[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

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  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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I dont really remember this Washing ton guy...

And remember this is just my second post, so like he posted above, i dont wanna offend anyone, just join a great crowd...

But i agree WWE is that obvious and if it SCSA, you think we could see the end of the pg era?

Welcome to the forum mate.

I am almost certain it wont be Austin, as it just seems to obvious blatantly using the famous catchphrases. If they did want us to guess by giving hits, I would expect them to use something more subtle that that. But, honestly, if it was Austin, him just appearing without any warning would get the biggest pop.

I dont know this Washington guy is either, as its an anonomous GM at the moment, I reallllly hope it is a BIG name, as announcing it is Abraham Washington would be such a massive anti climax, and would SUCK!
i swear if it is Washington, i'll quit RAW forever, and be Smackdown only.. that would KILL a great build up, all the anticipation for who it's going to be, and they bring out someone who half the fans dont know/forgot about? even the WWE can see how that would not interest Fans at all. look at the list of past RAW GM's bret heart, Ric Flair, Eric Bishoff, Steve Austin, Mick Foley (like austin, was a Co-GM) and there's a few more im forgetting, you're telling me they are going to switch from using some of the TOP names not only in WWE history, but in WRESTLING history, for who? some.. guy? he's not even a has-been, he's a never was. it needs to be someone that fans young and old know, doesnt matter if they are heel or face, would kinda rather they be heel, just cuz the Heel GM's always look stronger, and dont get pushed around AS much as the face GM's do. but whether they be a nice guy (which doesnt seem it so far) or some bad ass dude, this has a lot of potential, and Vince can either make this the biggest shocker since Eazy-E walked out on the WWE stage for the first time and got the GM spot, OR he will blow it hardcore, worse than...well.. worse than when he tore his Quads (yeah, both at once!) trying to get into the ring a few years back haha
I heard somewhere that Washington is just the backup . I forgot where, so I guess I can't really use that... :S

So I'm guessing WWE still doesn't know who the GM is . (Assuming they never did.)

But then , awhile back Wrestlezone.com posted this :

As of this writing, several sources are reporting that former ECW star Abraham Washington is the front runner to be named Raw's new General Manager tomorrow night. It should be noted though, that plans could very well change due to this story hitting the internet.

So , plans could change on him being the GM .

But seriously guys , WWE isn't that stupid and I don't think they would make him the new GM .
I really hope its not Washington as well. Im 31 and have been watching wrestling since the early 90's if not before. Even actually worked an event that came to ky. a FEW years ago that had Eddie Guerreo, umm, Buff Bagwell, Scott Stiener, and a couple more of the mexican masked wrestlers that had been on wwf tv. Watching them in the locker rooms "practicing" thier moves and then helping with in ring stuff was pretty awsome..But to what i was saying I wished it was SCSA but i dont think it will..I actually see them using maybe a brett hart or someone else "big" catchphrase this week to keep us guessing.

Thanks for the welcome as well..Im glad to be here and finally be posting...
The WWE Was Teasing Us Being That On Last Week's Edition Of Monday Night Raw, The "Annonymous Raw Genreal Manager" Said Stuff Like "That's The Bottom Line Because The GM Said So" and "Give Me A Hell Yeah". Now Those Are Stone Cold Steve Austin's Quotes. But I Don't Think That He's The Annonymous Raw General Manager For A Few Reasons. He's WWE's Ambasador, I Don't See Him Returning As A Heel, He Passed The Tourch To John Cena So Why Would He Be Against Him Now, He's Too Busy With All The New Movies He's In, I Don't See His Character As Being Someone Who Writes Stuff Behind Computers and If Raw's New General Manager Is Supposed To Be "Annonymous" Then Why Are They Making It So Obvious. It Has To Be Someone Who Could Return To The WWE As A Heel and/or Has Fueded With Stone Cold Steve Austin In The Past
I think that Washington is down in FCW. So hopefully that means he will not be in contention for the new GM job.
Personally i hope that the GM will turn out to be the rock as a face. I heard reports that he will be with the WWE over the summer, and he 'wants to be more than a guest host'. But that is probably my wishful thinking.

