[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

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  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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I would have loved to see JR as the new GM because the new GM had used Austin's words and style in one of the shows, however, its not him because if it were to be him, his voice would not have been removed from the WWE's intro video as a punishment for appearing on a TV interview dueing the UFC event in which Lesnar beat Carwin.

An idea which nobody else has perhaps thought of so far - how about Shawn Michales as the new GM? Would love it if it were so, but that's not the case again. Now that the WWE has created so much of suspense around it, it better be somebody interesting.

I don't see any active wrestlers like HHH being the new GM. It wouldn't make sense for him to return in a managerial role when actually he has to return and take revenge in the ring from Sheamus. Michael Cole as GM would be the worst business decision due to the number of boos he gets.

Stephanie? Maybe, but why create so much of a suspense around it. She's held that position before.

The most interesting guys (who will probably never come back to the WWE due to the terms with which they left) who I would have liked to see as GM are Eric Bishoff and Paul Heyman - or my favourite manager of all time, Paul Bearer!
JR's voice removal could just be more ammo against the management for when he comes back. It could be his "punishment" for "surprising" Vince. Also JR says that he would return to tv if that is WWE's decision. He also says he still a little upset about being "drafted" to SD in his Q&A section on his website. We all remember his live reaction to the draft. That alone could warrant the beatdown on Vince.

I also like the idea that it may be Eugene. He was Bichoff's "nephew" so maybe it could be Vince's answer to Bichoff being on TNA by having his "family member" as Raw GM.
JR's voice removal could just be more ammo against the management for when he comes back. It could be his "punishment" for "surprising" Vince. Also JR says that he would return to tv if that is WWE's decision. He also says he still a little upset about being "drafted" to SD in his Q&A section on his website. We all remember his live reaction to the draft. That alone could warrant the beatdown on Vince.

I also like the idea that it may be Eugene. He was Bichoff's "nephew" so maybe it could be Vince's answer to Bichoff being on TNA by having his "family member" as Raw GM.
No, I don't like the idea of Eugene being the GM. It's stupid and anti-climactic. How the hell do you expect a ****** to write e-mails and make decisions like that?
The new GM, having looked at it each week with a new wrestlers catch phrase, I have a theory of who it might be......Eugene.

Now before you shoot this down, think about it. His gimmick was about imitating other wrestlers and using their catch phrases and moves so it works.

It maybe a little far fetched but that is my theory.
Ok. This has been bugging me for a while and I wonder why is Michael Cole the only one that can read the E-mails from the mystery computer? How come we haven't seen the King, or any other announcer read the e-mails! What is Cole the only one that can see it? Does the mystery GM have Cole's personal E-mail account? Is Cole sending the e-mails to himself? How come The King hasn't asked him about why he is the only one that can read the e-mails. Can someone attempt to answer this?
Ok. This has been bugging me for a while and I wonder why is Michael Cole the only one that can read the E-mails from the mystery computer? How come we haven't seen the King, or any other announcer read the e-mails! What is Cole the only one that can see it? Does the mystery GM have Cole's personal E-mail account? Is Cole sending the e-mails to himself? How come The King hasn't asked him about why he is the only one that can read the e-mails. Can someone attempt to answer this?
I'd like to point out that he actually reads from a peice of paper and he botched when saying that he had another email from the gm lol.I don't think it is Cole though but JR would be an awesome gm but that would probably stop him from ever coming back on as an announcer for the rest of his career after this angle but seeming as he isn't really wanting to so it would be great,and Shane MacMahon would be a great gm but I think he is focused on new ventures.
my money is on the gm being the rock. summerslam is in HOLLYWOOOOOOD! YOU know what that means,.....if u smell what the GM is cookin!
my money is on the gm being the rock. summerslam is in HOLLYWOOOOOOD! YOU know what that means,.....if u smell what the GM is cookin!

