • Start date
backlash the most predictable ppv i could of thought up,though i aint gonna miss it everyone knows who will win every match. cena,lashley,taker,mvp,hardys an melina will odyall end up victorios, i prey to god im wrong.............................................................................................................somebody said somethink about mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kenedy cashing in tonight,think that would be the best surprise but i think that could be for the ecw title after lashley (black lesnar) wins his match.got to say this is my first time on here im a massive hbk fan, but if undertaker v batista wasnt on the card i wouldnt be buying the backlash ppv. peace out yall. holler at your boy:undertaker2:
My Backlash Predictions

WWE Championship Fatal 4-way
This should be good. I mean Cena doesn't work well with many people but he does work great with both Edge and HBK so as long as they don't have him hog the spotlight it should b good. Orton of course will get his ass beat and be the one who gets pinned
Who should win?: Edge. He's the top heel on Raw and it can keep HBK in the title hunt for some very interesting matches. PLUS Cena can start his transformation into a better wrestler.
Who will win?:Cena retains. We all know why so let's end it here.

World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing Match
This will b the brawl evry1 expectd @ WM. Expect 2 c ALL the finishers, maybe even on the tables or steel steps? Last ride thru the table would be awesome to see.
Who should win?:Taker. He deserves his first real title run and Batista is in some hot water right now.
Who will win?:Taker in the most violent match since the I Quit Match @ last year's Summerslam.

ECW Title 3-on-1 Handicap Match
This won't be a good match, and not because of Lashley either. I personally believe that he is capable of putting on a good match but not against Vince McMahon. Hopefully this match won't take too long.
Who should win?I don't know, either Lashley or, if they have to switch champs,Umaga. After all, the titles should b in the hands of the wrestlers.
Who will win?:Lashley, and this will end the bad Mcmahon fued and finally start the Fantastically Awful Snitsky fued we've been waiting get over with.Good Lord, who ever would have seen Snitsky in a world title fued?!?

Women's Championship Match
Let's hope this isn't too long. Just long nuff 4 us to use the bathroom. Mickie is good, melina is barely decent.But who actually cares about women's wrestling anymore?
Who should win?Mickie, who has actually shown some respect 2 the locker room.
Who will win?:Mickie, for the same reasons listed b4.

U.S Title Match
This may steal the show, if not be the best match on the undercard. Benoit and MVP are both very skilled wrestlers(yes I said MVP's a good wrestler and said it b4 too). There should no reason why this match can't go for 15-20 minutes unless WWE decides to make us want 2 harm rselves by stretching out the ECW title match and the Women's Title match. Look for this match to put over both wrestlers. It'll be good 'ol fashioned mat wresling and I hear one "boring" chant I'm gonna lose hope in WWE fans 4ever.
Who should win?:Both. Simple as that. The both deserve to win this match. If Benoit loses, he'll have nowhere to go but down bcuz WWE just doesn't want 2 put Benoit in the main event anymore. But MVP has proven that he can dominate the mid-card. But they can't both win. That being said...
Who will win?:MVP. Benoit's just not going 2 b able 2 fend off MVP any longer.

World Tag Team Championships
The Hardys and C&M both have very different styles, but they both the very best @ their styles of tag team wrestling, and it will show in what will probably start the PPV.
Who should win?:Cade and Murdoch. Matt and Jeff both have promising singles careers, and it just wouldn't be fair to let them hog the titles.They only won the titles bcuz there wuz noone else good enough to drop them titles 2. Plus the WWE will never be able to revive the tag team division if they don't give the titles to the TAG TEAMS.
Who will win?:Cade and Murdoch. The Hardy Boys reunion is over. Time to let the upstarts get a chance. Cade and Murdoch are the future of the RAW tag team division. It's the case I made for MVP, they DESERVE the chance they should have gotten the first time they won the titles.