Sorry if there were any mistakes. This is my first post :)
I really don't like the Idea of Washington as GM. He does garner heat but for all the wrong reasons. That being said I doubt its SCSA either as that means the WWE is being predictable which they haven't been with this story line...Unless they knew that we would think its fake so it is SCSA...OR they knew we'd think that they would think that we would think and *Head starts to smoke.* ugh Brain...Hurts...
For anybody who thinks it is Stone Cold or The Rock you are obviously not thinking logically as they will not come back to the WWE on a permanent basis.

There aren't many choices and I hope it is Abraham Washington because he is excellent on the mic and gets very good heel heat because of his extreme cornyness with his jokes. Just imagine his talk show every week with him out there the whole show to announce matches itself. It would be very entertaining the say the least.
Just a thought, but could the new GM be Batista? Think about it for a minute, he would want revenge on Cena, so that explains why NeXus attacks him all the time. Bret was the GM when Dave quit the WWE, so of course he would take him out. Vince was in his corner before Mania and brought him to RAW to feud with Cena, so that's why he took out him.
So, could the anonymous GM be Dave Batista?

I know he is not currently in the WWE, but I just wanted to put that out there.
Just a thought, but could the new GM be Batista? Think about it for a minute, he would want revenge on Cena, so that explains why NeXus attacks him all the time. Bret was the GM when Dave quit the WWE, so of course he would take him out. Vince was in his corner before Mania and brought him to RAW to feud with Cena, so that's why he took out him.
So, could the anonymous GM be Dave Batista?

I know he is not currently in the WWE, but I just wanted to put that out there.

No, absolutely not. Not only would this be a terrible choice but it would also make no sense at all. Batista would not come back as a GM because he would continue back to being a wrestler, as that is what he would do, not sit backstage and be a general manager. He is too big of name in the company not too wrestle, especially when he could still perform at a top notch level.

Second of all, Batista is focusing on his MMA and/or acting career, which will both eventualyl fail. Batista can not fight MMA, and we all see that soon enough, but that is for another thread.

Simply said, No Batista will not nor should not be GM of Monday Night RAW.
oh god! if the are even THINKING about throwing the names of "who the hell cares" Washington, or the Lashley wanna be Batista as GM, they might as well just make Mae Young the damn GM! if you wanna appall the audience, might as well do it the right way.
Lots of people are getting upset because they think it is Abraham Washington. I think everyone should just sit back and watch RAW, until they reveal who it is.

If I were to guess who it is, I think it's Michael Cole. He could just be faking the quotes from Stone Cold. He could one day just say something about vintage, and then throw down the podium, to reveal that it is in fact, Michael Cole.

But for now, I'm gonna listen to my own advice and just sit back, and watch. :)
I heard , that's the bottom line because the GM said so. I think it is Stone Cold, I could be wrong but when michael cole was reading it off it sounded like something that Stone Cold would say but differently

So I lean towards Stone cold being the one!!
Why do people think it's Stone Cold? Just because the GM said his lines in his e-mail, doesnt make it Stone Cold. It's all a trick to get us to think that the GM is Steve. However, to the sadness of many, it isnt. Who is the GM? Well, it's either Abraham Washington or Jim Ross. I would be fine with either one. Washington would be great because he was GM down in FCW, and has amazing mic skills. This could make for some pretty interesting segments. Jim Ross would be great because we havent seen him since his forced retirement from announcing over a year ago. Its most likely either of these men, but I can tell you that it is NOT Steve Austin.
i would like to point out that i am 100% behind all the "it's not effin Stone Cold!!" people, as that's just going too far.. A redneck on a computer? no. haha.

