[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

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  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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I have a feeling that it's going to be JR as well. It makes perfect sense for the WWE to continue using face quotes, because they are trying to build up suspence as to who it's going to be. The WWE also hasn't had JR in front of a live crowd in forever, and what better way to bring him back than to have him become the new permanet GM.

JR has said time and time again that he hates when announcers are made parts of storylines. i think he would absolutely despise it if he was made one of the most important characters in the biggest storyline in WWE.
Ok, I know. He’s not going to be the new GM, I get it. I just want your thoughts on the idea of it, I know the chances are slim and has maybe a 2% chance of happening but there are some reasons why it would be great.

Johnson is staring in new movie soon (The Other Guys) and will be promoting it. As he will be promoting there is a chance that he could use his guest GM role to give his new film some exposure. Also, if you remember last year when he did that clip for Smackdown’s anniversary and stated he’d love to come back as a GM. He said within a week or so of that that if he were to ever come back it would have to be something special, something big, something everyone would be excited about.

Add these together and you could get the Rock as our mystery GM. Granted, it’s a massive long shot and something I am not expecting but I still like the idea of it.

Think now in a hypothetical sense that he is revealed as the mystery GM, maybe at Summerslam. What if Cena and Barret are the only 2 left for each team and Cena locks in the STF on Barret. He can’t get to the ropes, Nexus is out and bang! Rock’s music hits and he comes strutting out smiling and applauding Cena. Can you imagine the crowd reaction if WWE were able to keep it quiet? Say he then gets in the ring and proceeds to beat the crap out of Cena.

Rock is revealed as the mystery GM and the secret leader of Nexus... Hmmm, he’d probably steal all of Nexus’ heat and they’d be under his shadow... Hmmm leader of Nexus probably wouldn’t work.... I don’t know I’m all over the place, my bad.

What I’m getting at is the crowd, fan and IWC reaction would be so huge and unexpected that a very good story could come of it. I know it won’t happen and he probably won’t ever come back but just think a little about the idea of him returning as the mystery GM, how surprising would it be?!
Get over the Rock already, he is filming one movie right now fast and furious 5, and has 4 movies in pre production/development that he is attached to. He doesn't have the time to return to wrestling and I can imagine even if he did it would cost millions to get him back and he wouldn't be the rock anyway under the PG rules.

You can dream all you wish but with 5 movies in the works over the next 2 years there is no time for him to return to wrestling
Actually it wouldn't be hard for the Rock to be GM...they could pre tape promos on the nights he's not able to show up to events. I don't think the Rock wants to come back as a wrestler....just show his face for a little bit.
I totally agree with you Streicher... The Rock is going to have absolutely no time any time soon to go back into wrestling. Don't get me wrong, it would be F'n AWESOME, but I just don't see it happening.

I think the GM is going to be Cole. It's going to be a total bust, and it's going to disappoint everyone. Why else would he be chosen to be the GM's spokesman?
i think the gm will be someone that won't really make you go "omg!"

so that means NO to the Rock, Stone Cold, Cole, or whoever you guys want

i think whats more important is what the gm will do every week to draw the crowd and i personally think it will be a former diva or wwe legend that are +50 in age at best
I have a feeling that right now even creative doesn't know who to have as GM. We're probably going to have this phantom GM for a while, and once it runs its course and gets old, it will still continue for a while after that. But I don't think we're going to get any answers or legitimate clues anytime soon.

And then it will end up being hornswaggle. Heh heh, just kidding.
Yeah when Bret Hart suddenly had to step down it put Vince on the spot so I think he just threw this mystery GM thing together out of desperation because he didn't have anyone else. Leads me to believe that even he had no idea where to go from there and didn't have anyone in mind. Now that the weeks have gone by obviously Vince has some people in mind for the role, but is just playing it out as long as possible.
I have really lost all interest in the whole situation, the whole mystery GM has gotting boring to me.I stilll think that should have just given us a GM when Bret left and gone on with it.It was ok for abit as you didn't know who it was but it has been going on for to long.Just like Mercury if you keep something a secret for to long, people will lose interest and that is what has happened here.
To be honest with you all, I think The Rock will be the new GM. I just looked up details on his Return. He had an interview with a Radio Station in Boston, where he said he will be returning to the WWE in Summer 2010 to long term host the show. He will NOT be wrestling any, but he was teased as the GM, and I think the WWE has actually gotten him to fill the role. So that means though, he will NOT, I repeat NOT be wrestling any. But I think his return in itself will boost the fanbase around the WWE. Just his return alone will be amazing.

If you don't believe me about his return, just read the interview yourself. :)


To be honest with you all, I think The Rock will be the new GM. I just looked up details on his Return. He had an interview with a Radio Station in Boston, where he said he will be returning to the WWE in Summer 2010 to long term host the show. He will NOT be wrestling any, but he was teased as the GM, and I think the WWE has actually gotten him to fill the role. So that means though, he will NOT, I repeat NOT be wrestling any. But I think his return in itself will boost the fanbase around the WWE. Just his return alone will be amazing.