So those are my predictions for the PPV. I know bout the rumors of the L&K/D&D match and possible dark matches, but there's no proof of those things happening, so I'm not bothering with them. Jeez this was a long post. I'm tired. I'm out. Excelsior!!
Four Way For The WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge

Cena overcomes the odds again and beats everyone :icon_evil:

Last Man Standing For The World Championship
Undertaker vs. Batista

Either the Undetaker wins or it's a double countout

3-on-1 Handicap Match For The ECW Title
Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga, Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon

Lashley overcomes the odds too

I kinda like Lashley but he shouldn't be the champion until two things

A) He gets better in the ring
B) He develops some charisma

World Tag Team Title Match
The Hardyz vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

Looking forward to this match tag-team action and the cotrast in styles should be interesting...Hardyz win though

WWE United States Champion
Chris Benoit vs. MVP

Another match I'm looking forward to after some of the matches they have put on... I think MVP wins but I'm not sure

WWE Women's Title
Melina vs. Mickie James

I have no clue and I don't care

Rumored Match

WWE Tag Titles

London and Kendrick vs D&D

D&D win
Four Way For The WWE Championship
I've got EDGE for this one. I posted why a few pages ago, so I won't bore anyone by doing it again.

Last Man Standing For The World Championship
Undertaker vs. Batista

TAKER.. I know everyone is talking about HIAC for the upcoming "Smackdown" PPV (blah blah tri-branded..much easier to keep refering to them as single shows), but I could see this fued ending here. There are only so many times that Cole can ask JBL how the Undertaker and Batista can possibly hope to co-exist in a tag match again (insert two heels here).

3-on-1 Handicap Match For The ECW Title
Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga, Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon

LASHLEY - People have mentioned a Santino run-in to help Lashley win, but what about Rey Mysterio? Rumor was that he was supposed to be in a program with McMahon for Summerslam..well Summerslam isn't THAT far away and we haven't heard from Rey since Umaga destroyed him at the Smackdown show in San Diego..now would be a good time for him to return.

World Tag Team Title Match
The Hardyz vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

HARDYZ - Not sure if this would happen..but it would be nice for Cade and Murdoch to dominate most of the match, withstand the inevitable Hardyz comeback by interupting pins following Swanton and/or Twist of Fate, only to lose by a roll-up and then snap and pull a HHH and leave the Hardyz laying in the ring. It would be a great way to continue what I think is an entertaining fued and not make them look weak in losing.

WWE United States Champion

Chris Benoit vs. MVP

MVP - I'm thinking it'll be a "feet on the ropes" type pin. Hopefully a title switch will give this fued the legs to last until Judgement Day (or whatever the next SD PPV is).

WWE Women's Title
Melina vs. Mickie James

MELINA - Beth Phoenix runs in and costs Mickie the match. I don't care that it actually won't happen. Give me a Beth/Mickie, Melina/Victoria (as a face) and Jillian/Michelle McCool set of fueds and all of a sudden the women's division might become relevant again.

Rumored Match

WWE Tag Titles

London and Kendrick vs D&D

D&D - Kendrick turns on London for "abandoning" him during the last match. Then those two absolutely steal the show at Judgement Day. D&D start to fued with Kane and Boogeyman.
If Cena wins i'm shaving my vagina hair and taping it to my face.
Four Way For The WWE Championship
Gotta give it to Cena. Probably gonna win with the STFU on Orton and "injuring" him.

Last Man Standing For The World Championship
Undertaker vs. Batista

Taker a'int gonna lose the title in his first defence.2 Tombstones should do it.

3-on-1 Handicap Match For The ECW Title
Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga, Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon
Lashley will win. Its rumoured the someone is returnin to screw Vince... i wouldnt mind seein VKM move from TNA and return to screw vince/have fued with him with Michaels
World Tag Team Title Match
The Hardyz vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
Just like Taker, hardyz a'int gonna lose the belt on the first defence. Are probably gonna win by a quick roll up.
WWE United States Champion

Chris Benoit vs. MVP

MVP is gonna win.hes gonna cheat though,tights rope low blow... u get the point.

WWE Women's Title
Melina vs. Mickie James

Mickie by DQ.Nitro is gonna interfere some how... I like watchingandwaiting's idea of Beth returnin... probably not gonna hapen though.