My pic is going to Jim Ross, not saying i am sure it will be, more a i HOPE it will, miss JR at his post on Raw.
I could have sworn I posted it but I must have only been thinking and saying that they should tease someone different each week which they have. I could never figure out a way though to finish it off. So far we have Steve Austin and Piper teased. They could tease like 8 guys and then have the GM reveal that he teased 8 people and he is one of them and either reveal himself or reveal each week who he is not and keep the tension flowing even more. Otherwise thats the best idea I have. The Rock if he did indeed say he was coming back this summer to do something special I would have to lean towards him. I just hope wwe is smart about it and picks a good GM and then runs with them for more than a month. 1 further note, time to ditch the guest host, its pointless now that they have no power.
I have a theory. The Nexus gets way too strong for the WWE superstars to handle. So they begin to beg Shawn Michaels to come out of retirement to help them in their fight against the Nexus. Shawn finally agrees. Only to turn on the WWE and reveal himself as the head of the NEXUS group. The Nexus' hidden agenda? To become the most powerful group wrestling has ever seen...with its new leader...and new RAW general manager...Shawn Michaels. I know its far fetched...but let me give you two examples as to why the storyline would support my theory.

1. No one has taken responsibilty for the Undertakers attack. I believe the Nexus will be found guilty of that. Who has the best motive to take out The Undertaker? Shawn Michaels. Taker not only beat him in two consecutive Wrestlemanias...but ended his career.

2. Who was the general manager before this anonymous general manager? Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Who attacked him and "put him out of action"....The Nexus. Who has the most storied history with Bret Hart? The guy who I believe to be the new anonymous GM of RAW...a new and improved HEEL Shawn Michaels. .

I heard , that's the bottom line because the GM said so. I think it is Stone Cold, I could be wrong but when michael cole was reading it off it sounded like something that Stone Cold would say but differently

So I lean towards Stone cold being the one!!

They also had the GM quoting Roddy Piper on Monday night. This is obviously another chance for the WWE to keep the fans guessing while building up good anticipation for who it could be. This could keep going for a few months, possibly even til Summerslam. There are a few scenarios I can think of for the big reveal for the identity of the GM: 1) The GM decides that its finally time to reveal his/her true identity either willingly or after some huge chaos in the WWE forces his hand. 2) There could be a surprise return of a talent, either wrestling, managerial, or JR, that in a shocking move turns on someone and reveals that he/she is the GM and a possible egomaniac heel turn, or 3) They simply hype up the big reveal for a few weeks on raw and it ends rather anticlimactically.
I seriously doubt it is Stone Cold. It's just too out of character for him. Stone Cold is a hellraiser, not someone who hides behind anonyminity. Not only that but wasn't Stone Cold interviewed non-kayfabe saying he has no idea whats going on with the angle?

It's probably Michael Cole. He likely used the Stone Cold line as a way to gain some authority and it just fits into his character to hide behind a mask so he can avoid getting beat up.
Just to kill the rumors and based on a remark made by Michael Cole on Monday night, the new GM is not Stone Cold. The WWE is doing a good job of confusing everyone by plugging in the obvious catchphrases of WWE legends.

For instance, on Monday night, Cole read an email that stated "Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions." This was a catchphrase made famous by none other than "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

Because of the mixing of these phrases, I think it's safe to assume that the most obvious answer to this dilemma isn't the right one. Keep guessing on who the new GM is going to be but mark my words... it isn't Stone Cold or Roddy Piper.
I have a theory. The Nexus gets way too strong for the WWE superstars to handle. So they begin to beg Shawn Michaels to come out of retirement to help them in their fight against the Nexus. Shawn finally agrees. Only to turn on the WWE and reveal himself as the head of the NEXUS group. The Nexus' hidden agenda? To become the most powerful group wrestling has ever seen...with its new leader...and new RAW general manager...Shawn Michaels. I know its far fetched...but let me give you two examples as to why the storyline would support my theory.

1. No one has taken responsibilty for the Undertakers attack. I believe the Nexus will be found guilty of that. Who has the best motive to take out The Undertaker? Shawn Michaels. Taker not only beat him in two consecutive Wrestlemanias...but ended his career.

