[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

Seriously, I'm just loving my Tenta Debate.

Shower him with green rep, and immediately.

Much the same to you, Steve. You've already posted more than my other two opponents combined, which is damn good man. Really, I'm loving this debate. I just hope we can keep up this pace
Ferb, Sorry I haven't posted up until now, but I've been up North since my last post until today. I'll respond tomorrow, and hopefully we can have a good clean debate.
It's fine Remix. I'll see if I can get a reply up quick after yours. Shouldn't be too bad unless you post it fucking late.
nickb03 has informed me that he can't compete this week for personal reasons. I'm heartbroken, because it could have been magic. Good luck with your stuff, dude.
My (very late) post is up. I realised just after posting that I was arguing for completely the wrong thing. Oh well.
I'll try to have a reply up as quick as possible. Like I stated in my opening post, let's not try to make it a quote war okay Remix?
What's the longest debate you guys ever seen? In terms of replies, I mean.

Steve we're still a whiles away, but we're doing damn well with the pace. I'll have to reply later tonight. Long story that you will see eventually
For the record, Tenta vs. Mr. Steve is an absolute GEM. Excellent job, guys. Kind of reminds me of IC vs. Tasycles from last year.
Mr. Steve is probably my favorite person to debate. It's really like watching Spy VS. Spy. Every time I log on, he has a response ready, and I think, "Holy Shit, what the fuck?"

Really fantastic stuff, honestly


But really, thanks for the praise. Hard to believe I'm pulling this off after 2 weeks of pretty much losing.
Mr. Steve is probably my favorite person to debate. It's really like watching Spy VS. Spy. Every time I log on, he has a response ready, and I think, "Holy Shit, what the fuck?"

Really fantastic stuff, honestly
We all win and lose. No one is ever dominant in this thing. I did very well last year but it all came with a price. If I lost rounds, it was by a lot.

Never be discouraged. Always just look for room to improve your game.

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