Rumored Match

WWE Tag Titles

London and Kendrick vs D&D

D&D all the way. these guys are gonna have a good title run. London and Kendrick can't win without Ashley. Once she returns get ready to see gold around London and Kendrick's waists again.
Whats the matter with WWE? Why they keep making John Cena champion, we are tired of seen this all week, its sick and boring. WWE should change this right away cuz its boring and dumb. Its so annoying and fustrating watching this guy already for 2 years being champ. WWE is boring and TNA is getting better everyday.

MMA will kill fake wrestling.
Total fuckin bullshit with that shit ass of a wrestler Cena winning every god damned time. Now we're going to get a repeat of '06 because he's "better" than everyone else on the roster. HHH will probably return to take it away but god damn that's way too far away.

Didn't mind the rest of the matches, the Batista v Undertaker had some good hits IMO.

But the RAW Main Event just killed everything for me, even though I knew it was coming, it still pisses me off to have to watch it - especially the way it ended.
Is there a real dislike between HBK and Cena? From the Raw match and tonight, it looks to me like HBK just doesn't like or respect Cena at all. Maybe it's just good acting (hmmm....) but there definitely seems to be something there.
Is there a real dislike between HBK and Cena? From the Raw match and tonight, it looks to me like HBK just doesn't like or respect Cena at all. Maybe it's just good acting (hmmm....) but there definitely seems to be something there.

I was under the impression that Michaels was/is still sore about Cena not selling the leg at WM 23
Wow, another shitty pay per view from WWE. I thought Wrestlemania was bad but this tops wrestlemania when it comes to being a shitty ppv. The opener was good but we expected Hardyz to retain despite all the new things we've seen from Cade and Murdoch as of late. Those tapes must be working for them. Benoit vs. MVP was good, even better than the one they had at Mania but they didnt give the title to MVP. I wonder where they are going with this. Will MVP ever get the gold? The power 25 made a mistake as D & D did not face off against The Hooligans. The main event was good but not match of the night. I was pissed that Cena won yet again. I thought HBK or Edge was going to win to get a fresh champion. MOTN was easily Taker vs. Batista despite the cheesy ending. They both no selled at the end by getting up after a big hit like that. Batista and Taker should of stayed down more to sell the double count out more. Last thing I want to talk about is Vince winning. I dont know what to think of this until I see RAW and WWECW. I want to know what he is going to do with the title.
Wow, another shitty pay per view from WWE. I thought Wrestlemania was bad but this tops wrestlemania when it comes to being a shitty ppv. The opener was good but we expected Hardyz to retain despite all the new things we've seen from Cade and Murdoch as of late. Those tapes must be working for them. Benoit vs. MVP was good, even better than the one they had at Mania but they didnt give the title to MVP. I wonder where they are going with this. Will MVP ever get the gold? The power 25 made a mistake as D & D did not face off against The Hooligans. The main event was good but not match of the night. I was pissed that Cena won yet again. I thought HBK or Edge was going to win to get a fresh champion. MOTN was easily Taker vs. Batista despite the cheesy ending. They both no selled at the end by getting up after a big hit like that. Batista and Taker should of stayed down more to sell the double count out more. Last thing I want to talk about is Vince winning. I dont know what to think of this until I see RAW and WWECW. I want to know what he is going to do with the title.

Has it not been rumoured that there were plans to have Vince vs Foley at Summerslam? Not that anyone wants to see Vince hold the ECW title for four months, but at some point, Foley returning and challenging Vince for the title, to 'restore the history of ECW' or something similar, seems an obvious idea.

Although just a straight match between the two would be godawful.
Hopefully he dumps the title in the trash and ends ECW?..Doubt it. Fucking ponse.
well to be honest ahhh is my reaction i think hbk got screwed again but im not a story line kind of fan but i thinkg cena's been champ way to long and i hope that changes soon or a boycot might be comming soon
Thats three warnings I've handed out only in this Thread in the last ten Minutes, I said it in the ECW Thread, and I'll say it here, any further spamming will result in an automatic ban.