2. Who was the general manager before this anonymous general manager? Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Who attacked him and "put him out of action"....The Nexus. Who has the most storied history with Bret Hart? The guy who I believe to be the new anonymous GM of RAW...a new and improved HEEL Shawn Michaels. .


Very nice idea I like where you are going with this. I think you actually got something here. I could lean towards Bryan Danielson being the RAW GM. Why? What about that stimulation saying if any RAW superstar helps John Cena in the handicap match they will be suspended for 90 days and if anyone from Nexus breaks the rules, they too will be suspended for 90 days. Guess what, Bryan Danielson also has a 90 day no match clause. I hope they can tie the new GM Bryan Danielson with maybe Shawn Michaels possibly being the leader of Nexus. I guess we'll have to wait!
I know the general consensus is that Trips is the RAW GM and or Leader of Nexus. but I'd like to make my case for Dave Batista.

1-Dave quit WWE on air storyline wise because of a disrespectful decision made by then GM Bret Hart. Subsequently, The Nexus takes out The Hitman.

2-The Nexus' primary focus has been John Cena whether he was Champ or not. The keep referring to him as the #1 Guy, the same thing Batista was bitching about during their feud. A feud that was Batista's last before leaving WWE.

3-The Nexus took out VKM. Batista was mad with WWE Management before he quit for making Cena 'The face of WWE'. Management=VKM.

4-Batista is 40yo with no real fight training, his MMA rumors are just that, rumors.

It'd give Batista some time off to play more mind games with Cena as he's done in the past and put him over as the #1 Heel of the company since he can't be the #1 Face.
Well since whoever the GM is, they keep throwing other people's lines at us, so.

It's not Stone Cold and it's not Piper.

As for the other choices, I personally don't think Triple H is the sort of person to be starting trouble behind a computer, do you? He's the sort of guy who comes out with his sledge hammer.

Abraham Washington, that would terrible, just like Mike Adamle, that would be horrific and painful to watch week in week out.

So you have to think, who strikes you as someone who would start stuff from behind a computer where they can have complete anonymity?

Chris Jericho? That's always a possibility. His character is one who likes to stir drama and he could fit the GM role well, but I think he has some ring time left on him for a while to go.

Vince McMahon. Maybe it's Vince McMahon himself, being the GM and covering himself with the anonymity incase he makes a bad decision? It's entirely possible.

Michael Cole. I would probably hate it, but he does strike me as someone who would be hiding behind a computer. After all, don't the commentators have a laptop at their tables? What if he sends an email to himself on the laptop on the stand and reads it out acting as if the GM is someone else?

There's probably a few more people but I'll leave it at that.
Honestly, I hope its someone they can use for a heel GM. The heel GMs always make things so much more interesting. I loved watching WWE when Eric bichoff(sorry if the spelling is off) was the GM. I just hope to god its not Cole...his talking at the announce table is bad enough, I don't want to see him given a storyline with such potential and then have him screw it up.

Who do i hope it is? I hope its Jericho. Hes a great heel with great charisma. Who do i think it is? Cole. WWE does ridiculous things like that sometimes..wait, I meant all the time.
The more and more I see of this angle, I'm quite convinced the WWE still hasn't totally made up their minds on who it is. I honestly believe they have a few options on the table, and will make the decision not long before the person is revealed.

I think it's most likely going to be Cole, but the WWE likes to throw us off from time to time, hence why I believe they haven't made a final decision yet. But, the way Cole has come along since NXT began, he would be the most logical choice for creative.

I could also see Matt Striker. I'm not a big fan of his, but the WWE seems pretty confident in his mic skills and ability to keep a character interesting, so don't pass on Striker just yet.

Washington would be TERRIBLE. Why? Because no one cares about him...no one. Those of you who watched the WWECW might think he was entertaining, but no one outside of that audience cares about him. Same thing happened with Adamle. It wasn't even that he was bad, just that no one cared.

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