If you don't believe me about his return, just read the interview yourself. :)



you just reopened Pandora's box.. haha that topic has been talked about for the majority of the thread now, as well as 3 or 4 others, and now the war is going to start up again. it wont be Rock. he just started filming the new Fast & Furious movie (ew.) i was with you a while ago thinking that too, but no, i dont think so, too busy now.
Im thinking of someone that might be a huge surprise......ULTIMATE Warrior. He did decline the HOF request but since they put him in the WWE Intro and it could be a nice surprise.
If not how about Good old JR he excellent on the mic knows almost all the guys because he recruited most of them and could be a pretty good GM.
I have thought the new gm was michael cole to he has been kina acting like a heel announcer on nxt and when he goes to the podium to tell what the gm says and when he says things like that's he bottom line. I think he is goin to use that line when he cuts his first promo as gm saying i had you all fooled thinkin it was stone cold.
I honestly think it could be The Rock, he is one of the only major stars that hasn't been quoted in one of the emails, he spoke of that return to the WWE and it would fit in really well if Cena does turn heel at SummerSlam with the WWE needing a new face of the company.
I was thinking about this thought....

What if the GM is Vincent Kennedy McMahon????? I didn't read a lot of the other posts and if someone already said this then oh well.

It's possible. It would definately be a twist. He has the mic skills and knows how to take control. I wouldn't mind it being VKM but someone better could probably be picked (The Rock/Triple H)
Give me Eugene or give me death!

Would be funny though, everyone is speculating all of the different superstars and he imitated all them during his days in WWE. I seriously doubt it's him, I just don't think they have anyone and are just keeping it going until someone steps up I guess.
I don't know why, but from the "email" Cole got on RAW last night, I kinda got a weird thought as to who the GM might turn out to be:

Macho Man Randy Savage

Dunno why his name popped up. As far as I know, he didn't "hate" Bret Hart during his career or anything, but then again it's a storyline also. Savage just signed on for that Legends deal a month or so ago, and it would be just AWESOME to see him back in the WWE. Especially as the GM.

Plus, it would truly be an OMG moment for long time wrestling fans.
wat about stephanie mcmahon?? i mean if HHH came back as the leader of nexus nd stephanie as the GM they could run that show 2gether. nd i noe the feud between HHH sheamus would still be on but they could either make HHH come bak be face 4 lil bit then steph as GM. and then turn him heel sfter the feud or turn him heel during the feud nd make sheamus a face?????
Sheamus as a face just sounds terrible.

Right now though I would say HHH is the frontrunner. The GM said the "2 Words for ya..." and also said last night that he hates Bret Hart. HHH DEFINITELY hates Bret Hart. Throwing McMahon in that match awhile ago also feeds into how HHH always plays tricks on Vince. Lastly, Sheamus is the current Champion of RAW. Would make even more sense for it to be HHH now.
I have to admit I was thrown off the track with the e-mails last night. I couldn't possibly come up with a guy that directly showed on-screen hatred for Bret Hart, other than Shawn and Vince McMahon, both who doesn't fit into the role. Shawn is fully retired, as well as he has already been teased, and Vince, well he would've come out already with the whole deal.

I'm wondering how long this will continue, or if we really will just be keeping him 100% anonymous.
I'm pretty sure like it was discussed on CSR, that by the end of the 900th episode of RAW at the end of the month they will (more than likely) reveal who the GM is.

They can only keep this going for so long before it gets stale, boring and just annoying. Plus, I don't know how much more Cole bashing I can stand to be honest. The guy is just doing his job people lol Of course if he turns out to be the GM (or be involved with Nexus for that matter) then I shall join in on the Cole hate, but only because it's moronic to be honest.
Um, that's totally confusing. So, it's not Shawn Michaels, cause 1. They already teased it to be him, 2. He's retired and 3. He doesn't hate Bret anymore.

It's not Vince, he would've already came out and said it face to face.

I still think it's HHH. But, I'm kinda bored of this, and I'm not paying attention to who it is. I'm more involved with the Nexus storyline, so the WWE creatives should just end this and tell us who it is.
I'm pretty sure it's Triple H.

Last night was a big clue to the GM's identity and one that really threw a wrench into this whole storyline. I was running through possible names, and three came up: Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H.

Vince makes sense, but it also doesn't make sense. True, he has had problems with Bret in the past (not to mention their showdown at Wrestlemania), but he was talking to the anonymous GM on the phone during the first day this business started, and as the chairman of the company he can just run RAW whenever he wants.

Shawn Michaels used to dislike Bret, but before that he liked him, and they have since made up as seen on the January 4th RAW and HBK's retirement.

Given all the clues, Trippy makes the most sense. Vince gave him supreme power over RAW, which means Vince must trust him. Triple H is his son-in-law, so of course they trust each other. Triple H was part of the Kliq that hated Bret, so that's another piece of the puzzle that fits. While the use of catchphrases is usually to throw us off, we must remember that a DX catchphrase was used, and that may be the only non-red herring when it comes to catchphrases.

The pieces just fit for it to be Triple H...

...Unless this is all a trap to mislead us and keep us guessing before they reveal that the GM is Michael Cole.
I think many of you are taking wild guesses at guys who are too obvious to be the GM. If it was so easy to figure out, do you think the WWE would've put so much effort into keeping it a secret?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: None of the "clues" that the WWE has given us have made any sense. They threw in random catchphrases by famous current/former wrestlers, they turn the GM heel and babyface during every other show, and the decisions that the GM makes don't really favor anyone in particular. I think that every hypothesis you guys come up with is going to turn up as being incorrect.

I'm sticking to my guns in thinking outside the box on this one. I believe they will bring in either Michael Cole or Abraham Washington as the GM. These guys seem to fit the mold that's being described on television best... two men that we don't know enough about to make an assumption.
It's time for them to just tell/show who the GM is. It's gone on WAY too long and I'm SO sick of the 'emails'. Just anounce it and move on.....

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