Personally I thought apart from the result of the Main Event, the show was quite solid. Undertaker vs. Batista was surprisingly a really good match. MVP and Benoit didn't disappoint in my opinion. You cant base the whole of a PPV on the result of one match if you ask me it was pretty obvious Cena was going to retain.
This is the reason the WWE is starting to suck and TNA is a hell of lot better. John Cena should have lost tonight, but nooooooooo, the WWE thinks Cena is good as champ. HELL NO!!!!! Either Orton, Edge or better yet HBK would be better cuz at least they can wrestle good and are awesome champs. Cena needs to drop the title or TNA will be number 1 very very soon.

And one more thing, Vince McMahon as ECW champ? WTF!!!
ECW is dead and they need to end it before its just a freakin joke
ECW is already a joke with vince as champion. By vince winning he just fucking pissed all over the history and legacy of ECW. NOw vince has him name up there with Taz, Raven, Sandman, n all the rest of the greats who were ECW champ. It personally makes me sick.
backlash 2007

ok ok everyone get your blood pressure down, and stop pretending you didnt know Cena was gonna go over..anyway...

Hardys VS Cade. Murdoch
Pretty solid action here, crowd was hot for it, some great bumps both ways...good amount of offense by the rednecks on jeff, but still paid adage to the age old formula of tag team wrestleing, IE seperate one of the faces forever, until he finally makes a tag and the fresh face comes in like a ball of fire...dude its the way you have been doing it since the enseption of pro wrestleing, how about switch it up a little?? crazy looking swanton bomb at the end it looked like jeff laned on Murdochs head!! haha...and everyone's favorite canadian destroyer got busted out during this match too haha...7/10

Mickie James VS Melina
pretty impressed with this womens match, the best of the year probably, started pretty slow, but some great bumps (at least for girls) at the end...good cross body block by mickie, and although im not really at all impressed by the T & A things wwe tries to push i must admit being mezmorized by them fighting doing the splits haha 7/10

Benoit VS MVP
while the wrestleing right here was not quite up to par with their other matches, I found myself much more satisfied with the ending...MVP still seems as if he is improving, this one was just a little slow moving for my tastes in some parts...nice bump when benoit came off the top and caught the knees to the gut..nice holds and reversals by both in this one..8.5/10

Umaga vince shane VS Lashley
I know how everyone in here loves to totally bash on lashley, but you cant deny he looked pretty good in this match..I think he did very well for himself and improved over the last few preformances....did botch the suspended british bulldog suplex, but thats about all looked good with everything else...and i must say i absolutely LOVE the angle of MR mcmahon winning the belt...Lashley was disgracefull as the champ of ECW..did he ever even defend the belt in an extreme rules match??? Mr.Mcmahon winning it gives him ultimate heel heat, and i also loved the angle of him rubbing it in the originals faces..I was actually very suprised it happened too, for sure did not see it coming as i thought bobby lashley was unstoppable..maybe he will move to another show now were he fits in....8/10

Taker VS Big bad dave.....wow was there ANY moves in this match that batista didnt fuck up??? hahaha that was a textbook powerslam he busted out early..you know, the one were he almost fell over..thats pretty damn sad that someone who has the skills to be on non televised dark matches is one of your main eventers....when taker tried to do that back breaker on the outside of the ring, batista fucked it up so bad i was afraid taker had hurt his leg lol....ok ending i guess, it was sorta shocking to see the scaffolding thingy fall down...the double count out that everyone knew was gonna happen as we most probably head into a HIAC match at judgement day...8.5/10

Cena vs shawn vs edge vs orton
I actually very much enjoyed this one, and wishe dit couldve been longer, nice reversals into each others moves, although im sorta shocked nobody went through a table here..funny part when orton was givin edge the thumbs up and then edge wacked him in the face with a chair....sick moonsault by micheals onto everyone....great exchange were the FU was escaped, and it looked as if shaw was gonna nail the superkick and Orton came outta nowere to hit the a good looking RKO...Nice move by cena with the double leg drop off the top rope..although he is still horrendous, I think Cena is improving, and didnt fuck too much stuff up tonight haha.....I actually liked the ending, becuase it satisfies both sides of the Cena dynamic, in that i know all the cena haters head's exploded with him winning the way he did, and all the kiddies and girls were happy that he lucked out...9/10