I'm somewhat convinced that it's going to be The Rock too, based on what I read a few months ago about Rocky wanting to be involved in WWE again in a major (but non-wrestling) capacity.
that wuld be a shocking and one hell of a summerslam wit the rock, cena heel turn, and miz orton sheamus triple hhh thing possibly getting crazy!
The rock did say he would be back in the summer. I can't remember which place though. I hope he is the gm and a Cena heel turn happens. THere is some real life heat and this shall be interesting
The rock did say he would be back in the summer. I can't remember which place though. I hope he is the gm and a Cena heel turn happens. THere is some real life heat and this shall be interesting

Interesting...because if Cena does turn heel and doesn't face Undertaker at the next WM (this match is destined to happen at some point), perhaps Rock would lace up his boots one last time to face Cena (a dream match). Of course, Cena would have to be heel for that to happen.
Ok. This has been bugging me for a while and I wonder why is Michael Cole the only one that can read the E-mails from the mystery computer? How come we haven't seen the King, or any other announcer read the e-mails! What is Cole the only one that can see it? Does the mystery GM have Cole's personal E-mail account? Is Cole sending the e-mails to himself? How come The King hasn't asked him about why he is the only one that can read the e-mails. Can someone attempt to answer this?

Simply answered. When the Mystery GM concept was first introduced, Vince McMahon himself explained how the GM prefered to remain anonymous and that there would be a laptop set up to recieve emails from the GM and he instructed Michael Cole that it would be his job to read out any emails recieved.

Cole recieved that instruction, not the time keeper or ring announcer or Jerry Lawler. Cole is always the closest of the two commentators to the laptop. It's been that way for over a month now, there is no point in changing who reads it out at this point.

As for who it is, I can see why people are saying the Rock. I can even see how they are building up to it with the suggestive lines during each broadcast representing Stone Cold or Piper or as tonights show gave us a nod to DX, likely to get a pop from the hometown of HBK. Surely one of those emails is due to include something to refer to The Great One. And why not in two weeks... one week before Summerslam.

But there is a side of me that really doesn't want it to happen. The Rock was my favourite for maany, many years but I live in the present. I'm not one for nostalgia, hell ask anyone I upset when Bret came back in January. It just doesn't do it for me so much. Where everyone else see's this potential occurrence as Brilliant, Fantastic and Pretty much the best thing since Sliced Break No. 2, I see it for what it gives Raw. And that is another temporary General manager. If all the whispers and rumours are true and he is coming back it will not be for an extended period of time. The Rock is a busy, successful actor. He isn't Bret Hart who, with no disrespect meant, probably has nothing better to do. The Rock will be here for two, maybe three, months... at a stretch. From there we need another general manager to pop up. It's just bland.

Raw desperately needs a new Eric Bischoff. Teddy Long has been GM, for all intents and purposes, on Smackdown for near enough 5 years. Sure there was the Vicky thing but he was there. And then he did the ECW thing but Smackdown and ECW were kind of one and the same thing at that point. Raw needs that kind of figurehead. The bosses who have ruled in WWE since the Attitude era have been long term heels. Vince McMahon of course. William Regal as Commisioner. Stephanie and Triple H during the McMahon-Helmsley era. Stephanie, Shane and Heyman during the Invasion, Eric Bischoff during the initial Draft split and Vickie Over on Smackdown. I'll even mention Kurt Angle in there. It went on for a short while but he was a constant heel throughout whether active or injured.

Since Bischoff was taken out with the trash, not one GM has lasted a year. The Rock doesn't need to be next in line for that. I'd prefer to see The Rock stand up against authority rather than wield it.

That all said, It'll still probably happen.
Was the "I got two words for ya" quote a swerve? King also mentioned they were in San Antonio, TX. I don't think in a million years it will be HBK. Was the WWE just trying to get everyone up in an uproar with that?
Was the "I got two words for ya" quote a swerve? King also mentioned they were in San Antonio, TX. I don't think in a million years it will be HBK. Was the WWE just trying to get everyone up in an uproar with that?

Like I've stated in earlier posts, the WWE is trying to mess with our heads. Every week that a GM announcement is read by Cole, a different catchphrase is tacked onto the end of the "email". The WWE has already used catchphrases from Stone Cold, DX, and someone else that escapes me right now.

Therefore, don't get your hopes up on the GM being Shawn Michaels.
The only thing we can truly hope for is that Vince doesn't get bored with this like he has done so many other things, then gives it a craptastic finish. All of the names thrown around are all ones we know we would want to see but what has Vince said about what the viewers want ? Keep that in mind when thinking of who it is.
I honestly think that they(wwe managment) have no fn idea who the GM is and if they knew Bret would be back so soon we wouldnt be stuck with a computer.
I'm just glad they've gotten to the point where the GM only interrupts once or twice a show instead of every other minute like it started out as.

