[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

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  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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I'm throwing Hulk Hogan into the bag. Turn's out Hogan has been working for Vince all along and signing up all the ex-WWE stars on big long term contracts to put TNA out of business.

OK OK not likely i know, but it would be interesting.

In all seriousness i hope it is someone completly random and out of the blue. Someone like Booker T, Scott Steiner or Goldberg would be interesting. Or how about Dusty Rhodes? Dusty has been working for FCW and is tipped to take over commentary from Michael Cole if he was to step up to GM, but i think Dusty would make a far better GM than Cole.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WWE......Don't let it be Cole!!!
Chyna ?? Who know?

Heel and Powerful

I love her Charecter .. and I think she can play her role as a GM ... also WWE can make good Story .... so involve Hunter and Stephanie :lol: Wooow
The more and more I see of this angle, I'm quite convinced the WWE still hasn't totally made up their minds on who it is.

I agree 100%. WWE doesn't know who it is yet. It makes complete sense for them to be throwing out lines by Piper and Stone Cold. Just to play with the crowd. They could make it anybody, but I prefer someone heel. Heels GM's are always more interesting.
I am beginning to wonder if it is still going to happen. With the Nexus angle taking center stage the only way for him to really fit would be as the mystery GM. Would be awesome if it turned out that he actually was the new GM. The GM spot would fit though with the comments he made where he stated that it more than likely wouldn't involve working a match. Also based on those comments I really can't see them teasing his return in the same way as they have Austin or Piper.

Anything involving the Rock would be amazing, he was the best on the mic, an I hope it still happens summer is over half over.
What WWE Creative are doing is going through all the wrestlers catchphrases, e.g. Austin and Piper, whom we have already seen teased, then eventually get to the point which hopefully won't be too long away otherwise we'd have all lost interest in the storyline by then, and the GM says "you Nexus think you're so tough, well you've got three seconds, and the GM MEANS THREE SECONDS, before the GM comes down to the arena and destroys all of you jabroni's in that ring, IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLL (imagine Michael Cole saying this, lol!) WHAT THE GM IS COOKING! Then his music hits and the crowd goes wild and this is JR's last commentary night ever and he's like "BAH GAWD! JERRY! ITS THE PEOPLE'S CHAMPION! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! ON MY LAST NIGHT, THE GREAT ONE HAS RETURNED IN OVER 6 YEARS! THE ROCK!"
Then the GM says "you Nexus think you're so tough, well you've got three seconds, and the GM MEANS THREE SECONDS, before the GM comes down to the arena and destroys all of you jabroni's in that ring, IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLL (imagine Michael Cole saying this, lol!) WHAT THE GM IS COOKING! Then his music hits and the crowd goes wild. THE GREAT ONE HAS RETURNED IN OVER 6 YEARS! THE ROCK!"

I am going to rep you for this. I wanna see it happen exactly as you just put it. The Rock has more charisma, more, ability, and more character than almost the entire current roster. He needs to be back in the ring. I don't care if he even worked a match just as long as he had time on the mic and was running the show.

He would bring out the absolute best in guys like Cena, Jericho, Orton, and Triple H. He would be able to elevate guys like the Miz to even higher levels. I would absolutely love a Miz Rock confrontation, and I am not even that big of a fan of the Miz I would just love to see if he could hang with the greatest mic guy the WWE has ever had.

The only problem I see with the Rock (outside of maybe Tooth Fairy 2 :disappointed: ) would be the fact that he would overshadow John Cena, he would outpop him on a nightly basis.

Man I miss the Rock, those were the glory days.
Gotta be HHH. If not then idk who. Hunter has been in the business for quite sometime now and since he's with steph, even more power. I think Hunter is going to get the HEEL TURN as wanted, was gonna happen about a year back and then DX came along, (more $$$ for Vince) and Sheamus maybe a possible face turn? Id love to see that. And Hunter would be the Nexus Leader.