I think they didnt have Mr.kennedy come out at the end becuase they were afriad the building would collapse on itslef becuase of the pop he wouldve gotten haha

I know everyone is gonna talk bad about this show prolly, becuase to pretty much everyone out there WWE cant do anything right, but from an unbiased prespective i though this was a pretty solid show, i felt like i got my money's worth...not spectacular, but satisfactory....8.5/10
Man who ever said Backlash was worse then Wrestlemania must be blind, tonight was a hell of alot better. The Hardy's match and the women's match were both pretty good. And though Batista was botching moves, him and taker were still a hell of alot more entertaining then the raw match. Anyone think there's a chance of a hell in the cell at judgement day?
I think that Vince as ECW Champ is HILARIOUS. I see all you ppl complaining that he's shitting all over ECW, but come on, he's been doing that since he brought it back. I actually think the show is gonna be more entertaining with Vince as Champ then Lashley. Lashley is just boring, period.

The raw main event is easily summed up: When ever John Cena has retained the WWE Championship, it hasn't been a good match
i agree with the idea of a SOLID show, and i think we better get used to see Cena as a Champ, for at least 2 more PPV, i mean, you cant absolutely have Cena dropping the belt right now, he's on the top (as a Face with the ladies and kiddos, and as a Horrendous heel <---?? with the guys) and mark my words... theres only ONE man that is gonna break that Punk in half... i'll give you a clue: SLEDGE HAMMER!!!!! until then, expect: some "better man angle", a Orton - Edge feud (this one could be a damn god feud!!!) and specially, expect the CHIMP, i mean, THE CHAMP overcome any unthinkable odd. By the way, that was a short, but fun match.

Taker - Batista: Good match, Batista could probably presume that he made it to the Third rope for the second PPV in a Row, and HE'S STILL ALIVE!!
Taker, as usual, delivering what the people want to see, and proving that he is the main asset of the company. PERIOD.

McMahon ECW Champ??? are you kidding me? sorry guys, but i think this is just GREAT!!!! this could lead to INFINITE angles, starting with: Lashley overcoming for recapture the belt at judgment day, McMahon droping the bet to Snitsky and start a Lashley - Snitsky feud, McMahon doing something with RVD(if he stays in the company) or some ECW originals vs new Breed for the belt, Shane'o Mac becoming jealous of his father and have a TREMENDOUS HUGE family rematch of the WM X seven street Fight, but now with the belt in line!!! and i could continue.... now you got my point?

Hardy vs Rednecks: Good opening, Cade and Murdoch definitely are improving their game, and the hardys... did you listened that pop at the end of the match?? Like Jerry Lawler said, it was like a Rock concert at the end.

Benoit vs MVP, i knew Benoit was gonna win, MVP is getting better, but is not ready though(like kennedy, he need a little more time, but he;s doing great)

Womens match was OK, but i dont know what the company is gonna do with melina without competition....

finally, i was so excited when Maria started to ask Edge about how he won his first title, because i knew kennedy was involved in this!! and when she pointed at Kennedy, everybody at the bar (i m not paying 40 bucks for seeing Cena winning) the polace went nuts!! but it was a smart move of Kennedy, that, people, is called MIND GAMES indeed.

-cover for the PPV at the bar: $8
-Chesse Nachos with sour cream, jalapeños, chili beans and salsa; $7.5
-1 beer and 2 sodas $7
-Having VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON as your NEWWWW ECW Champion running around the ring like a little kiddo at Christmas...yep, PRICELESS!!!!
ECW is already a joke with vince as champion. By vince winning he just fucking pissed all over the history and legacy of ECW. NOw vince has him name up there with Taz, Raven, Sandman, n all the rest of the greats who were ECW champ. It personally makes me sick.