But I have to agree with previous posters who say they have no idea because I believe that's how it is right now. I don't see them as having an idea on who they want this GM to be. And frankly, I don't know who they could make it right now without the reaction just being lackluster. It's not gonna be anyone huge like the Rock or Austin, so who? My opinion is at the current moment a heel Michael Cole is their best shot.
I'd like to reveal myself... I am the new General Manager of Raw... pleased to meet you all and my 1st act is to put the entire Wrestle Forum in charge of WWE... LOL

Seriously though I'm not sure who it is, they seem to throw out catchphrases and lines used by old wrestlers all the time, hopefully its someone that we won't guess and we'll all be like... I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS HIM OR HER. Failing that I'd love it to be The Rock, but we're probably going to get Mitchell Cole
Lmfao -_-

Did you hear King? He was like "Wait, did the mystery GM say "If you're not down with that I have 2 words for ya?" Then Michael replied "yes" and then King was like "Well, we are in San Antonio," Michael - "Yes..." King - "Well who lives in San Antonio?"

I actually got my hope up for a second after hearing that, cause I thought Shawn was gonna make an appearance, and then the show ended and I was upset. I didn't the the Mystery GM was HBK, I thought he was just gonna make an appearance.

Again, WWE is just messing with us. I bet you it's Michael Cole.
The Rock...The Rock...The Rock...The Rock...The Rock...The Rock...The Rock...

I can't believe nobody remembered this...

7-8 months ago Rock said "know your role and shut..." sorry... not that one...
7-8 months ago Rock said they are planning something with Vince but because of his schedule he will be available by Summerslam time of 2010. And that's why they will put this in practice in August around Summerslam. He said its something nice and the Rock can finally meet again with the WWE Universe. Regarding his position he said it's not going to be a return as a wrestler. What else would you expect him to say? And since then, WWE never mentioned about the talks not to spoil the surprise factor when the Summerslam time comes.

Need more proof? The new GM is a guy who impersonates other legends like Stone Cold or the Rowdy one by stealing their catchphrases...

Do you really need any more proof? Really? If you smell what the Rock is cooking...
i have my doubts about the rock.............in fact i think its possible that they will NEVER reveal who it is. after all they dont actually have to.
i think i have said Rock 2 or 3 times on here, and JR twice. well after further brain storming... staying with JR.

all the lines so far have been "Face" lines. yes austin did a stint as a heel, as did piper, and HBK, but they all went out as faces. who was the #1 Face supporter? JR. countered to King's Heel side (god i miss heel king..) and who was in the company long enough to be around all 3 men that they used so far? call their matches?
I have a feeling that it's going to be JR as well. It makes perfect sense for the WWE to continue using face quotes, because they are trying to build up suspence as to who it's going to be. The WWE also hasn't had JR in front of a live crowd in forever, and what better way to bring him back than to have him become the new permanet GM.
Ok, i've posted on this thread already. I'm really hoping it is someone totally out of the blue.
One who would be great.....KURT ANGLE.

I'm a massive Kurt fan (as i've stated on other threads). Now his TNA contract is due to expire in August (Unless he has resigned since i last heard) Now wouldnt it be great if WWE kept the GM thing going for a few weeks more then Angle appears.
Only problem with that may be if he has a 90 day no-compete cause, however don't know if TNA would have given him one.
I'd love to see him back, however not for too long as GM as i'd rather he was competing.
I have to agree with the Kurt Angle assessment with someone like HHH being the ace in the hole in case Angle flaked and stayed in TNA. I think that would be a great angle for WWE. However, I think HHH makes more sense and there are so many possibilities for the development of that story.

But how about Jericho?? If the rumors are true about him taking some time off from wrestling then a GM role would be perfect for him if he wanted to play up the heel character while away. It also wouldn't take up much of his time and leave him still in the public eye in WWE. I think it may be a long shot but still a possibility. Plus if Jericho leaves then there is a huge possibility that he never comes back and I think he might want to go out a face.

Heyman would be ideal to most perfect extent.

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