Gotta be HHH. If not then idk who. Hunter has been in the business for quite sometime now and since he's with steph, even more power. I think Hunter is going to get the HEEL TURN as wanted, was gonna happen about a year back and then DX came along, (more $$$ for Vince) and Sheamus maybe a possible face turn? Id love to see that. And Hunter would be the Nexus Leader.


Nah, HHH is still too much in his prime to take on a GM role, unless he is planning to ease up on the actual wrestling side of things, in which case, I'd agree with you. He would be a good mastermind behind the Nexus thing, as long as he doesn't become Nexus leader (Barrett needs to keep that role).
Not Rock- This man appears to be a bit of a heel, and i do not beleive that Rock is going to be back as a gm if anything he may do a one time apperance but that will be it.

Not Barrett- I dont think it is barrett because there has been some times that the GM has been against the Nexus but i may be wrong

Micheal Cole?- Cole could do a good heel turn and he is the one reading off the e-mails
Triple H?- Maybe triple H since he is out of action and he is the bosses son in law
I thought about this..

1. It WON'T be the rock.. Dwayne Johnson is working on like 5 movies including the new fast furious and doesn't have time..

2. With the 2011 HOF coming up I think they will consider one of the nominees to get them on tv till the hof..

With that said I could see

1. Goldberg He would only have to appear on Raw so he wouldn't have to work to many days and it could lead to him having a final match at Mania and be put in the WCW themed HOF

2. Arn Anderson - He is one of the most underrated stars of all time, it could leade to a HOF ring and even a DVD set of his career

Other unlikely could be if wwe wanted them in hof


Booker T

rick or scott steiner

Sid Vicious

Lex Luger

Sting (depending when his TNA contract is up)
As I see it, it matters on the decision of the man we use to hate or love- Paul Heyman. He is either signing with TNA or WWE and to me if he signs with WWE (making him RAW GM) that would be a huge slap in the face to TNA. But if that doesn't happen I would like to see Matt Striker as the new RAW GM. He isn't messing up on NXT and I see it as training for him. As good as it would seeing someone like the Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin as GM (Boosting the ratings) I don't see it happening
im still going with my pic of J.R

even more so now that his voice was removed from the intro, could work into there perfectly. why not take revenge on WWE corporate? Grab a bunch of up-and comers and take out all the WWE superstars. Revenge is a dish best served...with BBQ sauce.
It can't be Shane since he has just invested in MMA and it can't be Stephanie because she is in the latter stages of her pregnancy. That's another reason for HHH being out of action.
Tbh, im not really sure who it is, but i hope it's someone who can fantastic pop or real bad heat so that it maximises the impact even more. I personally hope that it's stephanie Mcmahon. She was great as the GM on Smackdown. But if not, then i don't know really.

I can say 100% that it will be one of these 2 people:
Stephanie Mcmahon or Michael Cole.

Michael cole i hear you ask, simple, with the mini feud or daniel/cole on NXT, maybe they thought that Cole would be a great GM. he certainly does get great heat.
I have a few people i can elimanate and a few people i can add since seeing them backstage at the raw event in fresno ca a few months ago!! these people i did not know they where still with the company or what they have been doing as of late..

1st: i can tell you Jake the Snake Roberts was at the fresno event that was a untaped raw he was traveling with a group of guys ive never seen before.
he was talking to several of the guys back stage.. but i think he was more there as a consutant he really prefers to train guys and might be working with the nexis deal training them..

2nd: HBK HHH both where not at the event but in talking to a few guys they are returning soon HBK,HHH not likely there both on time off till in HHH case night of champions HBK end of the year!! HBK is only coming back to work with HHH creative control stuff storylines he wont compete anymore in matchs or titles!!!!

3rd a guy i saw at fresno event AA Arn Anderson would be cool but not likly.