Not bashing what you said or am I disagreeing with you. Far from it. But what exactly do you think Vince has done with ECW already? He's torn it's legacy to pieces already. Now he's just pissed on it's remains. Umaga taking the belt would have been less insulting and oh yeah, real smart move Vince if this is your idea of making Bobby Lashley look "Unstoppable"
i agree with the idea of a SOLID show, and i think we better get used to see Cena as a Champ, for at least 2 more PPV, i mean, you cant absolutely have Cena dropping the belt right now, he's on the top (as a Face with the ladies and kiddos, and as a Horrendous heel <---?? with the guys) and mark my words... theres only ONE man that is gonna break that Punk in half... i'll give you a clue: SLEDGE HAMMER!!!!! until then, expect: some "better man angle", a Orton - Edge feud (this one could be a damn god feud!!!) and specially, expect the CHIMP, i mean, THE CHAMP overcome any unthinkable odd. By the way, that was a short, but fun match.

Taker - Batista: Good match, Batista could probably presume that he made it to the Third rope for the second PPV in a Row, and HE'S STILL ALIVE!!
Taker, as usual, delivering what the people want to see, and proving that he is the main asset of the company. PERIOD.

McMahon ECW Champ??? are you kidding me? sorry guys, but i think this is just GREAT!!!! this could lead to INFINITE angles, starting with: Lashley overcoming for recapture the belt at judgment day, McMahon droping the bet to Snitsky and start a Lashley - Snitsky feud, McMahon doing something with RVD(if he stays in the company) or some ECW originals vs new Breed for the belt, Shane'o Mac becoming jealous of his father and have a TREMENDOUS HUGE family rematch of the WM X seven street Fight, but now with the belt in line!!! and i could continue.... now you got my point?

Hardy vs Rednecks: Good opening, Cade and Murdoch definitely are improving their game, and the hardys... did you listened that pop at the end of the match?? Like Jerry Lawler said, it was like a Rock concert at the end.

Benoit vs MVP, i knew Benoit was gonna win, MVP is getting better, but is not ready though(like kennedy, he need a little more time, but he;s doing great)

Womens match was OK, but i dont know what the company is gonna do with melina without competition....

finally, i was so excited when Maria started to ask Edge about how he won his first title, because i knew kennedy was involved in this!! and when she pointed at Kennedy, everybody at the bar (i m not paying 40 bucks for seeing Cena winning) the polace went nuts!! but it was a smart move of Kennedy, that, people, is called MIND GAMES indeed.

-cover for the PPV at the bar: $8
-Chesse Nachos with sour cream, jalapeños, chili beans and salsa; $7.5
-1 beer and 2 sodas $7
-Having VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON as your NEWWWW ECW Champion running around the ring like a little kiddo at Christmas...yep, PRICELESS!!!!

Regarding your comments about vince with the ECW belt as a good thing, no disrespect but that's worse than David Arquette or David Flair with a title belt. and as for the leading to infinite angles part, you're giving the WWE way too much credit. And to put the belt on Snitsky, You're kidding me right? The whole point is to make ECW work, though it won't happen. The last thing they want is a ratings bomb similar to Test vs Lashley. And the Shane McMahon thing, I have 3 words for you: AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. There is no way they're going to pull that off. Again, that's giving the WWE way too much credit. What they've done is do worse damage to an already worthless belt.
Regarding your comments about vince with the ECW belt as a good thing, no disrespect but that's worse than David Arquette or David Flair with a title belt.

I'm sorry did you just say Vince with the ECW Title is worse than David Arguette. David Arquette a man with no Wrestling Training or history, when you put him up against Vince, yes your in the same ball park as far as out there title reigns go, but there is no way Vince having the belt is worse than when Arquette won the WCW Championship.

I know why the IWC gets such a bad name, the WWE just put on a solid Pay Per View and while I encourage people to put their view forward all it seems like the fans can think about is two aspects of the PPV, Vince and Cena winning. You just saw a good 3 hours of programming if you take those things away. We all know Vince will drop the title sooner rather than later... and Cena will also probably be dropping that title sooner or later.

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