4th COLE OR ADAMLY just to tell you M. COLE is the most likly person but I think he will be asistant GM under who ever is brought in ..

guys you can rule out for sure
stone cold steve Austin "HELL NO he wont go he has 2 movies he is working on over the next few months one with stalones company and the other with wwe studios...

the rock he has better things to do movies and stuff there also a rumor that he might get his own tv show next year..

anyone working for TNA now except curt Angle he is looking for a way back into the wwe and his contract he signed ends in september !! also with jack swagger starting to act like him there might be a push there he could be behind the change there. curt angle fits the mold and the WWE would love to send him out with a bang and put him in the HOF at WM along with HBK
Odds are its a legend i mean watch the last couple of raws the guy has been qouting famous lines from SCSA's 'gimme a hell yeah!' To Piper's 'just when you think you have all the answers i change the questions.' Or if im way off it could be Eugene because he copied every wrestler. But odds are hes not smart enough to work a computer.
I haven't posted in here yet, have I?

Obviously Cole looks like the #1 choice at the moment. It'd work, I guess. He's just a complete fucking dick, sides with the Nexus, we get a solid half year or so with the evil GM. Maybe he could even continue to announce through it. That'd be interesting.

In the end though, I think we're set up for a disappointment. Who would really surprise people and make them excited? The Rock? He's not coming. It's probably Vince or Stehpanie, leading to some majorly underwhelming storyline.
Ok, my post got removed because I only had a one word sentence. So let me explain.

I think Triple H is the gm for the sole purpose of that he is suppose to return and Batista for the sole purpose because when he was gone, all he did was complain about the superstars, about Cena and about WWE.

The GM of RAW is too busy to come to raw and has to rely on emails..

What person would be to busy to appear on RAW in such a crucial role?

The Rock!

I bet he is the GM, I mean there is no other reason to keep it a mystery. But this would keep him from NEEDING to appear every week.

i thinks it's the rock it has to think about it surposed to be coming back this summer it has rock wwe is making it to obvious they are trying to get throw us off by the phrases
the gm is using making us think it could be someone else then THE ROCK HAS FINALLY CAME TO SUMMERSLAM CAN YOU SMELL WHATS HE'S COOKING CAUSE IT GANSTA:worship:
It can't be Austin or the Rock, considering that they probably don't have time to be on WWE TV on a full-time basis, which a GM would have to. It would probably be somebody whom we can't think of at the moment, so that it is a good surprise (it better be, because its been kept a mystery for so long and I hate the way Cole announces "may I have your attention" and "I quote"), e.g., Michaels? That's just an idea of an example, I'm not saying its Michaels. Would love to see JR as the new host, especially since the host used Stone Cold's tone on an episode but JR denied such rumours and he's also recently been "punished" by WWE for giving an interview at UFC (by removing his voice from the intro video) as per what rumours state. So its probably not JR either. Damn, get Paul Bearer! I don't mind :lol:
IMO the Rock would be a good choice, but I think it is probably going to remain a mystery until creative can find a great story to put behind it. For all we know the GM could also be the leader of Nexus, maybe not. At this moment there are just to many different detections to go from at this point to guess who is the man behind the emails ,
The GM at this time would have to be simply the WWE writing staff. Until they come to their senses and talk Vince into giving me a ring. I would take the job in a heart beat! I have some changes that I believe could make the show much more interesting. Like taking Cena out of action and having him return heel...The real question is when is that gonna happen? I mean come on!! :shrug:
I don't think there is an actual GM yet as the user above said. It seems like the WWE was rushed with Bret leaving so quickly so they chose to make an anonymous GM so they didn't actually need one. When the GM reveals himself, I imagine it will be a well-known superstar or legend. The Rock seems very possible for the role but it's definitely not Stone Cold because that would be too obvious. If they were going to give it away then they would reveal the person not give obvious clues.
While there likely isn't a current planned GM they will likely be heel, for the fact Teddy is a face and they usually have a face on one and a heel on the other, so It could possibly be JBL, or maybe Eugene he used wrestlers catchphrases before, and that would be a heck of a suprise.

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